The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 164: Take medicine

"Mr. Baili."

Outside of the grove in the courtyard of Baili Qingfeng, Ori, and Wang Liu, who accompanied him last time, and several other powerful gods arrived at the same time, and greeted him politely.

Others don't know who the Rafi military attache in the Consulate of the Aurora Empire killed and killed, but they almost experienced the entire event in person, and naturally knew that the man in front of him was terrible.

It was just that Baili Qingfeng used the armor of their Xuanhuang Society at that time, and even the Xuanhuang Society's vehicle sent him outside the Aurora Empire consulate in person. They were a small family and they did not dare to avoid trouble Spread the story everywhere.

"Look, this is your new Storm Ripper."

Ollie asked the two men to carry a box in front of Baili Qingfeng and motioned to Baili Qingfeng to open the box.

Baili Qingfeng repeated the last action, opened the box, and a new set of armor appeared quietly in front of him.

"I can't wear this armor alone, and Mr. Wang Liu will help."

Baili Qingfeng said.

Wang Liu stepped forward and replaced the armor with Baili Qingfeng.

This new Storm Ripper is the same size as before, but it is slightly lighter in weight.


Ollie was right. He added a clamshell pocket to the armor, and he couldn't put big things on it, but things like mobile phones, keys, and walkie-talkies could still put one down.

Seeing this design, Baili Qingfeng nodded: "Very well, I'm satisfied."

"Then, Mr. Baili, please check the performance of this armor."

Ollie said, with a hint of self-confidence in his eyes: "This is a fine armor, the defense is nearly 60% stronger than the previous one, even if you wear it to the Aurora Empire consulate in a reinforcement camp last time, the surface of the armor There is absolutely no significant damage left! "


Baili Qingfeng's eyes brightened, and there was a daring thought in his heart: "Are you broken?"

Ollie noticed that Baili Qingfeng's gaze was a little more inspiring, his heart burst, his tone was immediately considered, and he became cautious: "It's ... it depends on how it is damaged ..."

"Naturally damaged during confrontation with people ..."

Baili Qingfeng didn't finish talking. A man had already whispered something in Ollie's ears. Ollie's face suddenly changed, and he quickly said, "Mr. Baili, if you plan to wear this armor to fight hard An insider outbreak of a Grand Master, especially a Master Zhou Tian, ​​is not within the scope of our Xuanhuang Society's compensation. "

"So ..."

Baili Qingfeng heard it, with some regrets in her heart.

He looked at the nervous Ollie and couldn't help but say nothing: "Don't worry, I have always been good and will never easily provoke others. I am too late to hide from those masters who are murderous and ruthless. How dare to come forward. "

"Ha ha."

Ollie just gave a smile.

This topic ...

Not dare to answer.

He hurriedly said, "Mr. Baili, check it. If it's okay, please sign for it."


Baili Qingfeng took off the armor, for a moment, as if thinking of something: "This armor is very troublesome to wear, a person can't even wear it, can you improve this problem? I know a kind of armor Loaded with an intelligent system, the user only needs to reach out and those armor components will fly to the user to complete the equipment. You should move in this direction. "

"smart system?"

Ollie was a little ignorant: "What's that?"


Baili Qingfeng associates with the current development level of the Internet ...

He finally sighed, "Okay."

With Wang Liu's help, he took off the armor again and knocked it carefully. When he found that the armor was strong, tough, and anti-impact ability really increased, he nodded.


He then signed with Ollie's somewhat relieved gaze.

"Thank you Mr. Baili for his trust."

"Well, I'm going to build you in the future."

"This, we naturally welcome, Master Ou Zilong has not only created ordinary Chen Jin battle armor, fine Chen Jin battle armor, even Yao Yao Jin battle armor has created a set, but we have a small requirement. It is hoped that this will be done by a professional inspection agency. "

"What is Yaojin Battlegear?"

"Yaojin is a more special metal than Chenjin. Chenjin is far better than any alloy we have found in terms of strength, toughness, melting point and other data, but Yaojin ... in addition to all the characteristics of Chenjin, It also greatly absorbs thermal and kinetic energy. "

"Absorbing thermal and kinetic energy?"

This attribute ...

Baili Qingfeng is familiar.

"This metal is very rare and much rarer than Chen Jin. It is said that even if none of our three sacred places has a shining gold armor, I have never seen the true content of this metal."

There was deep regret in Ollie's tone.


Baili Qingfeng did not think much after listening.

Countless strong men in the three sacred places couldn't find all the materials needed for the gold battle armor. A student who is still in school, where can he get such precious things?

"Mr. Baili, your Warframe has been signed. I wish you a happy life, goodbye."

"Not going upstairs?"

"No more no use."

Ollie whispered, and quickly took Wang Liu and others away. It seemed that they were afraid that Baili Qingfeng would regret it, and had to take this set of armor to conduct a practical test.

Baili Qingfeng shrugged, took the fine Chen Jin battle armor to his house and threw it under the bed, and continued to read his books.

He failed to inject the liver virus in the hospital, but in a black store, he successfully got the liver virus and completed the infection.

Next ...

Just wait for the liver virus to develop.


Four days later.


Baili Qingfeng waited calmly.

For a moment, he seemed to notice something and suddenly opened his eyes.


As his body retreated to the passage, circles of ripples had spread from the center of the cave.

The vortex is significantly larger than the previous one, and the area of ​​the cave has been expanded again.

However, when the channel was formed, even when the diameter exceeded the previous one meter six and reached one meter eighth, the opposite side of the channel was still dead, without any movement.

Baili Qingfeng looked at it, and gradually became silent.

not coming!

Those cave people really don't come!

Obviously there are at least one Grotto Warrior and hundreds of Grotto Warriors, but they dare not come over! ?

He's just one person, and he's not armed with all armies!

This simply subverts Bai Li Qingfeng's traditional courageous and fearless racial impression on the cave people.

If not for fear of being trapped inside, Baili Qingfeng can't wait to rush over to a cave man headed by the stunned person to ask them where they lost their ancestor's glory, unyielding faith and immortal courage! ?

A few minutes passed quickly.

In the end, Baili Qingfeng could only watch the channel that was opened to the extreme gradually shrink again until it was completely closed and disappeared.

"A good refresh point, it's gone."

Baili Qingfeng suddenly lost.


When Baili Qingfeng returned to the courtyard, in a manor outside Xia Ya, a group of people with Merby as the core gathered again, looking excited and flushed.

"It's unbelievable, it's really unbelievable. I have relied on the medicinal power of the medicinal materials to refine the gas and refine the gas in the past month, and the growth efficiency is comparable to the usual practice for one year."

"The same is true of me. The effect of this medicinal material is really amazing. It's no wonder that it can cast a third-level martial arts in less than a year. No wonder the Qingli Fengfeng is confident that in one or two years the triad will become one, and he will become a master This top prescription, he can do it, and I can do it! "

"We have verified the effect of the prescription, and the effect is undoubted. Although these herbs are very expensive, and the cost of each one is more than 200,000, taking a few days of hard training is equivalent to one year of hard work ... 200,000 ,worth it!"

The ten core people under Merby got together and exchanged their cultivating experience like this month.

And Li Xueying, Zhong Wufeng also belong to these ten people.

Even if their status is respected, they are all older generations, but the performance of this cultivating drug is not much worse than others.

At this time, the door was opened. Then, they saw both Murby and Shalock coming out at the same time.

Among them, Sherlock had a clear smile on his face.

Seeing this scene, Li Xueying seemed to have guessed something, and his eyes lit up suddenly: "Shallock, this medicinal material is also effective for your cultivation?"


Sharok nodded heavily: "It is not only effective, but the effect is also very significant. With the continuous supply of medicinal materials, I am confident that I will begin to train the internal organs in three years and enter the realm of war within ten years!"

"A Decade of War !?"

More than a dozen people heard Shalok's breath, and his breath suddenly stopped.

"Our vein ... is coming out of Ares !?"

"Oh my god, God of War! At that time, General Murby just stayed at the peak of the war general and had not yet reached the realm of God of War. Our future achievements will exceed the general !?"

"God of war, if we can really have a **** of war on our side, and then develop the military, we only need tens of thousands of modern troops to rely on, and the three holy places will not dare to provoke me easily!"

Looking at the expressions of everyone, Murby's face was radiant, but he still had to say what they are currently facing: "We have a limitless future, but the problem now is that we take too many people and need one More than 200,000, 12 people are 2.55 a month and 30 million a year. At present, the annual income of all our industries is only 10 million. "

Ten million!

There are still 20 million vacancies!

"At present, we have too few masters and have limited influence, but if we focus on supplying medicine to several of them and wait for them to become masters, the income will naturally increase and we will be able to support all core members to take medicine at the same time. . "

Murby said.

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone's eyes fell on Li Xueying and Zhong Wufeng at the same time.

The two were old and had reached their potential. They quit ...

Most suitable.

Li Xingying saw everyone's eyes turning, a little unwilling. For a moment, he seemed to think of something, saying: "We have not enough medicine, but Bai Li Qing Feng has it. According to Chi Shuang, the Bai Li Qing Feng is a fool. Why don't we play a show and cheat the medicinal materials in his hands? There may be a mysterious guru behind him, and the top powerhouse of Baili Changkong, but three hundred medicines are enough for us to use for three years, three years later , Our practice is bound to advance by leaps and bounds, and even all of them have become masters. Why then do they look at their faces and act again? "

"Bali Qingfeng? Are you sure you can cheat the medicinal materials in his hands? We should not tear his face with him now."

Merby's gaze fell on the **** eagle.

Li Xueying smiled hesitantly: "If we can't cheat, we can borrow, steal, or snatch. The Baili Qingfeng lives alone under the Qingyuan Mountain, and we have a way to get those three hundred medicines."

"That ’s right, borrow first, lie if you do n’t come, steal if you do n’t, and hide your identity if you ca n’t steal it. Although this is a bit disgraceful, we are also for the future of Shia and for our ideal As the grandson of Baili Changkong, Baili Qingfeng is also a member of our veins. It is reasonable to make a small sacrifice for this goal ~ ~ Moreover, Baili Qingfeng is alone The three-hundredths of medicinal herbs are completely violent, and they are best used to us. "

Sherlock was the first to agree.

Several others nodded: "Yes, for our ideals, Baili Qingfeng may not be able to accept it for a while, but he will naturally appreciate it when he enjoys the convenience of our veins in the future."

"Bali Qingfeng also counts as our training. He has been hanging on the Guru's alternate list. Wanshoutang can give him a lot of subsidies. Many medicinal materials are sold to him at cost and no charge is charged. Labor costs. "

When it comes to whether they can become masters in the next year or two, none of these people are willing to make concessions.

When Murby saw this, he said to Li Xueying: "Then leave it to you to do it. Baili Qingfeng is our junior. This time he may have a small loss, but when I become The guru became a **** of war, and will remember his contribution and make up for his loss. "

Seeing that the Bloody Eagle would not kick himself out of the medication team, he quickly arched his hand: "Benevolence!"

"Well, it's a month, and it's not too late. The sooner you break through the master, the better, come with me!"

With a command, Merby took everyone to a room inside.

In the room, there are already prepared medicinal materials and neutralizers, exuding a strong medicinal scent.

Seeing these medicinal materials and neutralizers, ten people's breaths became quicker, and their eyes flashed with sparkling light. It seemed that the gate of the Grand Master's realm was close at hand.

"I have said more, everything is for our lofty ideals!"

Morby looked at everyone's eyes, then waved without hesitation: "Take medicine!"

"Thank you!"

Everyone should drink, and quickly came forward, one person, one neutralizer, one mine refining liquid, took a large mouth, and drank all.

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