The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 507: Phoenix Nirvana

"Unexpectedly, after making a big circle, it still fell into the trinity."

Baili Qingfeng had a faint smile on his face.

He did have foresight.

Three in one ...

The power of spirit, the power of the universe, the power of rebirth!

"I should have thought, what is the power of rebirth, what is the power of rebirth? Only when the physical body is strong enough to be reborn at some point in the future, is this the power of rebirth, and the physical body is strong enough, you have to put your mind on it In refining and refining gas, refining enhances cell toughness, and refining enhances cell activity, and when refining and refining reach a certain level ... Well, this certain state should refer to The Xeons, the Xeons need to absorb the spiritual power of the sun and the moon, the essence of the heavens and the earth, drink the wind of the meal, swallow the clouds and mist, and continue to strengthen themselves, and this power ... is the power of the universe! "

Baili Qingfeng said, with a tone: "Some terms in the novel refer to it as vitality, aura, magic elements, etc., but the nature is similar, all from the universe of heaven and earth!"

His thoughts had become very clear while speaking.

The strength of the spirit and the power of rebirth reach the peak, that is, the limit of the most powerful, stimulates the power of the universe, attracts the initiation of the power of the universe, breaks the limit of the human body in one fell swoop, and unites the ternary into the supremacy above the strong realm.

That's it!

That's it!

"How overbearing the cosmic power is, a careless spirit and spirit will completely collapse, and if you want to carry the vastness of the cosmic power with human flesh and blood, you must have a sufficiently powerful nature of life. Therefore, nihilism came into being. Life, and life is gone, it can also feedback itself, so that the cultivation of the spirit and spirit of the practitioner is stronger, and the understanding of the power of the universe is faster ... and life enhances the essence of life ... isn't it health? ... "

Baili Qingfeng got up, took out the nihilism that was previously written by himself, and carefully studied it, studying it word by word.

Thanks to the idea, some seemingly ordinary sentences seem to have a completely different magic power. This supreme magical method seems to really show its return to its true meaning.

At the moment, he couldn't wait to go downstairs, ran to the cultivation room, and re-cultivated nothingness.

"A watermelon is round and round, split it into two halves, you half come to him half ... to you you don't, he doesn't accept it ..."

Baili Qingfeng meditated on the tactics of nihilism and cooperated with breathing and breathing to hit the external skills of nihilism.



Baili Qingfeng stopped for a while.

"No, although I found the true meaning of nihilism and learned that its role is to strengthen the essence of life and enhance the order of life, but ... there is still not much effect in practice ... or it has no effect at all ... ... "


too difficult!

This nihilism is worthy of pointing to the supreme magic above Xeon, it is too difficult to practice getting started!

Much harder than the questions on all the papers he encountered.

"It seems that it can only be done step by step. Start with the little nihilism that enhances the essence of life. As for the remaining harmony spirit, prepare for the future ternary unity ... wait until I reach the state of the Xeon. It is not too late to consider, if I ca n’t reach the Xeon, even if I have completely practiced Nihilism, it will not be useful ... It's like I can't find the real dragon with Dragon Surgery ... "

As a down-to-earth person, Baili Qingfeng quickly recognized his shortcomings.

Since the dragon-slaying technique could not be practiced, and it became useless, he simplified the ambush tiger technique from the dragon-slaying technique first.

"Improving the essence of life ... The effect of the original real body seems to be to optimize the genes and enhance the human potential ... but it is necessarily difficult to achieve the creation of a small nothingness by relying on an original real body ... I have collected a few health effects. The exercises! "

Baili Qingfeng recalled the many exercises he had encountered ...

Gradually got the idea.

Exercises that enhance the essence of life ...

Strictly speaking, is it to make yourself work towards the rebirth of blood, it is simple to think about it.

Baili Qingfeng went upstairs for the first time, turned on his own computer, and boarded the Jianyu Jianghu Forum. He wanted to search Jianyu Jianghu for useful health care methods.

On the forum, he actually received several private letters.

At this time, Baili Qingfeng remembered that the ice and snow jade had already been sent, and his exercises had not been sent yet, and he immediately entered the private message.


The most information in the private letter is actually not ice and snow jade, but white clothes win.

Baili Qingfeng quickly put on his chat number and found that there was also Bai Yisheng's message in the chat number. These messages were sent in the past few days, but because these days he was in the star track city, he didn't have time to open the computer No. I did n’t see it.

"Boss wins, I'm here. What do the guys command?"

Baili Qingfeng opened a recent message and responded.

Then he turned to the Tianjidian Forum, found the account of Ice and Snow Jade, and sent a message: "Are you there?"

Unlike Bai Yisheng, Ice and Snow Jade's answer was fast, less than five seconds, and he immediately replied: "Yes."

It's like staying in front of the computer.

"The stuff you sent last time is very good. Although it is not good for digestion, I really can't say the quality. Thank you. I will give you the exercises."

Baili Qingfeng said that he had sent all the previously collected mysterious versions of the origin **** demon purgatory body and the demon dismantling technique to Frozen Emerald.

Obtaining the mysterious version of the origin **** demon purgatory body and the demon disintegration technique transmitted by Baili Qingfeng, the ice and snow jade seemed to be verified, and did not speak for a long time.

Just at this moment, Bai Yisheng finally returned the message: "Thunder Master, you are online, just right, I have something to discuss with you, I call you ..."


Baili Qingfeng said he reported his phone number.

Soon, his phone rang.

As he connected the phone, Bai Yisheng's voice came quickly inside: "Hey? What's the signal? This **** twenty-four-star gold version of the satellite mobile phone doesn't work, do I have to put the satellite myself? Row?"

"Clear, white wins big guy, the voice is clear."

"Oh? That's good, Lord of Thunder. I heard that you have perfected your demon purgatory body and formed a higher level of cultivation? It seems that you uploaded the database of Tianjilou once for verification?"

"Yes, that's the case."

"it is good!"

Bai Yisheng's voice was obviously with a hint of excitement: "Our Tianjilou is very interested in this demon purgatory, and this refining technique is very important to our Bai family. I don't know if the Thunder Lord is willing to trade with us?"

"Trading? Oh, you have to originate the demon purgatory body, it's okay, you can take it, anyway, it is not a valuable thing."

Baili Qingfeng is very open-minded.

He is not the kind of person who cherishes his broom. What is the significance of creating the exercises?

Not for people to practice?

The idea of ​​the moderator of Aotian Sword God is that everyone is like a dragon. In this case, someone should be happy to learn his skills.

He immediately said, "I'll pass on to you the Origin Demon Purgatory."


Bai Yisheng seemed to be stunned by Baili Qingfeng's refreshment. It took a while before he responded: "You ... just plan to give us this? Although you seem to have some disadvantages in this exercise, only a special constitution Or you can practice it only if you have a special set of exercises, but ... the effect of this exercise alone is definitely difficult to measure with the many exercises available on the market. Such a valuable exercise, you ... do n’t need Change something? "

"No, you can enjoy my exercises and practice them. I am too happy to be too late."

Baili Qingfeng said with a smile.

Bai Yisheng was silent on the phone for a moment, and said sincerely: "Okay, really worthy of being the number one on the roster of stars, so courageous. In this case, I can't stand by Bai Yisheng, the origin of God and Purgatory I accept it, but if you have any needs, just speak up! No matter if you want top methods, cultivation resources, and magic weapons, I can find them for you! "

"No, not really."

Baili Qingfeng waved.

"I see, you naturally don't look at the ordinary exercises, the only thing that really catches your attention is Xeon martial arts, Xeon mystery? Even ... Xeon exercises that can be promoted to the Xeon state ? "

"Really need not be so polite."

"You can pass me the origin and demon purgatory body to me so trustingly, will I win in vain in vain? Are you using swords? Xeon swordsmanship, you also have amazing accomplishments in refining gods, or ... the top mystery !? "

Baili Qingfeng saw that Bai Yisheng was unwilling to accept the appearance of the **** and demon infernal body without dealing with him. He was moved by Bai Yisheng's openness and atmosphere.

He thought for a moment and said, "I've been collecting some health and rehabilitation exercises recently. If you have any, can you give me a little?"

"The method of health and recovery, then you have found the right person! When it comes to recovery methods, I collected Baijia to recognize the second, no one dare to recognize the first, I will send you the top health recovery methods soon. It will never be much lower in value than your Origin Demon Purgatory! "

Bai Yisheng answered quickly.

After a proper discussion with Baili Qingfeng, the two immediately switched from the phone voice mode to the software chat mode.

One by one folders were sent over by Bai Sheng ...

Undead tactics, resuscitation of life, tactics of life and creation, magic of longevity, source of life ...

In less than a minute ~ ~ Thirteen documents were sent by Bai Yisheng.

"These are the top health and restorative exercises."

After Baili Qingfeng received all these documents, Bai Yisheng sent another encrypted document ...

"This is one of the three core inheritances of our Bai family. Thunder is the rule. You can pass on other exercises, but keep this secret secret."

"I understand that I have a strong respect for intellectual property."

Baili Qingfeng said, nodded to receive.

As he opened the document, a restorative exercise was revealed to him.

Phoenix Nirvana.


(Going to participate in the event tomorrow, it seems to be a week. In the coming week, I can only try to keep two changes.)

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