The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 604: Enemy defeat


Baili Qingfeng kept breathing.

Although he is a human, his physical strength is better than that of the cave people. In addition, with the strength of the ninth level master, he also trained the silver body. It is still not easy to hunt down more than 40,000 cave people. Thing.

after all……

There are really many.

He was one per second, and it took more than 40,000 seconds, more than ten hours.

Besides, before killing more than 40,000 cavemen, he beheaded two temple knights, a large commander, and four reserve knights. The four reserve knights will not say anything in order to ensure that they are not entangled by those powerful temple knights. He did not hesitate to inspire the demons disintegration technique, burning one-fifth almighty cells to break the human body, and even aroused the power of the soul in the body by triple surgery.

In this way, the fighting power is up, whether it is a temple knight or a big commander, one sword, but the huge consumption and the load on the flesh make him deeply tired. I can't wait to lie down and sleep immediately, even without a bed You ca n’t take a bath, and you lie on the ground.

But he knew he couldn't lie down!

Although the 40,000 people in the cave are actually as he guessed, they are really from the relatively small group of bloodwolves. They look menacing and terrifying. In fact, they are bluffs at their roots. After all, there are more than 40,000 quantities.

If these 40,000 people in the cave are not driven back to the second world, once they rush out and wreak havoc on all sides, the consequences ...


Therefore, no matter how hard, tired, and difficult, he has to persist!

The opportunity for victory is here, and Hia will be able to rebirth in this disaster and usher in new glory!

"It is advisable to chase the poor back to the poor, and not to be known as an overlord. If the sky is old and the sky is old, the right path on earth is vicissitudes!"

Baili Qingfeng groaned in his mouth, and then rose up again, drew his sword, swam the edge, and hunted it out!

Once a large-scale cave man wants to break away from the large army and flee to other directions, he will usher in his most cruel and ruthless annihilation.

He did not care much about those cavemen who ignored the idea and fled to the second world.

In this case, a total of more than 40,000 people were chased by Baili Qingfeng like sheep and chased them.

A big rout of this scale is extremely bizarre and maintains order. Uninformed people thought that more than 40,000 cavemen were not escaping, but were marching in a certain direction ...

Before, during, and after, everyone is rushing in obsession, inspiring unparalleled "excitement" and "enthusiasm".

In the sky, the Air Force reconnaissance passed by, and the pilot faithfully recorded this scene in an incredible way.


Yandang Mountain.

All soldiers clung to their humble positions, and looked at the end of the field with the help of the high mountains.

The north of Yandang Mountain is a flat ground with few obstructions. Once those cave people appear at the end of the field of vision, they will certainly be able to detect it for the first time and violent counterattack will erupt.

As for how much the human soldiers' brave counterattack can cause damage to the 40,000 cavemen army ...

no one knows.

In the temporary command post behind Yandang Mountain, Jonson looked resolutely and took a telescope to look at the plain.

Grotto people ...

Hasn't appeared yet.

More than nothing, it seems ...

Not even the kind of shock that tens of thousands of cavemen charged at the same time was insignificant.

"What's going on here? What do these grotto people want?"

Jonson whispered coldly: "Did they think that this mental tactic can defeat our fighting spirit? That is very wrong!"

For a moment, his guard responded aloud: "Marshal, intelligence came from the front, the prince of the Baili Qingfeng and the cavemen vanguard encountered! About four hundred enemies!"

"Four hundred ..."

Jonson sank.

Those who can serve as vanguards are often elite teams, as if the scouts are almost as good as the special forces, the four hundred vanguards ...

Any human master will be killed.

only hope……

"Report Marshal! It is rumored in front that Baili Qingfeng has dominated the pitman vanguard!"

Jonson was still worried, and the second piece of information was immediately passed.

"it is good!"

The news made Jonson helpless.

He was almost out of breath under the pressure of the 40,000 cave people. All the news he received in these hours would cause the situation to worsen. At the moment ... Baili Qingfeng finally brought them the first one. good news.

"It really deserves to be dominated by the Baili Qingfeng! It is rumored that he has built a silver body, which is called a level nine invincible. Perhaps it is because of this strength that he can cut through and defeat the four hundred cavemen when they are elite ! "

Speaking of this, although Jonson was still depressed, he saw more or less a glimmer of hope. He immediately turned to another correspondent and said, "How is the domestic army's movement? Has Hill's Light second line of defense been established? Are there reinforcements in the other five countries of the Knights League? "

"The domestic army is still urgently transferred to the second line of defense of the capital, but ... it is too late, and several other countries in the Knights League have announced that they are mobilizing troops and it will take time ... and according to the think tank assessment, they do not think we can defend Keep the light of Hill, so ... "

"So what?"

"Their army will be used to restore our country ... and in the same position as the Knights Alliance, they are willing to accept all the senior officials and people who have taken refuge in Hisia."

"Resurrection !?"

As soon as he heard it, several other countries could not count on it.

Moreover, they are not as good as the Aurora Empire and the Chiyan Kingdom, which have already begun to mobilize their forces to advance toward Shia.

"Marshal, the master of Baili Qingfeng has encountered the main force of the cavemen! Look at him ... he wants to attack the cavemen!"

At this time the correspondent reported again.

"Impact on the Grottomen !? He really wants to impact the Vampires !?"

Jonson was breathing short.

For a moment, he clenched his fists fiercely.

Although Baili Qingfeng is the master, and he is the ninth-level invincible master who condenses the silver body, but ...

The target he is going to attack is a whole army of 40,000 cavemen!

If you replace it with a heavenly man, let alone a 40,000 cavemen army, even a 40,000 Shia army can siege it to death.

Shocking the 40,000 powerful cavemen army is definitely something the Xeons dare not do.

Baili Qingfeng ...

He is desperate!

Fight for the future of the Kingdom of Shia!

As if he said, even if it was broken to pieces, it would have to make peace for the Kingdom of Hea!

"Commander Jonson, what's the matter? It stands to reason that the cave people should have appeared at the end of the plain! Why haven't they appeared so far? But what happened?

At this time, Zhang Xingsheng and Lu Fengyou both appeared outside the command room.

"It's Baili Qingfeng."

Jonson took a deep breath: "Bali Qingfeng dominates the spirit of defeating the cavemen for us!"

"Bali Qingfeng dominates !?"

Zhang Xingsheng and Lu Fengyou were surprised at the same time.

"Charging, Marshal, he's charging!"

At this time, the correspondent exclaimed.

"Bai Li Qing Feng!"

Jonson felt his eyes red.

He suddenly looked up and looked north.

He almost dared not imagine that when one hundred li Qingfeng stood alone in front of an army of 40,000 people in the cave, he died generously and launched the death charge passionately. What a tragedy, how heroic, how miserable scene.

"Bai Li Qing Feng! Alive! Alive! You are the hero of our Kingdom of Hea! You are the legend of our Kingdom of Hea! Hea, can't live without you! You must come back alive!"

Jonson drank hard.

It seems that these sounds need to be transmitted to Baili Qingfeng over a dozen kilometers through the excitement of the soul.

"Bali Qingfeng ..."

Zhang Xingsheng and Lu Fengyou were silent at the same time, with a trace of sadness and bleakness on their faces.

"If we can win this time, if we don't die this time, we must tell our descendants, our children and grandchildren, and let them know that the reason why Shia can maintain peace is to dominate this by like Baili Qingfeng This kind of generous tragedy man trades his blood for his life. "

Zhang Xingsheng said heavily.

Everyone up and down the command room nodded deeply.

"Zizi ... Zizi ..."

At this time, a sudden sound of electric current came from the microphone.

Then a voice filled with excitement and excitement rang out from the inside: "Can you hear it, can the headquarters hear it? Here ... Zizi ... Here is the Fourth Flying Squadron ... The Black Bat Reconnaissance Unit ... The enemy defeated ... ... repeat ... the enemy's defeat ... "

"The enemy's defeat?"

With a generous and heavy face, Captain Jensen looked up immediately.


Zhang Xingsheng and Lu Fengyou were filled with question marks on their faces.

is not it……

They are too hoping to win, so there is a hallucination?

Do they seem to hear the words "enemy defeat"?

"Zizi ... please hear the command ..."

"call out!"

The next moment, Jonson rushed to the microphone at the fastest speed: "I am Jonson! Black Bat Scout, please repeat your message! What do you say !?"

"Yes! Commander!"

The voice in the microphone responded with a fierce and enthusiastic response: "When the Baili Qingfeng dominated the charge, the cavemen sent the leader to block it. The Baili Qingfeng dominated the beheading and the enemy morale avalanche. Then the Baili Qingfeng dominated the charge , The enemy is defeated! "

"Rumble !? The enemy ... Rumble !?"

After repeated confirmation, the latest reaction on Jonson's face was not a surprise, but a daze.

They have all the plans ~ ~ but they never thought about what to do if they broke the burrow!

At this time, there was communication from the investigative team, and the calmness, enthusiasm, surprise, excitement, and incoherence that had always been lost in the voice were completely lost: "Command! The cavemen were defeated! The cavemen were beaten by hundreds Li Qingfeng's **** defeated! My gosh, I saw Baili Qingfeng dominate the cavemen's seven leaders with one person. He is too powerful. He is killing and killing. He has no one. Block, he ran away, Baili Qingfeng dominated the battlefield, he was truly dominated by the gods at this moment, no, he is not alone, he is already supernatural ... "

In this burst of ecstatic shouts, Jonson woke up suddenly.

As the God of the Second Runner-up, his keen sense of war made him realize for the first time that this was their only chance to expel the cavemen.


Jonson screamed!


"Pass me the order, the whole army will attack!"

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