The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 695: Its daybreak

Grotto people army.

Under the arch guard of the Dark Banner Knights, Dan Hermes urged the team to move forward quickly.

At this time, the cavemen had just defeated the human allied forces of East Shenzhou, beheaded countless enemies, obtained a large amount of food, one by one with full stomach, and the morale was extremely high.

Even though some ordinary blood wolf towns lingering in the elite army are afraid of going back to fight against the destroying knight, they are crowded, and they seem to have gradually forgotten the fear of being dominated by the destroying knight. Courage.

The Grotto is a militant race, a crazy race!

Especially when they are staying with the sacrifice of the Blood Temple, those sacrifice constantly brainwash them, awaken their fighting spirit, inspire their **** courage, plant the invincible idea in their hearts, and let them gradually move towards those places The cave fighters changed, became fearless, and moved forward.

"This knight of destruction ... Suddenly blocked 100,000 people in Blood Wolf City by one person!"

Dan Hermes listened to Saduoman's information, his face was full of dignity!

"Yes, it is said that during that time, the destruction knight attacked every day and did not want to return without killing hundreds or thousands of people. He was like an inexhaustible ghost wandering in Blood Wolf City day after day. On the barren plain outside, like everybody's lingering nightmare, anyone in the burrows who witnessed him is tantamount to witnessing death and witnessing destruction. There is no choice but to wait for death in despair ... "

Sadoman said of this, with the same fear on his face: "It is estimated that since the destruction of the knight appeared, more than 20,000 soldiers died under his hand in just over a year ..."

It was precisely because of the existence of this destruction knight that after sitting in the 80,000 army, Shaduoman had never dared to launch an offensive, so as not to damage the teacher.

"Twenty thousand ..."

"Not long ago we got a rumor saying that this destruction knight named Baili Qingfeng claimed to be the incarnation of the true **** of nothingness ... maybe ... this is true! Except for the blood of the true **** on my body, I can not imagine what kind of existence can There are so many terrible miraculous stages in the great knight stage! "

"Such a barren world ... the true **** was born !?"

Dan Hermes frowned.

"The disciples ca n’t understand. It is logical to say that the legendary life in this world is difficult to survive. If you stay a long time, the life form will fall, but rumors about the true **** ... This world has always existed, such as God of God, Sun God, Nether God, etc. Some churches also have an amazing accumulation of beliefs ... The disciples let Shadowblade deliberately investigate, but according to the feedback from the news, these gods are just false gods, a kind of nihilistic spiritual beliefs, spiritual sustenance ... "


Dan Hermes suddenly clicked on the word: "Will ... this so-called" nothingness "is true and false is the priesthood of the true **** of nothingness !? The entire world of the Lord is shrouded in the vast power of this true **** of nothingness ? "

The burrow people believed in the existence of God and did not deny it.

A kingdom with the protection of the true God can't help them not being cautious!

The Blood Temple is fighting the Black Temple. At this time, there is not enough power to erect another powerful enemy!

"This ... if the world is really under the protection of a true **** ... we are now going to sweep East Shenzhou ... why hasn't he done anything yet?"

"Although I don't believe in the greatness that can be born in such a barren world, be careful, isn't that Destroyer the knight?"

Dan Hermes waved his hand solemnly: "You go quietly to the gate of space and call that wise man named Blacktooth. Don't alarm anyone! I want to know in detail from his mouth all the experience of the destruction knight!"

Dan Hermes said with a stun.


Shadoman promised, and soon broke away from the large army, heading towards the gate of space.

And shortly after Shadoman left, Danmez felt something, suddenly looked up and looked in one direction.

"What's wrong, sir?"

Yeldo rushed forward and took a look.

"I feel like being peeped ..."

Danermais said, and immediately said: "Get up! Send scouts! Explore 50 kilometers in radius! Don't let go of any clues in the 50 kilometers around the army!"

He didn't say a word, that is, when the sense of peep appeared, he felt even more creepy.

This creepy feeling only appeared when he was cardinalized more than a decade ago when he went to the prayer room with the pope to pray to the great blood god, and suddenly appeared ...

"This world ... isn't there really a god? It's just ... how is that possible ..."

Dan Hermes still had unbelievable faces.

For a moment, he seemed to notice something and suddenly looked up. With a clear sky, his eyes penetrated nearly eight kilometers away and landed on a bomber.

"Watch out for air strikes!"

Dan Hermes yelled.

Suddenly, the less-intensive team quickly dispersed.

"Sir, there is only one cannonball, let us shoot it down with an arrow ..."

A deputy head of the Knights of the Dark Banner said Shen Sheng, suddenly, more than a dozen archery knights took off their supporting bows at the same time.

If these knight-level masters use the projectile, they can shoot targets that are two or three kilometers away, but the projectiles in front of them are aimed for accuracy, and it is obviously impossible to open the bow when the projectiles fall within two kilometers.

A dozen knights had sharp eyes, pulling long bows, and staring at the shells falling in the void ...

When the shells fell within a kilometer, the knights who were conscious and confident opened their bows ...

"call out!"

Arrows are broken!

And that is, when the shell fell within a kilometer, the warning in Daner Max's spirit almost reached the extreme!

as if……


The thrill in his heart seemed to make him face up to the magnificent majesty!

The chill made him shout: "Wait a minute ..."



Without waiting for the arrows to hit the shell, before his shout came out ...




Endless light!

Illuminating the light of heaven and earth, flooded everyone's vision instantly!

In an instant, all the light and sound within the sight of all the knights were captured and turned into nothingness and whiteness!

Within the kilometer of the core of the explosion, no matter whether it is the bishop of the armature or the ordinary cavemen fighters, there is no difference in all that splendid and bright light, and there is no time to send out the screams. ...

And, this light shines ...

Three times in a row!

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

The Baili Qingfeng, which is 60 kilometers away, stands high, clearly seeing in the center of the army of 60,000 cave people, three light spots appear and shine in three different positions!

And it continued to expand in the process of flashing, and finally burst open. Crazy compressed air, while igniting the air, formed a ring-shaped shock wave visible to the naked eye, and gradually spread in all directions ...

Although the process of flashing only lasted for a moment and then turned into a fiery ball of fire, the real destruction has just begun!

The light radiation generated by the shotgun blasts all the people in the caves within 10 kilometers, causing severe burns to the people in the caves within tens of kilometers, and the shock wave of terror is spreading, sweeping and tearing with the force of destruction. Everything that can be crushed, whether it is a solid Chenjin chariot, a horrible war beast, or other behemoths, all are lifted up and shredded in the presence of this impact ...

A large amount of radiation spread as the shotgun exploded.

Those who were lucky enough to be far away and never died on the spot under the heat and shock waves felt like they were in scorched earth purgatory, the temperature around them rose sharply, and the place where they entered was filled with endless flames, surrounded by endless dust and dust. The smoke was covering, and no direction could be clearly seen. Numerous people screamed in the heat, mourning, without running in any direction, many people ran for a while and fell down on the spot ...

And even more horrifying than the current scene, this shine ...

This roar lasted three times!

The three shotguns detonated, completely burying all possible survivals of the 60,000 army in the cave!



This abrupt change immediately attracted the attention of three people: the market constant, the soul, and the light!

Despite the 60-kilometer distance, the ray of light far from the sky still made them feel a kind of creepy fear.

They didn't know what was happening over there, but the sense of destruction contained in that light, even if they stood here they felt clearly!

"What's going on, what's going on !? What happened !?"

Bai Yisheng, who is not yet fully mature, exclaimed first.


No one answered.

Everyone looked at the huge mushroom cloud that gradually rose after the light burst, their eyes widened, and their faces were full of unstoppable shock.



Violent shock!

The tens of kilometers are like falling into an earthquake, and there are more than crazy tremors, accompanied by strong winds blowing across them, sweeping a lot of dust!

Sixty kilometers!

You know, now they are 60 kilometers away from the center of the explosion. The strong winds of the explosion still rolled up to their location ...

What a terrifying power! ?

What a shocking flame! ?

What a hopeless destruction! ?

With the passage of time ~ ~ the height of the three mushroom clouds is over 10,000 meters, and the joint coverage reaches a staggering 40,000 meters, and even it is likely to continue to spread out and include the army of the Kingdom of Hea!

In this scene, the market constant, the soul, the light, the daylight, and the white body can not help but tremble!

"What is this !? What exactly is this !?"

A ninth-level powerhouse of the Hunters Association seemed to be unable to endure this horrible depression, and screamed.

No one answered.

Everyone looked at the horrible flames that burned the sky and boiled the sea.

The audience was dead.


(The plot of the second stage has finally come to an end, please subscribe! Please recommend! Monthly ticket!)

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