The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 641: Real opponent

"The mystery is mysterious, and the gate of all mysteries is the supreme mystery! This method is subtle, and it is difficult for Master Zhao Sizhao to comprehend it so far! And, he said, just glimpsing the tip of the iceberg of these mysterious methods, there are signs of breakthrough ! "

Baili Qingfeng Road.

"What !? Zhao Si ... you can see the breakthrough only from the tip of this wonderful iceberg?"

The Emperor Aurora could not help but be shocked.

"It's not a way of seeing the breakthrough, but it's about to break."

Baili Qingfeng repeated.

This is the original word of Zhao Si.

"Zhao Si ... unexpectedly ..."

Aurora Emperor originally planned to spend his mind and play a good game with Baili Qingfeng, let Baili Qingfeng personally experience the pain of burying his own country, but now ...

All the thoughts, all the conspiracy, all the trajectories, were all ruthlessly ruined by the news brought by Baili Qingfeng, so that only chill in his heart ...

Zhao Si ...

Is already the existence of the peak of the Xeon!

If he makes another breakthrough ...

I shudder!

四 Zhao Si had previously stared at him for several years in order to kill him. He had never killed him last time, and he would never give up ...

Once waiting for Zhao Si to make a breakthrough and then free up to deal with him ...

如何 How can he resist! ?

At this time, Baili Qingfeng did not seem to feel his abnormality. He glanced at the body of the "Aurora Emperor" and said with pity: "You look at the Aurora Emperor, you have a country, and you have hundreds of millions of people. However, due to both defeats with Lao Zhao, he was cured for a long time, and eventually died under your sword. A generation of emperors came to an end here. How sad, how regrettable? In the final analysis, it was because he was too weak! "

"Too weak ..."

"Yes, if he could master the Supreme Magic at that time and become a supremely powerful ... How did Uncle Zhao assassinate him? Even if he just started the practice of small nothingness practice, he has physical strength, speed, and resilience that surpasses ordinary people like me In the last few days, the injuries have recovered, and that ’s not the end of his life ... he is not dead, he is the Emperor of Aurora, and he can sit on hundreds of millions of people and tens of millions of square kilometers. A land has an infinite future and infinite possibilities ... There is no big thing in life's death. I think the biggest mistake made by the Emperor Aurora is to focus too much energy on the governance of the country without cultivating it to hit a higher level. "

Baili Qingfeng Road.


"Okay, there's a lot more to say, I'll go and pack up the treasures of all things."

Bali Qingfeng turned and left.


The Emperor Aurora looked at the figure where Baili Qingfeng left, and remained silent for a long time.

Although Baili Qingfeng was the enemy, the words of the enemy were unbelievable, but he had to admit one fact.

Bali Qingfeng said it makes sense.

If he can be stronger than expected, he doesn't need to be too strong, to reach the level of Zhao Si. At that time, Zhao Si dares to assassinate him. With the power of the Eighteen God Pillars, he can easily counter him. Killing, how can it fall to the point where both defeats and injuries, and Baili Qingfeng have the opportunity to take advantage?

I think of all my actions over the years ...

Since he took the throne, he has paid too much, too much, for the Aurora Empire.

A Tianshan plan alone has affected his energy for several years, making him unable to concentrate and practice hard for several years!

为何 Why was he able to stand out from many princes?

Is he dependent on conspiracy, but on troop strength?



His own strength!

He was the first of all princes to break through to the ninth level, and mastered a Xeon sword skill in a very short period of time. With absolute advantage, he won praises from countless people, and even killed him in public. A rival brother, the supreme emperor, still said nothing.

This is a world of great power!

The reason why he feels that power is sometimes more important than martial arts is simply because he ...

Not strong enough!

If you do n’t say far, let ’s talk about the Baili Qingfeng in front of you. Practicing the Supreme Magic and the Little Void, possessing extraordinary physical strength and speed, coupled with the defense given by the exquisite flaming gold armor and the powerful blow given by the mysterious explosion. ... makes him a slayer-like presence on the battlefield.

If he can also become a little nihilism, he can also have the speed and endurance of Baili Qingfeng ...

Millions of male lions, I am a sword!

I thought of this, the Aurora monarch had a sense of sudden realization!

It was as if I was suddenly drunk in the midst of my whole life, suddenly waking up, thinking and going forward became clear.

"What is the Aurora Empire used for? The whole country of Aurora Empire should be for me to serve and make my martial arts smoother, instead of spending my youth and wasting my energy on the Aurora Empire. and time!"

Aurora Emperor Oden Mao Seton opened, there was a faint feeling to enter epiphany.

But ...

In the presence of Baili Qingfeng, he did not dare to let himself enter the epiphany, for fear of revealing his true details during the epiphany, so that he would be beheaded at the moment when the sleepy dragon was about to rise to heaven!


Aurora Emperor Shengsheng suppressed this feeling of epiphany to come back.

Although being pressed back, the Emperor Aurora had a hunch. As he really understood the future road, his thoughts were transparent, and he did n’t say anywhere else. In the aspect of refining the gods, there is no doubt that he will go smoothly. This kind of unfinished epiphany, it is absolutely not a luxury to rush the realm of refining gods to the tenth level.

"Bai Li Qing Feng ... From this point, I have to thank you for being ... the refining **** is tenfold, that is a realm that seems to me a little distant for the time being ... but with your help ... I see Arrived……"

心 Aurora Emperor's heart.

He glanced at Baili Qingfeng ...

For a long time, he has not really regarded Baili Qingfeng as an opponent. He feels that he is subject to Baili Qingfeng because he has taken advantage of it. As long as he repairs it, killing Baili Qingfeng is like killing one. Chicken.

But when he let go of his pride and prejudice, he looked at Baili Qingfeng again ...

惊人 Amazing speed, amazing endurance, dressed in fine dazzling gold armor, can burst out of mystery to cut out at least three Xeon strikes, plus the tenfold refining **** he exposed today ...

惊人 What an amazing combination! ?

恐怖 What a horrible destructive power this combination can play! ?

This point can be seen from the uncertainty of his use of the North Star City's 100,000 forbidden forces to siege Baili Qingfeng.

Faced with the siege of 100,000 banned troops ...

Can he retreat in his heyday?

Answer ...


Bali Qingfeng can do what he couldn't do in his heyday, what qualifications does he have for half a point?

Not to mention Baili Qingfeng now ...

I am only 21 years old!

"Bali Qingfeng, you are really amazing!"

Aurora monarch Oden said involuntarily.


Baili Qingfeng's voice came.

Even though he was in another room of the treasure house of things, but ...

The refining power possessed by Shilian Shenju is too strong.

Don't say that the diameter of the treasure trove of things is actually less than 300 meters. Even if there are 500 meters and thousands of meters, the wind in this area can be noticed for the first time.

"Nothing, I'm praising Baili Qingfeng, you are really talented."

Emperor Aurora calmly said.

Yes, calm!

He has been able to praise his opponent's strength with an equal attitude, instead of Zhao Si, the first strongest man in East Shenzhou, in his eyes, is a rat that can only hide in Tibet!

"You have won a prize. In fact, my talents are just average. They are far worse than the real geniuses such as Miro, Bai Yisheng, and the Emperor Aurora. It was only by chance that I practiced the magical method of nihilism. This has gradually made up for the fundamental deficiencies and achieved today's achievements. "

Baili Qingfeng said modestly.


对 "Yes, little nihilism is derived from nihilism. The real nihilism is the supreme magical method, it is too difficult to practice, and I can only retreat."

"Why ... you say so, but I'm looking forward to Xiaoxuwushu. Zhao Jiansheng, the first strong man in East Shenzhou, has said that he has a good method. I don't know what it will look like."

Emperor Aurora said sincerely.

"I said, I will pass it to you after you complete the camouflage mission of the Emperor Aurora, as a compensation for the pain you have suffered during this time."

好 "Okay, next I will do my best to cooperate with you, let the Shias enter the Aurora and control the Aurora's army to avoid the confusion that may occur when the Aurora people learn that the Aurora Emperor is dead!"

"Thank you so much."

"This is my task right now, isn't it? I'll go through the injuries first and simulate how to be a true 'Aurora Emperor'."

主 Aurora Emperor Road.

"Okay, you're busy."

Baili Qingfeng talked, and once again opened a room.

And all the materials in this room ...

He straightened his eyes.

"This is ... the heavenly heart jade !? This is a treasure that has a wonderful effect on the inner strength ... Wow, the Holy Spirit Fruit! There are actually 22 whole! These 22 can be taken out to help five or six Gods of War or The Grand Master broke through to the real land of the fairy ... Hey, there is still too much first-class gold here !? A full nine copies ... "

The test of Baili Qingfeng went down ~ ~ full of the joy of excavating treasures: "The treasure house of all things is truly called the treasury of the aurora empire, and many treasures in it can be described as a collection of the aurora monarch's life ... ... "

Although there are almost no treasures in the treasure house that are useful to the Xeon, there are countless treasures that can be useful to the true land immortal, the kingdom of the kingdom, the true immortal, Wushuang, heavenly people, and master practitioners.

Especially those treasures that can help people from the unparalleled to the master, from the true immortal to the heavenly people occupy most of them.

Emperor Aurora attaches great importance to the ninth-level powerhouses, and fears that the ninth-level powerhouses will threaten his status in the future. Therefore, for the ninth-level warriors who have not completed the sword skills of the emperor and have not been tested for loyalty, they will not be given the resources to cultivate .

In this case, the treasures they collected by the power of the country are naturally treasured and placed in the treasury is not useful, and now ...

"Great, the reason why I am able to break through the tenth level of refining God is entirely at the expense of refining gas cultivation. In practice terms, it is called refining gasification god? With these resources, I will soon lose The refining of the gas refining will make up for it, maybe we can try to perfect the weak wind and thunder again. "

Qian Baili Qingfeng had a smile on his face.

He intends to stay in the Aurora Empire for a month, and will not leave until the people of Shia have really established a foothold in the Aurora Empire. Now ...

有 This month something happened.

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