The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 542: jet lag

Baili Qingfeng immediately opened the search engine on the computer.

"How do you get to the Sun Temple?"

Baili Qingfeng searched.

Soon found out ...

I can't find it on my computer.

For a moment, what Baili Qingfeng thought of, logged into Tianji Hall.

Relying on the gold coin reward given by Frozen Emerald, his "ordinary passerby" account level has reached the third level, and the search function can be used. As he enters the word "Day Sun Temple", it quickly displays a Stacking posts, Baili Qingfeng looked at them one by one, and after a short while, already confirmed the approximate location of the Great Sun Temple.

As he opened the map of the Aurora Empire again, he quickly defined a range.

"It is enough to know the range. As the largest special agency of the Aurora Empire, the Great Sun Temple is as good as a cloud, and my refining **** realm reaches level nine. The sensing range is several kilometers. Once I get there, I can feel it immediately.

At the moment Baili Qingfeng shut down the computer.

Take the new small mobile phone with music playback function, then wear armor and a sword, go straight out of the yard and run to the car parked outside the grove.

But when he opened the door, he gave a slight meal.

"How fast is the car?"

Baili Qingfeng calculated: "Even if the road conditions are good, the speed will be 80 kilometers per hour. If you take into account ordinary road conditions and traffic jams, whether the average speed can exceed 60 kilometers is very problematic ... "

Sixty kilometers per hour!

The Great Sun Temple is on the outskirts of Polaris.

A dozen years ago, the Aurora Empire moved the capital south in order to facilitate the invasion of Shia, Chiyan, and other countries. According to his map, the city of Xia was about 4,000 kilometers away from the Great Sun Temple!

Four thousand kilometers!

If you drive or take a car, it will take at least seventy hours, and a week round trip!

But if he runs over, he can use the mystery of heaven and humanity while maintaining his physical strength, and he can run for three or four hundred kilometers or four thousand kilometers for one hour ...

Thirteen hours!

Running faster can reduce time to ten hours!

Binggui is fast!

When he drove slowly to the Sun Temple, daylily was cold!

"Run over! And run as fast as possible without affecting combat power!"

At the moment, Baili Qingfeng closed the car door, locked it, strode meteor and headed north.


As soon as Baili Qingfeng went out, the Thunder Sect intelligence personnel responsible for defending the university town spotted it, but ...

The speed of Baili Qingfeng is too fast, and the effect of stealth paint is extraordinary. When the intelligence personnel responded, Baili Qingfeng had disappeared and hesitated for a moment. He could only report one specious message.


Baili Qingfeng was in a heavy mood, and the threat of the Da Ri Temple was like a man's back. The sense of crisis was so strong that he even had the illusion of offending Tiejianmen.

after all……

That's the Great Sun Temple!

The largest spy agency of the Aurora Empire!

There are countless masters hidden in the temple, and the person in charge of the temple is said to be a wife of the Emperor Aurora?

Dealing with such a behemoth is full of fierce danger, and it is almost equivalent to provoking the entire Aurora Empire ...

"If I attack the Great Sun Temple ... it may destroy the friendship between the Kingdom of Shia and the Aurora Empire in the future."

Baili Qingfeng did not want to see Aurora's brother and the Kingdom of Shia go to war.

His second small goal is to eliminate disputes, resolve differences, and promote the peaceful reunification of the Kingdom of Hea and the Aurora Empire, and become a loving family.

Two countries that are adjacent to each other are bordered on a piece of land. This is a fate, and you should not fight and kill at every turn.

War and killings have no benefit except to bring about hurts. The two countries should have less conflicts and more forgiveness.

He believes that when the two parties have the right to an equal dialogue, he can find the Aurora Emperor, and have a good exchange with him, and use his reasoning to understand that it will definitely promote the peaceful exchange and peaceful evolution of the two countries, and even For peaceful reunification.

Prodigious heroes like the Emperor Aurora cannot fail to know the value of peace.

The only problem is ...

The status of both parties is not equal.

He spoke, and the Emperor Aurora might not listen patiently.

Especially at this time, if the Lord of the Sun Temple and the Emperor in charge of the Church are still blowing pillows in front of the Aurora Emperor, in case the hostile beliefs of the Aurora Emperor and the Kingdom of Hea are strengthened, the grievances of both sides will be held The escalation of the conflict to endlessness has led to the outbreak of the war between the two countries. I don't know how many innocent soldiers will fall in this unnecessary war.

"For the safety of my own life, and also for the unification and integration of the two nations of Shia and Aurora, the Great Sun Temple, which is dedicated to stiring the wind and rain to persecute others in Hia ... must be cut ..."

Baili Qingfeng is firm in the belief in his heart.

The destruction of the Great Sun Temple is no longer purely for the safety of his own life, but also given special meaning.

"But ... the process can't be so reckless anymore! Although the Great Sun Temple first assassinated me indifferently in the country of Chi Yan, now it is laying a plot to cut my network cable to destroy my spiritual will ... But, Da Ri The temple does not represent the Emperor of Aurora, but I can represent the Kingdom of Shia to a certain extent. If I recklessly enter the Sun Temple, it is almost equivalent to tearing the faces of Shia and the Temple ... The masters of the Great Japanese Sun Temple are like clouds and extremely dangerous. If I kill them from the front, I will definitely die for a lifetime ... Therefore, it can not cause war between the two countries, but also disintegrate the Great Japanese Temple conspiracy ... Assassination! "

Baili Qingfeng's thinking gradually became clear!

Although he did not know what the conspiracy against him was, as long as he assassinated all the upper floors of the consecration hall, no one would execute it. In this way, the conspiracy of the consecration hall would be shattered.

In addition, everything is done in secret, as long as he does not let anyone know his identity, the Aurora Empire cannot hold him back, and it will not cause the relations between the two countries to deteriorate.

"That's it! This time, I can't charge forward like I did with the previous enemies and Blood Wolf City. I will sneak in silently to assassinate all the high-rises in the Great Sun Temple! God does n’t know it. Disintegrate their plot against me and run back as fast as possible, the people of the Aurora Empire absolutely did not know that I did it! "

Baili Qingfeng said, his eyes lightened up slightly.

Kill one person in ten steps, stay for thousands of miles!

This is the true meaning of the assassin!

This is the style of the assassin in heaven and earth!

Although he seems a bit far from the Assassin of Heaven and Earth, this operation undoubtedly showed him the direction.

He had a hunch that when he did not alarm anyone, completed the assassination of the high-level temple of Dainichi, dismantled their conspiracy against him, and came out of the Dainian temple intact, perhaps ...

This is the opportunity for him to grow into a heavenly assassin.

Thinking of this, Baili Qingfeng began deliberately to choose the barren mountains and sparsely populated mountains after walking out of Xia Ya to the suburbs.

On the one hand, moving along the road is not small, and it is easy to scare the pedestrians on the road. What if someone else is startled because of his sudden appearance and caused a car accident?

On the other hand, since he decided to sneak into the Sun Temple to assassinate their high-levels, he must do his best!

The real assassin was already lurking the moment he decided to assassinate his opponent!

Therefore, it is perfectly reasonable for him to go into stealth as soon as he goes out!

Anyway, Xiu has reached such a point that he travels mountains and rivers as if walking on flat ground. He doesn't care whether there is a road in front of it. There is no road. He jumped up and swept hundreds of meters in the air. The road is nothing but speed.


When Baili Qingfeng left Xia Ya, and rushed to the Aurora Empire's Great Sun Temple at full speed, the Great Sun Temple, which was 4,000 kilometers away, also acted with the accurate information obtained by Gu Weiwei.

"Lord, let me go with you."

Outside of a helipad outside the building of the Great Sun Temple, Donghe caught up with Empress Taisie who had changed her bodysuit and showed an amazing arc.

At this time, Tessie was preparing to board the plane with the three of them.

"No need, Yegor, Simon, and Nascar have brought their men and women together to Wuhe City. The three of them, plus the three around me, have six true immortals, plus me ... ... don't say that when Baili Qingfeng does not have a Warframe, we will not act lightly. Even if he is wearing a Warframe, it is more than enough for some of us to kill him. "

Tess looked calmly.

But in a calm expression, but full of strong self-confidence.

As one of the three emperors of the Aurora Empire, she is in charge of the Great Sun Temple. She is a very capable person. If she is not strong, the Aurora Emperor may not see her.

After all, what is the identity of the Emperor Aurora, his talent is destined that he can never devote time and energy to a common woman who cannot understand him and keep up with his vision.

"Well, the time is tight. The time left for us is only 48 hours. In order to be arranged in advance, I must rush to Wuhe City at the fastest speed in 24 hours, and more than 4,000 kilometers ... 20 Four hours, it's too fast ... I must go immediately. "

Taisies said, and looked at him again: "Almost all the masters in the Great Sun Temple are transferred, and then take you away, the true immortal in the Temple is only Jin Cunyang. The strength is too weak, I worried!"

Donghe listened, and was very touched by his trust in the Empress.

"Please rest assured, unless I Donghe dies, otherwise, I must be optimistic about the church."

"I can trust you! In addition, pay attention to the movement of the Baili Qingfeng, and report it to me as soon as there is a change!"

After speaking, she also added: "This treacherous, may give other reasons to verify the authenticity of those resources ~ ~ you must be careful when you deal with it, don't be scared."

"I understand that I will hold him back from seeing any flaws."

Dong He said with a sorrow on his face.

Tai Sisi chose Dong He as her assistant, and she trusted him very much. She did not dare to waste time after explaining the things she needed to explain.

She only had forty-eight hours, and had to rush to Wuhe City to set up a trap twenty-four hours in advance. The time was too fast.

You can also take an airplane in China, but you must take a slow-moving submarine when you dive into the city of Chiawu.

So after the explanation was clear, she went directly to the helicopter.


(The next chapter may be eight o'clock, but the storyline is still not finished.)

Wonderful book house

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