The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 626: Definition of genius

Qingfeng, you ... what happened ... why did your breath fall so much! ? Also, the majestic power just now ... what the **** is going on? "

Just as Baili Qingfeng was in control of the sharp sword made by Chishin Koki as if he had obtained a new toy, a voice sounded.

Hundreds of miles.

When Baili Qingfeng exhausted his mind due to the various mysteries of the experimental refining of the god, he was so embarrassed that he had awakened from the myth and legend into the real world shock from the mythical legend Zuzi.

"This one……"

Bai Li Qing Feng playing a sword for a moment.

He was a little difficult to explain.

Actually thinking about it now, he himself is a bit inexplicable.

Isn't he trying to develop his true energy, isn't he going to directly jump halfway through Xeon, quasi-Xeon, and Asian Xeon to directly achieve Xeon?

Why did the inexplicably refining the realm of God break through to tenth?

You know, he is only one month away from elevating the realm of refining gods to the ninth level.

One month from the nineth to the tenth ...

He himself felt a little strange.

The better said the realm of refining God, the harder it is to practice?

In addition, his own strength is also very serious losses, I am afraid that no one can not make up for three or five days.

Although he always used no internal force when fighting with people, he directly broke out assassination of the devil's disintegration, but ...

A pillar was taken out of the original full of vitality, and I always felt a bit uncomfortable.

"It looks like we need to take a good rest for the next period of time, and we are very hurt ... especially the internal power level is almost falling back to internal interest ... this situation is very serious."

Baili Qingfeng thought to himself, but in the face of Baili Sky's inquiry, he still said, "My pulse of gas refining didn't break, but the **** of refining seemed to break through."

"Refining God?"

Baili Changkong took a moment's notice, and then he suddenly opened his eyes and opened his eyes: "Refining God broke through !?"


Baili Qingfeng nodded.

"Your refining **** has reached the ninth level, and then make a breakthrough, wouldn't it ..."

"It's ten."

Baili Qingfeng nodded honestly again.

"Refinement of God! Refinement of God ..."

Baili Changkong kept saying these four words ...

Although it's not true, but ...

Refining God Tenfolds is more difficult to break through than infuriating.

Baili Qingfeng quenched the body sixty-six times, and it was only a matter of time for him to practice the virtual reality. Even if he failed ten or eight times, if he took a break for a while, then he could rebuild the gods ... ...

That is the realm that Baili Changkong dares not hope for Baili Qingfeng!

That is the realm of countless Xeons!

Break through the tenth level of refining gods. Is the tenth level of refining gas and the tenth level of refining body still far?

Thinking of this, Baili had a short breath in the sky, his face flushed, and he couldn't help patting the ground continuously: "Okay, okay, okay! That's great! It's great!"

He suddenly stood up and looked at Baili Qingfeng with an excited look: "I know that it is not difficult for you to achieve Xeon with your foundation! My Miles family finally gave birth to the Xeon! We have the King of Xia! "

"I'm a tenfold refining god, I'm not practicing qi."

Baili Qingfeng hinted.

"Haha, if people don't influence the practice of the future, they will make a choice between refining gods and refining gods. Nine out of ten people will choose refining gods. The only one is wrong!"

Baili sky laughed.

Baili Qingfeng pondered for a while, refining the gods ...

There seems to be a lot of potential to be tapped.

Mental interference matter ...

There are many aspects involved.

Moreover, the refining **** is tenfold, and when he recovers his vitality, by the way, he trains the wind and thunder to breathe out. By that time, it seems that he has the basic conditions for constructing a nuclear fusion force field in the body?

The fusion force field is 10%, and the demon dismantling no longer needs to worry about the energy source. He can cut off the power of burning one-half of the omnipotent cells with each hit ...


By that time, his physical body would become even stronger, and he might be able to withstand the power of burning all-purpose cells ...

That combat power ...

Stronger than ordinary Xeon!

"Would you like to strengthen your realm first?"

Barry Changkong Road.

"No, there is nothing to strengthen Lian Shen Shiju. To consolidate, it should be just a sleep?"

"Okay, let's go out, I believe, Zhao Jiansheng, the landlord in white, they can't wait."

Barry Changkong Road.

Baili Qingfeng nodded. He has spent nearly thirty hours practicing this time ...

Is it the right way to treat customers who have sent the first-rate gold to the top-ranked gold customers for 30 hours?

"Next we want to announce to people all over the world that our Barry's Real Dragon is ascending to heaven!"

Baili Changkong laughed and opened the door of the cultivation room: "Let's go."


Small yard under the mountain of Qingyuan.

Bai Yisheng, Zhao Si, and Shi Yiyi, who has li bamboo, are waiting.

Several people kept their eyes on the yard, looking with anticipation, worry, anxiety, and anxiety.

Even though Bai Yisheng still has a lot of things to deal with, they are all pushed away, waiting quietly outside the courtyard, and waiting for a full thirty hours.

Refining emptiness becomes true and impacting the realm of the Mighty. This is an earth-shattering event for anyone and any force.

"Zhao Jiansheng, you said, can Qingfeng succeed?"

Shi Yiyi looked at Zhao Siyi and asked.

"This is the sixth time you have asked this little girl for dozens of hours."

Zhao Si glanced at Yiyi Shi: "Although I am not familiar with Father Baili Changkong, from the respect and description of his little brother, he is not a reckless person. Since he took the little brother to the training room, he planned to Let him strike the realm of the strongest, then there must be some certainty. "

"This ... this is so, but Qingfeng's breath rises and falls, it is really disturbing. I have never seen the breakthrough of the Xeon, never even read the related books of the Xeon breakthrough. I really do n’t know this. What it means. "

Teacher Yiyi worried.

Bai Yisheng looked at her aside, he knew a little about the impact of the Xeon Realm, but ...

What is happening to Baili Qingfeng is not the same as what is recorded in the book.

The book says that the nine-level peak martial arts practitioners have only one chance to make the truth come true. Even those who have quenched the body more than twenty times and have a very rich background rely on the natural treasures to recover. The chance is only two at best. It takes a long time to cultivate, but Baili Qingfeng's performance in these ten hours ...

Refining virtual reality is almost like playing.


Books cannot be trusted!

"Sure enough, empiricism kills people."

Bai Yisheng also murmured quietly, and turned to Zhao Sidao and said, "Zhao Jiansheng, please take the liberty to ask, can you ask me what you have achieved when you break into the Xeon Realm?"


Zhao Si rubbed his head and replied, "I don't know. I was successful once, anyway, and at the time I seemed to be in the epiphany, and it didn't seem to be very dangerous. Anyway, after I finished the epiphany, I was really angry. Out."


White wins.

"Qing Feng's current situation, maybe the legendary nihilism is playing a role?"

Zhao Si guessed.

"Nothingness ..."

Bai Yisheng wrote down the name of this practice.

After he returned, he had to verify with the elders of the Xeon family at home. What is the impact of the Xeon, if ...

It is because of the existence of the supreme magical method of nihilism that Baili Qingfeng can still strike the realm of the mighty again and again after failure ...

Well, even at the cost of a great deal, they are willing to trade over nothingness.

after all……

If nihilism is real and has the same effect as he guessed, it is almost equivalent to being able to shape the Xeon in batches!

No, even if you can't manufacture Xeon in batches, it can only improve the success rate of level nine breakthrough to Xeon. Its value is still inestimable, and it is worthy of any top forces to make every effort to fight for it!

"The breath is up again."

At this time, Shi Yiyi said one more time: "This is the twenty-fourth time?"

"Twenty-six times in the first two counts."

Bai Yi wins a sentence.

"Xiong ... it's hard."

The teacher replied sincerely.

This one is very disturbing.

Especially every breath outburst is so magnificent and fierce, if it is not because they are outside the practice room, but stare directly at Baili Qingfeng, I am afraid they will be overwhelmed by the horrible power that emanates from him.

"Huh !? The atmosphere dominated by Baili Qingfeng seems to have faded !?"

For a moment, Shi Yiyi suddenly exclaimed.

"The breath is fading !? The vitality is damaged !?"

Bai Yisheng's eyes narrowed, and he stared at this ordinary courtyard, which could no longer be ordinary.

He has clearly understood the power of nihilism, but ...

Baili Qingfeng failed too many times. No matter how powerful the exercises are, this kind of frustration can't be sustained.

It was too reckless to rush Baili Qingfeng to Xeon.

"It can be done! Qing Feng, you have created countless miracles. I believe this time is no exception ..."

The teacher Yiyi prayed.


At this time, Zhao Si seemed to feel something, and suddenly opened his eyes: "Ten is the refining **** !?"


Bai Yisheng stunned for a moment, but he didn't wait for Zhao Si to say anything, and he suddenly looked towards the courtyard.

Suddenly, under his telepathy, a figure exuding a mighty divine power seemed to be a **** and demon who stepped out of mythic epic, and the thought of Bai Yisheng was almost frozen ...

"Visualization manifestation! This is visualization manifestation! Visualization manifestation with spiritual interference in matter!"

And mental interference matter ...


Ten refining gods!

Baili Qingfeng ...

It breaks through the top ten of the most difficult refining gods for the Xeon! ?

"how is this possible!?"

Bai Yisheng only felt that his three senses of common sense were overturned.

Isn't the breakthrough in refining the realm of gods only a matter of talent? How long will it take for the Baili Qingfeng to break through the refining **** Nine? ? For a month! ? In less than a month, this broke through again! ?

"It's amazing, it's amazing. It took more than a day to get into the gods."

Zhao Si thought of the time it took him to break through the top ten refining gods, and then contrasted with Baili Qingfeng ...

He can't compare with his practice skills, and he can't compare with his speed of practice. Baili Qingfeng can't answer any of his questions ...

Such a comparison with Baili Qingfeng, he is useless except for farming!

"Zhao ... Zhao Jiansheng, this is really the ten most important refining **** !?"

Bai Yisheng feels that the brain is hypoxic ~ ~ has almost lost his ability to think.

"Yes, the true refining **** is tenfold!"

Zhao Si's face was full of booing: "It took me ten years from the formal refining of the gods to break through the tenfold refining of the gods, and the memory is deep and I can't go wrong!"

ten years……

Breakthrough to the top ten of the refining **** ...

Bai Yisheng looked at Zhao Si and looked at the magnificent Baili Qingfeng in the courtyard ...

An unprecedented shame and inferiority came to mind.

Think of family members calling themselves ...


The 100-year-old son of the true dragon ...

"I'm a genius? Oh ..."

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