The War Court and Lap Pillow, Austria’s Mandate of Heaven

Vol 3 Chapter 9: Whoever is rich will rule.

Vienna, Schönbrunn Palace.

Franz looked at the pile of newspapers, tapping his fingers on the table.

Looking at the situation in front of her, Adjani only thought it was funny. She didn't expect that so many weird people would appear in the German Confederation just after a Viscount Baron died.

That's right, in less than a year, among the 36 member states of the German Confederation, 24 newspapers advocating the unification of Germany appeared.

"Cologne Zeitung, Laiyin Zeitung, Aachen Zeitung, Hannover City Zeitung, Saxony National Zeitung, Berlin Post..., among them there are many well-known newspapers that will last for generations.

However, Franz did not oppose the idea of ​​Greater Germany, he just opposed the theory of racial superiority and inferiority, and even he himself was one of the advocates of Greater Germany.

But Franz found that the direction of the wind seemed a little strange. Thanks to the development of industrialization and the blessing of the German Zolnik, the capitalists in the Rhine region became the richest group of people in Prussia, but they did not have much political influence. force.

Then they put forward the slogan "he who is rich, he is unified", but in the eyes of the officials and gentlemen in Berlin, this is simply treason.

The Rhine region is part of Prussia.

why? Because at this time the wealthiest of the German states is obviously not Prussia, but Austria. Even the economic aggregate of the Netalonia region is not comparable to that of Prussia at this time.

If whoever is rich and who is unified, it is tantamount to ceding the leadership of Germany to Austria, because at this time Prussia's fiscal revenue is only about one-third of Austria's and less than one-fifth of France's.

As a result, these capitalists who originally planned to fight for their own political interests were directly beaten into political prisoners. Of course, they are also self-inflicted and can't blame others.

In order to counter this kind of remarks of "he who is rich, he will be unified", a young man named Otto von Bismarck published an article saying, "If whoever has money can unify Germany, it is better to hand over Germany directly to Rothschild." The German family."

Of course, Rothschild was alluding to the Jews. This tactic can be described as vicious and abnormal, directly beating those liberal capitalists who claim that "whoever is rich, who is unified" can't hold their heads up.

After all, in this era, if you are looking for a scapegoat, you must choose Gypsies and Jews! One is a liar, one is a thief, one is a werewolf, and the other is a vampire, none of them are good things anyway.

Franz didn't mind Bismarck's comparison of Austria to the Jews. On the contrary, he still respected him. After all, the iron-blooded prime minister was as vicious as in history.

"Miss Adjani, what's so funny?" Franz looked at Adjani who was holding a stack of documents.

"I'm happy that the Austrian Empire has so many supporters in the German Confederation." Adjani said and pretended to wipe away tears.

"Miss Adjani, I want to remind you of one thing." Franz said politely and maliciously.

"What's the matter?" Ajani asked.

"Rubbing your eyes like this will ruin your makeup."

As soon as Franz finished speaking, she opened the makeup case and checked it carefully in the mirror.

In fact, there are five countries with the highest voice for unifying Germany at this time, namely Austria, Prussia, Hannover, Bavaria, and Saxony, and the support rate of Austria is higher than that of the latter four combined.

One of the reasons for this is tradition. The Habsburg family used to be the ruler of the Holy Roman Empire. Although it has been disbanded, its influence is still there, and there are always people in the aristocratic circle calling for it.

2. The powerful military strength of the Austrian Empire. On the surface, it has a standing army of 420,000, which is almost equivalent to the total military strength of other countries in Germany.

3. At this time, Austria's economic strength far exceeds that of the same period in history. The most striking contrast is that the fiscal revenue is 350 million florins, which is 145 million florins in the same period of history.

And it has penetrated into all parts of the German Confederation, affecting the interests of many people. It can even be said that as soon as trade with the Austrian Empire ceased, the German Confederation would fall into chaos.

That's right, the German Confederation now enjoys Austria's cheap industrial products on the one hand, and on the other hand has unknowingly become an economic colony of Austria.

Of course, it’s nothing to ordinary people. On the contrary, they feel that the cost of living is lower and life is better than before. It’s just that those officials and gentlemen are always raising taxes crazily. .

Although there will be occasional popular uprisings, in the absence of war, the chances of success of such an uprising are almost zero. After all, even a family of princes can't do it, but the "Five Sacred Sword Sect" is united, and one side is in trouble and all sides support it.

Especially with the presence of the two Confederate policemen, Austria and Prussia, it is really difficult for the people of small states to change the status quo.

So some people choose to be bad. Anyway, the salary of the Austrian Empire is high and the treatment is good. If it doesn’t work, they can go to Hungary to work as self-cultivators for the royal family, or go to Austria’s overseas colonies to work hard. Naturally, they don’t need to continue to guard their own. Three acres of land.

From 1838 to 1842, the number of migrant workers and immigrants to Austria doubled every year. In 1842 alone, nearly 200,000 people immigrated to Austria, and the number of migrant workers reached millions.

4. International influence. Except for Prussia, the remaining four countries are not even considered great powers, and even Prussia is the last of the great powers.

But Austria is different. Although no major events have, almost all major events related to the fate of the European continent were finalized in Vienna.

Waterloo at the London Conference and the final decision at the Vienna Conference gave the Germans this illusion. They felt that both Russia and the United Kingdom were allies of the Austrians, and that to unify Germany they must have a stable external environment, which other princes simply could not do.

But in fact, most state governments, including the Austrian Empire, opposed the unification of Germany. In 1817, students from 15 German universities gathered in Wartburg and put forward the slogan "one country, one emperor". Austria's secret police The secret service agencies of China and Prussia have never stopped persecuting them.

In 1830, when the gunfire of the French July Revolution echoed in Germany, the Unification faction was greatly encouraged. For a time, a large number of extreme incidents occurred throughout Germany, including assassinations and arson.

Afterwards came the familiar repression link. Unfortunately, Metternich became the protagonist again. Although other countries also sent troops, everyone believed that this was Metternich's conspiracy. The censorship system binds it to the words reactionary and oppressor.

"Grand Duke Franz, do you know that you hate it?" Adjani scolded after confirming that her makeup was indeed clean.

"Really? Baron Vanderbilt, who teaches etiquette, said that this can help enhance masculinity." Franz said.

"He taught you that?"

"Theoretically speaking, maintaining a moderately aggressive male will make communication easier." In fact, Franz also thinks so, after all, his level in this area in his previous life was limited.

"Then next time you ask him what's the difference between love at first sight and love at first sight." Ajani asked a question.

Franz was speechless for a while.

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