The War Court and Lap Pillow, Austria’s Mandate of Heaven

Vol 2 Chapter 66: "God of War" Returns

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Defeat the British at sea, defeat the Russians on land, devour the Balkans, then defeat Austria, take Italy, and destroy Britain through France. From then on, the Arabs are invincible in the world...

Winning the British at sea and the Russians on land, anyway, Franz didn't dare to think about such a thing for the time being. Even if things can develop in the direction Ali Pasha expected, naval battles are not just a competition of warships. The British can dominate the ocean for hundreds of years, and it is by no means that the Egyptian Navy can catch up with it in more than ten years.

Franz is thinking about whether there is any way to solve this crisis without bloodshed.

After all, war is not a good thing for Austria. In recent years, the price of cotton in the world has been falling, so many people are optimistic about the prospects of the textile industry. With continuous investment, the textile industry is blooming everywhere, and even Mrs. Sophie has participated in it .

However, this good prosperity will not last forever. Due to the impact of the economic crisis in 1837, a large number of American cotton farmers went bankrupt, coupled with the increase in market demand, the price of cotton will explode in a wave of growth.

Affected by the German Customs Union, Austria has also unconsciously joined the Red Sea battlefield in the textile industry. If it relies too much on American cotton, it must incorporate its own economic security into the Anglo-American system and bear the impact of economic fluctuations in the UK and the United States.

In fact, even the British know that the Americans are unreliable. They have already started growing cotton in India, but the scale and quality are much worse.

At this time, the cotton produced in India was not even considered inferior in the United States, and the processed inferior cotton cloth had almost no market and could only be sold to the colonies.

But the cotton in Egypt is different. The quality of long-staple cotton here is the best in the world, and it is also strongly supported by the local rulers.

At this time, the rise of the French textile industry was inseparable from the massive introduction of Egyptian cotton.

Not only France, but also small countries in Italy are also very fond of Egyptian cotton, and Austria is also willing to step in. Of course, the British have also discovered this treasure land.

In order to ensure Britain's interests in the Near East, Egypt is an indispensable part of its territory. It is precisely because the war between Turkey and Egypt is inevitable that even if Egypt and the Ottoman Empire do not want to fight, the British will let them fight.

The name of the world's number one **** stirrer, is Lang's false name?

What Austria can do is to protect its own interests as much as possible, strive for more interests as much as possible, and avoid its own losses, such as international status.

Historically, Britain took advantage of this Turkish-Egyptian war to throw Metternich and his system into the trash can. During this crisis, Palmerston regarded all his proposals and negotiations as toilets. Paper is trampled on at will.

The Turkey-Egypt war has actually become a chessboard for Britain, France, and Russia to wrestle with each other, while Austria is just a spectator and a **** that people can play with at will.

When France was dissatisfied with the "London Agreement", it threatened to capture Vienna first. Palmerston often skipped Austria when discussing the Near East. Although Prussia's experience was similar to that of Austria, at least Prussia did not need to send troops. Don't even think about the Near East.

Franz once imagined using diplomatic means to resolve the war between Turkey and Egypt, but at this time all countries have clear positions on the Near East issue, unless Franz intends to change history, but the price of changing history is too high. Its position determines that it cannot easily fall to either side, otherwise it will bear the concentrated fire attack of the other side.

The crossroads of Europe, the undefended borders, and the ocean to the south allow Austria to suffer from all-round blows from all directions.

Then the problem comes back again, Austria must be strong enough in this crisis to solve its own face crisis.

Franz is considering whether he should train a marine corps. After all, compared with naval battles, Austria's land battles are much more certain.

It's just that where to choose a strong army is another problem. Franz has an army in Salzburg, but those people are all cavalry. The combat effectiveness is not good, and the loyalty is guaranteed, but they are really overkill.

Although the cavalry of this era is no longer the protagonist of the battlefield, it still plays an irreplaceable role in scouting, harassment and killing.

(Usually the elite cavalry is not responsible for the flank raid, because the flank raid does not require the cavalry to kill the infantry, as long as it can disrupt the enemy's formation, it is enough, so the flank cavalry often never returns.

Of course, if one side is killed by the flanking cavalry, the battle is over. )

Vienna, Imperial Garden.

Franz, Thalia, and Adjani were staring at Archduke Friedrich.

Friedrich had just completed the **** mission, but he didn't look like the return of the **** of war at all. Instead, he looked like a hungry ghost who hadn't eaten in several lifetimes.

Soon Friedrich swept away his food in front of Franz. Franz pushed his food forward, and Friedrich was not polite, and immediately ate.

Adjani hurriedly asked people to prepare more food. Actually, it is not difficult to get some food in the palace. The key is that it is a technical job to carry it from the kitchen to the royal for the dining car, it is not allowed to push it according to the regulations In the royal garden.

Friedrich ate and cried "Franz, you are such a good man".

Before the waiter came up to wipe Friedrich's mouth, he wiped his face with a napkin.

"It's so bitter, I finally know why no one is in the navy."

Franz looked at Friedrich, his skin was indeed tanned, and he lost a lot of weight. It seemed that life at sea was very bitter.

Franz knew that sailors in this period were very miserable, but he did not believe that the royal grand duke, captain, and formation commander would be miserable, even if he was killed.

Friedrich gnawed on a piece of pork chop and said.

"Frantz, you don't know, I prepared 80,000 florins of supplies for this voyage, and I asked the boatmen to check it inside and out many times, and I couldn't find even a single stain on the deck. However..."

In fact, before going to sea, as Friedrich said, they prepared a lot of bread, salted fish, bacon, various plants, vegetables, and even live chickens, ducks, pigs, cattle, sheep, etc. .

To pass the time, he also brought along a band and some painters. Naval regulations forbid taking women aboard, or else he plans to bring a few ballerinas or something, and he can have a dance once in a while.

After a few days at sea, Friedrich felt bored, so he went out to inspect the warship and found that the sailors on board were listless, and he couldn't find out why after asking several people.

So, he decided to get a feel for the people, and went to the sailors' residence. During the period, several naval officers tried to stop Friedrich, but this aroused Friedrich's curiosity even more, after all, he was only sixteen years old.

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