The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 504: Xeon Power Method


The white elephant dragon noticed that Baili Qingfeng looked a little different, but ...

He believes that Baili Qingfeng will eventually agree.

"Once you marry Xiaoyu, we are one family. Zu Longshan will never treat you badly. You can consider it without having to rush to reply."

White Elephant Dragon Road.

Baili Qingfeng has always regarded her as a little sister, as for marriage ...

He quickly shook his head: "The people of the Cotai Group and the Yunxiao Sword Palace also approached me, but ... I'm still a student and have to study ... It's very early to get married ..."

"It doesn't matter that it takes three or four years to train you to the title of ninth grade. If it is slow, five or six years, even four years is fine. At that time, Xiaoyu was twenty and you were twenty-five.

Bai Xianglong said faintly: "There is one thing that the friend of Baili should not know yet, Xiao Yu's girl has nothing to do, and passed the original true body to you?"

"That's the case."

"You should have already practiced?"

Baili Qingfeng thought about it, he integrated the original true body into the demon purgatory body to synthesize and originate the demon purgatory body, it should be regarded as practicing ...


"Then you know that the original true body is my Zulongshan Xigong method!"

"Xiongong method !?"

Baili Qingfeng froze slightly.

In the words of Xeongong ...

Generally it is not possible to spread it. Once it is said, the affiliates have to find ways to recover it?

This is an unwritten rule among these world-class forces, and by this method a monopoly on the Xeon Kung Law is formed.

"Not to mention that you practiced the supreme power of our Zulongshan, we must withdraw this power from you. In addition, you have also practiced this power for some time, but you have felt some abnormalities. For example, the body's metabolism is enhanced, and it has a unique advantage in breaking the limit, and it has a new secondary transformation? "

"Breaking the limits is easy and rejuvenating ..."

Baili Qingfeng immediately thought of the two realms that he easily broke through: "There is such a change. Because of this, my realm can break through one after another. In addition, I have started to lose hair and grow new hair. My teeth are also loose , Shedding, growth. "

"Huh !? You actually practiced the original true body so quickly, and you are truly a genius who can become the master at the age of 21."

Bai Xianglong took a look at Baili Qingfeng, and was quite surprised: "But this step has been reached. Even if you no longer practice the original true body, this transformation and rebirth cannot be stopped, and this rebirth and transformation must be obtained. Properly guide, otherwise, just like hormone-induced muscles, it may make you look very powerful for a short time, but it will continue to become deformed and become a monster in the short term! And this method of guidance is the original truth The core secret of our true core lies at the core of our Zulong Pass! "

Baili Qingfeng heard his face slightly white: "Become an abnormal monster?"


Bai Xianglong stunned slightly: "According to your progress, you have now cultivated the original true body to at least a small one, and even stepped into a large one. The original true body in the small adult phase is okay. Optimize your genes and enhance the essence of your life. The efficiency of the transformation is not too fast. It is estimated that it will take two or three years for the deformity to occur. However, if you have already cultivated your original true body ... you will have mutation within one year. "

"One year ..."

"So you have a year to think about, and once the mutation starts, even if we want to correct you with the correct guidance, it will not be easy."

Bai Xianglong stood up: "Zulongshan is very easy to find, and you and my granddaughter Xiaoyu often communicate, so you know how to contact me, I'll wait for your good news."

"You're like this ... this is using desolate mint."

Baili Qingfeng frowned.

"No one is forcing you to practice the original true body, because you can't resist the temptation of the Xigong Gongfa, and you lack sufficient judgment."

Bai Xianglong said indifferently: "Don't think that by stopping the cultivation of the original true body, the process of transformation and rebirth can't stop at the beginning, as if people can't grow in reverse, the longer and the smaller.

As for Baili Qingfeng, relying on himself to solve the problems of the original true body and create a suitable guidance method ...

He was even less worried.

This method comes from a great inheritance in the Second World. It has a history of thousands of years. It has already perfected the original true body. It can't be perfected anymore. There are really ways to make up for this shortcoming.

Thinking to himself, he kept his calm smile and opened the door of the quiet room.

Outside the door, Mint Desolate is under the guidance of that woman, watering those bonsais, and Zhu Rong stood by, performing his duty of looking after Mint Desolate.

When Mint desolately saw Bai Xianglong opening the door, he abandoned his kettle and ran over the first time: "Grandpa, are you finished talking with Qingfeng brother?"

"Well, it's over."

Bai Xianglong said, and smiled at Mint with a stern look: "Do you like Baili Qingfeng?"

"I like it. Brother Qingfeng is handsome. My first favorite is Grandpa, and my second favorite is Brother Qingfeng."

Mint nodded sternly.

"That's good, I invited Baili Qingfeng to our Zulongshan as a guest, of course, it depends on whether he has time."

Bai Xianglong still had a smile on his face, with a kind smile in his smile.

But at this moment, Baili Qingfeng looked at it. This kind of love ...

It doesn't seem to be like the elders' indulgence to the younger ones, but like ... to their own pets.

"Great, brother Qingfeng, your grandfather has invited you. Although our family is in the countryside, it is very beautiful. There are many mountains and trees. In addition, we have a big tiger on the mountain, more than any tiger I have seen To be big, if you go to our house as a guest, will I take you to see it? "

Delighted mint rejoicing.

Baili Qingfeng looked at the desolate look of Mint Desolate ...

Smiled and nodded: "Okay."

"It's great. I will take Qingfeng's younger brother to tour our hometown by then."


Yunyan is small outside.

Baili Qingfeng rejected Bai Xianglong's arrangement for Zhu Rong and walked to Miao Wuji's villa.

As he walked, he sensed his condition.

The original true body is truly extraordinary. This is a method that changes at the genetic level, enhances the human potential, and optimizes the essence of life. As for this method that Bai Xianglong said has problems, failure to get the correct guidance may lead to deformities ...

Baili Qingfeng carefully sensed ...

"No, there are no abnormalities. Instead, the energy content of the newly born cells has been greatly improved ... it is that these cells do not seem to be easy to change ..."

Baili Qingfeng pondered.

He wanted to use the demons disintegration technique to gain power above the ordinary level nine. Universal cells were not enough. The cells optimized by the original real body were more powerful and more energy-storing. The only drawback was that they grew too slowly. Now ...

"It looks like I haven't had enough accomplishments in the original true body. Go back and work harder ... In addition, take time to isolate some cells for Professor Kanis to study and let this new cell fuse with the universal cell. Maybe it can be solved smoothly The lack of energy in the new demons disintegration. "


Miao family.


Naturally, all the veterans of the Miao family were summoned. Even the veterans who were stationed outside attended the conference by telephone or agents.

"Our Miao family has been too arrogant. After all, how can Baili Qingfeng be alone, and still be able to rival our entire Miao family? Besides, our Miao family has huge wealth, as long as we are willing to spend money, then It's not difficult to bring in a few eighth-level powerhouses. How can you look at the face of a little boy? "

At the moment is talking about the four-year-old Miao Tianyang, Miao Tianyang and the two-year-old Miao Tianfeng have a close relationship. Baili Qingfeng broke into the Miao family to kill Miao Tianfeng, which made him extremely angry.

"It's a little overdue for the owner to handle this matter. Baili Qingfeng is a ninth-level master, but he didn't directly break into our Miao family to kill. Our Miao family had to apologize to them without prosecution. Spread it out, let others know that our Miao family is overwhelmed by a master of Shia. Where does our Miao family face? "

Speaking is San Yuan Miao Shenghui.

It is also one of the three eight-level powerhouses of the Miao family.

"I feel like a wit? Not willing? So, I want to ask, who will resist the mystery of Baili Qingfeng's refining."

Miao Haoran said indifferently: "He has a record of mysticism that killed Miao Tianfeng. From his mental state estimation, it should not be difficult for him to perform four or five times. If he wants to die with him, this Who will resist the mystery of refining four or five times? Are you here, veteran Tianyang? "


Miao Tianyang was speechless in horror.

"Or you ..."

Miao Haoran once again turned to other veterans.

Suddenly, a veteran who was dissatisfied with each other was silent.

"not talking anymore?"

Miao Haoran continued: "Even if you really blocked the mysterious mystery of Baili Qingfeng, Baili Qingfeng killed four true immortals before coming to our Miao family, and I almost checked those four true immortals. Now, they are all masters of the Aurora Empire ’s Great Sun Temple. Among them, the three true immortals and one senior true immortal, in the face of this power, how do you ...

"Really four true immortals !? Among them are three peak real immortals !?"

The old veteran Miao Xu asked in a deep voice.

"The Grand Patriarch also has his own intelligence channels. If you don't believe it, you can check it."

"Bali Qingfeng is really so strong ..."

Grand Yuan Miao Xuri also frowned: "It's just that if picketing is really carried out, the impact will be too great ..."

"It's better to have an impact than the Miao family's one day offending the terrible enemy."

Miao Haoran said, took a breath, and continued: "I got the latest news, Baili Qingfeng just met a person, and that person ... is the most active Xeon in Dongshenzhou, a world-class force. Zulongshan Dragon Head-White Elephant Dragon! "

"Zulong Mountain !?"

"Did Zulongshan Dragon come to our star track city?"

"His ... White Elephant Dragon, World-Class Xeon!"

The news immediately made all the elders take a breath.

"If Baili Qingfeng smashes the top of our Miao family, I believe Zulongshan will never mind sending someone to pick up a bargain, not to mention, many families are happy to do things pushed by the wall."


Think of the horror record of Baili Qingfeng refining mysticism and the sword's four true immortals, this time ...

No one dared to speak.

"Not long ago when the news of Baili Qingfeng beheading Ou Tieqi came, we discussed the person of Baili Qingfeng. His fierce and brutal, I do not need to retell it? This is almost an extermination of the Three Holy Alliances by one person. He has grown up to this day, walking on the **** bones ~ ~ No one of the Zongmen forces that he has been following has been spared! "

Miao Haoran said this, paused, and gradually expressionless: "I just want to say one thing, do you want our Miao family to exterminate the clans?"

The entire patriarch would be silent.

It took a while for the veteran Miao Xu to exhale a long breath: "Self-check! If you make a mistake, you should be punished, you should be killed! Even the veteran is no exception!"

Suddenly several veterans changed their faces: "The grand veteran !?"

Miao Xuri ignored a few of them, but set her eyes on Miao Haoran: "I will cooperate with you with all my strength."

"Thank you Grandpa."

Miao Haoran saluted slightly.

The light of his eyes swept over the elders who were horrified ...

This time, he will take advantage of this opportunity to sweep the dark smoke of the Miao family, completely control the Miao family and realize the authority of the owner.

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