The War of Resistance

Chapter 1680 Sweet potato

At noon, another group of Northeastern officers and soldiers who went out to get food came back.

To the surprise of the sentry at the village gate, this group of officers and soldiers gained a lot.

Not to mention the many gains in the hands of the soldiers, two soldiers even carried a pig back. Although the pig is not a big fat pig, in Northeast dialect it is called "Bandazi", which means half-big pig.

"Don't you think this is harmful to people? If anyone killed this half-grown pig in my hometown in the northeast, he would definitely be scolded by the old man!" A sentry at the door said in a low voice as he watched the soldiers return.

"Don't talk about that now, I don't know how to survive, so who cares about pigs?" one of his companions replied.

"Why do I feel like this is Beard returning to his nest?" The third soldier spoke again.

"It's useless. If you don't grab food and drink, how can you go back to your hometown?" This was what the squad leader who came over for inspection said, so the soldiers all shut up.

Those who returned from looting greeted those who were guarding the house, and the eyes of the soldiers guarding the gate flashed with hunger as they looked at the half-sized pig.

But they know that the pig does not belong to them, and even the soldiers who robbed it can't eat it, because there are officers on it, they--smell it!

The soldiers returned one after another, but perhaps due to misunderstanding, the sentries guarding the entrance of the village always felt that their companions who had gone out were already full, and they were shaking when they walked. I hope they can send them out next time!

And among the sparsely returning soldiers, two more soldiers were seen approaching.

The two soldiers lifted a pole and hung a bag in the middle.

The bag sank so much that the bars were bent. Looking at the bulging shape, the sentries knew that what was lifted there must be sweet potatoes.

The reason is very simple. Although Shandong also produces potatoes, it is not the main potato producing area. The main product here is sweet potatoes.

"It's okay if I bake two sweet potatoes and get some glutinous rice!" Another soldier sighed.

"Shut up, don't push me, I'm already hungry!" Their squad leader intervened again.

But just when the soldier shut up, the two Northeast Army soldiers carrying sweet potatoes stopped in front of them and put the bag on the ground.

One of the soldiers with a small nose and small eyes opened the rope on the bag, revealing dark red sweet potatoes inside.

And the soldier just made such a move, and the sentries cheered and surrounded him!

No one is stupid. Is that a cooked sweet potato or a raw sweet potato? Who can't see it yet? The sweet potatoes turned out to be ripe!

"Brothers, thank you for your hard work, hurry up and get it one by one!" At this time, the soldier with a small nose and small eyes greeted.

The folk custom in Northeast China originally emphasizes "half the amount when you meet"!

In later generations, there was an incident where a young girl from the south traveled to the Northeast and disappeared when her mobile phone ran out of battery.

The parents who were far away in the south saw that they could not contact their children, so naturally they became anxious and called the police.

And when the police found the girl, the girl was eating goose stewed in an iron pot at the home of a fellow from Northeast China!

But now, in this era when a few big cakes might save someone's life or get a wife, that little-eyed soldier has opened the bag, so what else is there to do? After a shout, the soldiers went into the pocket and took out sweet potatoes to eat.

"Don't take more, take one for each person." Another soldier carrying sweet potatoes also said.

But at this time, the soldier with small eyes said anxiously: "Don't take too much, oh, no! Our platoon leader is here!"

Another soldier carrying sweet potatoes said, "Why don't you run away? Don't say we gave them to you!"

After saying that, the two soldiers didn't even want the remaining sweet potatoes and the pole on the ground, and ran towards the village.

Who knows who the platoon leader of these two soldiers is? Anyway, the squad serving as sentries is not in the same platoon as these two soldiers!

The two soldiers ran away, but the soldiers guarding the door would never stop doing anything. They took the sweet potatoes in the bag and in a moment, the bag was at the bottom!

"Hurry up and clean up!" The squad leader didn't forget to glance at the way Benzhuangzi came. Another group of officers and soldiers were already approaching!

But when the group of dozens of officers and soldiers walked up to them, the soldiers of this squad had already hidden all the bags and poles, and they only had bulging pockets!

However, the soldiers guarding the door knew the group of people who came this time. They were the deputy company commander of another company, but they had never spoken to each other before.

The deputy company commander and his soldiers also brought more or less food, but the expressions of the soldiers guarding the door were a little surprised. They were far away and did not see clearly what the sentries were doing just now.

But since they were not in the same company, they went into Zhuangzi without asking any questions!

At this time, the two soldiers who came back carrying sweet potatoes were already standing with their sleeves in a corner of the village. These two people were Qian Chuan'er and Qin Chuan!

"Is my move good?" Qian Chuan'er observed the situation in Zhuangzi and said in a low voice, feeling quite proud.

"Yes, it's sweet potatoes!" Qin Chuan laughed, and Qian Chuan also laughed. When he laughed, his eyes became slits.

Bring some food and enter the village while the chaos is happening. This is Qian Chuan's idea.

He ran back to Queer Town to get the sweet potatoes, and the reason why he did so was because he was running when he went there. When he came back, he came back in a carriage.

The carriage was specially sent by Shang Zhen to see them off, and it was still waiting for them at a hidden place not far outside the village.

"Let's go shopping!" Qian Chuan'er said with a smile, so the two of them strolled around Baoquan Village with their sleeves in their hands.

The two of them only had a hard time entering the village, but they were not afraid when they got there.

Everyone is from the Northeast Army, and they are all Northeastern people. When they talk, they all have a bad taste. Those in the first company will think they are from the second company, and those in the second company will think they are from the first company. Then they What can happen?

Soon Qian Chuan'er and Qin Chuan saw soldiers standing with guns outside a wealthy family's house in the village.

Since the company commander who went to Queerzhuang to rob yesterday said that their battalion headquarters is here, then this should be the battalion headquarters of the 2nd Battalion of the 586th Regiment.

Otherwise, with the looseness of the Second Battalion, ordinary barracks would never have guards.

Qian Chuan'er and the others pretended to be fine, chatting while glancing at the sentinel in front of the house for a while, but they didn't see anything unusual.

"Come on, let's go to the back and walk around." Qin Chuan said.

Qian Chuan'er said "Okay", but walked in front of the guard.

Qin Chuan couldn't help but shook his head, and followed him. He didn't think there would be any risk for the two of them to do so.

We all belong to the same division, so when fighting, they should be regarded as brothers fighting side by side. They have a little feud with the Second Battalion, but the Second Battalion doesn't know it.

So to take a step back, even if people find out that they are not from the Second Battalion, what will happen?

Besides, soldiers from the Northeast Army can be seen everywhere in Zhuangzi. Who will take them seriously?

And what happened next was exactly the same.

When the two of them walked ten meters in front of the two guards at the courtyard gate, one of the sentries just glanced at him, while the other was in a state of confusion and didn't know what he was thinking, but ignored him. them.

The courtyard door was open, so Qian Chuan'er glanced into the courtyard, then walked past the door, and the two of them walked around to the back of the large courtyard.

"How come the back of the man I saw in the yard just now seems to be Luan Zhengwu?" Qian Chuan'er whispered as he walked around the corner of the yard.

"No way, are you wrong? How could Luan Zhengwu be here?" Qin Chuan was surprised.

Luan Zhengwu was the personal guard of division commander Liu Chengyi.

Shang Zhen and the others had served as a guard company for Liu Chengyi, so they were quite familiar with the people around Liu Chengyi.

"Maybe I saw it wrong." Qian Chuan'er shook his head, and he just glanced at it.

Now it was impossible for them to turn back and poke their heads into the yard. Moreover, at that time, he saw the man who looked like Luan Zhengwu walking towards the house. Now they could not see him even if they turned back.

The two of them walked close to the wall of the large courtyard.

To say that this big courtyard is really not small, the courtyard wall is more than two meters high.

And when the two of them turned to the back wall of the big yard, they smelled a foul smell.

The two of them took a closer look and saw that there was a pit under the center of the back wall.

The two of them were looking up. There were holes in the wall.

Then can they still not understand where this place is? This is a hut.

The wall of the thatched house is the wall of the yard, but a few meters below the wall of the thatched house is empty and is a cesspit. It seems that the thatched house of this wealthy family is really not small!

Qian Chuan'er and Qin Chuan pinched their noses and turned away from the pit.

But at this time, the two of them suddenly heard someone talking in the hut, and what the person said was: "Those who are playing around in Shang Zhenying, the old one is the old kid, and the younger one is the little bastard, then No one is easy to beat!"

Um? Qian Chuan'er and Qin Chuan stopped at the same time.

The two of them were a little angry and a little shocked. What was annoying was that someone actually scolded their camp behind their backs, and the scolding was quite damaging!

What shocked them was the voice of the curser. They were all too familiar with that voice, but it was Wang Qingfeng's voice!

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