The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 153: knowledge is power


Baili Qingfeng stretched a lazy waist, all over his body, quite relaxed.


It's not completely easy.

This time, the duration of the demon dismantling III was so long that even if he fell asleep, due to the short time, he has not recovered until now.

To recover completely ...

Estimate to wait until night, or sleep again.

After all, he made up from six o'clock in the morning to twelve thirty now, and his sleep quality was far from being able to sleep at ten thirty in the evening until six thirty in the morning.

Just when Baili Qingfeng stretched his waist, intending to brush his teeth, rinse his mouth, and wash his face, his mental state was eager to try.


This change gave Baili Qingfeng a slight pause.

"It seems that the spiritual realm is about to break through?"

He has been stuck in Lian Shen Liu Zhong for a long time.

For a long time, it was three or five months, and as early as after the battle of Shire, he felt that his mental state reached the sixth peak, and now ...

Finally came the opportunity to break through the seventh.

"Not easy."

Baili Qingfeng sighed.

However, you still have to brush your teeth and wash your face. After brushing your teeth, washing your face, and then eating, then go to your own cultivation treasure and practice the idea of ​​innate gods and demons.

Baili Qingfeng planned.

But he just finished washing, wiped the water stains on his face with a towel, and the phone rang.

Baili Qingfeng pressed the answer button, and a voice of Baili Ruoshui came quickly: "Qing Feng, grandpa called you home for dinner."


Baili Qingfeng had dinner at the second grandfather's house last night, and noon passed by ...

However, the old man had a good intention, and he would not refuse: "That's good, but I'm still in Xia, it used to be one o'clock in the past."

"Then I'll cook later. Hurry up. Grandpa seems to be ... somewhat wrong ..."


Baili Qingfeng's expression immediately became serious: "Okay, if you look at Sister Shui more, my uncle is also a wounded now. I can't help myself, I will get over it as fast as possible!"

After speaking, he hung up the phone, unlocked the door, locked the iron door, and locked the iron door of the yard, and rushed through the woods as fast as possible through the old city.


Hit a car and rushed to Wuhe City at full speed.

The university town is not far from Wuhe City, more than ten kilometers away, and there is no traffic jam at this time. Less than half an hour, Baili Qingfeng has appeared in the second grandfather's yard in Sanshun Town.

"Second Grandpa, I've come to see you."

Baili Qingfeng entered the courtyard.

"My baby grandson is here. Come here. Come up and let grandpa see. Grandpa has something to tell you."

The sound of Baili Changkong came upstairs, and it seemed to be a bit of repressed excitement in heartiness.

Baili Qingfeng stepped forward, and made a look with Baili Ruoshui, who just came out of the kitchen, and nodded, striding up the meteor, and soon saw the second grandfather Baili sky.

At a glance, he noticed that the second grandpa's expression was a bit wrong, and his face turned red with emotions, and at the same time he carried a kind of restless nagging.

And on the table on the side, there are some seeds, and ...

A box of aspirin opened?

"Second Grandpa."

Baili Qingfeng gave a careful greeting.

"Qingfeng grandson, I ask you, you answer me honestly, did you do that at the Aurora Consulate?"


Baili Qingfeng was a little surprised: "Second grandpa ... how do you know?"

"Really you?"

The breath of the Baili sky quickly became rapid.

Baili Qingfeng stepped forward, trying to help him sit down: "Second Grandpa ..."

Baili waved his hand in the sky, and looked sternly: "I'm fine with the old man, I'm mentally, I'm not old enough to support it, and I can fight the enemy for 300 rounds with the sword."

Baili Qingfeng seemed a bit unhappy to see Baili Sky, and immediately stood up.

"You have done this too recklessly. During the day, Raffa just captured your uncle Barry, and was raided into the consulate at night. He was beheaded and killed in the consulate. Individuals can doubt our Baili home. On you! "

"But Second Grandpa, that Lafite is too dangerous. It is a very unstable factor. He can directly hit the uncle with a little doubt. If he really finds out the truth of the matter, it is not necessary. Our hundred-mile home was rushing to kill everyone? It was exactly last night that Xuanhuang sent my armor to me for inspection. I thought that letting a dangerous Lafite alive threaten us too much, so for my family ... "

"Wait! Wait! I still want to ask, where did you get the Jinjin Warframe?"

"Oh, I accumulated a lot of Chen Jin on the battlefield of Shire. In addition, I later consciously brushed up some cavemen warriors, so I had a piece of Chen Jin's armor required."

"A battle for Shire ..."

Father Baili Changkong saw the armor of the cavemen warrior sent by Master Switch and others, but he knew it.

In addition, Baili Qingfeng slayed dozens of cavemen warriors and hid some Chen Jin privately, or the people in the division gave away some Chen Jin, and it was not enough to make up the materials for a Chen Jin battle armor. What a weird thing.

"Although there is Chen Jin's Battlegear, it is too dangerous for you to do so. Also, how did you bear the weight of Chen Jin's Battlegear and exert the power of the Master of Refining and Stream to kill Rafi? I remember , Even the light Chenjin battle armor has tens of kilograms. "

"Oh, demon dismantling."


"I perfected the demons disintegration technique, and deduced the demons disintegration technique to a new realm. With the outbreak of the demons disintegration technique, although I have never achieved the master, but the strength I exerted is not under the master of the refining stream, wearing the armor , And then suddenly attacked, this successfully assassinated Rafi with a sword. "

"Heaven ... heaven dismantling !?"

Baili Changkong naturally heard of this taboo method, and was a little stunned for a while: "You mean, you make up for the shortcomings of the devil's disintegration technique?"

"It ’s not a complete make-up. At least if I use the demon dismantling technique to the third level of the highest realm, I ca n’t hold it for long, but if it works normally, it will not be a problem for a few minutes or ten minutes. Tired, you have to take a break of ten minutes before you can break out for the second time. "

"A few minutes, ten minutes ... Rest for ten minutes after the fact? Will the foundation be destroyed? Or even died on the spot?"

"Of course not, you don't believe me, grandpa."

Baili Qingfeng directly sacrificed the demons disintegration technique. For a time, the power of blood flowing in an orderly manner in the body seemed to be turned on, and was unreservedly excited. The sense of oppression formed by the sudden outbreak, even though I have seen countless winds and waves of hundreds of miles of sky, can not help but change color.

"This coercion ..."

Master Cultivation!

Definitely not inferior to a master of refined practice!

"I am only one of the demons disintegration. Even if it runs for ten minutes, I only need to take a rest for ten minutes to recover. If the battle is resolved within one minute, it will not affect me at all, which is equivalent to ordinary People sprinted for a hundred meters and got tired. "

Baili Qingfeng said that the breath on his body changed again slightly.

"Next is the demon dismantling II ..."

"Okay, stop, stop."

Hundreds of miles of sky quickly reached out his hand.

Heaven demons disintegration!

Even if his grandson claims to make up for the shortcomings of this taboo technique, this terrible skill can be used without disorder ...


Baili Qingfeng responded, and put away the demons disintegration technique.

For the reason that it took less than ten seconds, he was completely blushing and out of breath. How can he use half of the taboos to destroy the sequelae?

This time ...

Hundreds of miles of sky letter.

"You ... how did you do that?"

"How to do that? Just use your brain."

Baili Qingfeng said with a smile: "The second grandpa should know that I like reading very much, and I have some talents in reading. You can see that I need to use my brain to read books every time I take a test. Then we should do the same in martial arts. It ’s like I created the two-time demon dismantling operation ~ ~ What I think about is the biological adrenaline synthesis mechanism, this mechanism ... "

Baili Qingfeng kept telling his own experience in creating the second demons disintegration technique, and immediately heard the old man of Baili Changkong Ruwen Tianshu.

Not aware of the calendar.

In particular, some of the technical terms mixed in it, a strong discomfort came to mind.

"After the demon disintegration technique II is finished, we will talk about the demon disassembly technique III, but the demon disassembly technique III is more complicated. It involves the calculation of nuclear fission chain reaction. Let's start with the principle of nuclear fission ..."

"Wait a minute!"

Mr. Baili Changkong can't hold it any longer: "We need to master your knowledge of dismantling the demons, and we should also master this knowledge?"


Baili Qingfeng nodded: "I think the biggest difference between me and others is that when I practice martial arts, I like to use my brain and be good at using my own wisdom. As soon as I encounter difficulties, I will think about bypassing the difficulties from other aspects ... … Second Grandpa, you should have heard a sentence that the stones of other mountains can attack jade. This is one of the core of my martial arts. Do n’t be reckless, do n’t be ruthless. Advantage……"


"Yes, wisdom is the most powerful weapon of human beings, so, ah, Grandpa, we still read more, study hard, and study well. The so-called life is old, we learn old ..."


The speechlessness of the hundreds of miles.

His grandson's research on the dismantling of the demon relying on his extraordinary wisdom and wisdom is so strong?

The breath that he just broke out with the devil's disintegration technique, even if compared with his peak state when he was young ...


Is this the power of knowledge?

Learn to be powerful, so scary!

Is it too late for me to study now?

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