The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 645: lightning

"Legendary blood."

Baili Qingfeng thought for a moment and nodded: "I probably understand what you mean, then the question comes, how can I become a legend?"

Xingyu didn't answer for a long time.

For half a minute, Baili Qingfeng thought that when he was going offline, he returned to the last sentence: "This, we, Tianjilou, Wanjie Commercial Bank, Hunters Association, all want to know."

"Well? Isn't there a legend among your four powerful neutral forces? Just ask them?"

"The point is ... no."



Baili Qingfeng couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

The four neutral forces sound very powerful. Among the most powerful forces, they are top-notch, but there is not even a legend. You know, where is the legendary creature? There are more than a dozen realms of deities, emperors, great saints, good fortunes, and chaos. If you divide one realm into the ninefold heavens, then divide each heavy heaven into the first entry, ordinary, senior, peak, Seven small realms of perfection, great perfection, and peak perfection ...


This is a few hundred small realms from the real highest realm.

So, at this level, you are embarrassed to call yourself the Xeon, won't you blush when you say the words "Xeon".

"You have to work hard."

Baili Qingfeng focused his words.


Xingyu thinks what Bai Yisheng said to him seems to make a little sense, Baili Qingfeng ...

It is not a suitable chat object at all.

"If the legendary blood doesn't work, how can we obtain high-energy matter?"

"What high-energy substance?"

"This ... I'll ask another way, should there be more than one form of true qi? For example, the first qi that has just condensed is gaseous, the second is liquid and the third is solid? Like Jindan, Jindan is solid-state energy? Is it used to replace deuterium or tritium as a nuclear fusion raw material? "


In a house some kilometres away from the Aurora Empire, Xingyu, holding a mobile phone, was aggressive.

Gaseous? Liquid? Solid? Jindan?

What is this cultivation term?


"This ... shouldn't be there, Lord Baili Qingfeng, can you take the liberty to ask, where did you hear this knowledge ..."

Xingyu asked carefully.

"Oh, I heard this knowledge from another world. It doesn't matter if it doesn't."

Baili Qingfeng said.

"Another world ... a second world ..."

Xingyu murmured to himself.

In fact, more than Xingyu, forces such as Tianjilou, Hunters Association, Wanjie Commercial Bank, and League of Legends have guessed more than once about Baili Qingfeng. Baili Qingfeng may have the second-world heritage.

This inheritance is definitely not only the world's Xeons ... that is, the master's professional heritage is as simple as it is, and it is likely to reach the legendary level. Otherwise, it can't explain why Baili Qingfeng can have this in just two years. Brilliant achievement.

Right now I can hear Baili Qingfeng's terminology they sound unheard of, but it seems to make sense, he already feels that his guess is inseparable.

"I heard that Bai Yisheng in Tianjilou seemed to have grasped important information from Baili Qingfeng. It seemed to figure out the inheritance method he had obtained. It seemed that I had to take some time to visit Bai Yisheng, and inquired from the side. Just a moment ... "

Xingyu said, can't help but sigh: "The inheritance of the legendary realm!"

The monopoly and prohibition of the Xeon Law in the human world are actually learned from the Second World Human State, but the difference is that the Second World Human State blocks and bans legendary professional heritage, and many world-class forces Monopoly began at this stage of the Xeon.

Therefore, these Xeons want to obtain the relevant methods and inheritance of the legendary profession, and the difficulty is not necessarily easier than that of the Nine-levels who want to obtain Xeon.


After Baili Qingfeng asked Xingyu again for some relevant information about the life of the legend, he stopped talking to him.

Although Xingyu holds a lot of legendary information, most of them are hearsay, the authenticity is not high, and even he is not clear about the difference between the Xeon and the legendary life.

All I know is that the legendary strongman needs to consolidate the three powers of Jingqishen, so that the three powers are fully sublimated and form the power of life. This power is also called the power of legend. The power of the mind.

It's just that no one knows how the power of the mind can upgrade the three powers of Jingqi God into life, even Xingyu, the future successor of the League.

"The three spirits of qi and spirit merge into one, and then sublime completely under the guidance of the power of the soul ..."

Baili Qingfeng thought about the faint feeling of isolation when he was built into a silver body.

At that time, although he had become a silver body, he reached the state of vitality and vitality, but the distance from the complete integration into one body was always bad.

Now it seems that a trace of fire is the power of the soul?

"Unfortunately, I have now broken the balance between the three spirits. The spirit is the ninth level master, and the energy is half-step Xeon. God has directly reached the Xeon level and replaced it with The level of cultivation is the tenth level. The feeling of endless resonance between the three is no longer there. I want to combine these three forces, and it becomes impossible ... I have to wait for the three spirits. You can only try again after you have reached the tenth level ...

With such calculations, Baili Qingfeng feels that he now can only work **** his vitality if he wants to gain stronger combat power?

"True Qi should consist of three levels: gaseous, liquid, and solid, which correspond to the three realms of cultivator's refining, Zhenyuan, and Jindan, but Xingyu has not heard of it ..."

Baili Qingfeng thought of the two fiery radiances that he felt when he was in the battlefield of Tianyu Mountain.

Two breaths, one belongs to the Emperor of Aurora, and the other belongs to Zhao Si, both of which are true Xeon powers.

That power is much more powerful than the spirit he has cultivated so far.

Inferred from this ...

"Will it be that Xingyu's cultivation has not yet reached the field of the Xeon, so the masters in the League have not yet introduced him to the various forms of qi?"

Baili Qingfeng thought for a moment and turned up the phone address book.

Can't figure it out, just call and ask.

You know, there is a Xeon in his yard.

"Qing Feng?"

Opposite the phone soon heard the voice of Shi Yiyi.

"Are you in the yard?"


"Okay, please call Uncle Zhao."

"Uncle Zhao went to see his place ... hey, come back, you wait."

Shi Yiyi said, he ran out soon. Before long, Zhao Si's voice had been heard in his mobile phone: "Hey, Brother Qingfeng? Have you been to the Aurora Empire in this half month? I tell you, this Three hundred acres of land have now officially been assigned to my name.

"Uncle Zhao, you are satisfied."

"Satisfied, of course, these fields are very fertile. I will take a good rest now. As my experimental demonstration field, planting new rice. If feasible, it will definitely feed more than 100 million people in Shia. People no longer have to worry about being hungry. "

Zhao Si's tone was full of joy and joy.

"Well, Mr. Zhao, I want to ask you, in addition to the first-, second-, and third-order statements of the Xeon, is there a fine division? For example, after breaking the human body, the silver body evolved into the gold body. , The body of platinum, the body of diamonds, after training the true qi, there are gaseous, liquid, and solid? And does the refining **** also have small stages such as stars, moonlight, and sun yao? "

"Small stage? I don't know about this, maybe there is anyway? Anyway, as I practice, I realize my epiphany, and then I come up. After 20 years of practicing martial arts, I have used gas and body for ten years. In the middle of the year, I have been studying various complex terms for three years. Seeing what you said is true and true, maybe it is not one of the terms of cultivation. "

Zhao Si was obviously not interested in talking about these things, and immediately said something casually: "Little brother Qingfeng, how long do you have to stay in the Aurora Empire? I will sow some time later, do you want to Come together, I will take you to experience the fun of farming. Did n’t you also learn when you were studying? On the afternoon of the day, the sweat dripped into the soil, just to learn and apply. "

"It should be a full month. I'll ask for a while and see how the cooperation between the Aurora Empire and our Kingdom of Hea goes."

Baili Qingfeng said.

"Then you hurry up, I won't wait for you late."

"it is good."

Baili Qingfeng answered.

The phone quickly returned to Shi Yiyi: "Qing Feng, be careful on the side of the Aurora Empire alone. Although the country is vigorously advancing cooperation between the two countries, the Aurora Empire has always been planning our heart of Hea. Take care of yourself. "

"I understand that I spend most of my time in the treasure trove of things and rarely go out. You should know that I don't like to run around."

Baili Qingfeng replied.

At the moment, the two chatted, and Baili Qingfeng hung up the phone.

After hanging up, Baili Qingfeng's expression gradually became firm.

He is a research scientist who loves learning!

Scientific research personnel should have the spirit of seeking truth, seeking truth from facts, unremitting pursuit of truth and unswerving adherence to truth, innovation spirit, active exploration, hard work, and innovative thinking!

In addition, he must have the spirit of sacrifice, be willing to be lonely, and have the courage to dedicate ~ ~ dare to overcome difficulties, and do not swear by not reaching the goal!

So, even if the gaseous, liquid, and solid looks like nothingness, he should still adhere to the spirit of hard work innovation, active exploration, and pioneering spirit to overcome difficulties!

"The conversion from gaseous state to liquid state, the promotion of true energy to true energy, is nothing more than the precipitation of water vapor into water, which can be compressed ... The magnetic field constraint of my wind and energy cannot reach the point of performing thermonuclear reaction, and the probability of true energy cannot be trained. Is it true? Moreover, wind and thunder are the basis for the birth of the electromagnetic field. I use the electromagnetic field to compress the wind and thunder in the opposite direction. It can also enhance the strength of the electromagnetic field and form a virtuous circle between the two ... "

Thinking of this Baili Qingfeng, all the energies were immediately focused on constructing the electromagnetic field with wind and thunder, and perfecting one by one according to his own ideas.

Three days later ...

Baili Qingfeng looked at the ball of lightning in his palm ...

He seemed to associate a whole new form of power.

Acer Electronics? Macro atom? Macro fusion? Quantum state world? And, the macro universe ...

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