The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 526: Unbearable

Sixth Army Corps.

It is the day when the space channel opens once a month.

Despite the last clearing of Baili Qingfeng, with the opening of the space channel close, the entire Sixth Army is still a close enemy, and people who originally had other positions such as Dou Kui and Shi Ming came here, and Sikongdao even more Arming has been started half a month ago. Once a caver was found to want to rush out of the space channel, he tried to kill the target within one kilometer of the channel as soon as possible.

"It's been a month since the Qingfeng hero has penetrated the space channel, shouldn't it be okay?"

Shi Ming looked at the direction of the space passage with a stern look.

"The Qingfeng hero is different from us. He is the ninth level master. According to our understanding, the ninth level master is called a knight in that world, and the knight is a strong man everywhere. As long as he is careful not to let himself fall into There should be no problem with the encirclement of the enemy. "

"This time, we must be clear. We must observe clearly whether it is the Qingfeng hero or the caveman who came out from the space channel first, so as not to accidentally hurt the friendly forces."

Si Kongdao's voice came through the headset: "I need to double-check to make sure I'm foolproof."

"I understand that Dou Kui and Shi Ming are on a lookout platform that is only two kilometers away from the space passage. Once someone comes out of the space passage, I can see it the first time."

Xiao Lige said.

Hearing Xiao Lige's words, Si Kongdao nodded far away in the command room.

In fact, after Baili Qingfeng entered the space channel, he already regretted it. There were too many uncertainties in the second world behind the space channel. Especially afterwards, the commander in chief Johnson and Yasuo even called him. Knowing the importance of Baili Qingfeng to their Kingdom of Shia, it made him realize his recklessness.

Shea is not a strong country or a big country. Even if she loses one or two Nine Powers, she will not shake her country, but Shea ...

Can't stand it.

Once there is something wrong with Baili Qingfeng, the fidelity senior is old again ...

The good situation that Shia managed to make a big difference is bound to be ruined.

Now he can only hope that Baili Qingfeng, a ninth-level master, can have the ability to cross the underground world. After shaking in the second world for a month, he can walk out of it safely, and uproot the burrow people's tribes on the opposite side. Up! ?

Don't dare to expect it.

After all, according to their calculations, the cave people over there are mostly 10,000 people!

Ten thousand cave people ...

It's chilling to think about it.


Ripples spread.

Sikongdao quickly invigorated his spirit: "Note that once the space channel is stable and someone comes out of it, I will report immediately, and I will decide whether to launch the attack after receiving your confirmation."


Xiao Lige's voice came from inside.

As the space ripples spread around, the gradual space channel is formed without any waves in the process.

At the moment when the space passage was stable, everyone from Xiao Lige, Sikong Dao, Dou Kui, and Si Ming focused their attention to the extreme, staring at the space passage so tightly that they did not dare to blink.

at last……

The figure appeared.

When everyone saw clearly, the figure wearing the familiar Warframe came out of the space channel, and everyone, including the **** of war and the fighting gods, could not help but exclaim.

"A hero of Qingfeng, a hero of Qingfeng!"

"it is good!"

Si Kongdao shook his fist fiercely!

"I knew that the Qingfeng hero was the ninth-level master and created countless miracles in his life. How could there be any danger to him in the pit world?"

"Qing Feng's hero is all right, it's great. Seeing the appearance of Qing Feng's hero, there doesn't seem to be a burrower on the opposite side? Let's go and meet him!"

"Well? Qingfeng hero ... also brought a man? A little girl !?"

Xiao Lige, Dou Kui, Si Ming and others exclaimed with joy, one by one can't wait to meet them.

"You just happened to be here. I also collected some Chen Jin. You can move some people."

As they rushed towards the space channel, a voice sounded in their heads.

The sound is a bit distorted. It seems to be transmitted in some special way, but it can be heard faintly. This is the voice of Baili Qingfeng.

"this is……"

Xiao Lige looked at Baili Qingfeng with a stunned look, and then he seemed to think of something, and couldn't help taking a sip of cold air: "Is this ... the idea of ​​sound transmission !?"

Dou Kui also heard this voice in his head. He was wondering where the voice came from. He couldn't help but widen his eyes when he heard what Xiao Lige said: "Is it the idea of ​​sound transmission !? The magical means that Jiuzhong Cave can only master! "

"The hero of Qingfeng broke through to Nine Heavy Gods !?"

My life was a little bit stingy.

Refining God is ninefold, but that is the most difficult realm of refining God.

When was the last time Baili Qingfeng broke through to the refining **** Yae! ?

Less than two years!

In two years, from the eighth refining **** to the ninth refining god, based on the three-three system of the refining **** realm, does that not mean that he can make a breakthrough in six years and step into the tenth highest state of refining God! ?

Refining God is tenfold, but that is the pinnacle of being able to compete with the Xeon!

Although face-to-face confrontation, Lian Shen Ten is not the opponent of the Xeon, but Lian Shen is not suitable for frontal fighting. They are really good at sneak attacks.

By means of spiritual interference in matter, the effect brought by the combination of a tenfold refining **** and one Xeon is definitely above the two Xeons.

"We Shia ... we have the hope that Xia will give birth to the strongest combat power in the future !?"

"Despite the failure of Qingfeng's hero Xeon Road, once he can really step into the top ten of refining God ..."

Dou Kui and Si Ming both felt that they were trembling slightly, and they were too excited to be themselves.

The same was true of Xiao Lige, but he was excited for a moment and immediately solemnly said: "Two people, we must keep this news strictly confidential, except the Prime Minister, the Guardian, and the Marshal, we must not tell anyone ... the Aurora Empire to our Shia The hero of Qingfeng himself has been stunned. It is said that the number of spies who infiltrated Xia has been several times during this time. The hero of Qingfeng still stared at the Aurora empire in the decision of the Xeon Road, unwilling to give him a chance to grow If you let the people of the Aurora Empire know that the hero of Qingfeng is expected to step into the peak of the refining **** in the next few years ... I am afraid that the Aurora Emperor will be unable to help himself!

Dou Kui and Si Ming were suddenly reminded by such a reminder, and at the same time nodded heavily: "We understand that we will not leak this news for half a minute."

"Today, I didn't hear anything."

Between the two of them, they had come to Baili Qingfeng.

Baili Qingfeng was carrying a lot of armors tied behind him, holding a little girl with one hand, walking slowly.

The look looks a little funny, but ...

Just a glance at the exquisiteness of the armor carried by Baili Qingfeng is enough to make anyone breathless.

Knights armor!

At least ten sets of standard knight armor cast by the temple!

Although these knight armors are tied together, there is no beauty at all, but each set of knight armor means at least one reserve knight, and the reserve knight is placed in the human world, but it is equivalent to breaking the second human limit of the existence of the unparalleled existence Everyone, even in the world-class forces, is a mainstay!

Baili Qingfeng brought more than a dozen sets of knight armor in one breath ...

What did he do in the caveman world! ?

"The space passage is okay for the time being. You can let people move things. In addition, it is not necessary to be close to the enemy. This time the opening of the space passage is very safe."

Baili Qingfeng saw Xiao Lige, Dou Kui, and Li Ming respond slowly, and patiently said something.

"Qing ... Qing Feng hero ... Knight armor on you ..."

"Oh, I brushed it a little myself. In addition, I encountered a couple of people who lost each other and got a little bit."

Baili Qingfeng said.

"Pick ... Pick ..."

Xiao Lige heard the envy of Baili Qingfeng, and was full of envy.

The Cavaliers contain radiant gold ...

Even if a set of knight armor is ready for the knight, it is enough to get a set of Chenjin battle armor. This kind of armor can be found ...

However, Xiao Lige understands that they are envious of such things, and they are not envious. Preparing the knights and knights for clashes is equivalent to the battle between the peerless and dominating powerhouses, and even a level higher than half a level. He is a little If the great master of Dare dares to intervene in this level of fighting, either side of the two sides can crush him into a shatter.

"I'll get someone to collect Chen Jin right away ..."

Xiao Lige said, looked at the little girl brought by Baili Qingfeng ...

No digging.

I just considered the language, and asked with some anticipation: "Qing Feng hero ... you just used the idea of ​​sound transmission? Did you ... break through to the nineth level of refining God?"


Speaking of this, Baili Qingfeng's face was full of sighs: "This time, if it wasn't because I broke through to Nine Gods of Refining, I wouldn't be able to return ..."

"I almost can't come back !?"

Xiao Lige suffocated: "Hero Fengfeng, what happened ..."

"what's up……"

Baili Qingfeng thought about it, a lot of things happened, and the things were too complicated to be said in a short while.

He spent a month in the caveman world, and picked up a little girl. The shower gel and shampoo on his body were not much, and he used it all on this little girl. This has made this little girl so far. Still looks clean and cute, but he himself ...

I have n’t taken a bath for four days.

At the moment he sighed: "It's over, everything is over. Although I didn't completely solve the problem of the cave people over there, I didn't die there ... instead, I fortunately broke the barriers of the realm and stepped into the God of Refining Ninefolds are also blessed by misfortunes ... "

After saying that, he said, "Well, you can move Chenjin and find me a room with a bathroom for a rest."

Seeing Bai Liqing Feng's unbearable look ~ ~ Xiao Lige was afraid for a while.

Baili Qingfeng didn't even want to say, it is conceivable how dangerous he was then!

It must be a life of nine deaths, escape from death, ...

If it wasn't for the breakup and the refining **** broke through, they would never see him again ...

And the original intention of all this ...

He's all for their sixth army!

Thinking of this, Xiao Lige took a step back and bowed carefully to the end: "Hero Qingfeng, you have worked hard."


(The computer at home is actually broken. This chapter uses a mobile phone code. At present, the computer is taken to the store by a repairman. Chapter 3 uses the code to try the mobile phone code again, but the speed is very slow. I do n’t know when. And the code word on the mobile phone feels very bad, I always feel that something is missing, the code word seems to have no soul.)

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