The irritable little rabbit Ji just sighed with emotion when he saw an interstellar beast flying towards him in the sky, and his claws were about to grab onto him.

Obviously, even if he suddenly came back to life, it wouldn't affect the flying star beast's determination to catch him and have a feast.

Thinking of the experience of being devoured by various sea beasts during this period, the irritable little rabbit Ji felt a chill in his heart. The key is that if his body is eaten up, he can only return to his birth point and resurrect!

This means that his efforts for more than two months have been in vain! Absolutely not!

At the juncture of crisis, he, who was still in a weak state, burst out with astonishing power.

I saw him grabbing the stones on the beach and slamming against the star beasts in the sky, while calling for help on the public channel - the public channel is divided into world, region and nearby, and can send voice and text.

After entering the boundary of Lihai City, the option of Lihai City appeared on his public channel.

To be on the safe side, the irritable little rabbit Ji did not choose to be nearby, but directly called for help in Lihai City, and sent out the coordinates by the way.

Although Grumpy Rabbit won the Sea Elf Hidden Race number, he did not broadcast it publicly like the blue mark, but chose to explore by himself, organize it and post it in the post.

His forum id "Rolling Breeder" is already well known to many people, and he is also one of the celebrities in the Starry Sky Forum.

But he became famous purely for his tragic and unexpected persistence.

He is not the only player who has won the Sea Spirit, which is not as rare as the blue mark of the Forest Spirit, but since the server has been launched for more than two months, he is the only one who has persevered.

Several other players have successively deleted their accounts and retrained.

After all, the server has been on for so long, and human players are almost reaching level 40. They are still stuck at level 5, and sometimes even drop to level 1 or 2 because of too many deaths.

Moreover, human players also have various benefits and novel ways to play. Who wouldn't feel excited after watching the video of defending against the beast tide?

Even those with gaming helmets outperformed them.

And they are playing a game warehouse worth 100,000! The authenticity is indeed high, but it also aggravates their depression.

Which normal human being can live in a crisis-ridden abyss? Not only is there no sunlight, but it will also be eaten by sea beasts at any time! Although there is a voice, most of the voices are frightening.

Who can afford such a gaming experience? !

Hidden race numbers are precious, but this kind of life is too hopeless. Except for the irritable little rabbit, there are basically no players who persist.

The one who persisted for the second time was his comrade-in-arms, and the two met to die together.

However, this kind of experience is indeed not something that ordinary people can insist on. His comrade-in-arms finally turned himself into autism.

But instead of deleting the account, he told him a week ago that he could no longer walk with him - he needed to return to reality, find some other fun to heal his wounded soul, and maybe even see a psychiatrist.

It can be imagined how much damage this game experience has caused him.

It has been a week, and the irritable little rabbit has not seen this comrade online again, but even if he is online, they are now separated by an unknown distance.

The most important thing is that one is on land and the other is in the ocean, and I don't know if I can meet them again in this life.

It's so sad.

However, the irritable little rabbit Ji has no time to sigh now. His level has dropped to lv3 now, and his blood volume is surprisingly low. Once caught by this interstellar beast, it will definitely be finished.

If he is taken away for food, he will have to go back to his hometown immediately!

Damn, he didn't want to see that comrade in arms again!

Grumpy Rabbit Ji vigorously threw stones, and his fish tail could not be turned into legs--the system just reminded him that he needed to be dry before turning fish tails into legs that could walk on land.

And he wasn't completely off the beach, and it was impossible to keep him dry.

"Damn it, is this the rolling breeder? You are too awesome! Did you really die?"

"Go and save people! If you don't estimate, he will have to die back to his birth point!"

"Fog grass, fog grass, fog grass, that's too miserable! Little Tuji hold on, my sister will be here soon!"

Players' voices rang out one after another on the regional channel. After more than two months at the bottom of the sea, he finally heard such a lively voice, and they all said that they would come to save him. The boy almost couldn't help crying.

Grumpy Rabbit Ji is only fifteen years old this year, and playing this game is also a coincidence.

Because he is a minor, every time he enters the game, he has to take an exam and do a paper. After two hours of continuous online, an anti-addiction reminder will pop up. Only when the paper reaches 90 points or more can continue to play.

He didn't know how he had persevered in the past two months.

Going online not only requires exams, but also experiences repeated deaths and emptiness at the bottom of the sea, which makes him often doubt himself and his life.

However, after his parents knew about this, they always encouraged him, saying that he must grit his teeth and persevere, which would become a valuable asset for him in the future.

Although he felt that his parents were simply captured by the Star Era's test anti-addiction system, he really persevered.

Parents also said that they wanted to play with him in the game, but unfortunately they couldn't get the game warehouse and game helmet, and it was difficult to rank the game experience store.

Grumpy Rabbit Ji wiped his eyes and kept backing away, searching for stones on the beach.

The flying star beast growled angrily.

Although his level is low, the attributes of the sea elf are good. With all his strength, he also smashed the flying interstellar beast to the brink of blood.

Under the effect of pain, the flying interstellar beast finally became furious. It circled in mid-air, and then swooped down towards the irritable little rabbit, regardless of its momentum.

The sharp claws shone brightly in the sun, such a super high speed, the young man couldn't avoid it at all.

The support hasn't arrived yet, does he really want to die like this and go back to his hometown?

The boy closed his eyes in despair.


At this moment, he suddenly heard a strange cry. The cry was milky, but it was very high-pitched, with a penetrating power that almost shattered his eardrums.

When he frowned uncomfortably - "Bang!"

There was an explosion, and at the same time there was the tragic cry of the flying interstellar beast.

Grumpy Rabbit Ji subconsciously opened his eyes.

The aggressive interstellar beast just now flapped its wings in pain and wanted to escape. It had a hole in its abdomen and was dripping blood.

The blood spilled on his face, still hot.

The irritable little rabbit was stunned for a while, but at this moment, another voice sounded - "Hey!"

As the strange cry fell, he saw the belly of the star beast with his own eyes, and a blood hole burst open again with a bang.

In the end, the flying interstellar beast finally couldn't hold it anymore, fell from mid-air, fell into the sea, and was quickly eaten up by the sea beasts that smelled blood.

The teenager is very confused, and the players who are arguing with the NPC guards in the distance, wanting them to open the protective barrier and let them come out to rescue, are also very confused.

Why are you saying hello twice, so the big flying star beast died? Hi who is that?

Soon, they had the answer.

"Are you OK?"

The irritable little rabbit jiggled back to his senses, and saw a gap in the protective barrier in the distance.

A man with silver-gray hair came out of it and came to him in the blink of an eye. In his arms, he was holding a three- or four-year-old baby.

The little doll has blue hair and blue eyes, pointed ears, and looks very cute, just like the legendary elf.

In other words, he is indeed a wizard.

"Brother, are you alright?" The little doll asked with concern, the little milky voice sounded very cute.

The irritable bunny looked at him, for some reason, but always felt an inexplicable sense of closeness and awe in his heart.

It's a very magical feeling.

And he also recognized it, the two "Hi" just now were from this little doll.

What kind of skill is this that can deal damage with only sound? This is so cool too!

"You are safe now, Haige will protect you, don't be afraid."

Probably because he didn't answer for too long, thinking he was still scared, the little baby reached out his little hand, patted his back lightly, and comforted his little face very solemnly.

sea ​​song...

The irritable little rabbit was stunned for a while, then blurted out: "Are you the crown prince?"


The little doll nodded vigorously, "So I will protect you!"

In the eyes of Xiao Haige, the irascible little rabbit is his people, and he certainly has the obligation and responsibility to protect his safety.

So just after sensing his presence, he hurriedly asked Cha Mo to bring him over, and finally succeeded in saving him.

As for the two hi just now, he learned it from His Majesty's brother, but he didn't learn it very well.

His Majesty's brother is much more powerful than him. He could only injure the flying star beast, but he couldn't kill it all at once. He was really nervous just now.

Fortunately, in the end, he saved his people!

"What's your name?"

Xiao Haige said in the language of the sea elf. He hadn't spoken the language of the sea elf for a long time, because no one could speak to him.

And now, he saw the clan again!

Although there is only one, Xiao Haige is still very happy.

"Grumpy little rabbit..." The young man said weakly.

Cha Mo, who was standing beside Xiao Haige, couldn't help frowning. He couldn't speak Sea Elf, but he could still speak some words.


A merman named Rabbit? What is this strange name?

Xiao Haige thought the name was funny, he asked cheerfully, "Little Rabbit, why are you here? Are you the only one? And why is your hair black?"

When a child asks a question, he can't stop.

He was yelling "little bunny" one by one, and the young man finally realized the mood of the blue mark at the beginning.

With a blushing face, he patiently answered all of the little doll's questions.

When he heard that he was the only one, Xiao Haige was obviously a little disappointed, but he quickly cheered up.

He clapped his little hands and said happily, "Cha Mo, let's take Little Rabbit Ji to see His Majesty's brother!"

He knew that His Majesty's brother was going to take them to the Hui clan. Now that there is another sea elf, His Majesty's brother should welcome him, right?

Cha Mo nodded, the little mermaid's condition is really not very good, you can take him back to heal his injuries first, so as not to die.

So, they returned to Roland Palace with the irritable little rabbit Ji.

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