The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 575: Deduction


The expression on Wu Song's face gradually solidified.

Not only him, but also several others in the courtyard.

They are all nine-level martial artists.

Those who can reach level nine in martial arts have not experienced at least two life and death transformations.

One transformation of life and death can also be rid of luck and chance, but twice ...

The probability is the same as buying two lottery tickets and winning the first prize at the same time.

Those with poor mentality and weak will were eliminated as early as two rounds of metamorphosis. Those who can persist to the present and cultivate to the 9th level of the warrior, are all exceptional dragons.

They do not deny that Prince Riyi Xiu, who has the title of the ninth rank, is above them, and any one of them is willing to worship the wind, as if Wu Song thought he was not as good as Prince Riyi's challenge, but ...

One, fight them all! ?

One person, challenge them with a title of nine, two peaks of nine, and five seniors of nine! ?

"Prince Riyi, are you ... at the same time challenging me, Prince Yao, Master Nash, Sha Jingen and eight others?"

"My words are very clear. You have united with each other these days, don't you feel that you are wronged under the name of our Bucks royal family? Then I will let you understand that the power of our Bucks royal family, rest assured, After all, I will be a member of the Cavaliers League. I will have a sense of starting. "

Prince Ri Yi said, with an empty hand, the young girl named Fuqin quickly passed a magic sword made of Yaojin to him.

After receiving the sword, Prince Riyi gave a flick of his finger and issued a pleasant sword groan, and continued indifferently, "Let's go together."

He had sensed the breath of Baili Qingfeng.


The moment he rushed to the scene, he just defeated the eighth and ninth level. By that time, he was carrying the momentum to defeat the eight ninth-level powerhouses, and he would undoubtedly push his majesty to the peak and bring Bai Liqing Feng's incomparable mental shock, and then he was shocked again, Baili Qingfeng naturally accepted his head and worshiped!


Wu Song laughed, chuckled, and quickly turned into a laugh: "Ha ha ha ha, okay! Okay! Okay! Since Prince Ri Yi is so confident, then let's take a shot and fight against Prince Ri Yi? "

The next moment, the smile on his face came to an abrupt end, and a sharp momentum rose from him: "Sword comes!"

"call out!"

In the distance, a sword-holding woman with a master's master's practice opened the sword box in her hand and threw an empty hand. At a glance, she knew that the magic soldier created by a famous teacher fell into Wu Song's hands.

"Prince Riyi has this Yaxing, I am accompanied by Nash!"

The top man in the North Sen Kingdom was shocked by his right hand, and a soft sword was thrown out by him.


Sha Jingchen said coldly.

His own disciples threw the sword.

Several other nine-level powerhouses also showed their weapons.

Most of their weapons are swords and daggers.

Celestial people, with particular attention to speed and outbreak, are obviously not in harmony with their fighting styles like swords, tomahawks, spears, etc., as if a heavily armed master rarely used weapons such as daggers and soft whip.

Even if the sword of Baili Qingfeng does not kill the sword, it is one size higher than the ordinary sword.

"Go ahead, Wu Song. Let me see how powerful the Xeon Sword Skill you have become, otherwise, I won't have a chance when I do it."

Prince Ri Yi held a sword alone, and in the courtyard, an unprecedented war spirit rose up.

Looking at the sky, the Quartet moves!

Sword in hand, ask the world who is a hero!

This time, he is one person and one sword, fighting Moro, Beisen, Ghana, and Norway in the eighth and ninth level of the four kingdoms. The true hero is just that!


Just as Prince Riyi looked at the crowd indifferently, Wu Song shot. When he shot, the internal force that had accumulated to the peak in the body burst out. The majestic strength penetrated the whole body, making his body violent and the next moment. Into the sword, the hole penetrates the void, and the friction between the blade and the void cuts out the ripples visible to the naked eye, but the ripples of this circle have not had time to spread. , Instantly blooming in front of Prince Riyi.

"Incredible sword style · Jinghong dream!"

As soon as Wu Song gave out his sword, Sha Jingchen gave out his sword at the same time.

"Blade Knuckle · Beast Kill!"

The remaining number nine has no half lag and shoots at the same time!

"Upright Dragon!"

"Devil Soul Curse!"

"Sword of the Dawn Goddess!"

The battle broke out, and entered the fiercest heat!

"There seems to be a little bit like that, the siege of the eight nine-level powerhouses and the nine-level title can only choose to avoid its edge, but ... you don't know how strong your opponent is!"

Facing the siege of the people, Prince Riyi will not suppress his own breath, although ...

He tried his best to explode, which is equivalent to the peak of the heavenly man. However, due to the physique of Nine Levels of Refining, and the impulse of Jiudong's imagination, even if everyone shot one step behind him, when he really broke out, he was almost over all. The point where people attack.


The sword is stunned!

His body came forward arrogantly, and the first came first. At the moment when Wu Song ’s sword was about to climb to its peak, his sword had already been blasted down. The fierce and violent power came from this sword. The eruption, the sword-shaped urn formed by the compressed air of the sword, and the increase of the unity of heaven and man, made this sword's eruption like a sudden blooming hot sun!

"The Sun's Trick, Big Day!"

The sword exploded!

A sword, such as the big sun and the sky, instantly crushed the sword of Wu Song, which was about to climb to the top. His sword was also stabbed in the midst of Huanghuang Huang, and he hit the sword of Wu Song fiercely. Ode to any reaction time.


The collision of the sword and the sword seemed to detonate an air shock bomb in the void, and the endless air waves swept across the square as if suffocating, shattering a piece of flowers and grass in the yard, and the original neat and clean ground was even cracked.

One sword!

Wu Song's body had been swept upside down by the scattered radon.

Fly Wusong, he was united in spirit, and the sword in his hand quickly flowed again.

The swords collided, and the flare of the stars bloomed again, and was blown out by the subsequent burst of shock waves.

Relying on the force of the sword collision, his body was twisted, avoiding Nash's soft sword strangling, and his body was so sensitive that he could incline to the side, and Prince Yao, who was about to wait for the opportunity, immediately shrouded his sword attack ... ...


Sword light flashes.

Prince Yao vomited blood and flew out, becoming the first level nine who lost his combat power.

"Weak! Weak! Weak! Too weak!"

The body of Prince Riyi is like a streamer.


Nine Nine-level powerhouses fought, how amazing was the outbreak?

Not to mention the courtyard where the nine people fought, just shortly after entering the city, Baili Qingfeng, who was three or four kilometers away from the courtyard, noticed for the first time and suddenly looked up.

Not only him, but also the eight-yuan disk of the **** of refining, Zhang Lie, the true **** of the land, and some masters who practiced the **** at the same time.

"That direction ..."

"Someone is at war, and ... we can feel it after three or four kilometers. It is definitely a confrontation between top powerhouses, and the number is quite a lot!"

"Nine breaths! Nine people are confronting each other, and each breath is not under me! No ... several people burst out with all their strength and stronger than me, terrible!"

Baili Qingfeng reported the numbers accurately.

Refining God has become more precise when it comes to Jiuzhong Cave, but it is because of precision that he can detect the magnificence and extraordinaryness of those people.

Especially when these nine breaths are intertwined, the momentum emitted is even more magnificent.

after all……

Those people have lived for decades, and their breath has already accumulated to the peak. Every move, every word and every word, has its own power.

This is a new sprout that has broken through to the ninth level and dominated for less than half a year. The understanding and application of the unity of heaven and man is equivalent to the new ninth level. How can it be compared with those old ninth levels in terms of driving momentum! ?

"Nine ninth-level powers battled ... what happened? Did the Bucks and the Nine-level powers in the Kingdom of Moro, Kita Mori, and other countries fight?"

Mo Rong aside became a little nervous.

Master Yuan Pan shook his head.

"It should be just learning."

Zhang Lie considered a few words and said, "I felt anger in the air of their confrontation, but did not have too strong killing. It can be seen that the warring parties have not yet reached a point of life and death."

"Fortunately, I'm wearing a battle armor."

Baili Qingfeng in the car patted his chest, and the metal's slightly cold touch gave him a little sense of security.

Zhang Lie, Yuan Pan, and Mo Rong all looked at Baili Qingfeng at the same time ...

When Baili Qingfeng stayed away, the senses in their hearts were actually a little weird.

but now……

There are wars in the Bucks Kingdom. If they are attacked during this period, it doesn't seem to be a strange thing. At this time, a master with and without armor has no sense of security. ~ ~ Let's see if we ... "

Zhang Lie asked hesitantly.

"It must be avoided, we detour, and the palace will not go first. Bypass this distance to the embassy. At the same time, we will convene all our troops stationed in the capital of the Bucks Kingdom to guard the ambassador regiment and prevent it The battle spreads. "

Baili Qingfeng said.

Hearing Baili Qingfeng's words, Master Yuan Pan and Zhang Lie naturally refused.

After all, His Royal Highness Prince Mo Rong was in the car. The fierce confrontation between the two Nine-Class Powerfuls was enough to destroy all the creatures within 10 meters of the circle, even if the Grand Master-level Power did not intervene Qualifications, not to mention the nine-level warriors in front of the battle reached nine.

Allowing such nine nine-level powerhouses to smash badly, it will not take long to raz a large community to the ground. If they are given sufficient time and sufficient physical strength, they can completely destroy a city.

The vehicle quickly headed towards the embassy.

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