The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 1071: teaching material

"What happened !? What happened to His Majesty the King !?"

Qin Dongsheng, Aslan, Gundam, Shen Donghui and others became extremely nervous.

The existence of a spiritual strength of at least 1.29 million, what a concept! ?

This power has almost exceeded their coping limits.

"It is the **** king, who gave us a warning by unscrupulously inspiring his own spiritual power ... Although it is still only the tip of the iceberg of his full strength, it is as mighty as a wave of tsunami, unstoppable ..."

Zhao Xu said in a deep voice.

At this moment, a burst of exclamation came suddenly: "Sir, that terrible existence ... he ... he came to our side!"

"he came!?"

Zhao Xu, Wang Su, and Bai Daoming opened their eyes wide.

Qin Dongsheng and Aslan glanced at each other, and one heart suddenly sank.

"Various star troops, first-level preparations!"

Qin Dongsheng Road.

Aslan nodded solemnly.

"I mobilize all armed satellites and throw them into Tianhua City. In addition ... nuclear missiles and anti-matter bombs at major military bases are prepared ... When necessary ... Tianhua City will make sacrifices ..."

Qin Dongsheng's expression was painful.

"Wait a minute!"

Bai Daoming screamed quickly: "He shouldn't have torn our face with us, otherwise he would have already started, why would he come by fast walking like now?"

"Then ..."

"Go, let's see him."

Said Bai Daoming and walked out of the command room.

Zhao Xu and Wang Su glanced at each other and followed closely.

And when they came to the door of this unit, Baili Qingfeng's figure had appeared at the end of the street corner.

Looking at the Baili Qingfeng who walked over, Bai Daoming, Zhao Xu, Wang Su, and others all felt the pressure of unspeakable and unknown.

On the head of Baili Qingfeng, there seemed to be a cloud of doom, carrying the breath of war and destruction. As his figure approached, he rolled forward, so that the three of them could not breathe.

Among them, the poor psychological quality of Wang Su's complexion was slightly whitish, and there was fine sweat on his forehead.

Is near!

Is near!

at last……

Under the suffocating gaze of the three people, Baili Qingfeng raised his right hand.

"Hi, Captain Bai."


Looked solemnly white Dao Ming Yi stunned.

"What are you doing, one by one seems to be very serious, what happened? Do you need my help?"

"Li ... Mr. Li?"

Listening to Baili Qingfeng's normal and unnatural communication tone, Bai Daoming, Wang Su, and Chao Xu felt ...

They seemed to be a bit unable to keep up with the thought of the **** king in front of him.

Bai Daoming responded quickly, and a smile appeared on his stiff face because he was too serious for too long.

"Yes, I need something to help you."

Baili Qingfeng added a sentence: "If you have any trouble, please contact you directly, right?"

"Yes, yes, what happened to Mr. Li, despite speaking, I will do my best to help."

Faithful way.

"There are two things, the first thing is to uninstall this intelligent AI called Xiaole for me."

"Did it be found ..."

Bai Daoming and Chao Xu glanced at each other.

Sure enough, His Majesty the King did not want anyone to monitor him, even if it was just an artificial intelligence.

No, taking advantage of this incident, I came up with my dissatisfaction.

"No problem, I will operate it for you immediately."

Bai Daoming carefully nodded while receiving the electronic bracelet handed over from Baili Qingfeng: "Mr. Li, please say the second thing."

"The second thing is that your Tianmen team has very high authority, right, I need you to help me investigate all the information of all the senior leaders of the Pioneer Group, including their illegal evidence."

"Survey all high-level materials of Pioneer Group?"

Such a simple matter, Bai Daoming agreed without hesitation: "No problem, wrap it with me."

"I'm good at investigating things, let me know."

Zhao Xu also said with a smile: "I will help you to find out all their problems."

Baili Qingfeng glanced at him ...

Another tenth refining god.

Tianhua City really has enough talents.

"Thank you so much."

"Okay, AI has been uninstalled."

Bai Daoming handed the electronic bracelet to Baili Qingfeng.

Baili Qingfeng looked at it, and it turned out that there was no pop-up advertisement. Now he gave him a thumbs up with a smile: "It's really fast, amazing."

"Is there anything else with Mr. Li?"

"Well, Captain White seems to be a mecha warrior. Could you give me a mecha warrior textbook? I plan to prepare for the mecha warrior academy."

"Mecha Warrior Textbook ..."

Bai Daoming and Chao Xu glanced at each other.

It was natural that they were reluctant to surrender these teaching materials, but just now they obviously counted this majestic king, and this king also showed his anger, although he did not know why he suppressed the anger, and Maintain a kind and friendly appearance, but ...

If they don't pay for something practical, this matter will obviously not be so simple and good.

Considering all the above commands to maintain stability ...

"No problem, I will send you a textbook."

Bai Daoming said that he quickly operated it on his electronic bracelet. Not long after, a message was received on Baili Qingfeng electronic bracelet.

"Okay, thanks."

Baili Qingfeng waved his hand: "Then I will say goodbye first."

"There is a distance from Pioneer Building here, do you want me to give you a ride ..."

"No more, no more."

Baili Qingfeng said, turned and left quickly.

Seeing that Baili Qingfeng seemed to really leave, and there was no tendency to tear his face because they were spying on his specific strength, Bai Daosheng, Zhao Xu and others sighed with relief at the same time.

At this time, their electronic bracelet also lighted up, showing the figures of Qin Dongsheng and Aslan: "What is the situation now?"

"The **** king didn't do it, but asked for a mech warrior teaching material. In order to eliminate his anger, I gave him a common mech warrior teaching material."

"Mecha warrior textbook !? In his capacity, he usually can easily defeat dozens of hundreds of mecha warriors. Why would he need mecha warrior textbooks? Is it really to study the mecha warrior system?"

Qin Dongsheng thought.

"Mech Warrior is a practice system developed by thousands of scientists and a large number of mentalists in our Federation to fight against the invasion of the Double Moon Realm. Even if he is the God King, he will not want to master it in a short period of time. The Supreme Council has worked out the law of confrontation. "

Faithful way.

"I'm afraid that this **** king is a ghost figure, just like the door of space leaked 26 years ago ..."

Qin Dongsheng said in a deep voice.

"The Door of Space ..."

Hearing this, he felt heavy in his heart.

The door to space is hailed as the greatest invention of the 21st century, but in the end, it has evolved into the greatest source of disaster in human history.

At that time, human beings learned that the blood of the true **** could make life-extending potions, which made people live for decades, or even hundreds of years. , Lured one real **** after another.

Until ...

An ancient and great existence has set its sights on this world.

After understanding the amazing growth potential of human civilization on Earth, and the threat contained in this incompetent world, this ancient and great existence has lowered the oracle, even if he has never appeared, there are still countless bimonthly powerfuls to obey His will.

So, twenty-six years ago, hundreds of true gods entered the earth.

In that battle, mankind won by virtue of the advantage of the gods ignoring the enemy, but it was also extremely tragic.

20% of the global downsizing.

That war made the world understand the horror of the two-moon world, and wanted to destroy the door of space to break the connection with the two-moon world.



A deity in the two-moon world reversely analyzed the technology of the space gate. In just 26 years, when the Federation was established, the number of space gates only increased to 49.

This is the premise that the federal soldiers went on and succeeded in their sacrifices and struggles, and destroyed the doors of space that the two-moon world wanted to build. Otherwise, a zero should be added behind the number of forty-nine.

These doors of space were opened by the bi-moon boundary and filled with a large amount of heaven and earth vital energy. Under the influence of the gravity of the earth and the atmosphere, the vital energy never escaped into space, but constantly reformed the environment of the earth, causing the energy level of the earth to rise continuously.

According to scientists ’estimates, even if the number of forty-nine space gates is maintained for up to a hundred years, the earth ’s energy level will increase ...

If the number of space doors continues to increase ...

This is the price humans have to pay to look at the gods and desecrate them.

Human civilization has entered the slowest countdown of a century of extinction.


Baili Qingfeng got the relevant information of the Mech Warrior. He bought an ice cream bar at an ice cream shop on the street and looked while walking.

The mech warrior system was first proposed by a scientist in 2031 ~ ~ so far only 44 years.

It is as if the virtual network has developed to the ultimate prosperity in only thirty years. Forty-four years, the Mech Warrior system has been perfected, and it has gradually matured.

To become a mech warrior, you must first have 10,000 points of mental strength, that is, the level of mental ability reaches ten.

Baili Qingfeng estimated that this system almost coincided with the Tenth Heaven Realm's Refining God.

This phenomenon, we can see that Baili Qingfeng looks a little weird: "Why not? Someone in the earth world has been to the Heavenly Waste Realm and returned smoothly from the Heavenly Waste Realm with the system of refining God?"

He thinks of the spaceship that crashed on Lone Star Island ...

Did not rule out this possibility.

The earth world may communicate with the heaven and earth world, but the probability of the two world space channels opening is extremely low, which is far less close to the two-moon world.

"Although the system is a little the same, but the mentalists in this world are too superb to use the spiritual power ..."

Baili Qingfeng looked at it for a moment and was amazed: "This is good, I want to learn."

In this process of relishing, Baili Qingfeng came back home unconsciously.

But when he opened the door through the electronic bracelet ...

Seems to have many guests at home.

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