The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 130: Flicker

conference hall.

Due to the secret assistance and publicity of Golden Claw, with the exception of a few big brothers who are not able to walk away during the critical period of the project, all the researchers have come to the conference hall, making the entire conference hall more than two hundred people look magnificent.

Seeing this scene, Baili Qingfeng nodded slightly.

"Consultant Baili, can you?"

Julie asked.

"It's been three days anyway.

Don Ned smiled aside.

"The effect is exaggerated. Anyway, the beastly human lurker cannot be a professional and must not be able to see through."

Golden Claw added.

Baili Qingfeng nodded and went directly to the podium.

Yu Li helped him put on a little makeup, so that he no longer looks jerky like a student. Although he still looks young, unsuspecting people will associate his age to 28 or even 30.

Baili Qingfeng came to the podium, even if Yu Li had made him age a lot, this appearance still attracted a lot of debate under the stage.

"Quiet! This is Dr. Baili from Hill's Light Institute!"

The voice of a field controller sounded.

"Light of Hill? The institute named after the Empire ’s capital? Also known as the Institute No. 51! I have heard of this institute, this institute and the Office of Military Equipment and Foreign Relations Research and Public Opinion Guidance, and the Dragon Group. And is called one of the three most mysterious organizations of Shia. "

A research institute whispered.

And another researcher ...

He gave him a pitying glance, but did not speak.

But more people muttered, "Is this institute real?"

"I don't accept any questions."

Baili Qingfeng spoke on stage and wrote a text directly on the dark green blackboard.

U + n → Nd + Zr + 3n + 8e

U + n → Sr + Xe + 2n

U + n → Ba + Kr + 3n

The formula came out, which caused a lot of people to talk, but they were mainly based on speculation.

Baili Qingfeng finished writing, and directly used the projector to project a copy of the data that was worked overtime last night on the big screen.

"People may not understand the simple formula, but it doesn't matter, we will come bit by bit."

Baili Qingfeng's face was self-confident and talked with confidence, really like a successful researcher: "Through the research and verification of the uranium atomic fission phenomenon, I have initially obtained the relevant Data, an unprecedented weapon is being brewed, and it gradually shows its sharp fangs ... This weapon will be worldwide and subversive. If it is completely captured and mastered, humanity will have the destruction of the whole The power of the world! At that time, all creatures will fall apart in the presence of this weapon ... "

"Destroy the world ..."

Golden Talon covered his eyes a little silently, and seemed unable to look straight.

He asked Baili Qingfeng to exaggerate some effects, but ...

Don't be so exaggerated.

"It is well known that radioactive elements such as uranium, plutonium, radium, and the protons and neutrons in the nucleus can be continuously changed from a high-energy arrangement to a low-energy arrangement. This reaction is called a nuclear reaction, and the energy released is called nuclear energy. When bombarded with energy Three neutrons will be generated when a uranium nucleus is generated, and three neutrons will be bombarded with three seeds. As long as the neutron proliferation coefficient is greater than one, if not controlled, the scale will become larger and larger, forming a chain reaction. Eventually an explosion will occur. How to use this energy is related to the control of the critical value. This is the main topic of our project. "

The page-by-page information of Baili Qingfeng introduced: "The energy released by one kilogram of TNT is 4.2 MJ, but the energy released after fission of uranium 235 will reach nearly two thousand times that of TNT! That is, one kilogram of uranium is fissionable. The energy released was 82 terajoules. Under this power, the core a few hundred meters directly ashed and died, and the shock wave affected two kilometers. Few people survived. Most of the houses within four kilometers trembled and collapsed, causing severe casualties. Kilometers away will burn the skin due to the strong light from the explosion. "

The words of Baili Qingfeng immediately calmed down the researchers in the field, and their eyes were involuntarily attracted by the content of Baili Qingfeng.

"This is just the energy released after a kilogram of uranium nuclear fission. If we increase its weight to one ton, the killing range will extend beyond 300 kilometers, and the 1,000 square kilometers in the center will be razed to the ground. Destroy any city on the planet, even the Polaris Empire, the capital of the Aurora Empire. If the number of similar bombs is enough, thousands or tens of thousands, the smoke from the explosion will fly into the sky, enter the stratosphere, and block The sun absorbs visible light radiation, warms the upper atmosphere, lowers the surface temperature, the ground falls into severe winter, a large number of vegetation dies, the ecological balance is completely destroyed, and the humans living on this planet ... "

Baili Qingfeng lowered his voice slightly: "They have already died of various lung diseases caused by infection or floating dust, in other words ... humanity is extinct!"

"Human extinction ..."

Not to mention the golden claws this time, even the sunshine male Long Xiangyang drew his mouth.

Hey, hey, too much!


Be careful not to go back!

"Dr. Baili, I have read the paper you said, but then someone posted a question that uranium elements may be active, and if used, they can really release amazing energy, and even hope to solve the energy problems that humans are gradually facing. But you can't do it like you said ... "

At this time, a researcher in his fifties couldn't help but question.

"I said, I don't take questions."

Baili Qingfeng said a word, then his eyes fell on the researcher: "But everyone who has seen that paper has similar doubts, so I will respond, this involves the issue of purity,"

After that, he wrote three numbers on it, U235, U238, U234.

At the same time, a copy of the information is presented.

"Ninety-nine percent of general uranium mines are uranium 238 and uranium 234. These two elements do not undergo nuclear fission. Only when the purity of uranium 235 reaches 3% can it be used as an energy source. The weapon in question requires uranium 235 purity of more than 90%, but at present we have developed a method for refining this energy. According to observations, uranium 235 is 1.3% lighter than uranium 238 and diffuses through gas. Method or centrifuge at 20,000 rpm, we can separate uranium 235. "

Baili Qingfeng said this, with a slight pause: "In order to make uranium 235 into a weapon that we can control, we need a moderator in the uranium nuclear fission chain reaction to slow down the neutrons produced by fission. We have two directions, graphite, heavy water. "

After that, he wrote another C and D2O on the blackboard.

After writing down these two punctuation marks, Baili Qingfeng smiled and said, "I'm here this time to inspect your heavy water production equipment. At the same time, I will also invite some like-minded people to join my research and complete this project. Great plan to bring world peace. "

By the way ...

Baili Qingfeng seemed to be reluctant to give these people a chance to ask questions and turned to the stage.

And offstage ...

A silence.

After the silence, the researchers who had the ability and ability quickly gathered together in pairs and quickly discussed.

Some people came forward the first time: "Dr. Baili, can I take a closer look at your information?"

"Of course, but these materials are only conceptual things. If you want more details, you have to wait to join us."

Baili Qingfeng smiled.

"Give me a copy."

"I also took a look. At the time I studied Professor Millers's thesis, but the performance of the uranium element was too poor during verification, and I had to give up. If what Dr. Bailey said is true ... then ... incredible!"

"Is it really such a terrible power to make this kind of weapon?"

One researcher got together and wanted a document to study it carefully.

The field controllers, Golden Claw, Yu Li, Don Naide, and Long Xiangyang saw the researchers who had stepped forward to get a copy of each of them, and looked at each other, and for a while they did not respond.

"Everyone ... believe it?"

"I remember the level of this institute is not low, there are more than a dozen national scholar-level big men? Two of them I have watched on TV once or twice, and they all ...

"Why do I think this scene is like a report meeting when a new type of energy comes out?"

Several people became speechless.

"It looks like a good response."

Baili Qingfeng said: "When the lurker learned that we were studying such a weapon that might destroy the world, he would never sit still and acted for the first time. Then we waited quietly for the lurker. The visitor is ready ~ ~ Tang Naide looked at the experts and scholars who had been fooled in and nodded deeply: "Unexpectedly, consultant Baili has such ability, a layman spent one night The written information actually got a lot of insiders into it, it was amazing. "

"It's an award, mainly because everyone doesn't know about this field."

Baili Qingfeng said modestly.

"Everything else is fine. Some of the power you said is too exaggerated, but yes, if you want to force that lurker to take a shot, you must first disrupt his state of mind. The greater the power of weapons, the better.

Uli laughed.

Long Xiangyang also nodded: "Three days? In these three days, we must protect our consultant Baili incessantly, and we must be careful of ourselves, maybe someone will want to expose Qingfeng consultant your project, so you Do n’t take it out, do n’t reveal the stuffing. I believe that the person who came to test you will not be a core researcher. You just have to fumble him over, and then we will sit and wait for that beastly person to hook. ”

"Consultant Baili can live with so many people, shouldn't it be a problem to live with a non-core researcher?"

Major Golden Claw said.

"I try my best."

"There must be something wrong with that tempter, and you'd better investigate it afterwards."

Yuli reminded Golden Claw.


Several people discussed for a while and left quickly, waiting for Baili Qingfeng to go through a wave of trials.

The first day was fine, and things were still fermenting.

The next day someone came to visit Baili Qingfeng.

But, the first ...

Winner of the National Science and Technology Award ...

The second, Kingdom Scholar, winner of Nouven Prize for Physics ...

Third, the winner of the Hill of Light Research Medal ...

The fourth, fifth, sixth ...

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