The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 697: the truth

"What happened? What were the three flashes of light at the end of Skyrim? And this thick smoke !? What scale of bombing actually caused more than 40 kilometers of dust?"

When Commander Jonson saw Mo Yun coming, he couldn't wait to ask.

"It's Chairman Baili Qingfeng!"

Mo Yun said repeatedly: "Chairman Baili Qingfeng didn't know what method was used ..."

Speaking of this, he said slightly: "It may be a bomb, a new type of bomb we have never seen before. This bomb has unparalleled power. It will bring 60,000 cavemen, including the leaders and That powerful and terrible knight group turned into nothingness! Win! We win! "

In the end, he couldn't help cheering loudly.

"we won?"

Jonson froze for a while.

Not long ago, during the war in Yandang Mountain, the impact of 80,000 people on 40,000 to 50,000 people in the cave was thought to be dead. No doubt, at the critical moment, Baili Qingfeng was born and rescued them from the predicament. Fifty thousand people in the caves drove them out of Hea ...

And now ...

Sixty thousand cave people, and still sixty thousand elite, led by a Cavaliers, more than four Xeons, four hundred unparalleled, dominated masters, such a powerful lineup, the East Shenzhou countries have been desperate, even powerful steel The Empire, the Shining Empire, and the Golden Eagle Empire all had to abandon the situation on East China Island ...

But such a powerful opponent is still defeated by Baili Qingfeng! ?


Is it really God! ?

"We really won? Sixty thousand cavemen ... really defeated !?"

"The drones and satellites of the Tianji Building have been confirmed, and Chairman Baili Qingfeng himself has said that the number of surviving cave people will not exceed 10,000, less than 10,000 ... with our current lineup completely There is a way to resist! "

When Mo Yun said this, he forced himself to sober up from that excitement: "Marshal Johnson, what we have to do now is to maximize the victory of this war!"

Jonson saw Mo Yun's vows and calmed down.

He knows Mo Yun's character and knows that he will never joke about such a major event.

"Yes, what we have to do now is to maximize the fruits of this victory ... but there are a lot of fish that leak out of the net, and I will let people go to investigate ..."

"The investigation confirmed that it was necessary, but Chairman Baili Qingfeng said that the bomb would leave strong radiation after it explodes. This radiation cannot be cleared for a long time. If humans rush into the radiation zone, they will be in the body. There are irreparable traumas, so those reconnaissance soldiers must never get into the 60-kilometer radius of the core of the explosion ... I really need to investigate, just wait and see with some instruments. "


Jonson nodded, and immediately called, transmitting several orders.

He could not turn his eyes to Mo Yun until he gave the order: "You specifically mentioned to me the use of the victory of this war, but what are your thoughts?"

"What does Marshal think is our greatest benefit from this victory in the war?"

"Resolved the threat of the cavemen to Eastern Shenzhou?"

Jonson said, what did he think of for a moment: "There is still the gate of space. Although I don't know what magic of the gate of space is, it is worthwhile for the superpowers and top forces to send the most powerful to seek it, but The value of the door to space must be extremely extraordinary. "

"Although these two points are important, they are not the main ... The greatest significance of this war victory lies in the Aurora Empire!"

"Aurora Empire !?"


In the eyes of Mo Yun, "The Marshal should understand that in order to maintain the stability of the Aurora Empire, Prime Minister Yasuo has carried out the god-making plan and formed Chairman Baili Qingfeng into a god. Identity, replacing the previous Aurora Emperor, but, despite our efforts to promote it, the effect of this plan is not as good as expected. "

Johnson nodded.

The effect can be seen from the only twelve territories that the Aurora Empire currently has in the hands of the Kingdom of Shia.

"Before Chairman Baili Qingfeng was about to bomb 60,000 people in the cave, I sent a message to Marshal Naval of the Aurora Empire to fight against Tianyu Mountain, and said that Chairman Baili Qingfeng would have a divine punishment to lower the cave with supreme power. The army of 60,000 people was destroyed. Originally, I said that I just wanted to flick Naval and his 1.5 million elite soldiers first, but I didn't expect that ... it was actually being beaten ... "

Mo Yun took a deep breath: "In the marshal's view, three strikes destroyed 60,000 cavemen, killed a knight group with more than four hundred unparalleled and dominated ranks, plus the strength of the powerful shores of several Xeons , What is it called divine punishment !? "

Jonson immediately understood what Mo Yun meant.

The soldiers of the Aurora Empire have been fighting with the cave people for more than ten years. They know the most powerful and powerful people in the Tianzhu original cave people. However, the three bombs of the Baili Qingfeng now wipe out the 60,000 cave people. ...

"Divine punishment! This is divine punishment!"

Jonson waved his hand suddenly, decisively!

"Yes, even if the high-levels of the Aurora Empire are dubious, but when they learn that Chairman Baili Qingfeng has this kind of power in their hands, do they still have the courage to refute !?"

"They believe if they don't!"

Jonson sneered, and after saying, he immediately said: "I will call Prime Minister Yasuo and Prime Minister Alof and let them do their best to publicize the matter ... And, for those radiations, we can also declare to the outside world that the power of the divine power , Those forces who dare to disagree with the true **** of nothingness, "God punishment", can let them personally verify the power of these radiation! "

"Yes, facts speak louder than words! In addition, the glorious empire, the golden eagle empire, and the steel empire abandoned our East Shenzhou at critical moments. The matter can also be vigorously publicized. If it goes well, we can recover several of the remaining twenty-four territories. "

"I'll call right away!"

Jonson and Mo Yun had a discussion, and soon passed the news to Hill's Light, and the Hill's Light spread all over the North Star City. Hea and Aurora got the news and held an emergency discussion for an hour. Later, the news was reported as quickly as possible.

The army of 60,000 cavemen was annihilated!

Four hundred unparalleled, dominated cavemen knights turned into nothingness!

Five Xeons, including the half-step legendary cardinal in the Grottoes, died!

If any key point in the news is cut out, it can have an unspeakable impact on the entire world!

An army of 60,000 people in the caves, but also an army of 60,000 warriors, who knows human weapons. Under such circumstances, humans must at least 10 million men and horses to fight against them.

And the four hundred well-equipped warriors of the unparalleled and dominating level who are wearing body armor similar to Chen Jin's armor can easily defeat any fortress in the world.

Even the Tianyan City Defense Line built by the Kingdom of Chiyan at a great cost outside Tianyu Mountain is no exception!

As for several Xeons and half-step legendary cardinals ...

That is a force enough to destroy 90% of the world-class forces in East Shenzhou!

Half-step legend ...

In this world, except for the top and oldest forces, who has it! ?

But now, such a powerful force formed by the combination of the three has died under the three shells of Baili Qingfeng!


Elisabeth, the captain of the special team who has left Chiyan Country, received a call from Harris the first time, and his tone was faintly mad: "Go back! Go back! Go back as fast as possible! Let me investigate what it is Be sure to find out! "


Elizabeth is still somewhat unknown so!

"I will now return to East China Island, and I hope that when I arrive you will have detailed information about that incident before me!"

Heris hung up.

In his voice ...

Elizabeth heard a hint of panic!

What makes Horis, who is standing on the pinnacle of the Xeons in the world, terrified! ?

Is Legendary Life?

Elizabeth didn't know, but Harris' order did not dare to disobey.

"go back!"


Compared to the fast-going Harris, the black king Naberg also wondered if he could go to Shia to pick up a bargain. Because of this, he received the news earlier than Harris.

When he saw the propaganda of the Kingdom of Hea, the whole man was on the spot.

After he recovered, he could not help shouting, "Come! Come!"

"His Royal Highness!"

A follower immediately stepped forward to salute: "Observe your orders."

"What is this !? What is this !? Sixty thousand cavemen, four hundred knights, six xeons, and even the half-step legendary Cardinal of the Blood Temple, were directly erased ... what is this !? What power is this !? "

Nerberg pointed to the news being broadcast on TV and was desperate.

The followers looked at the outraged Naberg, and said carefully, "Hia propaganda ... is a **** punishment ..."

"Divine punishment !? Divine punishment to TM!"

There was a deep hidden fear in Naberg's eyes: "Check! Let me check! I want to understand how the Kingdom of Shia, or Qingli Qingfeng, did it! How to make 60,000 cave people ~ ~ Including a half-step legend that flies away! "


More than Harris and Naberg.

The same is true of the Golden Eagle Empire, Cotai Group, Yunxiao Sword Palace, Jingshan, and the Only Church, and investigations have been ordered.

At the same time, the Tianjidian Forum seems to have dropped a deep-water bomb and boiled it completely!

"Oh my God, this is true! The story that Baili Qingfeng and the 60,000 cave people have to tell!"

"The latest information on the Battle of Tianmu Mountain! I have read it for thirty times and I don't want to believe it! What's wrong with this world !?"

"The super news you have to watch this year! The Kingdom of Shia, the Empire of Aurora, two million troops are scared!"

"When those three suns rose, the world shook it!"

Posts one by one will almost swipe the forum!

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