The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 141: source

"There are assassins ..."

A man with a spirit of self-cultivation greeted him with a drink.

But he hadn't had time to show any means, and the Baili Qingfeng Heaven Demons disintegration sacrifice, the power of detonation detonated as if a running nuclear reactor provided infinite thrust to pierce Chen Jinjian in his hand.

"call out!"

Jianguang hole penetrated the air to form a harsh shriek!


Far faster than imagined!

The next moment, the man's throat was pierced by Baili Qingfeng's sword, and he pulled out his sword in the next instant.

Blood shot.

When the blood was about to reden the Baili Qingfeng's shirt, Baili Qingfeng's body staggered by lightning, and the whole man daredly slaughtered Wang Sun Molun and punched him.


Nether Blast!

The air flow less than half a meter away between Baili Qingfeng and Wang Sun Molun seemed to be blown out by a punch!


The horrific air pressure on Wang Sun Molun made him seem to be hit by a high-speed car. The whole person flew four meters upside down and smashed heavily on the wall. On the spot, he smashed a precious painting on the wall into pieces. .


A spit of blood spit out.

At best, King Sun Molun, who had a second-level martial arts body by relying on peony, fell from the wall and fell heavily to the ground, losing all his resistance.

"His Highness ..."

Another screamed, turning to run away.

But before he had time to rush out of the room, the sword in the hands of Baili Qingfeng seemed to be a flash of light that tore the void, and passed by him instantly.

He was running wild ...

His body was frozen.

Then he stumbled straight down, no sound.

"Don't blame me! Can you live peacefully every day, who doesn't want to? But it is someone who provokes my bottom line again and again ... and my gentleness, my kindness, but they are regarded as weak and deceitful, step by step. If you have anything to do with me, just come here, but today, you actually put your poisonous hand on my family ... "

There was a bit of intolerance on Baili Qingfeng's face, but ...

He closed his eyes.

But in the next second, his closed eyes had suddenly opened again, all kindness, all gentleness, all intolerance, disappearing as soon as possible, leaving only cold determination!

as well as……

Pain for the upcoming killings!

"Killing is sin! But for the protection of my loved ones, for the protection of my friends, for the peace of the whole world, for the prosperity of the world, I would rather kill all the people who should be killed all over the world, rather than kill all the helpers in the whole world. The corpses were everywhere, and they would rather kill all the **** rivers of the whole world! "

"His Royal Highness!"


At this time, the bodyguards on the first floor heard the screams upstairs and rushed over.



"call out!"


Baili Qingfeng stood alone at the door, and those bodyguards had the skill of a second-level warrior, and the combat power of a third-level warrior, come one, kill one, two, and kill a pair.

In less than ten seconds, six corpses fell over the distance from the entrance.

An ordinary door turned into a passage to purgatory at this moment. The corpses piled up and blood filled the room, leaving the three bodyguards outside the door frightened and afraid to step into the room for a long time.

Baili Qingfeng ignored the bodyguards who did not dare to enter the three doors, moved the body slightly, and then closed the door.


He squatted down in front of Wang Sunlun.

At this time, Wang Sun Molun had returned from the series of impacts a little bit, and saw the corpse and blood in the room, His Highness Sun Sun's face suddenly turned white.

Fortunately, as a member of the royal family, the elite education he received from childhood still kept him as calm as possible: "You ... who are you? Do you know what you are doing? I ... I am ..."

"Grandson Moron."

Baili Qingfeng took the phone from his desk and handed it to him: "Call and call all your subordinates and let them come over as fast as possible. You should have a few who can help you Do your subordinates. In addition, let the subordinates outside your door be quiet. Do n’t make too much noise. If I find more than ten people outside the villa and there are still many masters, then we are in harmony. The conversation is over, understand? "

"Ming ... I understand ..."

Wang Sun Molun's face turned pale, and he yelled at the bodyguards outside the door to stop them from making rash moves, and then began to call.

"Yabo? Come here! I'll give you ten minutes!"

"Zhou Long! Come, come as fast as possible, something important!"


Moren called one by one.

Four calls have been made soon.

At the end, he said, "I have five trusted confidantes who are willing to do everything for me. One of them ..."

He looked at a corpse in the room.

"There's another person called Anle. You arranged for that woman named Carlisle. Look at you. What you did to my loved ones was that Carris had your subordinates do it. Call him.

"Easy? Belle?"

At the moment, Morun, who had no idea why he was beaten by this indiscriminate plague, finally understood the core of the problem. A pale face seemed to have a trace of blood, which was caused by extreme anger.

"Calise, it's the celebrity's **** who let Anle deal with ... against your loved ones, so ..."

"That's right, because she didn't want to write a song for her, she just bullied others, and my family wanted to kill him. She fought for your situation, so I went directly to you. Is there a problem?"

Write a song! ?

The source of the whole thing was that this man was unwilling to write a song for Belle! ?

Because of such a trivial matter, the man directly killed him in his home, killed a confidant, seven subordinates, and beat him fiercely! ?



Moren had a feeling of anger.

Right now in front of Baili Qingfeng, his small lives are in the hands of the other party. He naturally didn't dare to blame Baili Qingfeng, but his anger at Jialisi made him scream in a low voice: "Jiaris, this Bitch, she's hurting me! "

"be quiet."

Baili Qingfeng said indifferently.

It is related to the safety and death of his uncle's life, even if he knows that his actions today may hurt innocent people, but ...

He must be hard-hearted and be a man without emotion.

Besides, these people are all subordinates of Morun. If these people do not distinguish between right and wrong, they help the tiger and help the abuse, how can Morun have such ability?

Therefore, those who were killed by him are not truly innocent.


Just as Baili Qingfeng sneaked into the villa of King Sun Molun of Yutan Lake Park, Baili Sky came to Xiaya from Sanshun Town.

Local authorities in Honolulu.

Baili Changkong directly found Otto, the highest person in charge of the authorities.

"The consulate is in your jurisdiction. It is most appropriate for you to resolve this matter. However, they have seized people without showing any evidence, and there are no formalities. It has seriously infringed on the rights and interests of our citizens of the Kingdom of Hea. You are fully capable of going to the consulate and letting the consul general hand over people. Why do you have to hinder you in the matter of maintaining the national citizenship within the authority? "

At this moment, in Otto's office, the voice of dissatisfaction over a hundred miles of sky was echoing.

"Mr. Barry, this is not my unwillingness to help, but it is related to the ambassador Lafite attache. Although the consulate is under my jurisdiction, Lafite attache comes from the embassy, ​​but it is beyond my responsibility. Currently, The relationship between our two countries, Shia and Aurora, has finally eased. At this sensitive moment, it is really difficult to make troubles, so ... "

Otto tried to explain.

However, before he could finish his words, the voice of Baili Sky suddenly abruptly exclaimed: "Odo, don't forget how you can achieve today's achievements! I'm not saying anything, but if it wasn't because of I saved you from the chaos, you were already dead in that war, let alone make me a clerk of General Melbourne through my recommendation ~ ~ and then let you take the post in Charlie In the past ten years, I haven't found you in anything. Right now, it's such a thing that belongs to your area, but you tell me you can't do it !? "

"Father, this is really not my reluctance to help, but ..."

"Okay, I know."

Baili Changkong stood up one by one: "I am Baili Changkong old? Now it is an old man who has no power and power, and is no longer useful, so you do n’t take my Baili Changkong in your eyes? Hahaha! Ridiculous! Ridiculous! Do you really think that I can only have the prestige of the past with the help of General Melbourne? Do you really think the three words Ben Leijian are just a joke?

"Master Baili ..."

Otto wants to explain, but before he finishes, he has been strongly interrupted by Baili Sky: "Enough! You do n’t want to help, there are other ways I can think of Baili Sky! A warrior, never rely on external forces, It's you! Soon, you will understand how my Baili Qingfeng broke through the name of the Thunder Sword! "

After all, Baili Changkong left directly.

A moment after Baili Changkong left, a middle-aged man came to Otto: "Sir, I checked. Baili Changkong had previously visited two lawmakers, but apparently ... Members get a satisfactory answer. "

"Don't bother, an old man who relies on the old and sells the old, really treats himself as a character! Originally, he had to give me face when he played for Murby, but now ... he thought he was following General Melbourne more than ten years ago. The most glorious time in the world? Hey, a phoenix is ​​worse than a chicken! "

Otto said disdainfully: "In addition, Murby, they seem to pay attention to this hundred miles of sky? Tell Murby, let them listen as a joke."

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