The War Court and Lap Pillow, Austria’s Mandate of Heaven

Vol 3 Chapter 28: Combine vertical and horizontal (top)

Prussia, Berlin.

William IV supported the unification of Germany. Although he personally opposed the joining of Austria, he was still very pleased that he could lead the war for Germany at this time and get the help of the Austrian Empire.

That's right, the Prussian court was full of Junker nobles at this time. Their brain circuits were different from ordinary politicians, and they were optimistic about this war. After all, Belgium only had 20,000 troops, and the Netherlands had only three troops in the country. , 40,000 people.

Prussia has a standing army of 200,000 at this time. Coupled with the high sentiment of the civil war, many people are willing to join the army. Even if there is no general mobilization, it is no problem to recruit another 200,000 troops.

On the Austrian side, there are only 420,000 people in the standing army, and the total strength of the armies of other states can even exceed the number of Napoleon's expedition to Russia.

With an army of one million to deal with the Belgian and Dutch coalition forces of less than 100,000, coupled with the fact that there are still big cracks in the coalition forces, it is easy to win.

While toasting in the palace, Bismarck slammed the wine glass on the ground in a manor far away in Bonia, and the scattered glass splashed all over the room.

"A bunch of idiots! Stupid pigs! They will ruin Prussia and the German Confederation."

In the eyes of Bismarck, this war was completely a manifestation of insanity. He knew very well where the bottom line of Britain was. That is the Low Countries. Once this red line is touched, Britain will definitely not sit idly by.

As for the French, that stupid King Louis-Philippe is like a British marionette. Including the leading figure in French politics at this time, Quizot, who is also a lackey of the British, and his short-sightedness is to the point of stupidity.

The German Confederation is basically a mess, and there are even more pro-British and French-friendly factions among them. If war really breaks out between the two sides, the German Confederation may collapse from within first.

Once the greedy Russians in the east see the weakness of the German Confederation, they will definitely take advantage of it. At that time, whether it is the pro-British faction, the pro-French faction, or Austria and Prussia, they will all be in a doomed situation.

Maybe the German Confederation will be dissolved, like the Holy Roman Empire once was. The German Customs Union, an organization that allows Germans to live a "good life", may also be abolished.

All he could do now was mobilize people in his hometown to build fortifications that would lessen the impact of the Russians' arrival, ideally keeping them out before negotiations were over.

This can be regarded as a contribution to Prussia.....

Russia, St. Petersburg.

Nicholas I got the news that the German Confederation was going to recover the country for its members, and the foreign minister also got the news, Nesselov, who is a pro-British faction, said excitedly.

"Your Majesty the Tsar, this is an excellent opportunity to prove that we are the most trusted ally of the British Empire."

Nicholas I sat on the throne without any change in expression, he just looked at the report, but his hands were shaking.

According to the bureaucrats in the palace, as long as Russia can join forces with Britain, it will rule the world, but will it really come true?

Vienna, Schönbrunn Palace.

Although the people outside are turbulent, inside the palace is a scene of peace and tranquility. Luxuriously decorated Christmas trees, busy palace people as usual, and the smell of spices and fried carp wafting through the air.

At this time, Austrian Christmas meals do not eat meat such as cattle, pigs, and chickens, because Catholics cannot eat meat on Christmas Eve.

Seafood and fish are not considered meat, thinking the same as modern foodies

"Is this the kidnapping of the country by its citizens?" Franz wondered.

This is not what he wants. Ignorance, barbarism, and even a little stupid unity are like a Pandora's box. Although it contains hope, it also contains countless demons and ghosts.

Since the empire is a great river and public opinion is a torrent, Franz should be the sluice gate.

Franz is not prepared to use this power, and the Austrian Empire should still bring the battlefield to the field he is familiar with. There is not only one way to fight war, some undead ways will be more effective....

"You look a little tired, Mr Prime Minister."

Franz looked at the old man known as the "Prime Minister of Europe" in front of him. Although Metternich is 69 years old, he is still full of vitality on the political stage, at least four hours a day arguing with Count Korolov.

It's just that at this time Metternich seemed to have aged dozens of years in a day, with sunken eyes and dry eyes that seemed to be still dripping with cold sweat.

"Archduke Franz, you should do what you can to prevent this war."

The old prime minister said hoarsely, and Franz shook his head in response.

"Do you know Louis XVI? He supported the American War of Independence, but he himself was guillotined by his own people.

Now that the empire is following the path that the French took back then, Luxembourg may become Austria's Achilles' heel.

At this time, the empire's economy is developing healthily and upwards, but a war can ruin everything! The fruits of reform, the happiness of the people, the wealth of the empire..."

Metternich spoke hoarsely, but Franz was unmoved.

"Master Prime Minister, you are getting old. Austria is not France, Uncle UU Reading is not Louis XVI, and you are not that self-righteous Marquis de Lafayette.

You are Metternich, Prime Minister of Europe, and Luxembourg also belongs to Europe. European affairs must of course be resolved by Europeans. "

Metternich seemed to understand something, but he seemed to understand nothing. But he understood that the "little adult" in front of him already had a solution...

"Your Excellency, in the far east there was an era called the Warring States Period. There were seven great powers collectively known as the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period. Among them, Qin was the most powerful and wanted to unify the Central Plains by force.

But at this time, a man named Su Qin stood up and lobbied the six countries to fight against Qin together, and finally returned to his hometown with the Prime Minister of the six countries, and made Qiang Qin dare not leave Hangu Pass for fifteen years.

That is the first prime minister of the East. Although it is two thousand years later, his approach is still worth learning. "

Franz's words have been made very clear. Metternich is not an idiot. Of course he understands the meaning, but he has no idea how to do it.

"Belgium was the breaking point."

"Belgium? But behind him are Britain and France. This alliance is too strong, and it may not be possible for other European countries to unite to defeat it."

Metternich followed Franz's train of thought, but soon entered a dead end.

"Britain and France are not monolithic. It is true that they both have interests in Belgium. But France wants to do business with Belgium and wants the local French-speaking residents, while Britain only wants Belgium as a fortress to protect its security.

Moreover, although France is a constitutional monarchy, Louis Philippe's power is not small. This His Majesty the King is not a person who can withstand pressure, but at the same time he is a villain who is ungrateful for profit, and we can take advantage of this. "


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