The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 675: Speculate

Latest URL: Glorious Empire.

One of the six super empires in the world today.

Unlike the Aurora Empire, which has become the super empire by relying on the world's largest land area, the Glorious Empire has always been the top country in the world today.

Before the full contact with the Second World and the rise of the Steel Empire, the Glorious Empire almost unified the whole world. Each of the nine continents of the world has their colonies, even if it is now extremely glorious, it has a golden eagle with a unique living environment. The empire was independent from the glorious empire two hundred years ago.

Despite the frequent contact with the Second World in the past century, the rapid rise of warriors and science and technology, and constantly shaking the rule of the brilliant empire, has caused the brilliant empire to lose most of the colonial land in the world, but the power of the brilliant empire is still beyond doubt. .

Even if it was called a replacement for the brilliant empire, the military power could be called the world's first steel empire. During the invasion of Xiyanzhou, the brilliant empire suffered setbacks and had to suspend their pace of unifying the world.

At this moment, in the glorious empire's magnificent palace, in a study room full of history, the Supreme Ruler of the radiant empire, William XII, was staring at the three in front of him.

These three people, one is the Bright Empire Security Director Brunei, the other is the head of East Shenzhou Bakar, and one from the brightest empire's strongest organization-Dragon Nest!

Dragon Nest members are named after dragons, and one of the most powerful species standing before William XII is the Golden Dragon!

"We risked exposing a secret child in Tianjilou, and finally got accurate information. Nothingness really exists! And, based on the information, it is speculated that the reason why Zhao Jiansheng, who is known as the No. 1 master of East Shenzhou, has been staying in Greece. The Kingdom of Asia, staying in the courtyard where Baili Qingfeng of Xia City lives, is on the one hand to reward him for his life-saving grace, and on the other hand, to learn the supreme method of nihilism! "

William XII was full of calm words.

"Zhao Jiansheng ... is the reason for staying in the Kingdom of Xia really nihilism? I have been speculating that the simple life-saving grace should not be enough for Zhao Jiansheng and other figures to play for Baili Qingfeng, even idiots and me Say Zhao Jiansheng stayed in Xia because the Kingdom of Shia provided him with a lot of land? Now it seems that nihilism is the most reasonable explanation! "

Brunsian Road.

"I did gather some information about nihilism from the side. This secret method does exist, but ... I didn't expect it to have such great power. This is my fault."

Bacar acknowledged his mistake.

"Nothingness ... is there such an amazing power in the rumors? Such a powerful mystery and inheritance, why did we not get any news in advance?"

Jinlong frowned, deeply puzzled.

"We don't know why there wasn't any news about nihilism in advance, but the power of nihilism is beyond doubt, especially the news from Harris, which convinces me even more."


Jin Long's eyes narrowed: "Her Majesty the King of the Sun?"

William XII nodded: "You should know that because of the triad, Harris had set off half a month ago to go to the Kingdom of East Asia, Hiya, and went to Baili Qingfeng, but ... The Charya city where Li Qingfeng lived felt a breath ... a breath of legend! "

"Half-step legend !?"

Brunei could not help exclaiming: "Hia state-owned half-step legend !?"

"How is it possible that the Kingdom of Hea does not even have the Xeon, how can a half-step legend exist?"

Bacar also felt incredible.

He is the person in charge of Dongshenzhou. Don't say how many Xeons there are in Dongshenzhou. Even if he is a nine-level powerhouse, he can't leave the ten or nine. In this case, how can a sudden half-step legend suddenly emerge! ?

"The Kingdom of Shia naturally has no strongest, no half-step legend ... but ... the first person from East Shenzhou, Zhao Jiansheng, has broken away from the nationality of Chiyan, joined the Kingdom of Shia, and became a member of the Kingdom of Shia. "

"Your Majesty means ... that half-step legend is Zhao Jiansheng?"

Jin Long frowned: "No, Tianjian Mountain battle, Zhao Jiansheng and Aurora Emperor battled each other, showing only the third stage of the power of the Xeon, not yet half a legend, if he hides his strength ... … It is not even possible. He was later pursued and killed by Eighteen Gods Pillar under the Emperor Aurora, and almost died in the hands of Eighteen Gods Pillar. If it wasn't for the moment of Baili Qingfeng's emergence to save his life, he would have ... "

When talking about the four words of Baili Qingfeng, Jin Long finally thought of something, and suddenly opened his eyes, his breathing became quicker: "Your Majesty ... You mean ..."

William XII nodded solemnly, "Nothingness!"


The thinking in Jin Long's mind worked to the extreme: "Your Majesty said that at the cost of nothingness, Bai Fengqing invited Zhao Jiansheng, the first person from East China Continent, to join Xia, and took a seat in Xia, and defended Xia City for him, and Zhao Jiansheng, who had gained nothingness, realized the mystery of nothingness in just one or two months. From the third stage of the Xeon, he broke through to the realm of half-step legend !? "

"It's obvious."

Jinlong, Bacar, Brunei and others looked at each other.

This guess ...

Totally reasonable!

Except for nihilism, they couldn't explain why Zhao Jiansheng left Chiyan country to join Xia, and sat in the city of Xia. Except for nihilism, they couldn't explain why Zhao Jiansheng, who was only the third stage of the strongest, died with the Aurora Emperor. Promoted to half-step legend ...

Coupled with the information they collected from other sources ...

And the twenty-two-year-old Baili Qingfeng became the strongest, the brilliant achievement of Emperor Aurora ...

Can't be wrong!

"Illusionlessness! Supreme magic! Shocking inheritance! This is the powerful foundation of Baili Qingfeng! Even ... triplets are derived from nothingness, after all, the necessary conditions for the promotion of the legend are in addition to the field In addition, there is the power of the mind! The triplet is the mystery of refining the power of the mind ... "

Jinlong took a deep breath: "One thing or two things can be said to be a coincidence, but everything comes together, pointing to the existence of such no uploads as nothingness. If you say it is just a coincidence, I will kill me. Do not believe!"

"His Majesty, Nihility, must be in the hands of our glorious empire. If we can really obtain such a superb magical method that will enable people to achieve the supreme power in just 22 years, our glorious empire will reappear the glory of a century ago , Even to complete a hegemony that was not completed a century ago and unify the world, it is not difficult. "

Brunice looked excited.

"I naturally understand this, but there are only Baili Qingfeng and Zhao Jiansheng who can master nihilism. These two ... one has a combat power that is not inferior to the top ten in the world Xeon list, and the other is directly above Xeon. On top of that, reaching half-step legendary level ... Dynamic ... It takes too much to pay ... As for planning ... "


Without finishing the words of William XII, Bakar hastily said, "Sir, the lessons of the Trinity League, the Great Sun Temple, the Bucks Kingdom, and the Aurora Empire are in front of you, and Baili Qingfeng is a natural wizard, and He is deeply minded and possesses an unparalleled ability to calculate. Anyone who wants to calculate will be counted by him. In the end, none of them will end well ... "

"Then you say, how do we get this nihilism?"


Bruneis said: "It is the safest way to send someone to sneak into Baili Qingfeng and Zhao Jiansheng and steal the nihilism."


William XII frowned.

"Yes, is n’t the Tianmao Mountain battlefield going to war soon? At that time, see if we can find a way to transfer both Baili Qingfeng and Zhao Jiansheng to Tianmao Mountain. We take the opportunity to search and see if we can find the whereabouts of nihilism ... ... "

"Superficial, who cares about putting such important things in the room? They must be carried with them, even in their minds."

Jin Long immediately waved his veto: "There is no other way to ask Nirvana from his mouth, except to capture Baili Qingfeng."

"Snatching the Baili Qingfeng ... This Baili Qingfeng has the top ten strengths in the world Xeon list. Who captured him?"

"You can invite Lord 'Dragon Emperor' from the Principality of Elda in the Second World ..."

"The Lord Dragon Emperor is carrying out the plan to devour neighboring countries and turn the principality of Elda into the kingdom of Elda. It should not be disturbed ..."

William XII shook his head.

"Your Majesty, Little Nothingness may not be as simple as the legendary inheritance!"

Brunei cautioned cautiously.

William XII hesitated for a moment, and then he made a decision: "And first try to see if you can steal Nihilism while Baili Qingfeng and Zhao Jiansheng go to Tianying Mountain to fight, if not ... please 'Dragon Emperor' took the shot and captured Baili Qingfeng. "


The glorious empire formulated the strategy, as did the steel empire and the golden eagle empire. Even Olympus, the country of the forest, the mirror mountain, the gate of heaven, and the sole deities etc. secretly sent personnel to enter Hea.

It's just that compared with the previous direct violence, this time these forces seem to be cautious and not afraid to presumptuously.

For these, Baili Qingfeng didn't know about it ~ ~ his time was used to look at the exercises of the collection of Emperor Aurora.

The Aurora Empire, as the No. 1 power in East China Island, has lost countless forces over the years.

Baili Qingfeng turned it over one by one, and it turned out that three Xeons and nineteen Xeons were found from the collection of the Aurora Emperor's collection. In addition, more than a dozen of mystery techniques were also found, of which Five more gates have reached the high level.

Unfortunately, in addition to the Jiuxiao Thunder that he learned previously, these essences and mysteries are inconsistent with his attributes, and the effect of cultivation is not satisfactory.

"Three Xeon methods, one is the imperial rule of the Emperor from the Aurora empire, and the other two are the burning lamp lock method and the sun and moon oven method."

The burning lamp locks the **** Baili Qingfeng ignores, he is interested in this sun and moon oven method.

If he read correctly, this is a method derived from the second world's preference for refining.

Wonderful book house

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