The War Court and Lap Pillow, Austria’s Mandate of Heaven

Vol 2 Chapter 92: "God" soldiers descended from heaven

Chenla, White Horse City.

Kang Deng, the prefect of Baima, also heard about the atrocities committed by the Vietnamese army. Now the Vietnamese actually rushed to Baima City, and just now he drove away his savior.

"Quick! Go and invite the Chenla Heavenly Army back!"

Jin Pan, the official outside Baima City, was still thinking about how to escape, but after learning that the White Horse prefect invited him to enter the city, he made up his mind. If the Vietnamese retreated, he would take Baima City. If you live here, you will sacrifice the city and surrender.

On the other hand, Kampong Son has received information from his followers about a Vietnamese army rampant in Kampot Province.

To be honest, the growth rate of the number of Vietnamese troops is a bit scary. In a few days, the number doubled.

However, according to the interpretation of the scriptures, the Vietnamese army is only supplemented by some strong men and masters. It takes at least a few battles for these people to form combat effectiveness. In Kampot Province, only Baima City and Jian County are relatively rich, but As you can tell from the name, the latter is by no means a good place to attack.

According to the instructions of the holy scriptures, the priests demanded that before the new Vietnamese army formed combat effectiveness, they would attack them and destroy the opponent's vital forces. Ambrosius also supported this approach. It is easier to concentrate on the attack and take advantage of Austria's advanced weapons and tactics.

But if Franz is here, he will definitely stop their crazy behavior. Poundsun originally only had a force of more than 1,000 troops, and with the addition of 3,000 militiamen temporarily trained, the total number is only 4,000, and some people have to be left behind. To defend the city, there may not be many people who can mobilize it.

According to the intelligence, the Vietnamese army looted at least 100,000 people. Of course, this is an exaggeration by the local believers, but even if it is doubled, this number is quite scary. In addition, those Chenla people who may jump back at any time. Lanz really didn't know how to win.

The reality is that Europeans in this era don't know what failure is at all. Since the Spaniards defeated the 80,000 army of the Inca Empire with 169 people, countless legends mixed with rumors have occupied the mainstream of public opinion.

And the church's brainwashing work is also very successful. The temporary army formed by these church members doesn't even ask how many enemies there are, they just want to know where the enemies are?

The mobilization ability of the church also far exceeded Franz's estimate. Of the more than 600 Europeans in Poundsun, 590 people were ready to join the battle. Thousands of religious people came to deliver supplies, and this time Poundsun can be said to be fully mobilized.

Outside Baima City, the dark Vietnamese army began to set up camp, felling trees to build ladders, and they didn't even know where to push a few artillery pieces weighing a thousand catties.

Regardless of the weight of these artillery pieces, the caliber is actually not large, but the workmanship is backward.

These cannons of the Vietnamese are more of a deterrent, otherwise there is no need to cut down trees to build ladders.

The gate of Baima City was closed, and an envoy was sent to Fan Zhu's barracks with gold, silver and food, hoping to make the Vietnamese retreat.

However, Fan Zhu cut off the envoy of Baima City directly, and asked his subordinates to tell the Baima prefect that if the city gate was not opened, the day when the Vietnamese heavenly soldiers broke through the city, all of Baima City would be slaughtered.

Baima City was full of fear and depressive atmosphere. In order to appease the emotions of the civilians in the city, Baima Prefect Kang Deng told the civilians that 8,000 Chenla officers and soldiers had entered the city, and there was no need to fear the Vietnamese outside the city.

However, this point was just exploited by Vietnamese spies who infiltrated Baima City. They publicized that the Vietnamese were only here to suppress the bandits, not to massacre the city. When the Vietnamese army enters the city, the superiors of the Great Vietnamese Kingdom will definitely let them go.

Ever since, there was great chaos in Baima City, and the North City Gate was actually captured by civilians. Naturally, the Vietnamese would not miss this opportunity, so they stormed the North City Gate. After a day of fierce fighting, both sides suffered losses, but the people in Baima City Morale has hit rock bottom.

At this time, Guan Jinpan was regretting why he did not choose to stay in Kampson, but chose to come to Kampot to grab the territory out of obsession.

Guan Jinpan's troops suffered heavy losses. They all looked at the city wall with terrified eyes, as if monsters would rush in from outside the city at any time. All downcast.

At night, there are still occasional battles in the city, and the Vietnamese outside are not idle. They use the old-fashioned artillery collected from all over to fire a few shots occasionally, which can scare the city defenders into fear.

During the daytime fighting, the Vietnamese army lost only some temporarily captured young men, who were not Vietnamese at all, but Chenla people.

To say that these strong men really worked hard to survive, there were only more than 3,000 people, but they rushed into Baima City with 10,000 defenders. Although more than 2,000 people were killed, the Chenla people who were hacked to death Know how many times they are.

Fan Zhu treated these surviving strong men generously, and they will become the pillars of the Vietnamese army in the future. In today's attack, Fan Zhu just wanted to test the defense strength of Baima City, but he obviously overestimated his opponent. If he attacked the north gate with all his strength today, the Vietnamese would have already taken Baima City by now.

But if the riot at the North City Gate today is just a trap for the Chenla people, then he will have to pay a huge price for Zhu plans to spend three days with strong men first, after all, there are many defenders in Baima City Most of them are civilians and the so-called Chenla rebels. They cannot adapt to the high-pressure environment of the battlefield, and three days of continuous harassment can break their spirits. At that time, the main force of Vietnam will be sent to wipe out the rebels in the city.

Obviously, Fan Zhu regarded the Chenla remnant army in the White Horse City as the team that destroyed Renyu and Luo Jian. He thought that as long as the White Horse City was breached, the resistance forces in Chenla would be wiped out.

The three days of fighting had exhausted the strength of the Chenla people in Baima City. Many officers and soldiers defending the city became neurotic because they couldn't sleep well, coupled with the continuous fighting and non-stop riots.

The main force of the Vietnamese army, who had been recuperating for three days, was waiting for the cannon fodder at the North City Gate to launch a fourth attack.

At the same time as the cannon fodder launched the fourth attack, the main force of the Vietnamese army will attack through the south gate, and there should be news from inside the city that the south gate will be opened as soon as the main force of the Vietnamese army arrives.

At that time, the Vietnamese army will be able to drive straight in and annihilate the Chenla army in the city in one fell swoop.

The battle at the North City Gate was **** and cruel, and the strong men rushed to the city roaring, driven by the supervising team.

The officers in the city whipped the coolies violently with whips, and asked the coolies to carry the ammunition and stones to the top of the city.

The old-fashioned artillery let out a dull roar, and shattered a battlement, and the gravel flew, and the defenders on the city let out a scream.

Some shells fell among the strong men below the city, leading out an alley of flesh and blood.

At the same time, the South City Gate was quickly captured by the Vietnamese, and the Vietnamese soldiers who swarmed in killed everyone they saw, and had no intention of fulfilling their promise.

Originally, everything was as Fan Zhu expected, but at the same time that the Vietnamese army entered Baima City, an army from Pound Xun appeared behind them.

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