The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 549: Ask for help

"Qing Feng?"

In the middle of the night, a call from Baili Qingfeng was received, and Shouzhen's tone seemed very dignified: "What happened?"

"I'm so sorry, Senior Shouzhen, it's almost three o'clock in the morning and I'm calling to disturb you to sleep ..."

"It's okay, you say, huh? There's so much wind on your side, where are you?"

"I'm in Polaris, the Aurora Empire."

Shouzhen suddenly stopped there.

After a while, his voice suddenly increased: "I didn't hear clearly just now. What are you talking about? Where are you now?"

"Aurora Empire, North Star City, but I plan to go back and rush home."

The real breathing suddenly became very rapid, and seemed to be out of breath: "You ... what do you run to the Aurora Empire ... or ... still go to the northern capital of the Aurora Empire ... Polaris City !?"

"Isn't someone cutting my network cable a few days ago? I was thinking, I am a person who never jeopardizes someone, who would somehow pick up my network cable, and according to the investigation, the person who cut my network cable was the Aurora Empire Day Sun The spy of the hall thought that I was ambushed by the four true immortals of the Great Sun Temple in the star track city of the Kingdom of Chiyan. Although they were ambushed me, I was forced to fight back to kill them, but they were killed after all. Man, presumably hatred ended at that time ... "

Speaking of this, Baili Qingfeng felt a bit grieved and had nowhere to say: "I was the victim who was surrounded by them, but I did not seek revenge from them, but they first lurked to Xia and wanted to deal with me ... Da Ri The sanctuary, which is the largest spy agency of the Aurora Empire, I felt very panicked and scared. I could not resist their conspiracy next, and I thought, just come to the Da Ri temple to assassinate their high-level as long as there is no The order from the top was ... no one carried out the conspiracy, so naturally it was self-defeating ... "


Shouzhen suddenly stopped answering, leaving only the sound of rapid breathing ...

Baili Qingfeng waited for ten seconds and couldn't get the truthful instructions. He couldn't help asking: "Senior trueness, what happened to you ..."

Shouzhen's predecessor is older than his second grandfather. He wakes up such an old man in the middle of the night and is already very guilty. Right now ...

I also want to ask someone to run for thousands of kilometers to help Shia, I really don't consider others ...

For a moment, Baili Qingfeng couldn't help feeling guilty.

"Senior, you either take a good rest ..."

"How are you doing now, have you been hurt? Don't be rushed, I will arrange someone to pick you up to return to China! The master of the temple of the sun is like Yun, and the owner of Tai Sisi is the best among the nine heavenly men. Although it has n’t got the title yet, relying on all the resources in charge of the Day Sun Temple, it has reached the peak of the ninth level, not to mention that there are more than one hand of true immortals in the Day Sun Temple. Ten terrestrial true immortals and town-level strongmen. "

After Shouzhen slowed his breath, he asked very quickly.

The voice was clearly caring and tense.

"I do n’t need to answer, and I did n’t suffer any injuries. At that time, there were not many masters in the Great Sun Temple. All the warriors above the seventh level were successfully assassinated by me. After all, I was a true immortal assassin. ...... Senior, you know, when the people in the Da Ri Shrine noticed that they could not stop me, in order to avoid the leakage of information, the Da Ri Shrine was bombed, and now the Da Ri Shrine is gone ... "

"Wait a minute! Wait a minute! What caused all the warriors above level 7 to be successfully assassinated by you !? What blew up the Great Sun Temple !? What is the Great Sun Temple ?! You ... slow down ... …speak slowly……"

Opposite the phone, Shouzhen seemed to start panting again.

"I'm pretty straightforward."

Baili Qingfeng was a little puzzled: "It was to kill all the soldiers of level 7 and above in the Great Sun Temple, and then the Great Sun Temple started a self-destruct process. With a bang, the entire Great Sun Temple was gone ... oh ... there is another A very strong house is ... "


I can't say a word if it's true and intermittent.

"Is it a bad signal?"

Baili Qingfeng looked at the phone.

Isn't this a satellite phone?

It is said that the communication satellites specially launched by the League of Nations, Wantong Commercial Bank, and Hunters Association have signals at all times, but now it seems that is the case.


He runs too fast and the signal can't catch up with him?

how is this possible!

The propagation speed of radio signals in other media is Vε = C / sqrt (ε), but he is now in the wilderness, without any obstacles. The essence of the signal is electromagnetic waves. The propagation speed in the air is slightly less than the speed of light, close to 300 million meters. One second, he was only 200 meters up and down, and he still wanted to run through wireless signals?

Well, it's only possible that the phone really doesn't work.

It is said that if you pat the mobile phone vigorously, the signal can be restored, just as if you pat the TV. I wonder if it is true?

Without waiting for Baili Qingfeng to try, Shouzhen's agitated voice finally sounded again: "I'm clear, you mean, you sneaked into the Great Sun Temple and slaughtered all the Great Seven Temples and above Destroy the Great Sun Temple !? "

Finally, it is not important whether the previous speculation or reason is conspiracy or something.

"This ... it's almost the same, but the number of strongmen above the seventh level in the Great Sun Temple was not very large at the time. Two Eighth and sixteen Seventh-level warriors ... They destroyed the Great Sun Temple as well. of."

"OK! OK! OK!"

Hearing Baili Qingfeng's confirmation, the voice of the fidelity on the phone suddenly exaggerated: "Qing Feng, although you do a great job in this matter, but the relationship is significant, I'm afraid it won't be long before the Aurora Empire will use all its power. Seize you, you called me just to let me cooperate with you to smoothly withdraw to the country, right? I will tell you several channels to leave immediately ... "

"Don't use it. The capital of the Aurora Empire is only 2,600 kilometers from the border of our Shia. I ran at the fastest speed and tried to run out of the Aurora Empire in five hours. Their response speed should not be so fast. I hit The call to Senior Shouzhen was because I had an inference that Tai Sisi should take a master and go to Wuhe City to besiege me. He was going to besiege me. I was not afraid. She was afraid that she would tell my family after receiving the news. My friend started, so ... I want to ask Senior Shouzhen to take a trip to Wuhe City to look after my family. "

Baili Qingfeng said.

"No problem, I'll arrange it here, but Taisy Ribbon People will go and kill you in Wuhe port !? What's going on?"

Baili Qingfeng immediately informed the truth about his guess based on a bunch of screenshots of Frozen Emerald.

Hearing Baili Qingfeng's words, the tone of fidelity became weird: "You mean ... the reason why you were able to break the limits of the second human body so quickly, and even further mastered it, is because of a pseudonym The Ice Emerald Tess is secretly channeling resources for you? "

"She didn't know who I was at the time, so this happened."

Baili Qingfeng said.

"Ha ha ha, good coincidence, this coincidence is good. If it were not for this coincidence, the resources required to enter the dominance of Wushuang Realm would be huge. I am afraid that we may not be able to get it for you in three to five years. The development of the Second World has almost completely stalled ... "

After Shouzhen said, he immediately entered the theme: "I will go to Wuhe City in Xiahai Prefecture. In addition, we might as well calculate how Taisis will go to Wuhe Port ... Water? Land? Air? The air is too easy to expose , Then only water and land are left. I will let people block all the main roads in Xiahai Prefecture and conduct strict investigations on the land. In addition, the water ... Aurora Empire ’s warships should not have the courage, but the submarine is very likely ... ... the submarine of the Aurora Empire is a bit more advanced than our submarine ... but now that they know their destination is Wuhe Port ... it's much easier ... let me do the rest. "

"Thank you Shouzhen Senior, I will rush back to support seniors as soon as possible."

"You can catch up with the best, but don't force it ... more than 4,000 kilometers ..."

Shouzhen couldn't understand how Baili Qingfeng would span the four thousand kilometers.

You should know that the strong man in heaven and humans runs at full speed, and the speed can reach more than 100 meters per second. If the heavenly man who practiced the top body explodes at full speed, it can reach 150 meters, but dominate ...

Efforts to explode in seconds speed up to 100 meters.

And to maintain this speed, even if it is dominated by the endurance, it is the limit to support for twenty or thirty minutes. In other words, they run at most one or two hundred kilometers.

And to do what Baili Qingfeng said, run 2,600 kilometers in five hours ...

Not to mention heaven and man, the Xeons will be exhausted.


Baili Qingfeng is still running at full speed, digesting what has just been eaten.

However, Shouzhen no longer felt drowsy. He called the phone to Jonson, Yasuo, Yuanpan, and so on, and left the residence quietly after the situation. Speed ​​towards Xia Haizhou.

Less than half an hour after he left, Yasuo's office became brightly lit.

Mo Yun, Yuan Pan, Duan Murui, etc., who represented Jonson, came to the office at the same time.

"The news is true !? Lord Baili Qingfeng ... Really went to the Aurora Empire ~ ~ destroyed the Day Sun Temple just outside the Aurora capital !?"

As soon as the office door was closed, Yuanpan couldn't wait to ask.

"I have verified with our eyeliner in the Aurora Empire that the Sun Temple is indeed in ruins now. The Sovereign of Miles is saying it true!"

Prime Minister Yasuo emphasised.

"Really ... he ... he did it ... destroy the Sun Temple with his own power !?"

Mo Yun murmured to himself, his face was full of incredible.

"I did not gather you to tell you about the destruction of the Great Sun Temple, but to discuss how to deal with Tai Sisi who is about to infiltrate our state of Xiaxiahai, etc. The people in the think tank speculated that Tai Sisi chose the trading point at Wuhe Port, the probability of coming by submarine by water is 72.4%. The task given to us by the guardians is to make a clear negotiation and formulate a plan on how to use this apparently to murder our heroic hero, Baili Qingfeng. The empress who came will stay in Shia forever! "

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