The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 186: Chance encounter

"A hundred miles?"

Looking at the enthusiastic Brief Speaker, Ge Shuren frowned, some could not understand.

During this period of time, Baili Changkong is indeed not famous. It seems that he has also become the vice chairman of the Martial Arts Association. He also paid a visit.

It was just because he hadn't maintained the relationship with Baili Changkong before. Baili Changkong didn't treat him very much. He tried hard and wanted to pay his daughter Geshasha to learn martial arts under his door. Unfortunately, this time he failed. The reason why she wanted her daughter to join the line of the Floating Sect, and worshiped under the name of the Floating Sect.

It stands to reason that although the chairman of a local warrior's association is not light, it is impossible to attract the kindness of President Jian Yi! ?

You know, Vice President Jane Bang is one of the strong competitors of the next Speaker of Parliament.

Once he can become the president of the parliament, there is hope for the prime minister in the future, which is the top group of big men in the kingdom of Nahia.

Is such a big man so much attention to Baili Qingfeng?

Just because of the sky! ?

"This ... I'm not good at describing fighting."

Although Baili Qingfeng did not know who this person was, he still responded modestly.

"Haha, then you pick what you know and describe, hey, the moon is dark, the wind is high, and you are alone, and you fight ten miles, the sword is the master, and the five kills the super god. Just think about it."

Seeing that they could not refuse, Baili Qingfeng could only briefly introduce: "In fact, there was nothing to say in that battle, just rushed in, refining God to deter, kill with one sword, deter, deceive, deter Stay ... Oh, this is frightened, frightened, beheaded, and then someone ran away, so my second grandfather shouted, Zhang Qi, Zhang Qi heard their words turned back, then deterred, beheaded, chased the last One ... so ... "


The smile on Jane Bang's face was slightly frozen.

You don't want to say that, do you?

definitely is!

Fortunately, at this embarrassing time, the Ge Rong couple, Ge Ge, Shang Shurong, Heidi and Ge Shasha also accompanied their party.

Seeing this pedestrian, Baili Qingfeng felt that one of them was a little familiar, but did not remember it for a while.

"Qing Feng, why stand and sit."

The returned Ge Ge said to Baili Qingfeng.


Baili Qingfeng couldn't avoid it and had to sit down aside.

And a man who followed Ge Ge greeted several people on the table, and his eyes fell on Baili Qingfeng, saying sincerely: "Good young master, General Ge, this one you Give us an introduction. "

Baili Qingfeng is too young!

What kind of talent is this master who is less than 20 years old?

Future true fairy seeds!

As long as you do n’t fall down halfway, you will be able to practice in the realm of God of War!

This kind of potential will not be ignored by any discerning person.

Baili Qingfeng, who had just sat down, missed the unknown guru encountered on the train a little bit.

Although that guru seems to be a bit abnormal, and somehow drew a knife, his breath-gathering technique really works well.

If there is a breath-taking technique, he can already hide on a table and eat at this time, right?

And at this table ...

He must toast and greet one by one. He is good at thinking for others. He cannot refuse this kind of etiquette, otherwise it will be awkward and unpleasant ...


Seems to require him to breathe.

"This is Baili Qingfeng, the child of my Wumei family. His grandfather is Baili Changkong."

Ge Ge introduced, after finishing speaking, he took a deep look at Baili Qingfeng again: "Actually, I didn't even think that he had become a great master, and the afterlife was awesome!"

"Grandpa Barry's grandson."

The man suddenly realized: "Behind the famous door, it is amazing. At this age, the masters who have achieved this age are not inferior to those of the holy sons and daughters in the Holy Land. Only the patience and perseverance of such characters as Father Baili can be taught!

"Zong ... Guru !?"

At this time, Ge Shuren, who had been puzzled by why Ge Ge attached importance to Baili Qingfeng, finally woke up.

Grandmaster! ?

Baili Qingfeng actually became a master of ternary integration! ?

Not only him, Shang Shurong, Ge Rong, and Heidi who accompanied him also cried out, "He is the Grand Master of Baili Qingfeng!"

After seeing Ge Rong with a look of astonishment, Ge Xianyin, who had not left, finally couldn't help but say: "That's still false. Just this morning, I accompanied Qing Feng to the Warriors Association to complete the war-level assessment. The Warriors Association Vice-President Canaan personally awarded the war-grade certificate to Qing Feng! Qing Feng's cousin is an out-of-the-box master of refinement! "


The breath of Shang Shurong, Ge Rong, Heidi and Ge Shuren suddenly stagnated.


Ge Shuren previously wanted Ge Sasha to worship under the Baili Sky Gate and was rejected by Baili Sky. He only let Ge Sasha practice with the Baili Qingfeng, but at that time he looked down on the young Baili Qingfeng and chose to reject it. Next, I tried every means to find the sects, forces, tutoring classes, and even sought Ge Ge.

It turned out that ...

Grandmaster, has always been there.

It's just that his inherent prejudice can't be seen.

"Bali Qingfeng?"

At this time, a guru who followed Ge Ge also looked at Baili Qingfeng, called his name, and smiled, "Yu Changqing is my best friend. He mentioned you to me last night. Thank you for your help to Changqingzong. If there is any need for help in the future, I can help Nan Lian, and I will definitely help. "

"You're welcome. I didn't do anything."

Baili Qingfeng said modestly.

At this time he also recognized this familiar master, that is what ...

The one who sleeps.

"Do you know each other?"

Ge Ge looked towards Baili Qingfeng.

"This young friend of Qingfeng has helped me and my friend a lot."

Master Nan Lian said, and said carefully, "I owe him a favor."

Seeing the prudent words of Master Nan Lian, the crowd moved slightly.

The Floating Slaughter is not a small door!

This is the top martial arts level after the three holy places, and there are six masters on the bright surface of the entire Floating Sect.

However, this is not the point. The point is that Lu Baiyun, the elder of the Floating Sect, is a great sect, or Zhang Xingsheng, commander of the First Group of Army.

There are a total of ten group armies in Shia. What can really fight is the first, second, third, and fifth group armies, and the remaining six, regardless of equipment, elite level, or number of warriors. It is the ninth and tenth groups, that is, when international pressure was too great some time ago, the enlistment was pulled up to make up the numbers.

Among the four group army that can fight, the first group army is the most!

In this case, even the personal favors of the Southern Master Lian of the Futu Zong can not be described by an ordinary master.

"Okay, everyone, please take your seat."

Ge Ge looked back from Baili Qingfeng and Nan Lian.

Everyone was seated now.

Ge Rong's wife, the daughter of Jian Bang, Jian Yun took the child who had just full moon out and walked around, let everyone look and give a blessing.

Next ...

Unexpectedly Baili Qingfeng expected.


Crazy toasts one by one!

And, waves come.

Nan Lian, Jian Bang and other unknown people come up to toast one by one, but Ge Feilong, Ge Shuren, Ge Xiu who never drink with him in these weekdays also hold a glass toast what a ghost ?


Even Ge Yanyin and Ge Shasha are no exception?

Girls can't drink well.

Fortunately, Baili Qingfeng anticipated this situation in advance and wisely replaced the glass with boiling water.

and so……


Who is afraid of who!

A banquet ended in a lively, harmonious and friendly atmosphere.

The guests left one by one, Baili Qingfeng felt that it was almost time to leave, and when he stood up, he would leave.

Ge Rong immediately said with a smile: "Qing Feng, where are you living now? We have opened your rooms, so don't waste any money. Come here later, just because people in our generation haven't met for a long time. , You can chat and talk about the old. "

"I have a friend with me, and we drove for two days, which is inconvenient."

"It doesn't matter, you can bring your friends together ..."

Ge Rong said.

But at this time, Ge Xianyin said quietly: "The friend of Qingfeng is a big beauty. Is it really good for you to let others come to accompany you?"

When Ge Ge saw this, he said lightly: "Qing Feng should go to work first when there is something, and there will be a small gathering at night, which is to have a light meal for his family."

"it is good."

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

As long as it's not like this time, eating a meal for almost two hours.

In two hours, his 900-page-thick electromagnetic book was able to erase another small chapter.

"Where Qingfeng is going, I'll send you one."

Ge Xianyin said.

"Go to the hotel and meet with Yiyi, Sister Yin knows where it is, not far away. I just walk over and pass by."

Baili Qingfeng said.

Ge Xianyin looked at Baili Qingfeng, and it took a while before he said, "Qing Feng, you don't really look like a guru."

"This is a good thing."

Ge Ge said quietly: "Whatever the master is, he is not a person, do whatever you want, don't need so much lavishness."

This is his code of conduct.


In his position, many words and deeds will be misinterpreted by others.

Today's full moon feast is just one of them.


Baili Qingfeng waved his hand and said goodbye to everyone.

Watching Baili Qingfeng leave, Ge Bai, Ge Wen, Ge Shuren, Heidi and others have not spoken for a long time. It seems that they don't know what to say for a while ~ ~ Ge Ge will look at the expressions of these people In the eyes.

Snob is too heavy.

He knew that ...

But he has no way. He is the head of the family. He wants to create a strong image to turn this situation around. But how easy is it for people to change their nature?



Baili Qingfeng exhaled a long breath.

That environment ...

All of them are high-powered masters and big men, making him a student really uncomfortable.

He didn't want to get involved in such a high-level circle at all, he just wanted to be an ordinary person quietly, and just pass his life in ordinary life.


The roundness of the Grand Master's body makes him like a beacon in the night, no matter how he hides, he will reveal his extraordinary identity.

"It seems that I go back and ask the big guys in the group to see if there is any way to hide their own rounded flavor."

Baili Qingfeng muttered in his heart.

At this moment, Yu Guang seemed to be seeing an acquaintance in the corner of his eye.

An acquaintance wearing a hat and shopping at a convenience store.

Baili Qingfeng gave a careful glance. Although his appearance changed slightly, the breath on him was definitely not wrong.

The male guru on the train who seemed to have a mental problem.

Seeing him, feeling the special method of concentrating on him, Baili Qingfeng was overjoyed, and walked away for the first time to say hello: "Hi, hello, we are really destined, we have met again."


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