The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 519: solidification


Baili Qingfeng's fierce and decisive conviction burned the void, and the momentum formed by the two thousand elite soldiers on the main body of Blood Wolf City seemed to be burned by an invisible force, and a gap was ripped apart!

"Huh !? This is ... the power of the mind !?"

Blood Wolf City's eyes narrowed: "No wonder he was called a demon knight, and he was a bit handy ..."

Without waiting for the spirit power of Bai Li Qing Feng who was suddenly shocked by the main blood wolf city master, he had already killed the breath of Bai Qing Qing Feng who was dozens of meters in front of him ...


"The demons disintegration! One-half burn! On!"


The atmosphere is shaking!

In the void, as if there was a force suddenly torn and exploded ...



At the same time, there is the ugly face of the Blood Wolf Lord who was not aware of it and gradually drew up!

He noticed the crisis, but when it really came ...

Blood Wolf Lord's Thinking ...

It seemed to freeze for a moment.

"This power ..."

Seeing the insidious human who was approaching a whole new level suddenly, the expression on the face of the owner of Blood Wolf City suddenly became distorted!

He has a word and must yell out!

"Lying ..."


The cry of the Blood Wolf Lord was just half, and his body was completely covered and devoured by the fiery boiling faith on Baili Qingfeng.

It's like a sand castle standing in front of the tsunami.


Called desperate roar since the momentum was completely crushed into the shattered Blood Wolf City main mouth, let him at the last moment of the fierce burst of the sword in his hand, in an attempt to show his final counterattack and heroic, deducting invincible fighting And faith ...


Spark, Bloodlight, Sword ...

Collision like a comet earth.

Facing the destruction that humans swept through, the Lord of Blood Wolf's counterattack seemed to have struck a towering mountain.

The strength contained in the non-killing sword shattered the sword in the hand of the Lord of the Blood Wolf with the destruction and death, and then ...

Cut in his body!


The waves are scattered!

The sword cricket on the sword's edge exploded in the moment the main body of Blood Wolf was cut off, as if a detonation bomb was detonated on the main body of Blood Wolf City, blasting him into blood mist on the spot!

One sword!

Blood Wolf Lord died on the spot!


Fishy Claw Command!


Bishop Ivan!


Cavemen Warriors!

Time seemed to freeze at this moment.

All the cavemen warriors who were still eagerly shouting the name of their Lord of the City, waiting to see the Lord of the City show their might, and killed the human knight with thunder and mighty power, seemed to have voodoo at the same time, staring blankly at that The Tao was almost indifferent, blood shot, tearing down the figures, and each brain fell into a blank.

The invincible God of War in their hearts fell?




Baili Qingfeng took a breath of air.

Although he was surprised that he could kill the Bloodwolf Lord, he paid a terrible price!

Suddenly detonating one-half of the almighty cells in the body, giving him unparalleled terror power, and even making his body on the verge of collapse. If it were not for the quantum warfare to support the body state, plus the Phoenix Nirvana Continuously replenishing his own energy loss, I am afraid at this moment he is about to splatter blood and fall weak.

"The injury is too serious. Fortunately, the main IQ of this blood wolf city is less than sixty, and one of my taunts played in the battle. Otherwise, there will be people from the burrows at this time ... Life is on the line! Run!"

Baili Qingfeng didn't even dare to look at the remaining cavemen, and while those cavemen were still in the shock of their city's beheaded by a sword, he did not hesitate to turn around and run!

"Blood ... Blood Wolf City ..."

Ivan looked at the Lord of the Blood Wolf who had lost his voice completely and stood on the spot.

"This is not true, this is not true!"

But the fishy claw was as if he couldn't accept the result, shouting with some emotional breakdown.

As for the ordinary cave people, the elite is a commotion. The original momentum was inspired by the exhaustion after passion, and it fell down in an avalanche. Many people were sitting on the ground directly and incredibly, as if being pumped. From all strength.

In this case, when Baili Qingfeng ran for hundreds of meters at a stretch and almost had to run out of their siege circle, the remaining leaders and small leaders could not bear to react.

"Kill him! Kill him! Revenge for the Lord!"

Fishy claws led the angry roar for the first time.

"Forbidden! He must have used his side-effected forbidden technique to stimulate his own potential and temporarily possess the power of the great knight. This killed the Lord of the Lord! This is a terrible act!"

"Knights and knights in this great state are like heavens, and the price to break this embargo is unimaginable. Now he is absolutely at the end of the crossbow, kill him, while he has not recovered to kill him! "

The other commanders also roared and ordered the elite soldiers to snip.


At this moment, the morale of these two thousand soldiers has clearly fallen to an unprecedented low, although the cavemen soldiers moved slightly under the orders of the commanders, and they seemed to intercept the Baili Qingfeng, but with the Baili Qingfeng During the breakout, the four cavemen fighters were quickly beheaded and killed, all the cavemen fighters were trembling, timid and stagnant.

Some people in the caves were horrified, "Devil! This is the devil's knight!"

"I have a friend from the Bloodaxe tribe. He said that this human knight is the incarnation of the devil. He has endless power, endless physical strength, immortality, killing is his wings, death is his shadow, and his voice is Come and mourn, his sword brings destruction, and his birth is the lingering nightmare of our cavemen! "

"I have also heard of this rumor, the destruction knight wandering in Tianzhuyuan, the master of killing and death! I didn't believe it before, but even the invincible Lord of the City is dying in his sword that brought destruction. This is most likely true ... "

These cavemen soldiers said in horror, they did not dare to step forward, and almost watched Baili Qingfeng rush out from their encirclement.

Blood Wolf City can be as large as today, and it has grown to 100,000 people. It is the invincible existence of the Blood Wolf City Lord that unites the tribes with his own reputation. Now the Lord of Blood Wolf City is dead, and his knight is invincible. Myth is broken, Blood Wolf City is undoubtedly the same as having broken the spine and defeating the spirit of spirit, unless a character similar to the owner of Blood Wolf City can be held in his hands by a powerful and overbearing method, Otherwise, this huge cave man tribe will most likely fall apart and collapse.

"Brave cavemen warriors! How can we tolerate a human being mass murdering in the territory of our blood wolf city !?"

At this time, Bishop Ivan stood up and shouted, "Tianzhuyuan is the Tianzhuyuan of our cave people. No aliens are allowed to dye their fingers. Take the tomahawk in your hands and hold them tightly. Show your courage to the great blood **** and kill this human invader! "

The words of Bishop Ivan finally awakened the fighting spirit of some cavemen soldiers, and suddenly there were hundreds of cavemen shouting at the slogan of revenge for the Lord of the City, chasing and killing Baili Qingfeng.


At this moment, they have missed the best time to hunt down Baili Qingfeng. Coupled with the two-pronged approach of quantum warfare and Phoenix Nirvana, his physical state was pulled back from the collapse line, and he immediately stepped forward and went all out. Rushing and running, the mystery of heaven and humanity appeared from him, making his speed soar. Although his speed could not reach the peak due to injuries, it was by no means an ordinary caveman warrior. Up.

However, his appearance of running away from the road seems to make those people in the cave realize that he is indeed at the end of the crossbow.

At the moment, one of the captains of the blood wolf knight came out of the crowd and screamed loudly: "The blood debt must be paid for in blood. This human has killed our respected Lord Lord. He must pay for what he has done! All wolf knights Charge me, let this human blood spill over Tianzhuyuan's land, shame, only with blood can it be washed! "



A large number of wolf knights rushed forward.

The wolf knights themselves are the direct armies of the Lord of the Blood Wolf City, loyal to the Lord of the Blood Wolf City, and now with the convening of the commander-level captain, there are four or fifty wolf knights rushing out to join the hunting and killing Baili Qingfeng In the team.

"Chasing! Let's chase it! Don't say that this human is not a big knight, even if the real big knight is facing a besiege by thousands of cavemen warriors, there is only one way to go!"

Fishy Claw was also angrily ordered at this time.

"That human knight is fast, we may not catch up ..."

A leader came forward, his eyes flashed.

Baili Qingfeng can even kill the powerful and invincible Blood Wolf Lord. No matter how severe his injury is at the moment, at least he can still run and jump. I really want to besiege him. I do n’t know how many people will be killed in his. Doomed counterattack.

Now the Lord of Blood Wolf is dead ...

Why should they die for Bloodwolf Lord again?

"Leader Mori, do n’t forget, even though the Lord of the City is dead, the Lord of the Blood Wolf City is still there. The Lord of the City is not only powerful, but the wisdom and means are even higher than the Lord of the City. The dominance of Wolf City, if you let the Lord of the City know that your Hessian tribe has made a mistake in the process of revenge for the Lord of the City ... Are you ready to face the anger of the Lord of the City? "

Bishop Ivan sank.

Under the preaching of Bishop Ivan, the leader of Moriya hesitated for a moment, after all, he was afraid of the strength of the Blood Temple: "It is natural for me to avenge me for the Lord of the City. I just worry that I cannot catch up with him ..."

"Hundred kilometers in the circle belong to our blood wolf city's territory. I will send orders to all the cavemen within Blood Wolf City and let them send troops to siege this human! In addition, I will pass the order to other tribes and let Tianzhu All the tribes in the original participated in the siege of this despicable human knight. We lay down a heavenly land, and we will absolutely kill him in the land of Tianzhuyuan in honor of the immortal hero of the Lord. "

"If someone else blocks ~ ~ I and my subordinates will naturally join the siege of this human."

Moriya said, he convened his subordinates, and led a full 300 elites to chase and kill in the direction of Baili Qingfeng's escape.

The other commanders were similar, and each led the headquarters and began to pursue.

The original blood wolf city, which was about to split and was about to be split, was forced down by the claws by the name of the Shaocheng Lord.


They delayed, hesitated, and repelled the killing, which made it half an hour after they actually pursued, and Baili Qingfeng didn't know where they had gone.

It was as if he was carrying three hundred elite Moriya, and after chasing for an hour, he had completely lost the trail of Baili Qingfeng.

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