The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 159: Well-intentioned

"Everyone upholds it."

When Baili Qingfeng was led by Miss Yingbin to a private room of 100 square meters, Baili Changkong was chatting with a dozen people there.

It can be seen that Father Baili is the core of these dozens of people, and more than a dozen people are talking around him.

"Second Grandpa."

Baili Qingfeng greeted him.

"My grandson is here."

Barry Sky stopped immediately communicating with other people. Haha laughed and stood up: "Come and come, everyone, let me introduce to you, this is our Kirin child Qingfeng, my Baili The future bearer of the family. "

"Bai Qingqing Feng? Qingfeng Hanguang Chiqing, Qingfeng cut off the ancient dust, good name!"

"This is the young man who said that the practice of martial arts is very short. He has completed the practice of nourishing qi and exchanging blood.

"The news of the lord of Changle is out of date. Baili Qingfeng has now stepped into the state of nourishment and is among the best in my younger generation in Xia Haizhou. He is really a master and a master!"

Several famous people said with smiles around Baili Changkong.

Among these people, Baili Qingfeng knew a few.

Shi Tianya, Li Xueying, and ...


The two parties who had some gaps with Baili Changkong seemed to have completely turned Gan Ge into jade, and they were still talking and laughing together.

In addition, among the dozens of people around Baili Changkong, the master was not only Murby, but the Changle ruler dressed as a young woman was one, and there was an old man full of fairy-like spirits.

Under the introduction of Baili Changkong, he understood the identity of the two.

Changle, the lord of Tianyin Sect, is located in Changfeng Town, 30 kilometers outside of Canon City.

The old man of Xianfeng Road is Su Shengmen, the master of Suxianmen. The school is located in Suxian Mountain, a famous mountain in Xiahai Prefecture, a national four-star scenic spot.

I remember that Qin Lanshan and Gu Lingying had invited him to go to Su Xianshan for a while, but he was busy reading at the time and naturally refused.

More than a dozen people were chatting here, talking about the future prospects of the Xia Haizhou martial arts circle. After a while, a woman in uniform came in and said to Baili Changkong: "Chairman Baili, Member Su and Changle, It's time for parliament, you see ... "

"Okay, here we are."

Baili Changkong responded and greeted Baili Qingfeng: "Today you come to truly understand the martial arts circle in Xia Haizhou. Xia Ya was the focus of cleaning up more than ten years ago. There are no masters, but Xia Haizhou's scope There are still a lot of Zongmen who survived the disaster. You follow, read more, listen more, and you can tell me any ideas ... "

"As long as it doesn't affect the lives of ordinary people like us, this is my only idea."

"The state is resolute in promoting martial arts for the whole nation. For the three sacred places, it is a policy of drawing wages at the bottom of the pot. Turbulence is inevitable and everyone is practicing martial arts. How can warriors and ordinary people divide governance? When the domestic situation stabilizes, the Cabinet will certainly use this incident to weaken the influence of the three holy places. "

"The cabinet's approach is to detonate the conflict between civilian and military forces ..."

Baili Qingfeng guessed the above approach for the first time: "Are they not afraid of the situation getting out of control?"

"out of control?"

Baili Changkong took a look at Baili Qingfeng: "The Third Army was almost completely annihilated. Crowds rushed to the surface and caused hundreds of thousands of people to be killed and injured in the cities of Xia Ya, Khanom, Somi, etc., and then lost control. is it serious?"

Baili Qingfeng frowned.

After the settlement of Lafite, his life has been restored to peace. Reading, practicing martial arts, and listening to music every day have completely become what he thought. As long as the construction of Shire University is completed, he can continue to sit in the classroom. , Be a good student with three evaluations of morals, intelligence and sports, and enjoy the life he longs for.

But follow this trend ... this calm can last only one or two years?

"Under the avalanche, who can survive alone? The general environment is in turmoil, and where and where can one truly live."

Baili Changkong's wise eyes seemed to see through Baili Qingfeng's thoughts: "Unless the three holy sites do not exist, the Kingdom of Hea will have only one voice in the future."

Previously he ...

I thought Baili Qingfeng was a child, still young and young ...

So many things are reluctant to let him know, unwilling to let him participate, to protect him from hiding, so that he can be healthy and healthy and thrive happily.


What has this grandson done in these months?

Destroy the Sun Gate, slay the two great masters and dozens of good players.

The battle of Shire led the two regiments under the ninth division, blocking the charge of the cavemen and killing dozens of cavemen warriors, including one caveman warrior.

After all he thought he could stop for a while, what did he do?

In Chen Jin battle armor, forcibly broke into the consulate of the Aurora Empire, beheading and killing a grandmaster and military attache.

Yabo, who had died before that, can be guessed without thinking, it must be homicide.



Since he likes tossing so much, and has the ability to tolerate it, Baili Changkong feels that he must change his way of treating him.

After all, this grandson's talent is so scary, less than a year has been cruel enough to be able to fight a master of the refining stream under the protection of a strengthening camp, and give him two or three years before he can go to heaven! ?

Therefore, he slightly frustrated the spirit of Baili Qingfeng, shielded him from the wind and the rain to prevent him from going to the crooked path, and guided him attentively, allowing him to toss in a direction useful to the country and society.

So at this moment summoned Baili Qingfeng to come to the martial expansion meeting.

For the grandson's longevity, his grandfather who is a hundred miles away can be considered a broken heart.

Baili Changkong and Baili Qingfeng, Su Sheng, Changle, and Murby all came to the conference hall.

But when they came to the big meeting room, they found ...


Few people come!

There were more than 400 seats in the conference hall, and less than half of them were seated.

Especially in the first twenty positions, there were only three people sitting there, which seemed quite lonely.

Seeing this scene, even Baili Qingfeng, who didn't care much about the martial arts circle, felt something was wrong.

"Four minutes before the start of the conference, let's wait."

Barry Changkong Road.

Murby, Su Sheng, Changle and others nodded and sat on the twelve seats prepared on the table.

At this point four people were sitting here.

Among the four, Baili Qingfeng recognized three of them, Division Switch, and Donald and Yuli who had previously cooperated with Baili Qingfeng in the military task.

When they saw Baili Qingfeng, they also greeted him with a smile.


There was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

It didn't seem to think that Baili Qingfeng had such a serious injury at the beginning, and only a few dozen days have passed now, and he is already like a okay person.

Four minutes passed quickly.

When the meeting time is up, there are still four people seated in the first twenty positions, and even three of the twelve positions on the stage are empty.

"There are nine masters. There is not much difference between the breath of the third-level martial arts and the second-level martial arts, and they can't be distinguished, but the people in this venue should be mostly third-level martial arts."

Baili Qingfeng looked around.

The number of warriors is too small.

Less illogical.

The total population of Xiahai Prefecture is more than 15 million. Even if it has experienced turbulence more than ten years ago, there are not more than a dozen masters.

At present, there are nine grandmasters, including the military chief of Switch.


Not only did Baili Qingfeng notice that something was wrong, everyone else in the field also felt that the atmosphere was somewhat depressed.

But regardless of the atmosphere, the meeting must continue.

The first to speak was the chairman of the Martial Arts Association, the immediate supervisor of Tang Naide, and the speaker of Nabo, one of the two deputy chairmen of the Xiahai Prefecture Local Assembly.

Speaker Nabore only spoke officially and quickly turned the topic to a vice-chairman.

The vice-chairman has thrown a long story. The content is nothing more than the country's determination to promote martial arts, the promotion of martial arts, and the welfare benefits of all martial arts have increased. The soldiers at the meeting moved one by one.

But the atmosphere was still a little dull.

Baili Changkong ranked third.

He glanced at the already drowsy Baili Qingfeng, a little speechless, but still a little heavier voice said: "President Nabo and President Zhou said our policies and benefits for the military , And the strong support for martial arts development in the local area, let me talk about our responsibilities and obligations as martial arts. "

Baili Changkong broke through the name of Ben Leijian more than ten years ago. Not long ago, the Aurora Empire Consulate made him a blockbuster in the First World War. He was so powerful that he opened his mouth. The warriors present showed a little patience. Looks like.

"A warrior is a person who possesses powerful force. A first-level warrior who integrates his whole body strength with fighting skills, and fights and retreats, can deal with ordinary people with an enemy of ten, even if the soldiers are unarmed. Only three or five people can win it. The first-level warrior is still like this, and the second-level warrior who has completed the nourishing and exchanging blood can be imagined ~ ~ I have read a report that a second-level warrior was in A woman was raped by Nonghua Village under the jurisdiction of Wuhe. Hundreds of people in the village surrounded him with indignation, but instead of subduing him, he injured more than 20 people and escaped. "

The hundreds of miles of sky made everyone in the field slightly silent.

There were some storms at the time, and everyone naturally heard of it.

"The second-level warrior still has the third-level warrior, and the fourth-level warrior who has exceeded the extreme of the human body! If such a warrior is evil, it is extremely harmful and unimaginable. Therefore, we warriors enjoy excellent benefits and benefits, It is also necessary to assume corresponding social responsibilities, not bullying, not involving innocents, not stigmatizing, and forgetting the benefits. "

"Xiu Wu first cultivated morality."

Su Sheng nodded in agreement with Baili Changkong's statement.

"With the promotion of martial arts by the whole people, all of you present will inevitably become masters of the open school. If you can set an example and let the disciples understand the true meaning of martial arts, I believe that we will be able to return our peace to Shia. The number of killings will also be much reduced. "

After speaking of Baili Changkong, he gave a final summary: "Stop the war for military purpose, and military is used to stop Gange, not for killing by Tim. I hope that all warriors can remember this."

"Okay! That's good!"

"It's a good idea to stop fighting ..."

Someone echoed.

"My father's words are a bit taken for granted, just like you can't let all the officials of Shia only want to do things for the people but not to get rich for promotion. You ask the soldiers not to fight or grab, then where do their training resources come from? , No progress! "

At this time, a voice came from the door.

Immediately afterwards, the door was opened, and a middle-aged man dressed in white and full of grace and grace entered the venue with dozens of people at the same time.

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