The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 132: value

"mission accomplished."

Baili Qingfeng clapped his hands: "Although the fighting process was extremely dangerous, even my assistant was forced to play in person, but the task as a whole is still quite simple. In three days, it was equivalent to three million, which is more than black. The evil forces must be cost-effective. Although the daily door is not low in revenue, the military ’s missions are covered, and there are special car shuttles, which avoids the tiringness of my journey to the train, and the treatment is much better ... "

Before he finished speaking, his voice stopped.


He saw blood on his body.

The blood was not only of the beastly, but also of his own.

Although he has improved for more than half a month, the demons disintegration technique III has improved compared to the previous one. The power has not increased, but the irreversible state can be corrected.

However, in order to exchange energy when some of the demons disintegration III broke out in full, some cells would still collapse, and they would be rejected by their own rejection reaction, turning into the **** wolf howl in front of them.

That miserable situation ...

Anyone who sees it will think that he has experienced a lifetime of nine deaths.

"Compared to the stream of body exercises, I really like the stream of internal interest. To embarrass me, I wore a white suit today to shape the image of the white sword **** Baili Qingfeng in the future, but now ..."

Where is the slightest image at all?

Baili Qingfeng sighed in his heart.

His eyes then fell on Long Xiangyang.

His arm was interrupted by a fist of the fox, and the shocking power combined with some confusing talents of the fox tribe hit his mind, causing his brain to be slightly dizzy. When the Baili Qingfeng came to his side, He had already forcibly converged, and after experiencing it he exclaimed: "Consultant Baili, run away! That Madam Yuli is disguised by the Fox people!"


Baili Qingfeng stopped for a second and said, "It's all right."

Long Xiangyang only recovered a little at this time, looking at Bai Li Qingfeng's blood, his face suddenly changed: "Consultant Baili, you ... are you injured? Is that Fox clan !?"

"Yes, the fox tribe looks so pretty. I didn't expect to poison me. Who knows what effect the toxin has. In order to ensure foolproofness, I had to use the demons disintegration technique to explode completely. Killed. "

"Cream Demolition ..."

There was a hint of guilt in Long Xiangyang's eyes.

His primary responsibility is to protect Baili Qingfeng. When the danger really came, instead of protecting him, he let Baili Qingfeng fight by the devil's disintegration technique. He tried his best to help him beheaded. The brutal man indirectly saved his life.

Looking at the whole blood of Baili Qingfeng, there is no place intact ...

You don't need to think about how horrible the Baili Qingfeng and the fox tribe had been, and how much pain they endured during that time!

Right now he pretends to be relaxed, and in all likelihood, he doesn't want to worry about him and has a psychological burden.

For a while, Long Xiangyang's heart was even more ashamed, his eyes were slightly red: "Sorry! Consultant Baili, I'm sorry for you! I didn't protect you ..."


Baili Qingfeng looked at Long Xiangyang's appearance, and his heart was a little stunned ...

Are the people in the military department so sentimental?


In order to cooperate with him, should he also express emotionally?

But just completed the task and got a reward equivalent to three million. He is in a good mood, completely stateless ...

At this time, the two figures in the distance rushed forward one after the other, alleviating the embarrassment in the heart of Baili Qingfeng.

After seeing Baili Qingfeng and Long Xiangyang being injured at the same time, especially when Baili Qingfeng was bathing in blood, he couldn't help but change his face.

"How are you? Advisor Baili, how are you injured? I'll call for help immediately!"

"We hit the enemy's tricks."

Yu Li and Don Naide said with a grimace.

For safety reasons, Baili Qingfeng stabbed the two with a method of refining the gods. When he realized that they were not in disguise, he said aloud: "When you were led away, the fox was disguised as Mrs. Yuli I ran over and attacked Colonel Long Xiangyang, and while she was attacking Colonel Long Xiangyang, relying on the dismantling of the demons to break out and kill her ...

"The demon dismantling technique !?"

Don Nader has seen the torn corpse of the Fox clan with almost no appearance, and from the damage level of this corpse, he can already predict what kind of terrorist attack she had before her death.

At first he was surprised who could have this kind of power, but after seeing the miserable appearance of Bai Li Qingfeng's blood, Tang Naide also believed a little.

Although he has not practiced the demon dismantling technique, he also knows that it is a taboo method of life-fighting. Just looking at the current appearance of Baili Qingfeng, he knows how much it costs him to explode.

The damage caused in this case is exaggerated, but ...

Not unacceptable.

"Sorry, I didn't expect to have to rely on Bailey's consultant to kill this fox in the end. This is our failure."

Don Naide apologized to Baili Qingfeng.

"I did very little for this mission, so when I return to the division, I will apply to the division and transfer half of the points earned from my mission to the Baili consultant."

Yuli was also a little sad.

After hearing Yuli's words, Donald couldn't hide his face, and had to follow, "Me too."

There are unexpected gains! ?

Baili Qingfeng probably understood the reason for the guilt of the two, took a look at his blood, and suddenly felt ...

It doesn't matter if it looks terrible.

Isn't it just going back for a bath, blowing hair, changing clothes?

"You're welcome. Although the fox was poisoned as soon as he came, forcing me to operate the demon dismantling technique to the highest level, the internal organs melted like fire, and the situation is indeed dangerous, but ... in fact, my injury was not fatal. Just take a break. "

Baili Qingfeng said.

"The five internal organs are melted by the fire !?"

Tang Naide heard Baili Qingfeng said, looked at him carefully, but saw that he was indeed a bit thinner than before, that looks like ...

It's as if I have been sleepless for ten days and ten nights.

Great energy loss!

No wonder that the demons disintegration is a taboo technique. After use, it will damage the foundation, and on the other hand, die on the spot!

Books don't fool me!

For a while, the reluctantness of Tang Naide's heart who paid half of his points for his face disappeared, and he said sincerely: "Consultant Baili, it is our negligence that will trap you in such a dangerous situation. Shu and the Fox people are fighting for their lives. It ’s difficult for you. You are resting. The base vehicle will come soon. There is medical equipment over there. Let ’s go over there and adjust it.

"No, we will return to the division as soon as possible to exchange some medicinal materials. Maybe my injury will be fine in a few days."

In a few days ...

Yuli glanced at Baili Qingfeng.

Don't you say this kind of injury has lasted for a few days, dozens of days, and months can not be recovered?

This statement of Baili Qingfeng ...

To reassure them.

"He is a kind child, but he is still a student. He has not yet stepped into the society. I do not know that the society is dark and sinister. The innocence is reasonable ... Well, there are tasks that I can take him to carry out together. I do n’t have to worry about my teammates as a pure teammate. I can rest assured that I will give him my back ... hope ... I will have a chance to work together ... "

Yuli thought.

The wounded of Baili Qingfeng and Long Xiangyang were resting, while Yu Li and Tang Naide were cautiously alert.

Twenty minutes later, three vehicles drove over at the same time, one carrying people and two escorts, all of them infantry fighting vehicles.

Infantry fighting vehicles are much more defensive than their previous military vehicles. Even rockets can carry frontal armor.

The next journey was smooth.

During this period, Long Xiangyang also contacted the base and the division, and seemed to want to investigate who the human being was.

In fact, they have more or less skeptical goals, but they cannot naturally deal with humans in the same way as they deal with beastly humans.

Two hours later, three chariots entered the division, and the Ye Fusheng Ninth Division who received the news personally greeted them.

When he arrived at the division, the temporary team also faced dissolution.

Tang Naide received the points and smiled at Baili Qingfeng: "Bali consultant, I hope to have the opportunity to cooperate with you again."

After a few days of contact, Baili Qingfeng, a self-denying and innocent boy, also won his favor, and his attitude naturally disappeared when he set off.

"Will do."

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

"Advisor Baili, if you can come to me with anything, we can also count as teammates fighting together ~ ~ I will do my best if I can help."

Mrs. Yuly also left her address and phone number.

"Thank you."

Baili Qingfeng took over.

I felt that this was normal interpersonal communication. He was a person who longed for peace and tranquility. As long as he had good intentions, anyone could get along with him.

People like Jiang's Wu Guan, Tie Jian Men, and Sun Ri Men are all abnormal neuropathy.

Don't you know that as long as everyone gives a little love, will the world become a beautiful world?

"I owe you a life."

Long Xiangyang's words were simple and straightforward. After speaking, he was taken by the medic to treat him.

"Qing Feng, your reward is already on your card. In addition, Yu Li and Don Naide have given you half of the points. You now have four hundred points. There is no problem in buying the top martial arts."

Ye Fusheng laughed.

"Wait, four hundred points? Shouldn't it be six hundred?"

Baili Qingfeng said strangely.

Ye Fusheng hesitated, and quickly understood what he said with a smile: "The real difficulty of this mission is to find out where the beastly man is. A fox beastly man. The combat power is not strong. The warrior does not need to spend too much energy Therefore, the task rewards of Yu Li and Don Naide are only one hundred points. "


Baili Qingfeng has some regrets.

However, considering that this hundred points is equivalent to the extra income, he also readily accepted it.

"By the way, do you have all the medicines and herbs I gave you, how many points do I need to redeem?"

"Twenty points!"

"Twenty points?"

Baili Qingfeng froze.

With Yangyuan Tang as the school unit, 20 points is equivalent to 200,000! ?

And Wanshoutang sells one million of his three herbs.


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