The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 111: Invade

The severe meeting lasted for an hour to dissolve, and the next time was the free time for young people, middle-aged people, and old people.

Chang Baili Changkong took Baili Qingfeng to meet some people, and instructed him to have more contact with young warriors, and then gossiping with his friends.

And Baili Qingfeng ...

I didn't know a few people at all, and I was awkward.

In order not to make his performance so special, he still tried to go to crowded places.

The group with the most people is undoubtedly the groups headed by Shi Yiyi, heavy without edge, Murphy, and they are surrounded by five or six peers.

Bali Qingfeng has made a circle one by one. These circles, one is talking about the experience of cultivating gods, the other is talking about the precautions against the third-level martial arts, but this is ...

Actually gossip in the Liaowu circle?

Bali Qingfeng stopped suddenly.

The arrival of Baili Qingfeng and a patience of listening quickly caught the eyes of Yi Yi, the core teacher of the circle. She greeted with a smile: "Baiqing Qingfeng? Father of the sky, I heard he said you It's been six months since the peak of the second rank of the warrior. It's amazing. "

"you flatter me."

Xi Baili Qingfeng responded politely.

"I'm telling the truth. It took me four months to reach the second level of martial arts and eight months to reach the peak of the second level."

Yan Shi Yiyi smiled and said, "Although ... I was only fourteen at that time."

"At the age of fourteen, we have reached the second peak of the warrior. It is really amazing."

Baili Qingfeng said.

He spent everybody carrying the sedan chair, and he knew this.

"Father Barry and my grandpa have always had a good relationship. If you do n’t understand anything in the future, you can ask me. Although my vision is not up to the level of Barry Father, we are close to each other, and I can't point you out. . "

Yan Shi Yiyi Road.

"it is good."

Yan Shi Yiyi saw Bai Li Qing Feng go on the road, smiled and nodded, and continued to talk to other people.

The time soon arrived in the afternoon.

Before it was dark, Baili Changkong left Baiyue Island with Baili Qingfeng, took a ride on a younger ride of unknown junior, and returned to Wuhe City.

After getting out of the car, Baili Changkong asked: "Qing Feng, what do you think today?"


Bali Qingfeng thought for a moment: "I recognize a lot of people."

"It is a good thing to be able to make a few friends. Martial arts training is not to build cars behind closed doors. You should come out and exchange with your peers so that you can make progress."


Baili Qingfeng honestly promised.

Wu Lianwu is just a hobby for him. He can protect himself and his family. Other noble missions ...

It is like destroying human races and maintaining world peace.

But it has to wait for him to reach the level of the warrior.

"If you do n’t understand something, ask them for more information. Do n’t lose face, you know?"


Baili Qingfeng answered again.

After Xu and second grandpa separated, Baili Qingfeng returned home.

I have nothing to do overnight.

一 In the early morning of the next day, he returned to the blacksmith master's smithy early in the summer, and took the sword that Master Crab had made with his heart.

As soon as the sword started, Baili Qingfeng clearly felt the difference between ordering a sword and buying a sword at will.

剑 Each side of the sword fits his height, arm length, and wrist, and it perfectly reflects his power skills. As soon as the sword starts, he likes it.

"Thank you Master Crab."

"As long as you can ask Master Ding one day and not humiliate this Chenjin Excalibur, it is my greatest gratitude."

"I will try my best."

Qingli Feng said seriously.

I received the sword, and he couldn't wait to return to his yard and use this newly acquired Chenjin Excalibur to perform his learned swordsmanship.

The school is closed, and he can obviously spend a lot of time on martial arts.

Practice sword, practise demon town, read books, do homework, listen to music ...

A harmonious and fulfilling day spent unconsciously.

"This is life."

百里 青锋 came out of the cave and completed the training of the demon town in the evening, and was very satisfied with this life.

Calm, peaceful and carefree.

Suddenly ...

似乎 He seemed to notice something and glanced towards the end of the sky.

天 The sky over there ...

Is it bright?

I didn't light it up, but it lighted up several times.

"Somebody is setting off fireworks?"

Baili Qingfeng said.

I looked away and came to the yard.


As soon as I arrived in the yard, a slight vibration passed over, like an earthquake.

Because the magnitude of the earthquake was small, Baili Qingfeng ignored it.

He just practiced the demon town prison body, sweating, and was about to take a bath, but not so curious.

完 After bathing, it was exactly nine o'clock, and Baili Qingfeng didn't practice martial arts anymore. He turned on the stereo, put on headphones, and put on music. At the same time, he picked up a book about wave resonance and looked at it.

Recently, he just downloaded a secret method from Jianyu Rivers and Lakes, named Lei Xiaojue, a method of sound attack. He read the books to see if he can strengthen this method according to his own characteristics.

Bai Qingqing, who was reading a book and listening to music, suddenly felt that the light outside was flickering, as if ...

Very lively?

Is it a holiday, many people are setting off firecrackers?

He took off the headphones and suddenly ...

"Da da da!"


The sound of explosions, machine guns, horns, roars, and ears.

"I'm ... what happened?"

Bali Qingfeng is a little bit embarrassed.

He listened to the song for two hours, how did he feel ...

It ’s like fighting outside. Did the aliens invade?

Soon after, he put the book down and quickly came to the balcony.


The flames filled the sky!

On the other side of Qingyuan Mountain, the direction of Shire University.

When he looked in that direction, the dazzling flare suddenly appeared, as if tons of gunpowder were detonated at the same time!


Fire flames shot.

On the other side of Qingyuan Mountain, a huge fireball suddenly overturned and hit the ground heavily, causing a violent explosion.

However ...

That's not a big fireball at all!

Is a car!

A Cheetah Type 3 infantry fighting vehicle weighing 9.4 tons!

抛 Throw a 9.4-ton infantry fighting vehicle for dozens of meters ...

恐怖 What a terrifying power! ?

Baili Qingfeng felt that even if he practiced the demon town prison body for another year, his strength could not reach this level!

What an alien invasion! ?

"Explosion ... Approaching ..."

After hearing this for a moment, Bai Baiqing Feng took his own golden sword in his hands for the first time, and had no time to pack things, and rushed out.

The place where he lived was relatively remote, otherwise it was impossible to buy the yard for hundreds of thousands. When he came to the old town, he found that there was already a lot of chaos here. Many people hurriedly packed things and scattered, and Many military and police vehicles are scattered around to guide evacuation.


"Da da da!"

The sound of gunfire and explosions continued.

The sound came from the direction of Qingyuan Mountain, only a few kilometers away from where he was!

Qingyuan Mountain is regarded as the west barrier of Shire City, and the west is Misso City. It is associated with the scenes he saw when passing by Misso City, and the cavemen who rushed out of the ground and hit the train. All the hair must be erected.

"Shouldn't it be the people in the caves of the city of Misso who broke through the suppression of the local garrison and spread to the city of Xia !?"

If so ...

The university district under the Qingyuan Mountain will be the first to be hit!

"Sword !? Are you a warrior? But with a certificate, what level of warrior !?"

At this time, the security personnel on a police car suddenly shouted at Baili Qingfeng.

没 "No certificate ... Did you call the burrowers from Misso?"

Qingli asked.

"Don't be outside, go to the nearest shelter!"

Puppet guards didn't answer, and said quickly and drove away.

But from his reaction, Baili Qingfeng confirmed the guess in his heart.

"Miso City is not only west of Xia Ya, but also west of Wuhe River ..."

Qi Baili Qingfeng turned around and quickly left the old accommodation area.

What he has to do at this time is to go to Wuhe City as soon as possible and get together with his family in Wuhe City.

On the streets, people like him who want to leave Xia City as soon as possible are not few, and the crowds make the scene quite chaotic.

At the beginning, there were still people who maintained the order of retreat, but as the sound of guns got closer, those people quickly joined the flight of people.

Xi Baili Qingfeng ran for a moment, and the powerful induction given to him by Lian Shen Liuzhong had made him vaguely aware of what.

East side ... a lot of strong breath!

更多 More northwest, less south!

"Crypt Warrior! The equivalent of a warrior cave warrior !? My sensing range is only one or two kilometers ... In this two-kilometer range, there are more than a dozen crypt warriors !?"

Bali Qingfeng gritted his teeth!

But the cavemen warriors are equivalent to war-level existence, a dozen war-level ...

It's scary!

Can't afford to mess with it, hide!

Bali Qingfeng now decided to go a little around the south.

But he didn't go forward for a while, and two of those war-like breaths in the south surrounded the area where he was, and ...

Avoidance is inevitable!

"Too many, there are people in the caves. I want to escape from Xia as soon as possible and rush to Wuhe to meet my family. But I want to hide and I can't hide from it ... Until now, only **** battles have been made, and I gave birth to a fight. ! "

Qi Baili Qingfeng seemed to be motivated by fierceness, with cold light in his eyes, facing two war-like breaths, striding meteors.

"Da da da."


As Baili Qingfeng rushed out of this building area, gunfire and screams burst out in front.

He looked with great eyes ~ ~ is seeing more than a dozen soldiers slaughtered instantly by two cavemen with terrible physique and amazing speed!


Instant slaughter!

A dozen gun sergeants, not even holding three breaths!

After killing more than a dozen sergeants in two cavemen, he did not hesitate to kill some civilians hiding nearby, and for a time stern and terrified shouts pierced the night sky.



The moment when Li Baifeng's eyes fell on the two cavemen warriors, the Chen Jinjian in his hand suddenly emerged.

"Fighting! Kill a **** road!"

Demon disintegration! open!

With the demons disintegration technique detonating the lurking power in the body, Baili Qingfeng dashed sprinting and stepped on it. The ground slab suddenly burst. With this power, he seemed to be a sharp arrow and burst out.

Qi and blood traction!

The two cavemen soldiers sensed the threat brought by Baili Qingfeng for the first time, and instantly gave up the slaughter of the civilians, yelled to meet his figure and rushed forward.

Two cavemen, one with a heavy axe and one with a large knife, although not tall, were full of ingenious, beast-like atmosphere on their bodies, and when they were killed, the madness and brutality on their bodies were compared. All the warriors that Yu Baili Qingfeng had encountered before were inferior!


During the charge, one of the cavemen soldiers suddenly held a motorcycle parked by the road with one hand, and then ...

I actually threw this motorcycle like a wooden frame and threw it towards Baili Qingfeng.

The power that erupts instantly ...

Multiples above Baili Qingfeng!

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