In Europe, a strong convective weather visited here, and the typhoon also arrived as scheduled.

Typhoons and strong convective weather brought torrential rain, and the torrential rain directly caused flash floods in northern Spain.

Due to the flash floods caused by heavy rains that almost ended the Carlos war early, a flash flood destroyed the camp of the Carlos faction, and many senior officers were buried under the soil forever in their sleep.

Carlos and his children were also almost swallowed by the flash flood, but fortunately the "royal mule" woke him up in time and sent them to a safe high ground.

The royal mule refers to Carlos' guide. Since Carlos is not good at walking on mountain roads, he is carried by this guide every time he marches, so he is also called the "royal mule".

This rare torrential rain even overturned two British supply ships, and the supplies of the Carlos faction may be tense.

Of course, this is not good news for the Queen Regent, because the flood washed away the embankment and bridges, causing a large flood area, and the marching speed of the Spanish government troops was greatly delayed.

A large number of farmlands in southern France were flooded. The Moselle, Marne, Seine, Lot, Dordogne, Garonne, and Saone rivers all flooded. Hundreds of thousands of acres of farmland were flooded. Homeless, hundreds of people died directly in the flood.

Important cities such as Lyon and Paris have suffered losses to varying degrees, and the French grapes have suffered the most. It is expected that the price of French wine will increase by 30% next year.

The French grapes were first sun-dried into raisins, and then washed away without a trace by a flood. The owners of the vineyards really wanted to cry without tears. If they knew it, they might as well sell the raisins directly.

Severe thunderstorms hit Rotterdam, sparking a port fire.

In Austria, the long-dry riverbed suddenly ushered in heavy rain, and the result of the soaring water level was a major flood.

Austria is a country with a dense network of rivers, which to a certain extent disperses the destructive power of the flood, but on the other hand strengthens the influence of the flood.

In other countries, some areas suffered from floods, while in Austria, floods occurred everywhere in the country.

The Austrians directly introduced the flood into the Danube according to the traditional method, and then Vienna was flooded, the streets were almost swallowed by the flood, and the slums had been completely submerged. Although the Austrian official only admitted that 200 people were killed, the people who kept drifting out of the slums The floating corpse was like a ruthless hand slapping the face of the Austrian government.

Franz came to the Vienna Women's College at the foot of the Karen Mountain. He hoped that Doppler and the scientists here could move to the city of Vienna. Because of the continuous heavy rain, the suburbs of Vienna were no longer safe. Bury a group of top scientists in Austria at this time

However, they rejected Franz's proposal, expressing that they would live and die with the laboratory. Although Franz didn't know what was in the laboratory, he still admired their research spirit of risking their lives.

In fact, there is a reason why these professors are unwilling to leave. It is still the same old problem. In this era, research is usually done at your own expense. After finally finding Franz who took advantage of you, the professors really don’t want to give up their hard-won experiments. room.

Unbeknownst to Franz, these people were conducting all kinds of research in the laboratory, but most of it was useless.

Some people want to prove the existence of God, and some people want to develop a kind of glasses that can not only make themselves see clearly, but also shake other people's glasses...

Of course, there are some relatively reliable researches. For example, an Austrian physicist is going to develop an aircraft. In order to let this aircraft go to the sky, he has a super large slingshot.. And the aircraft he designed is actually a flying saucer!

At this time, Austria gathered a large number of utopian and autistic scholars, and those who gathered here were undoubtedly the best among them.

Doppler said that he would show Franz his latest research results, which made Franz very excited.

Because Doppler actually mentioned the scope, which is an artifact on the battlefield. If Austrian troops can be equipped with scopes....

However, when Franz saw the real thing, his jaw dropped in shock, and he couldn't get excited at all.

The scope in front of me is more like a telescope than a scope. It is actually a full 800mm long. Not only does it increase the weight, but it is also inconvenient to load and carry.

Although it can indeed improve the hit rate, the practicality of this thing is too poor, which is really not conducive to snipers.

After that, Franz tried a few more times, trying to make the scope smaller according to the modern design, but it seems that it is not as simple as Franz thought, and this thing can't change the focal length, so it is very practical It's limited, maybe it will get better after long-term practice.

Franz can only give Doppler some advice. After all, he really doesn't know much about this kind of thing. First, it should have a zoom function, which is convenient for snipers to kill enemies at various distances. As long as 48 times is enough, there is no special firearm to support it no matter how far away, and then try not to make it too long, easy to carry and disassemble, and finally do not reflect light...

As for the specific research, leave it to Mr. Doppler and those professionals.

Based on Franz's air conditioner design, Doppler's team easily designed a cheap alternative, which not only has good performance, but also only 1/35 of the price of Franz's all Franz only knew the general theory, he had many wrong attempts, plus the craftsmen he hired, etc., and many expenses combined to come up with a high price of 70,000 florins.

For example, the cost of the latest hand-operated refrigerator in Britain is only 50 pounds, but its price is as high as 5,000 pounds each.

The first user of Franz's air conditioner was naturally the church. After seeing it once in Franz's study, Archbishop Rauscher was full of praise for it.

So Franz sent one to Archbishop Rauscher, which increased the number of people praying in the church every day.

In fact, except for this year’s extreme weather, air conditioners are of little value in Austria, except for churches. This kind of place and air conditioners are actually very suitable, as long as the noise is reduced, the coolness can make the church look more quiet and mysterious.

The weather in Southeast Asia is too sweltering. Archbishop Rauscher originally planned to buy four refrigerators for Poundson as an emergency. At this time, he replaced them with Franz air conditioners. Refrigerator imitated by Defranz.

Archbishop Rauscher naturally had no reason to refuse such a favorable condition, so he readily agreed.

When these air conditioners crossed the ocean and arrived in Poundsun, they suddenly discovered a huge problem, that is, there was very little coal here, and sometimes they had to use wood and weeds as fuel.

But at the moment when the cool wind blows..

"My God! This is really the greatest creation in the world, how can there be such a holy gas."

Due to the limited number of air conditioners, it is impossible to use them for personal use. In addition, there are a large number of believers here. All four air conditioners were simply placed in the church, and local officials and church leaders moved directly into the church.

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