The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 615: Big ups and downs

Baili Qingfeng, really so ingenious and thoughtful, actually learned my plan for layout a few months ago! ? "

Emperor Aurora's face was a little embarrassed.

Tian Laoshan planned that he planned for many years, although this was delayed because of Zhao Si, but even without Zhao Si, it will take two or three years to successfully implement this plan. After all, the opening period of the space channel is limited. His play.

But the result ...

It took him several years to implement the four birds with one stone, which was enough to lay the foundation for the unified plan of Shenzhou. It was completely destroyed by a small master of Baili Qingfeng for several months. Not only failed but also suffered heavy losses. !! ?

Eighteen **** pillars damaged seven. Although four people died because of Zhao Si, the sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of defenders in Tianying Mountain was all because of him, not to mention the Holy Sword Legion, the Dragon The scale army was also annihilated by him.

"Bai Li Qing Feng!"

The Emperor Aurora took a deep breath.

When he first heard of this person, he took it very seriously, and compared him with Zhao Si. He even had a clear intention in his heart. When the plan of Tianyu Mountain was over and the kingdom of Hea was overthrown, he shot it himself and killed it. First, to avenge Snow Hate on behalf of Tessie, and second, to eliminate the ills of this Aurora Empire.

But why didn't he think that it was because of his temporary negligence that he focused on the Tianmaoshan plan and indulged Baili Qingfeng, but this result was caused.

"The Chiyan people did not undermine my Tianmu Mountain plan, the Bucks did not undermine my Tianmu Mountain plan, Zhao Si did not undermine my Tianmu Mountain plan, but in the end ... I was defeated by a Baili Qingfeng. He also did a perfect job of killing with a knife, disintegrating hundreds of thousands of troops of my Aurora Empire, and dragging my Aurora Empire into the mire of war. He couldn't pull himself out! OK! What a hundred miles!

"This is not His Majesty's miscalculation, it is really not only insidious and cunning, but also extremely fierce!"

Seeing that His Majesty seemed to accept their saying of throwing the pot, his thoughts gradually became clear: "In order to make His Majesty fooled, and to lead our Aurora Empire into the game, he would sacrifice his own arms and sacrifice Hia Tianmao 24. Wan Shoujun is precisely because of this that will let us relax our vigilance, thinking that the plan of Tianyu Mountain has been successfully implemented, and even transferred from the Tianyu Mountain the Holy Sword Legion and Dragonscale Army that are responsible for the north. Quickly breaching the Tianhuang Mountain defense line of our Aurora Empire has hidden dangers! "

"Alov is right! I even think of the salary volcano of the Moro!"

Ogle's heart moved, saying: "Singing Volcano may have trusted in Baili Qingfeng long ago, and was surrendered by Baili Qingfeng, but he only kept the Shijiao people hidden for the sake of maintaining the weak image of the Kingdom of Hea. No, Prime Minister Alov didn't say that there might be several or a dozen strong men who attacked Blood Wolf City? What if a few or a dozen people came from the salary volcano? You know, the **** of refining the gods to the cave The killing efficiency of humans is even higher than that of body refiners and gas refiners! Not to mention that they also have triple spells that can stimulate the power of the soul! "

"His Highness Oglie guessed very well. It is rumored that the volcano and the Baili Qingfeng cooperated and spent two days to derive an epoch-making refining mystery such as triplet, two days? Oh, why don't they say two Hours? In all likelihood, the two forces have colluded together for a long time! Then think of the time when they launched the triad ... It is the internal meeting of the Cavaliers Union ... his purpose is self-evident ! Contributing to the throne of the chairman of the so-called six military joint committees on the condition of triple shooting! "

Alov's mind became clearer: "Before the battle of Tien Shan, his chairman's throne may be trembling. The other five countries of the Knights League may not put him in his eyes, but after the battle of Tien Shan, He obtained countless Chen Jin, and advanced military equipment left after the annihilation of our holy sword army and dragon scale army. With these things, they can build hundreds of Chen Jin battle armors and equip them with a modern army. The military strength of the Kingdom of Shia has skyrocketed ... with the support of the Kingdom of Shia, plus his own strength and salary volcano ... "

Speaking of which, he didn't say any more.

But the Emperor Aurora, Swordfish, Ogle, and others all understood.

Sit tight!

The throne of the chairman of the military joint committees of the six countries of the Baili Qingfeng battled this throne, I am afraid that it will be completely confirmed!

Even if there is no more reason for the Bucks Kingdom, they dare not recklessly refute any decision of the Kingdom of Hea.

"All of us are actually being played by Baili Qingfeng!"

Swordfish are incredible.

"Bai Li Qing Feng!"

The Emperor Aurora thought that he was chased and killed by the cavemen, and even an elegant blond hair was forced to cut off. The stigma and hatred imposed by the cavemen suddenly turned to Baili Qingfeng, and he suddenly stood up. A shot in the eye: "I said, don't let me know who actually broke my plan, otherwise, endlessly! Very good! Baili Qingfeng, since you can't wait to die, then I can fulfill you! Stay with me Healing your injuries is when your life is lost ...

The intense mood swings seemed to have caused the internal injuries to worsen, and the aurora monarch who stood up angrily could not help coughing.

"Your Majesty! Take care of the dragon!"

"Father Emperor, use a sledgehammer to kill chickens! I implore Father to send a team of gods to me, and I will bring the head of Baili Qingfeng this thief's head for my father!"

Alov and Ogle came forward with concern at the same time.

"No! Baili Qingfeng is proficient in body skills, and the speed is amazing. Otherwise, when I learned that he had killed my queen, I already had him cut off under the sword, and then, whether I waited to admit it or not, Baili Qing Feng, a small ninth-level warrior, relying on his own conspiracy, has finally become a confidant of our aurora empire. There is a word from the Great Sun Temple, to deal with the sinister and cunning generations such as Baili Qingfeng Invincible, the fiery Huanghuang crushed the past, crushed it to ashes, and did not give him any chance to stand up and struggle, so ... "

The tone of Emperor Aurora was unquestionable: "I shot it myself!"

"Bali Qingfeng can get the shot of the Emperor himself, and it is his honor to die!"

Swordfish Road.

"Don't say such a thing in the future, Baili Qingfeng may not be able to repair it, but his ingenuity and plans are worth my attention!"

The Emperor Aurora said, and glanced outside: "It has been nearly ten hours, why have Xianying, Yufu, Hound, etc. not yet returned? Zhao Si's injuries should be heavier than me. Several of them are more than enough!"

"I'll check it now!"

Swordfish said immediately.

Xianying, Yufu and others did not return for ten hours, and he had an unknown feeling in his heart.

The swordfish has not yet left, and a voice has been heard outside the door: "Your Majesty, the informant reported that Zhao Si and Baili Qingfeng appeared together in Xia Ya!"

"What !? Zhao Si actually ..."

Swordfish sank.

"Zhao Si ... and Baili Qingfeng appeared in Xia Ya !?"

The aura of Emperor Aurora surging.

Before Baili Qingfeng did not destroy his Tianyu Mountain plan to seriously damage the Aurora Empire, Zhao Si was the biggest enemy of the Aurora Empire. At the moment, the two enemies that he was anxious to kill soon came together! ?

"Will there be a conspiracy among them !? I remember that a few months ago, Baili Qingfeng, who rarely even came out of the gate, suddenly went to Chiyan National Star Rail City, and if I remember correctly, Zhao Si Lives in the star city ... "

Alof suddenly said.

"Prime Minister Alof means ... Bali Qingfeng and Zhao Si have colluded together early? This ... If they really have a plan, I am afraid that Zhao Si will not be put in danger, will he die?"

Augler froze.

"Dangerous? Don't forget, Zhao Si is the peak of the third stage of the Xeon, who can put him in danger !? Even with the savvy of Baili Qingfeng, it is impossible to see through His Majesty. The trap trapped by Zhao Si, the reason why he let Zhao Si step into this trap, I am mainly to let Zhao Si and other people involve His Majesty's energy. We must know that when those cave people impact our Tianyu Mountain front, if His Majesty can Appeared in time, led the Eighteen Gods' Pillar to block the frontiers of the cavemen, coupled with Tianyu Mountain's own garrison, fortifications, and a steady increase in domestic troops, the Tianyu Mountain battlefield may not be lost ... "


The Prime Minister Alof had not finished his words, and the Emperor Aurora had screamed, and immediately turned to the swordfish: "Xianying, Hound, Yufu and other eight ninth grades, and refined the sword art of the emperor. Qiang can also fight in the first place, why did they let Zhao Si escape !? I remember that they chased Zhao Si when they said, unless they were dead, they must take Zhao Si's first rank. Now Zhao Si is safe and sound, where are they ?! "

"Emperor ..."

The swordfish trembled.

He knew very well that, compared with Baili Qingfeng, Zhao Si was the character that the emperor really feared ...

"Report! Your Majesty, something bad!"

At this time, a star column member ran in panicfully, full of sorrow: "Your Majesty, we found the bodies of eight adults, including Xianying, Hound, and Yufu, on the border of Shia. Looking at the injuries, it seemed to be a hundred miles away. Qing Feng was killed ... "

"Dead !? Xianying, Hound, and Yufu are all dead !?"

The Emperor Aurora stared at him, and the coercion of the Xeons suddenly radiated up and down, so that the man in front of the real fairyland shivered.

"Yes ... Your Majesty ... Eight God Pillars ... Your kingdom is ..."

Men shuddered.

"The Eighteen God Pillars I cultivated in one hand ~ ~ After this battle, there are only three people left !?"

The Emperor Aurora spoke these words.

He Oden thought that the plan of Tianyu Mountain was implemented smoothly and he was about to reach the peak of his life. What he hadn't waited for was a complete failure and an incalculable loss.

On this day, he experienced the ups and downs in life, an unprecedented frustration, shame, anger, and hatred came to mind!

"Bai Li Qing Feng!"

With an angry roar ...

The drastic emotional changes finally caused the injury to get out of control ...

next moment……


Blood spit!

The Emperor Aurora fell to the sky.

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