The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 657: List

"It's so fast. Grandpa Er just mentioned that the list of the top ten rising stars of Dongshenzhou is about to be released, and it was updated in an instant."

Baili Qingfeng glanced and clicked curiously.

Clicking into this post, the first thing you see is not the lists and related materials, but nine portals.

It is located in Tianjizhou and Dijizhou, where the two poles are rare. It completely sinks and sinks most of the ancient islands, Yuanjizhou, and East Shenzhou, Xiyanzhou, Nanlizhou, North that occupy more than 70% of the population of the star. Hanzhou, Lvxingzhou and Wuzhou.

In fact, there are many islands of all sizes, including the Starfall Ocean, the Boundless Ocean, the Storm Ocean, and the Glacier Ocean. Some islands have an area of ​​millions of square kilometers, but the population of these islands is too small. The area occupied by the ocean on the stars is nearly 90%. Many islands are scattered in the ocean. Even the forces of Tianjilou cannot extend their tentacles to every island. If you really force a list of overseas islands, you need to It takes a lot of energy to say that the list is not yet accurate, so the overseas list has not been in the category of Tianjilou.

Baili Qingfeng first looked at the East Shenzhou list.

Among the top ten stars in the list, there has not been much change. The first step is still Constantine, Yuezhao Ying, Simba, Camus and others ...

It's just that their cultivation has improved compared to last year.

"The incarnation of God, Miro's spirit, is still level seven?"

Baili Qingfeng looked at some relevant information about Mi Luo, a peerless genius, and seemed a bit surprised.


Is it too slow?

He looked at the posting time of the post ...

Three hours ago.

It is estimated that there will not be too much delay in the content of the recent post.

"None of the internal forces have been practiced? What happened to Miro?"

In the impression of Baili Qingfeng, the incarnation of the god, but depending on the existence of the bottleneck, there is nothing like a small seventh grade, and it will last for more than half a year.

It looks like he has to ask him after returning to the Aurora Empire.

His eyes paused on Miro for a moment, and Baili Qingfeng soon continued to look at other lists ...


He didn't find himself.

Obviously, he is not on the top ten star list.

"No comment? I shouldn't. I'm not very old. I am so much better than these ten people. Why didn't I comment? Can Tianjilou be mistaken and I accidentally got my name on another continent Is the list gone? "

Baili Qingfeng clicked the back button of the web interface, and then clicked into Xiyanzhou ...


North Hanzhou, South Lizhou, Lone Star Island ...

None of them.

In the end, he didn't even let go of the rest of Tianjizhou, Dijizhou, Shangguzhou, Yuanyuanzhou, glanced at it, and didn't see his name.

"No, I see the list of these continents. Most of the strongest continents have eight levels of true immortal and peerless levels. Only Beihanzhou and Lone Star Island have one or two nine levels, even if they are equivalent to the center of the world. Xiyanzhou, a total of eight nine levels, that would not even qualify me for the list ... "

Baili Qingfeng glanced at him and finally shook his head.

No, no.

He is not a professional martial artist. Maybe only those who are full-time martial arts are included in the selection, and he is just a martial arts enthusiast. Reading and studying are the things he really needs to consider now. Learn in class and serve well.

At the moment, Baili Qingfeng pulled out Bai Yisheng's friend list from the Tianji Hall and sent a message: "Are you there?"

After three seconds ...

Did not get a response.

"Look if you can get the contact information of the white-winning boss from the moderator of Aotian Sword God."

Baili Qingfeng boarded his chat account and opened the Golden Zodiac veteran group who had not been contacted for a while.

It seems that it is because of the critical period of the release of the list of stars of Tianjilou. Today there are a lot of online members in the group, not only the two sub-moderators of the gentleman sword and the East must win, the quantum war god, the cricket shrimp, the ten-step kill, the black hole. These people are all here, including the desolate mint and falling sakura and listening to the rain. If you count him again, eleven to nine, the online rate hits a new high.

"There is no change in the list of Dongshenzhou, but the killing on the list of Xiyanzhou is really fierce. Yueshan Shuang of Jingshan actually fell. It is really jealous and beautiful. Yueshuang is said to be only twenty-six, twenty-six. The celestial beings and the history of the glasses mountain are all ranked in the top three ... the key is that they look beautiful. "

The message being sent at the moment was a ten-step kill.

"It is said that Yue Wushuang was laid out by one of the glorious empires, and several strong men were jointly assassinated. The main reason is that Yue Wushuang's talent is too high. At 26 years old, he was not able to say that he was a ninth grade heavenly man. On the path to Xeon, let her grow, as fast as ten years, and as slowly as decades. Fearing that another King of the Kings will be born in Jingshan, and Jingshan's revenge will come very quickly. In half a month, a nineteenth prince and a marquis were damaged. The nineteenth prince was also a genius who has become a true fairyland in twenty-eight, but he is a powerful candidate for the top ten star list of Xiyanzhou. "

The king of black holes followed.

"One is the super existence that has been ranked among the top three among many world-class forces, and one is the world hegemony of the past century. These two forces are tit-for-tat Maimang, and they will not give up. If they fight, they will sweep Xi Yanzhou again. turmoil."

"The Iron Empire has come very close to Jingshan this time, maybe the two forces will join forces."

"No, right? The country and world-class forces are in an antagonistic state. After all, what a king of a country wants to do is to hold the country in his hands and even unify the world. The world-class forces that have the top power are Their biggest domestic ills, like the Chiyan country, obviously have huge national power, and they are the first economy in East China. Why is the international influence far less than that of the Aurora Empire? It is because of Chiyan ’s domestic world-class power. Too many mountains, so many mountains, that every governor of Chiyan Country is bound.

"It ’s true. The number of top warriors in the Iron Empire is not enough. They are powerful middle-level troops, so you have to choose to cooperate with Jingshan. You do n’t see one of the top ten stars in Xiyanzhou who belongs to the Iron Empire. What? "

"Regardless of the continent's new star, anyway, compared to the Thunder dominating the big men, it is not a grade at all."

Shrimp stood up and said it was fair.

His words immediately aroused the recognition of everyone in the group: "Yes, the Thunder dominates the big brothers is really against the sky! The top ten stars of Beihanzhou, the top ten stars of Lone Star Island, and the top ten star companies of Xiyanzhou There is no qualification to be the Thunder's dominant boss opponent! "

"Hehe, the strongest of the ten new stars of nine continents, is the peak of genius? But age, thirty years old! God knows his age is true and false, maybe it has changed, but the Thunder dominates the big man? Twenty One year old! Twenty-two years old, even if it's a virtual year! Throw them a few streets away! "

Baili Qingfeng watched the crowd chatting and talked about the topic, but he also looked like he was highly respected, seeing that he was a little blushed, sorry to emerge at this time.

"The young stars of Xiyanzhou are very proud and arrogant. They have everything and look like an invincible world. I am so embarrassed. When can the Thunder dominate the big guys to go to Xiyanzhou? I really want to see The feat of one person swept through the top ten rising stars in Xiyanzhou! "

King of black holes.

"Want to see plus one."

"Just sweeping a Xiyanzhou top ten star, what do you think? I'm afraid you look down on my thunder dominating big guys!"

"The big guy said, I'm not targeting the ten people on the West Yanzhou Rising Stars list, but everyone on the Rising Stars list all over the world is garbage!"

"The big guy said, 'I want to fight the world' ..."

Baili Qingfeng saw the crowd say more and more exaggerated, and could not help but jump out: "Hey, hey, you guys exaggerated, I have never said these things!"


As soon as he said these words, the lively chattering atmosphere in the field suddenly calmed down.

The next moment, everyone's depressed atmosphere seemed to detonate at the same time. Obviously there were only eight people, but the chat data was only available to 80 people.

"Big guy appears!"

"He's here, he's here, he's coming invincible!"

"I finally saw Thunder dominate the big guys again ~ ~ We all thought that the big guys had abandoned us. For nineteen days, I didn't see big guys bubbling for nineteen days. Not up and down the mind! "

"Wait a minute, in order to celebrate the peak of the big brother, I have specially allocated a BGM for the big brother! I will play it ..."

Every message is refreshed, the speed is extremely fast.

Even Mint, who was slower to type, sent three messages all at once.

The first one, an expression that "frightens me that the fish are all dry".

Second, I saw my little brother for the first time this month, so happy.

Third, the place where I live seems to be closed, otherwise I really want to find my little brother.

Baili Qingfeng glanced briefly and could only pick up the main answer: "Okay, the Oriental Moderator, the Quantum God of War, and the Shrimp ... Boss, don't laugh at me, what's the peak? I just watched what hit the whole world. My name wasn't on the list of the top ten stars in East Shenzhou. "

"Of course you do n’t have your name. Tianjidian dares to rank you as one of the top ten stars. Isn't that the top ten stars to be shivering in the corner by you?"

The East wins immediately.

"Fortunately, we collected all the information of the big brothers early. This time, I will not make any previous mistakes anyway. I will come to the data!"

I have seen all the tone of the gentleman sword, and then forwarded directly to a list.

"Congratulations to the Chairman of the Six-nation Military Joint Committee of the Eastern Shenzhou Knights League and the Deputy Sovereign of the Thunder Sect of the Kingdom of Shia, Baili Qingfeng, who has stepped into the top ten of Refining God and become the 149th most powerful man in our human history!"

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