The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 650: Burial place

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"Sir, they dare not chase it."

Said a ninth-level knight.

There was a hint of irony in the corner of his mouth.

"What's up to you? Did you die?"

Another knight followed.

"This world is too peaceful and beautiful. It doesn't need to face the cruelty of the beast, and it doesn't need to face the peep of other lords, so that they don't understand the power at all is the basic truth! They don't have enough powerful power. No matter how strong the rights are, they are just in the middle of the moon and flowers in the water. We may not be able to fight against their opponents, but we can easily end their lives! "

Guta calmly said.

"Knight Guta is right, I have already contacted my old ministry, and he will take care of him. On the way to Xiahai, we don't have to worry about encountering danger again."

"It's okay when in danger."

Gutadao "If the three squads I lead talk about lethality on the battlefield, they may not be as good as a 3,000-strong army, but if they really confront me with 3,000 troops, they will be defeated. It must be that. Three thousand soldiers and horses, because as long as they are intelligent creatures, they will feel fear. We only need to give them fear and death. When death and fear expand to a certain degree, even if there are many enemies, they will collapse and become A group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered. "

After that, he added a lot of "This is what the Cavaliers mean on the battlefield!"

Jin Xiao nodded in awe.

What is really terrible for the Cavaliers on the battlefield is not how many enemies they can kill, but their blow and destruction of enemy popularity.

The human army is different from the cavemen!

The people in the cave were not afraid of death, and they were brave and fearless. Guta dared to attack the army of 3,000 people in the cave with thirty people around him, and almost died in a self-death way, but the human army ...

Not to mention three thousand, they all dared to rush for five thousand.


The vehicle is moving forward.

Due to the arrangement of Jin Xiao, the road can be said to be calm.

After more than ten hours, the two dozen knights, reserve knights, and apprentices have crossed the border of Xiahai Prefecture and entered the area of ​​Xia City.

"Bali Qingfeng lives here."

On the bus, Jin Xiao took out a map and pointed to one of the locations, saying, "From here, across this mountain, he lives in a small yard under the mountain ... However, from now on, the ancient tower knight will have to grow Be careful, according to the information sent by my subordinates, the assassination technique of Baili Qingfeng is really extraordinary. He was assassinated by a true **** of the eighth peak as long as he was a sixth-level **** of war, plus He can use the secret method to stimulate his potential to cut a sword that is not inferior to Xeon's blow. Even many Xeons in our world are very afraid of him! "

"I know that although it is only a small role that can be pinched to death, we are ultimately responsible for the accountability of the lady! On the one hand, we need to prepare a lot of food and expand the army for the lady. On the other hand, we must find a more active person. I will transform it into a door to space, and I will not risk it until I have completed the mission of the lady. "

Guta said, glancing outside and pointing in one direction. "Go there."

Jin Xiao glanced over there ...

A piece of farmland.

And it is a field just bare, except for an old farmer who is transplanting seedlings.

Waiting for the vehicle to stop by the farmland, Guta took the crowd out of the car, chuckling, "Isn't he your first Assassin of East China Continent? Within a few hundred meters, there is nothing and no shelter. There is no place to lurk. I'd like to see if there is any chance that he, the first assassin of East Shenzhou, can assassinate me. "

"What do the Knights of Gutta mean?"

"Personally, ask Baili Qingfeng to see me! I'll wait for him here! If you don't come, Rael, you will take someone to destroy him Thunder Sect. I read the information that he has a sect door."

"I agree. We came with full sincerity to communicate with those in power in Hea. As a result, they have been wasting our precious time. Only with blood and sword can they wake up and realize who they are talking to. . "

Known as Rael is also a ninth-level knight.

"There is a bit of field fun here, and it's a perfect place to bury his li Qingfeng!"

Guta said calmly.

"Well? Those big brothers, don't you bother looking at the ground when you park? Your wheels are pressed against my seedlings. Now I have carefully cultivated the seedlings for half a month. I don't know how much to crush them.

At this time, a voice came from not far away, and the tone was full of sadness.

Guta glanced at it, talking to the old farmer who was transplanting rice several dozen meters away.

Seeing this old farmer, Jin Xiao frowned, and there was a faint sense of oppression in her mind, and she seemed to feel something terrifying.

And Guta glanced at the old farmer, without blinking. "Isn't it possible that he was also the first assassin of Dongshenzhou named Baili Qingfeng? Be careful, go and kill!"

Rael said with a smile. "Knight, please rest assured, within 300 meters, I will not leave any living creatures other than us."

After that, he looked at the old farmer holding the seedlings standing in the paddy field, and then looked at the dirty paddy field. He frowned a bit, and said "You, come over" immediately.


Although Zhao Si looked at the seedlings that were crushed to death, although he felt very heartbroken, he still waved his hand. "Forget it, I don't want you to lose it either. You are also unintentional? People in the city, they will not be considerate when they do things. Drive carefully later. "

"Call you over and you come over."

"If you do n’t need to pay for it, you do n’t need to pay for it. You really have to pay according to the value of those seedlings. You will also say that I am old Zhao Yunren. Come on, let ’s go. Do n’t disturb me.

With a cold look, Rael screamed "Come here!"

Zhao Si seemed to be stunned, followed by some dissatisfaction, "What are you trying to do? So fierce? Don't mess around, I know you are great, but I tell you, outsiders call me the first strongest person in Dongshenzhou, you Too much, my old Zhao will get angry too! "

"East Shenzhou's No. 1?"

The ancient tower on the side heard Zhao Si's words. First, he looked at the seedlings on his hands and the mud on his clothes, but then he seemed to think something, and laughed. "I probably understand the eastern **** of Baili Qingfeng. Where did the name of the first assassin of the state come from? "

After all, he shook his head boringly. "Well, Rael, don't waste your time. Our real goal is to kill Baili Qingfeng. Of course, all are here. By the way, the Thunder Sect is also destroyed. With blood, let The man called Yasuo, Yasuo, wakes up and recognizes his position. "

"Kill the little brother Qingli Qingfeng !? Also destroy Thunder Sect !?"

When Zhao Si looked like a man, his look suddenly changed to "enemy!"

At this time Rael picked up a small stone directly from one side.

There are many ways to kill without staining your clothes, such as now ...

He put the little stone between the thumb of his index finger, aimed at Zhao Si's head, and then flicked his finger ...

A stone popped up, and Rael also dubbed a "buzz".

"call out!"

The next sound did not happen.

Zhao Si just tilted his head, and the stone had hit his head into the paddy field more than ten meters behind him. Suddenly, the paddy field was thrown by a large firecracker torpedo, which exploded and mud splashed.

Several seedlings he had planted in the morning were torn to pieces by this force.


Without a hit, Rael's face changed slightly.

But before he had time to have any other reaction, a horrible coercion suddenly burst out from the muddy Zhao Si, who was full of mud, Xeon Qi, Xeon Qi, and Xeon Qi Under the pull of a force similar to "Heaven and Human Realm", it seems to be transformed into an invisible life field, carrying the mighty terror and repression ...

For a while, Rael felt a rush of pressure that seemed to originate from the level of life, and passed from one layer to the next, causing his blood and blood in his body to almost stop running, and his breath stagnated.

Suddenly ...

The expression on Rael's face that was going to be shot again was frozen.

This familiar feeling ...

"Half ... half step legend !?"

Half-step legend! ?

This muddy, old farmer who has just farmed in the fields is actually a half-step legend! ?

Once the majestic terror appeared, it seemed to ignite the explosive barrel of gunpowder. In its core position, a violent force rose suddenly!

"You ... not only pressed my seedlings, but also killed my little brother Qingfeng, and destroyed my rice fields ..."

The roar came, the figure that was still in the paddy field a second ago had already broken the barrier between time and space, with a suffocating fierce ... Muddy smell, rolling in, no one came, one The mud was thrown over first ...

"Time to fight!"


The vitality field, similar to "Heaven and Human Realm", is like Mount Tai, and hits Rael's body fiercely. The violent force field shocked him, and all the blood in his body was disturbed instantly, making Rael fundamentally Can't gather much energy to resist ...


This is the natural suppression of non-legendary life in the legendary field!

"Do not!"

Rael sends out a desperate roar ~ ~ Insanely inspiring his vitality, but under the suppression of a life force field similar to the legendary strongman, he is not able to play as a ten percent. Out of 60%, he finally watched the big soiled hand come down from the sky, and shot his body ...


Under the violent and violent energy bombardment, the ninth-level knight who was still arrogant in the last second was crushed on the spot as if blasted into a mist of blood.

That terrifying power ...

Even the four shot Zhao Si himself seemed a bit surprised.

"What's going on? I've been enlightened twice during this time, once I've been able to master the skin of the" Heaven and Human Realm ", and once I've successfully integrated the spirit of spirit into the" Heaven and Human Realm ". Variety……"


(Sure enough to add more, the fourth one will be later.)

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