The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 601: Familiar with


In the temporary command room, Jonson, who was trying to drink "who", suddenly stood up when he heard this voice: "Dominated by Baili Qingfeng !?"

"Baiqing Qingfeng !? Our Shia's youngest master !?"

"Is he? Why is he here?"

Zhang Xingsheng, Lu Fengyou, Esther and others all startled.

Jonson was out of the command.

Outside the interim headquarters, the guards have not identified the Baili Qingfeng wearing the battle armor, one by one.

"Dominated by Baili Qingfeng, you ... why are you here ..."

Jonson looked at Baili Qingfeng with surprise and joy.

"Marshal Johnson."

Baili Qingfeng greeted Captain Jonson and said, "The Prime Minister Yasuo called me and told me something here, so I came."

The arrival of Baili Qingfeng, Jonson was indeed quite happy, but soon, when he realized the opponents they were about to face, and the potential of Baili Qingfeng and the weight in the Kingdom of Hea, he immediately sank. : "The Prime Minister of Yasuo is too arrogant! No one can come to the forefront of the battlefield, the whole of Chia, but you can't be dominated by the Baili Qingfeng! Quickly, while those cavemen have not yet arrived, leave immediately!"

"Leave? Why leave?"


Jonson looked at Baili Qingfeng, with some gratitude in his eyes: "You received the phone call from Prime Minister Yasuo without hesitation. We are very relieved, but ... if Shia suffers in this war, With irreparable losses and blows ... you, our only hope of returning to prosperity. "

"Joseph Commander, I understand what you mean, but ... all soldiers like ordinary people are fighting heroically on the front line and fighting, and I am a ninth-level master who hides in the rear and persists ... I can't do it!"

"But Qingfeng dominates, you ..."

"Rest assured, my life is very hard. How powerful the three sacred places were at that time, but I was eventually overthrown. I am still young and not yet twenty-two years old, and I haven't found the person who can spend the second half of my life with me. I also want to get married, have children, and watch my children grow up little by little in a stable and harmonious environment like the Kingdom of Hea, listening to their laughter, so ... I won't die so easily ... "

"You know, you are about to face at least 40,000 people in the cave! Not 40,000 ordinary soldiers, but 40,000 people in the cave who are equivalent to the master of refining. Among them, all will be exhausted to fight the terrorist forces! "

Johnson groaned.

"I know."

Baili Qingfeng said: "This battle will be difficult."

"This is no longer a difficult question ..."

"But there are some things that someone has to do. Forty thousand cavemen warriors, this power, even if the Xeon is caught in it, will be easily crushed into pieces, but when it comes to combat effectiveness, you are obviously weaker than me and you can still spare no expense. Stand up and provoke the backbone of Hea, you can, why can't I, you have your responsibilities, I also have my pursuit, my persistence, my beliefs, my ideals ... "

Baili Qingfeng looked up and looked north, with a firm and determined look: "Every chisel and hammer hammer quenches the sword's edge. If the fire is burned at leisure, the body is not afraid of broken bones, and you must stay peaceful in the world!"

"I am not afraid of the broken bones, I want to stay peaceful in the world ..."

Jonson muttered these fourteen words ...

Can't help but feel lost for a while.

Not only him, but also dozens of high-ranking officers of the First Army, such as Zhang Xingsheng, Lu Fengyou, and Esther, fell into silence.

They looked at Baili Qingfeng as if for the first time they recognized this young man with unlimited potential.


Zhang Xingsheng sighed long.

How difficult it is for the newly established Kingdom of Shia.

Lu Fengyou looked at Baili Qingfeng: "As your identity, you don't need to be the same as us, risking your life and standing on the front line of blocking the cavemen's charge. If you choose to protect yourself, no one will blame us. You, on the contrary, will understand you and even support your choice ... but you don't ... "

"Bali Qingfeng ..."

"I have heard a comrade-in-arms description of Baili Qingfeng's dominance, 'He has a fiery and sincere heart, a fear of sacrifice and fear of hardship! He was born small, started humble, but longed for glory , Great achievement! He is our spiritual example of Shia, our warrior will never yield and never give up! 'At first glance, I feel a bit exaggerated, now it seems ... This evaluation is dominated by Baili Qingfeng, Well deserved, we are honored to fight side by side with Baili Qingfeng! "

"I'm just doing what I think is right and should be done, and nothing more."

Baili Qingfeng said.


Jonson was about to say something. At this moment, a slight vibration suddenly came from a distance.

That was the sound of thousands of living creatures running at full force.

Vast and endless.

For a while, a dozen people in the conversation banned at the same time.


Grotto people are here!

"You ... go to your place! Let's guard the last post!"

Jonson took a deep breath and let out a deep voice.

A dozen people in Zhang Xingsheng looked at each other and smiled at the same time, "So, come on."

"Our countless ancestors of Shia have poured out their heads and shed their blood and became independent from the colony of the glorious empire! No one can break our spirit again!"

When the crisis really came, everyone could not see any sadness of generosity on their faces. The relaxed and happy expression, the people who did not know they thought they were going to participate in a sports competition with friendship first and competition second.

"I am the ninth-level master, and it is inconvenient to hold on to the position. I will try to kill the assault formations of these cavemen and see if they can frustrate their spirit!"

Baili Qingfeng said.

"Be careful!"

Jonson looked at Baili Qingfeng and said loudly, "I have only one request for you! Alive!"

"I said, my life is very hard, I haven't experienced what it feels like to die for a long time."

Baili Qingfeng said aloud.

He turned and walked a few steps forward, his feet slightly bent, and the next moment, his foothold seemed to be bombarded by a cannonball, exploded suddenly, and in the dust splashing, his body appeared in a hundred meters with a shout of tearing air. Kaiwai, and almost beyond the speed of ordinary people's naked eyes, rushed in the direction of the booming sound.

Several ups and downs, he has already crossed over ten kilometers!

At this time, at the end of the field of vision, the vanguard troops belonging to the cavemen gradually appeared in front.

They rushed to the front and rushed the fastest. It was a group of hundreds of cave people. While they rushed, they destroyed all possible dangers along the way, so as to dissolve any possible ambush and trap. .

"Regular forces ..."

Baili Qingfeng looked at the hundreds of cavemen and clenched the non-killer sword.

These cavemen knew at a glance that they were elite among the cavemen, especially the dozen or so knights in the front ...

"Huh !? Seems familiar?"

Baili Qingfeng carefully stared for a moment, this cavalry configuration riding a scarlet wolf ...

Much like a wolf rider in Blood Wolf City?

Wait, not very much!

The banner they held ...

It's Blood Wolf City!

"It's really a caveman in Blood Wolf City !? I heard rumors of Tianyu Mountain. At that time I thought it was just the same name. I didn't expect that the cavemen on the Tianyu Mountain battlefield and the cavemen over there were really the same group !? "

In the impression of Baili Qingfeng, the cave people in Blood Wolf City are very weak. How can these cave people be so aggressive, roaring, and not afraid of death! ?

Could it be that this is the elite specially trained by the Temple of Blood?

However, at present these cave people have been killed, and no matter where they come from, let them frustrate their arrogance first.

At this point, Baili Qingfeng seemed to be a vented shell, and the mystery of heaven and humanity spread slightly. He was carrying a terrifying air wave in his rush, like the collapse of the tsunami in Foshan, shattering the atmosphere and heading for hundreds of places The cavemen crashed away.

"Enemy attack!"

Hundreds of people in the caves yelled at the heads of several people, quickly drew their swords and held axes, and rushed towards Baili Qingfeng without fear.

The killing along the way has gradually released their inner wildness, so much so that they know that this human being can set off such a momentum, it must be the top powerhouse, but still not half feared.

That kind of heroic, that kind of decisiveness, that kind of fierceness, is completely different from the blood wolf city cave people in the mind of Baili Qingfeng!


The Baili Qingfeng, carrying the horror speed, slammed into the battlefield composed of hundreds of cavemen, and the absolute power destroyed the battlefield of these cavemen with a deadly tear, without killing the sword and the sword. There was a storm of blood in these cave people.

"Roar! Kill him!"

Among the hundreds of cavemen, the strongest commander-level cavemen shouted and wanted to organize other soldiers to intercept.

But with his roar, Baili Qingfeng, who understands the principle of capturing the thief and capturing the king, did not hesitate to imagine the innate **** Mozuz, and a vast and devastating thundercloud suddenly filled the void.

"Wait, this is ..."

The roaring leader looked at the familiar Thunderbolt Destruction Cloud and the great shore demon who swept away Thundercloud Destruction, suddenly a spirit, as if awakened by some kind of horrible memory that has been sealed in his heart for many days.

The fierceness and brutality that originally filled the soul seemed to be irrigated with a basin of ice water in the winter and the moon was sober.

His gaze was staring at the mass killing in the crowd, and the heroic and powerful cavemen in the nothingness of Baili Qingfeng ...

During the killing, Baili Qingfeng's body armor was stained red. This blood red rendering and the style of the armor were gradually with him, and even with all the soldiers in the whole Blood Wolf City. Nightmare began to overlap.

At the same time, he even thought of a legend about that nightmare knight ...

"The legend ~ ~ The nightmare knight who brought us the death haze and death knell of Blood Wolf City comes from the human world we have always wanted to conquer ... No! Impossible!"


Without waiting for this caveman to lead and have time to continue thinking, the innate demon who destroyed Thundercloud suddenly caused a silver thunder dragon to blast down.

The familiar magic, the suffocating divine power, the desperate destruction, instantly crushed the last trace of luck in this leader's heart into a crush ...

For a moment, an unprecedented remorse and despair came to mind!

"It's you ... the nightmare knight ... no ... no, it's overcast ..."


The next moment, his mind was completely engulfed by this shining silver light.

Wonderful book house

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