The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 125: Refresh point

The cave invasion came to an end.

Several cities in Haixia were severely wounded, with numerous deaths and injuries.

But after grief, life must continue.

After a period of rest, Wuhe City, which was not much damaged, took the lead to calm down. A few days later, the Mayor of Xia City announced that the cavemen soldiers on the ground had been cleaned and Xia City gradually restored order.

And Baili Qingfeng also officially returned to his yard in Xia City.

"Grandpa has been hospitalized these days. He hasn't come for a while. They have accumulated some dust and need to clean up."

Baili Qingfeng said, rolled up his sleeves, and picked up the mop.

"If only I could have a girlfriend, it would be good for men and women to work together."

Qian Baili Qingfeng dragged the ground again, and wiped the table, chair and other places again, the time came to noon unknowingly.

Now he went out and looked for a restaurant.

Although the order in the city of Pashaia was restored, due to the considerable losses in the university town, many shops still did not open, and Baili Qingfeng walked for a few kilometers before eating at a shop that met his appetite.

He deliberately passed Shuiyun Yayun when he returned.

店 This shop is not affected, it is still open, but the business is cold.

Considering that Gu Lingying and Qin Lanshan are not there, Shuiyun Yayun's cloud-born smoke is a married woman. Naturally, he would have no idea and went straight to the direction of Shire University after passing by.

Ye Ye Fusheng is a believer.

At this time, Shire University was in full swing, and construction vehicles, excavators, and **** cars were traveling back and forth between Shire University and inside and outside, constructing buildings damaged during the war, and a large number of workers shuttled through them. This immense construction project adds bricks and tiles.

Xi Baili Qingfeng looked for a moment and nodded in satisfaction.

He doesn't understand architecture.

But watching so many people, vehicles, and equipment busy, I also guessed that the building efficiency must be extremely fast.

It is certainly impossible to start school on time, but it is estimated that the delayed start time is only two or three months.

in other words……

In another two or three months, he was able to sit in a spacious and bright classroom again, blowing the breeze of Xi Xi coming in, looking at the dark green blackboard with those young and lively classmates, and earnestly studying in class.

Xi Baili Qingfeng turned around with satisfaction, returned to the yard, drank Yangyuan soup, which was stewed in the morning, and opened the refrigerator ...

Thunder fruit is finished.

It looks like I have to buy it again, but I do n’t know if the person selling thunder fruit has a mailing service.

Now he carried a sword and went through the crack to the cave.

However, when he drilled through the gap to the cave passage, his body was a slight meal.


There are people in the cave!

And ...

more than one! ?

等等 "Wait, this kind of breath ... caveman !?"

The next moment, Chen Jinjian in the hand of Baili Qingfeng came out of the sheath, stepped on a step, and rushed to the inside of the cave.

Hundred meters distance, quickly across.

At this time, the cave people in the cave are communicating with each other, faintly hearing as if "invasion", "channel", "pioneer" and the like.

He seems to be aware of the human voice, these cave people one by one as the enemy's holding weapons ...

"Four, five, six ... doesn't it mean that the people in the pits of Xia ’s land have been wiped out? Why are there six pit people left out? And, let them run here? If Letting these six people in the caves rush out, it is definitely a situation of being charred! "

Qian Baili Qingfeng was dissatisfied with the negligence of Shalock, Murby, and the native warriors of Xia Ya.

When Qian Baili Qingfeng saw these cave people clearly, the cave people naturally saw him.

Nothing nonsense.

和平 There will never be peace between two different civilizations and different races.


With the roar of several cavemen warriors, the battle erupted instantly.

Three cavemen warriors armed with tomahawks rushed and dared to kill.

However, Baili Qingfeng, who has seen the scene of the battle of Shire University, is now a piece of cake to deal with the six cavemen soldiers in this area.

Don't say that he has created the third demonic disintegration technique, and the refining **** realm has reached the sixth critical point. Even if it is not, the six cavemen warriors are helpless.

He was as if he had introduced the battle to Barry Sky.

炼 A refining **** was lost ...

One of the fastest Grotto soldiers rushing was deterred on the spot.

More than him, the remaining two cavemen warriors could not help showing fear even if they were affected by the aftermath. The speed of the charge was slightly slower.

However ...


Jianguang breaks through!

The dungeon warrior who was stunned and stunned by the spirit was pierced by Baili Qingfeng.


The blood shines.

Wu Jianfeng pierced through the back of the head of the burrow people. Even if their vitality is no less tenacious and the battle is more brave, they still have no suspense to die on the spot.

I slayed this caveman warrior, Baili Qingfeng, and saw the sword, and then a divine **** Xiansheng lost it.


I was another sword.

Then ...

Refining God manifested holy!


I am again a sword.

The scene in front of my eyes fully proves that what Baili Qingfeng and Baili Changkong told about the battle process of Shire that day.

Relying on the absolute advantages brought by the refining of the gods, the three cavemen warriors were killed and killed, with less than three breaths.

The remaining three cavemen seemed to be scared by the scene in front of them, with fear flashing in their eyes. One of them, with a meaningless roar, uttered a fierce and determined blow towards the Baili Qingfeng.

Two left ...

Xun took the opportunity to avoid Baili Qingfeng and escape.

Unfortunately, it is useless.

Qi Baili Qingfeng would not give these cavemen a chance to escape at all.

Otherwise, the fierceness of the burrow people will break into the living area where civilians live, and will definitely cause hundreds of casualties.

Especially Shire University is being rebuilt. A large number of construction workers are busy on the construction site. They really rushed out. The reconstruction progress of Shire University will be seriously affected.

"咻! 咻! 咻!"

Three refining gods, three swords.

The three cavemen were quickly beheaded.

After slaying all six people in the cave, Bai Qingqing found out ...

The three cavemen didn't even have armor.

"Looks like, there are also detailed classifications in the cave people. The weakest should be the cavemen warriors who only have weapons, and then the elite cavemen warriors who have armors ..."

The elaborate cavemen warriors are naturally the cavemen warriors.

There were no warriors in the first six cavemen, and three elite warriors wearing the Inner Armor had previously charged him.

"Six axes plus inner armor ... barely able to build an armor."

Xi Baili Qingfeng calculated a little.

Three axes are equal to one inner armor, five inner armors are equivalent to a set of armors, and three sets of armors are equivalent to a set of full body armors that can be used by humans. In other words, he has no background and can only rely on his ordinary people Want to gather a set of war swords, body armor materials, have to brush fifty cavemen warriors?

Fifty cavemen warriors swarmed up ...

The **** of war has to avoid its edge.

Baili Qingfeng finished counting the booty which can no longer be simple. Then he moved the corpses of several cavemen to the other side of the passage and buried them.

Alas, when he was buried in these cavemen, he seemed to think of something, his body flashed, and he soon came to the seam.

"No trace!"

He Baili Qingfeng carefully inspected the gap that he had dug out for access, and said with a whisper: "There are no traces! These burrowers did not escape from this place to hide!"

This cave ...

There are other channels too! ?

Xi Baili Qingfeng turned again and carefully searched the whole passage, not even missing some details.

After a lap, he found something weird, except for the gap he dug out, there was no place outside the whole channel to connect.

Even he searched carefully, carefully distinguished even those places that might be excavated and covered. In the end, it was certain that there was no second entrance to the passage or cave except the gap.


Wu Baili Qingfeng re-entered the spacious cave, and looked carefully: "These cave people did not come in from outside, how did they appear?"

He turned his eyes around the cave, thinking about twenty days ago, but also a cave man who suddenly appeared in the old dormitory area. A bold speculation emerged: "Here ... is it not a cave man? Refresh it? "

先前 He also previously complained that he could not buy the top cultivation methods when he went out like the protagonist of the destiny. All the methods had to search on the Internet by himself and brainstorm his own creation. Each creation was a life of nine deaths, extremely difficult ...

And now ...

待遇 The treatment of his protagonist is here?

The ability of his destiny protagonist is to have a refresher in the cave?

The cave man refreshed from this refresh point can not only help him improve his actual combat experience, but also blast out Chen Jin after being killed to facilitate him to successfully cast a set of Chen Jin armor, and ...

His method of revelation of the gods is also worried that there is no test product, he can only release it to the air, the practice effect is very poor.

A wave of refreshments appeared in the cave people ...

Isn't it a great target?

"Nine times, this is the case. Alas, the refresh rate is a bit slow. Twenty days ... It should be refreshed once in nineteen days. The specific number is not yet clear ... wait for the next time and you should be able to judge Out."

I thought of this ~ ~ There was a smile on Baili Qingfeng's face.

待遇 This treatment is a bit different from the true destiny's protagonist going out to pick up artifacts and turn the books to learn magic, but he has always been easy to satisfy.


At the moment, Baili Qingfeng buried the six cavemen one by one, and then practiced the demon town prison body here.

I do n’t know if I ’m in a good mood or because I have n’t come to this cave for some time, this time I ’m practicing the demon town ...

The effect is obviously better.

This made Baili Qingfeng, who had originally felt that the cave practice efficiency was somewhat reduced, feel happy.

After completing the cultivation, he had a crack, but when he planned to return to the courtyard, he still gave a slight meal: "Since the cave here is the refreshing point of the cave people, then this entrance cannot be exposed as such, otherwise the inside What if the caveman rushes out, move a stone and plug it. "

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