The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 670: New Era

Latest website: Golden Zodiac.

This time, not only the gentleman sword, the East wins, the quantum war god, the small shrimp, the falling cherry listening to the rain, the mint desolate and others are online, even the proud swordsman moderators who are said to be working in isolation.

"I took the liberty to call Miss Yiyi Shi, and Miss Yiyi Shi said that she couldn't reach the leader of the Thunder."

The message being sent at the moment was the shrimp.

"My grandpa also asked me to ask where the Thunder dominated."

Mint desolate.

"It's been seven or eight hours in the past, and no one has reached out to the Thunder Master? Even if the Thunder Master is sleeping and his phone is off, should he wake up after so long?"

Aotian Sword God is also a bit distressed.

after all……

Behind him at the moment, but standing a dozen seniors in Tianjilou.

Not only those high-powered elders, but also the elder veteran who is the most powerful standing behind him, waiting to see if he can obtain information about the Baili Qingfeng from the Golden Zodiac.

"I just made another call to Xia, and they did not contact Baili Qingfeng."

White in the room also wins.

"Can't find anyone ..."

Kai frowned during the day.

At this time, the door was opened, and a middle-aged man suddenly walked in: "There is news, our informant from the North Star City reported that Baili Qingfeng appeared in the North Star City and went straight to the Great Emperor Sword Art composed by the Aurora Lord ! "

"Bali Qingfeng appeared in Polaris City !? So fast !? It's only eight hours in the past? It's a long way from the three-day deadline mentioned by Emperor Aurora ..."

A veteran froze slightly.

Xuheng thought of something, saying: "This Baili Qingfeng has extraordinary decisiveness. He is going to be caught off guard by the Aurora Emperor. If the Aurora Emperor summons eighty-eight star pillars to form the sword art of the Emperor, plus him In itself, the second-order cultivation of Xeon has been confirmed by us. I am afraid that the existence of the top five peaks in the world ’s Xeon rankings will not break his great swordsmanship. Baili Qingfeng will defeat him and bring everyone in the Kingdom of Hea. Only to be saved from death and war is unexpected! "

"Contact the informant right away and turn the phone over. We need to know the detailed process of the battle between Baili Qingfeng and the Aurora Emperor immediately, and let the technical department assemble the satellites and stare at the North Star City to ensure the signal and image transmission!"

Said immediately during the day.

As his order was issued, members of the Tianji Building outside the room followed.

In less than a minute, the phone over there was also picked up. During the day, people like Qi and Xuheng hadn't had time to ask, and the informant could not help but exclaim: "The array is broken! The array is broken! Thunder Sect Baili Qingfeng Sovereign stormed directly into the sword array composed by Emperor Aurora's swordsmanship and defeated the sword array composed by Emperor's swords with absolute power. Eighty-eight star pillar members lost more than thirty ... They The power that erupted ... a world war, this is a real world war! "

"Breakdown !? The Emperor Aurora's Great Sword Art is broken !?"

Hearing the exclamation from the mobile phone, he started a little while during the day.

The Xunqiangheng of the Tianji Tower waved his hand sharply: "This is impossible! We have thoroughly studied the sword art of the Emperor Aurora, even if the top five in the world ’s Xeon list want to be defeated ..."

"We have gotten the information that at present, the 88 astral pillars of Emperor Aurora have only reached forty-one ..."

Said a veteran.

"Forty-one people ... Under the auspices of the Emperor Aurora, at least the top five in the World Xeon Rankings have to be able to break it, and it is inevitable that the Qingfeng will be in front of the World Xeon Rankings. Five of those invincible beings who master the legendary swordsmanship shoulder to shoulder !? "

Knowing that Baili Qingfeng's talent is amazing, Xuheng also admits that his future is unlimited, but if Baili Qingfeng now has the top five ranks in the world Xeon list ...

He still couldn't accept it.

after all……

Baili Qingfeng is only 22 years old!

Twenty-two-year-olds have the top five in the world's Xeon rankings ... which makes them feel like the oldest Xeons have lived on dogs.

"It can't hold it! The Baili Qingfeng can't hold it! His attack to defeat the Emperor's swordsmanship is based on an explosion, and there is no subsequent power ... he can't hold it!"

At this time, the informant exclaimed again on the phone.

"It's a demon dismantling!"

Bai Yi ’s words chimed: “Bali Qingfeng ’s demon disintegration technique is perfect and powerful. He used these swords to break the silver body of the Prince of Sunshine with a sword at the ninth level. Big!"

"Isn't that saying ..."

"To save the Baili Qingfeng, you must save the Baili Qingfeng! All the power of our Tianji Tower in North Star City must also save the Baili Qingfeng!"

Bai Yisheng hurriedly said.

"The main strength of our Tianji Building is concentrated overseas and Xiyanzhou. East Shenzhou is not strong. Although there are many informants in Polar Star City, facing the battle between the Xeons, we are not even qualified to approach the battlefield."

Kai was somewhat helpless during the day.

The talent and potential demonstrated by Baili Qingfeng naturally made them attach great importance, but the Polar Star City, the capital of the Aurora Empire, the base camp of the Aurora Emperor ...

Bai Yisheng obviously understood this, and his expression became dim for a while.

"Heaven is jealous!"

Xuheng sighed.

"Lying *!"

But at this time, the voice on the phone suddenly became extremely high-pitched, followed by an excited shout from the informant: "It's unbelievable! It's unbelievable! Counterattack! Lord Baili Qingfeng is fighting the Aurora Ten Swords. Later, a Jedi counterattack was staged, and the power of this sword was not inferior to that when he broke the Emperor ’s swordsmanship in the past ... In the situation where everyone thought he was running out of water, he still hidden the killing tricks and did not release them. This kind of thinking ... this kind of calculation ... this kind of tolerance ... I just want to say two words, cow ... terrific! "

"Jedi fights back !?"

"Bali Qingfeng can also cut the third sword with the demons disintegration technique !?"

Hearing the voice on the phone, everyone stunned at the same time.

Bai Yisheng's response was extremely fast. The first time asked: "Results, what is the result !? I want the final result!"

"Dead to battle! Lord Aurora died! Repeat! Lord Aurora died, Lord Baili Qingfeng was the ultimate winner! He won!"

The informant responded quickly.

"Bali Qingfeng won?"

"The Emperor Aurora summoned forty-one people in the eighty-eight star pillars to form the Emperor's swordsmanship, which was still broken and beheaded by the Baili Qingfeng ... the magical powers were outnumbered by the days ... unfortunately! Sorry!"

"After this war, the pattern of East Shenzhou will be completely rewritten, and the entire East Shenzhou will usher in the era of Baili Qingfeng."

The people were silent for a moment, and at the same time sighed, feeling up.

Daytime Qi thought for a moment and made a decision: "I'll go to Dongshenzhou! Xiaosheng, you have a good relationship with the lord of Baili Qingfeng, go with me."

"I think I can bring my sixth son."

Bai Yisheng glanced at Bai Yuxiao: "He and Baili Qingfeng first met, and ... I remember what party they plan to have in the near future ... just when we can attend."

"A party?"

Xu Heng said: "The Baili Qingfeng Sovereign defeated the Aurora Emperor, and his status is different. The two of you will not reflect the importance of our Tianjilou. I will go with you."

Qi Si paused for a moment during the day and nodded: "Okay, that's a big trouble."

After speaking, he said to a middle-aged man outside, "Publish this news in Tianji Temple."


The commanded man promised and left quickly.

And Bai Yuxiao ...

I also took the opportunity to type the news at a fast speed to announce the news in the group.

"Victory! Thunder dominated! He defeated the Emperor's swordplay and killed the Aurora Emperor. From now on, he will be crowned king and become the true master of East Shenzhou!"

As soon as the news went out, everyone in the group cheered for Baili Qingfeng who was deeply worried.

"I knew it, I knew that the Thunder dominated the big guys and they were invincible!

The little shrimp couldn't help but jump up.

"Our Emperor Aurora, that is the most powerful and peaking existence of East Shenzhou. These existences have fallen under the throne of the throne of Thunder. Who else is this achievement !?"

The God of War roared.

"I really want to tell my friends around me that the leader of the Thunder and the leader of the Thunder are in a group, but our confidentiality regulations have to make me suffer. What should I do?"

The King of Black Hole looks very hard.

"It's okay. The day of our golden twelfth house party is coming. At that time, we will truly declare our identity and let the whole world hear our voice."

Aotian sword Shinto.

"But the twelfth house of gold is only eleven now, and there is still a shortfall ..."

"Or let the Thunder dominate the boss to recommend it?"

"Well, this place is the most suitable for the Thunder to dominate the boss."

Everyone agrees.

"I can't wait to wait until the day when the party really arrives."


The Tianji Hall founded by the Tianji Tower has always been the core of public opinion in the martial arts circle. With the specific news of the battle between Baili Qingfeng and Aurora Emperor posted on the Tianji Hall, the entire Tianji Hall was completely boiled.

"The Baili Qingfeng Sovereign actually won !? The Emperor Aurora set up such a large battle and the teachers moved the cocoons to bind themselves? Even the Emperor Aurora died under the sword of the Baili Qingfeng Sovereign?"

"This Baili Qingfeng really is as intriguing as rumored ~ ~ Unexpectedly, before the Aurora Emperor has enough time to lay down the complete Emperor's swordsmanship, he will suddenly attack and then build strength by showing weakness And won the final victory ... "

"The Emperor Aurora knows Baili Qingfeng very well. The reason why he did not catch the Baili Qingfeng and threatened him is that he would be killed by the plan. So he chose to use this kind of method to crush the country with justice. , Forcing Baili Qingfeng to play, but I didn't expect ... still planted in Baili Qingfeng's hands! "

"I asked the elders in our family, the Emperor Aurora ’s great swordsmanship, the Xeon is difficult to break, even if the eighty-eight star pillars had not arrived at that time, the Aurora Emperor's great swordsmanship had not yet taken shape, and I wanted to break it and cut it. To kill, at least you must have the power of the top ten in the world Xeon list! Baili Qingfeng can become the ultimate winner ... In a certain level, he is no less than the top ten in the Xeon list! "

"Another pinnacle of the world is born!"

All kinds of news emerged in the Temple of Heavenly Machine, and the discussion was in full swing.

Soon, this kind of storm circulated around the Tianji Temple and quickly swept the entire martial arts circle. Everyone realized that with the fall of the Emperor Aurora, East Shenzhou ... a new era is coming.

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