The Underworld Detective

Chapter 529: Suicide photo

Biquge, update the latest chapter of the criminal hunter as soon as possible!

After listening to Huang Xiaotao's cheeks twitching, he said, "I can't understand such‘ yaqu ’like mortals!”

We then looked at the monitoring. Currently, only three sections were found, and the other was that the victim entered the elevator alone and seemed to be walking to the top floor. There are many people in and out of the hotel. If the killer was not with the deceased before the murder, it can only be investigated one by one. This is a time-consuming and labor-intensive task. I asked other police officers who came with me to make a copy of today's surveillance. go.

These three videos also provided some useful information. We confirmed through the room number above that the deceased should live in a row of rooms on the west side of the third floor. A query at the front desk computer found that the deceased had opened a room with her identity card. Her name was Li Lanlan, and a double room was registered.

Huang Xiaotao and I went to that room and opened it. The bed in the room was messy and the used condoms were thrown in the trash can. We found a bag on the ground containing some restraint leather clothes, whip, candles, etc., including several items that left marks on the body.

"It looks right!" Huang Xiaotao said.

I glanced and said, "The man should have run away, and a men's sock was thrown on the ground. These 'toys' were not taken away, which means that he went in a panic. It is very likely that he knew the dead before witnessing the witness. I ’m afraid I ’ll run away because I ’m connected. ”

The men and women came here to play abuse, and then the murderer tricked the deceased into the rooftop and killed him, hanging on the edge of the rooftop with a kamikaze. He knew that the first person to be found would surely touch the rope, and the body would fall from the sky and fall to the busiest street in the city, causing social panic!

I went to the window and looked out. At this time, the night had come, and the traffic below had resumed. I looked at the lights in the small county town. I wondered if the murderer was behind a window, like admiring his own. Looking at the riots in the streets and the panic of the crowd like the works, I gain a huge sense of crime satisfaction!

The pervert of this person has become ill. The crime is food and air for him. It is an irreplaceable necessity. He is a beast in human skin, walking in the city, looking for prey.

Huang Xiaotao came behind me and asked me what I was thinking. I asked, "Do you know the famous picture-the most beautiful suicide?"

Huang Xiaotao replied, "I know, that photo made me feel uncomfortable, because it was essentially an unnatural death case, but it was said to be beautiful and elegant, as if it was encouraging suicide."

That photo was in 1947, when a girl jumped from the Empire State Building and fell into a Buick car. The whole body was distorted. The girl looked peaceful and holding a bouquet of flowers, which happened to be photographed by passing photographers, causing a sensation in the press.

I didn't want to evaluate the meaning of the photo, and said directly: "The most remaining thing on the body is the rose bud in the mouth. There is no doubt that the killer stuffed it in. I think the killer is likely to pay tribute to this photo Rose is the finishing touch to him, and the whole case has been sublimated by art. "

Huang Xiaotao shook his head: "It's a pervert. Does this help solve the case?"

I said, "I'm thinking, what is the killer doing at the moment, excitedly flying in a room in front of the photos of the scene? Or watching Weibo with anticipation, or watching this post repeatedly to pay tribute Photo."

Huang Xiaotao laughed: "I see! You mean, he will definitely search for this photo in the near future."

I nodded and immediately called the old man. I didn't contact him very much during this time. He was so excited when I heard my voice. He said, "Dead ghost, where have you died this time, and I don't know how to send it?" A message! How can I say that I am also a member of the special case team, and it is not appropriate for you to leave me alone. "

I apologized, saying that there was a sudden situation recently, and then I gave him a task to find people who searched this photo throughout the county.

The old man stopped talking for a while, and I asked, "Is this difficult?"

"Statistical big data is very laborious. You asked me to do the work of a company? You really don't feel bad about me at all, and you know that this photo has more than one link."

"Then check the first three on Baidu ... no, the first five!"

There was another moment of silence, the old man said, "Okay, okay, I'll check it, but at least you show me a little? Come on, give me a listen."

I have no mood to deal with him now, hesitating for a while, and gave a loud nod on the back of my hand. The old lady giggled with joy and said slyly: "Little Song and Song, I love you too, waiting for you to come back!"

Hanging up the phone, I almost disgustedly didn't throw the phone, Huang Xiaotao covered her mouth and laughed: "It's really one thing and one thing."

We left the room and prepared to go back with the other police officers. After coming to the city bureau, the fat police officer received a call from his subordinate saying that he had just found a number and the deceased last spoke to him. This person's surname is Wang, most likely a middle-aged man with her.

The fat police officer asked for my opinion, and I cried, "Call it now!"

We came to the technical room, and after the technical police prepared for monitoring and positioning, Huang Xiaotao dialed that number. After five rings, the phone finally picked up. Everyone in the room was afraid to make a sound. I faintly heard the sound of a car from the other end of the phone, as if on the road.

Huang Xiaotao said, "Is this Mr. Wang?"

"Are you a policeman?"

To everyone's surprise, the other party asked for it first. Huang Xiaotao glanced at me and replied, "Yes, we want to ask you for some information."

"I knew you would find me. That wasn't my job. I can swear to God ..."

"Sir, calm down first, the evidence we have at hand has confirmed that you are not suspected." Huang Xiaotao comforted.

The other party was still not calm, and said in a panic, "I didn't expect this to happen. It was just a pastime with Lan Lan. Once this incident was exposed, my work and family were completely ruined."

"Sir, we will keep it secret. Will you come out now?"


At this moment, a sudden sound interrupted the call, Huang Xiaotao was shocked to cover his ears with hands, and then the phone continued to be blind. She fed for a long time, and no one answered. The sound of clicking sound came from the phone. It seemed that the mobile phone was crushed, and then the call was interrupted.

"Positioning!" Huang Xiaotao shouted.

The technical police said: "Cannot locate, only 28 seconds."

In fact, people didn't know what was happening, Huang Xiaotao asked them to play the recorded sound again. Everyone listened intently. I noticed that there was a constant car flute in the background sound.

Just about 25 seconds, a loud noise like an impact interrupted the call, and the phone was crushed.

Huang Xiaotao said with wide eyes, "I killed him on the phone?"

If he did have a car accident while on the phone, this responsibility should be mine, but now is not the time to hold the responsibility, I quickly said: "Contact the traffic police department and find out what happened to the car accident!"

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