The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 179: Psychic

Thunder Sect?

Say no matter what name he takes?

Why does his good Thunder dominate the peace but become the Thunder Sect?

Say yes, can he not get involved in rivers and lakes from now on?

Why did he still press a deputy over his head?

Such a gate ...

Two stars for substitution, three stars for experience, and four stars for belonging!

The star is a hundred stars.

Baili Changkong and others seemed lively. Shi Tianya and Hong Tiange and others also proposed to invite friends to celebrate the founding of Thunder Sect.

Fortunately, the specific situation of Thunder Sect is still distinguished by Baili Changkong, and it is delayed until they successfully occupy the channel.

As long as a sacred place of cultivation can be opened up, the development prospects of Thunder Sect are bright. At that time, on the basis of the establishment of the Zong Men, Xia, Xia Hai, and even the entire Shia colleagues are invited to celebrate, maybe they can also be Thunder Zong Come to protect the law and elders to strengthen the gate.

"I didn't expect you to become a guru so quickly, congratulations."

When Baili Qingfeng was speechless, Shi Yiyi came over and said with a smile.

"I'm also baffled. I thought I wouldn't be a guru."

Baili Qingfeng said.

"The opportunity for cultivation is so clever. Why isn't life like this? It is full of unexpected accidents."


"When will we go to Hill's Light?"


Baili Qingfeng said.

It's time for the cave to open again, and he has to see if those cavemen fighters can't get over to determine what to do next.

"Well, buy a sleeper when you buy a ticket, soft sleeper, Zongmen reimbursed!"

Baili Qingfeng added that he would also enjoy the treatment enjoyed by the great master he met when he went to the Sun Gate every year.

"I'll buy it myself and choose the best location for you."

Shi Yiyi smiled and said, "You are a master figure now. I do n’t know anything about cultivation, can I ask you for advice?"

"No, no, I will be wrong with my children."

Baili Qingfeng said quickly.


Shi Yiyi's smiling expression froze, and it took a while to recover a bit: "It doesn't matter, you are the guru. Any insights you have benefited me a lot ..."

"I don't have any feelings!"

Baili Qingfeng said, seemingly worried about what Shi Yiyi had misunderstood, and said sincerely: "I really don't know why I became a master, without a little precaution and a little worry, so the inner interest suddenly appeared in me."


You are showing off! ?

Show off plus reject! ?

How else can this topic be answered?

Shi Yiyi launched his own ice and snow wisdom and reluctantly reconnected with the topic: "In addition to internal training, we can also discuss swordsmanship and boxing. Father Baili was known as the Thunder Sword in the past, and it must be extraordinary."

"I haven't practiced any sword art."

Baili Qingfeng took the truth seriously and saw that Shi Yiyi's emotions were obviously wrong. He also felt that it was not good for him to refuse a girl like this. Now he added: "Or we study biology? I have a lot on proliferation and mutation recently. Interest, do you know that of all the cells in our human body, the shortest life is white blood cells, the largest is egg cells ... "

Shi Yiyi now pretends to be interested and patient.

When Baili Qingfeng saw this, he could continue the scene of the previous awkward conversation. Rarely, Shi Yiyi finally had a topic of interest. He said happily now: "We have forty to six trillion cells in humans. Except for red blood cells and platelets, almost every cell has a nucleus. The nucleus is a good thing. He not only controls division, differentiation, inheritance, mutation, but also the basis of my secret method to generate energy ... "

In the story that Baili Qingfeng thought he had finally found a common topic, Shi Yiyi gradually became expressionless, his face blanked, and finally ...

Started asking three questions in life.

Unfortunately, Baili Changkong waited for a while, and finally came to an end.

In the end, Bai Yiqing Feng never waved and Shi Yiyi waved goodbye.

On the way back, Baili Changkong glanced at him and smiled: "It looks like you and Yiyi have a good chat?"

"Okay, I finally found a common topic."

Baili Qingfeng said.

"Then you get in touch and talk."

Baili Changkong remembered not long ago that Shi Tianya had agreed to cooperate with his own acting, at this time naturally had to create conditions for them two.

"Second Grandpa, I don't want to be the Deputy Sovereign. I always feel that the Deputy Sovereign is doing things, just like those vice presidents, vice presidents and the like. I just want to study quietly. Compared with the vast and vast book sea, the knowledge in my mind is not worth mentioning. Therefore, I will need to read more books, do more test papers, go to a better school, and research. Better topics. "

Baili Qingfeng said there was some remorse in this heart.

If he reads more books in that world, learn to build rockets, learn to put satellites, learn to write artificial intelligence, learn to build quantum computers, then stare at the city of Charia with satellites, and then enter all military information into the computer for intelligent retrieval. As soon as a hostile warrior sneaked into Xia, he could discover it immediately.

If a satellite-based platform can be used to develop a space-based weapon, a tungsten rod called the staff of God can be thrown away. What troubles cannot be resolved?


Let's go step by step, first develop the first project of the World Peace Commission.


Baili Changkong had to admit it.

His grandson's ideal of studying hard was so bright that he couldn't oppose it.

It took him a while to say, "It's just a name, and it won't really let you do anything, how you lived before, just keep it now, I won't force it, and you know, our Thunder Sect just started, we must have enough It ’s okay for the people to stand on the facade, and now we are the only ones in the Thunder Sect, who is not the Deputy Sovereign. ”

Baili Qingfeng didn't speak, he always felt a pit into the second grandpa.

Thanks to him, he also studied the second grandfather as a spiritual idol.

Write a book for him?

Great second grandpa?

Tear it!

The book is gone!

Baili Changkong looked at Baili Qingfeng's appearance, but his heart was a bit refreshed. The boy threw the pot at him. Today, he was finally cleaned up by himself.

What is the Deputy Sovereign doing?

It is used to do things to prevent trouble.

Of course, he will not let Baili Qingfeng come forward for some trivial matters in life, but if anyone dares not to accept him as the Thunder Sovereign ...

Come on, defeat my deputy overlord first!

"Actually, you really want to oust the position of Deputy Sovereign. It is not impossible. You are now the only strong master of our Thunder Sect. Although your second grandfather and I are a bit able, but you are so old, you You ca n’t let me fight with you? So if you have trained a great master for our Thunder Sect, I can remove you from the position of deputy chief. "

"Cultivate a Grand Master?"

Baili Qingfeng smiled expressionlessly and said twice: "The second grandpa really deserves me. I have been practicing martial arts for less than a year. Let me train the master?"

"Your boy is too young to look at the magic of the gods."

Baili Changkong said, looking at him with a little envy: "Although the veins of refining the gods are not fine-killed, all mysteries are better than the veins of refining the body and refining the gas. The remarkable lethality of sacred mysticism, crypts, beastly humans, and other human races, such as hypnotism, mindfulness, and psychicism, are enough to make the warriors in the vein of refining and gas reveling extremely jealous. If you are good at using these methods to cultivate a great master, then it is not difficult, otherwise, how do you think those big masters came? "

"I know hypnosis, but what are mindfulness and telepathy?"

"Mindfulness means that those who practice divine power can perceive others' minds, good and evil, and some outstanding ones can develop it to a method that is almost mind-reading, while telepathy uses its own **** to communicate with others. God, to communicate at the level of 'God', this is an extremely sophisticated and superb means. You already have the basis for mastering the realm of refining God. "

Speaking of this, Baili Changkong said with a tone: "Once you master it successfully, those people who are stuck in front of the guru's threshold and have a good foundation for refining the gods, you can help them."

"Can the god-finishing technique still be used this way? It sounds interesting."

Baili Qingfeng said.

"Of course, the pulse of refining the **** can be compared with the refining of the body and refining the gas ~ ~ naturally has its own magical difference. As far as the girl Yiyi is concerned, she has reached the threshold of the master and she has Fourfold, it ’s easier for your 'God' to communicate with her 'God'. If you are willing to help her, use the magical powers similar to 醍醐 infusion to teach you the experience of ternary condensate and inner interest. She, the guru realm, is close to her. "

"She can become a master, so I can take down the position of master?"

Baili Qingfeng's eyes brightened.


Baili Changkong smiled and nodded, and handed a book to him: "This is the method of using the astrology and related experience I got from my brother, you can practice it, think about it, and master it. The theory is simple, but there are only two ways to truly communicate between the mind and God. The first method is that the gods between each other are strong enough, and both have mastery of the gods. Naturally, you can use the "God" to communicate. The second method It is the resonance of the mind and spirit, the same spirit, the same idea, the same thinking resonate with each other, and it is natural for them to enter the state of "compassion."

"it is good."

Baili Qingfeng took the book.

"You must be very careful about the" sexual relationship "that resonates with your heart. If you do not have a high degree of resonance, your" **** "will smash her" **** "and cause serious mental damage. For a few days, the spirit faded, and then the mind and spirit became vegetative. Therefore, the two of you have a very good relationship. You can only use the gods when your mind is in harmony, understand? "

"It sounds a bit difficult."

Baili Qingfeng muttered.

But it doesn't matter, he tried it first. If it didn't work, he wouldn't improve it.

What is the biggest difference between humans and beasts?

It is to know to use your own wisdom.

As his talented businessman with the highest scores in Shire University, he has never improved his skills.

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