The Underworld Detective

Chapter 367: Miserable world

Biquge, update the latest chapter of the criminal hunter as soon as possible!

After speaking, Tao Jing smiled, seemingly still remembering the pleasure of revenge that night.

I asked, "I want to figure out one thing. Did you hint or persuade the killer to kill someone?"

Tao Jing froze and replied, "Yes, I ordered it!"

I captured her micro-expression: "But your expression tells me that you are lying. The whole crime is completely the will of the imitator. You have at best only changed the last person's way of death, not even teaching. "

Tao Jing said coldly, "You are wrong, this is buying murder!"

I asked, "What about buying fierce money?"

She said: "I had charged him last night."

Huang Xiaotao immediately asked someone to check, checked the imitator's account and credit card, and found nothing. Finally, he found a four-yuan red envelope from Tao Jing on his WeChat.

Tao Jing did nothing more than to blame himself. I said, "Why are you tossing like this? He must not escape legal sanctions, but you are different. You can walk out of this door in peace."

Tao Jing's expression was full of disgust: "You make sense, just like the school leaders who tried to convince me. In your eyes, the life and death of others are never irrelevant. Your own interests are the most important! "

I was a little annoyed when she confused me with the people. What's more, she didn't make any sense. It had a half dime relationship with my interests. I quickly realized that she was intentionally angering me.

Whether Tao Jing is guilty depends entirely on how we write this report. She now seems to have seen through life and death and wants to go to jail with the imitator.

I said, "I didn't tell you the truth. I'm telling the truth. Don't be naive. Four dollars can be considered a murder. I will give you ten dollars. Can you help me kill ten people?"

Tao Jing said: "Whether it's four dollars or four million, this is a murder!"

I shook my head and laughed: "The fact that there is no transaction between you, his red envelope has not been collected, and there is no verbal or written agreement. If this is also considered a murder, if I accidentally hit a stranger A few dollars in red envelopes, that person killed someone, did I also become a murderer? "

Tao Jing frowned. This trial is unprecedented. We are trying to prove her innocence. She is trying to prove her guilt.

Tao Jing's eyes glanced down dumbly: "After the death of my first love boyfriend, no one is so good to me. I don't want to give up on him. For me, he is everything. He was arrested and my whole world is over ... "

I said, "Prison is not a mixed **** prison. It doesn't make any sense to go to jail. You are outside, at least you can deliver him food!"

Tao Jing shouted, "Did you have to sentence him to death? How abominable people he killed, if you were me, you would do the same!"

I said, "The law is ruthless. There are many ways to get revenge. Why must we kill people?"

I whispered a few words with Huang Xiaotao, and the trial was over, so I stood up and said, "Don't be silly, I won't let you go to jail, let's go, I'll take you to see him!"

Tao Jing looked at me with a strange look, and tears flickered in her eyes. She bit her lip and asked, "Why are you helping me?"

I sighed and looked into her eyes: "I didn't help you, I was just doing what I wanted to do, I hope you come out of the shadows sooner."

Tao Jingyan cried, saying inexplicably: "You can say lightly, how can I come out? Every night in my dreams I dream of those days. I dare not trust anyone, and I ca n’t get along with anyone. They turned me into a complete loser. "

I patted her on the shoulder: "Don't you dare to say what you say now? Don't you pay for the things that four scum did in a lifetime. They are dead, the family is ruined, you are still alive, shouldn't you be good Take control of your life? "

As a person involved in solving the case, it is naturally inappropriate for me to say such words, but from the bottom of my heart, I hope that Tao Jing can become more cheerful and not be tortured by the past.

Tao Jing cried and nodded: "Thank you!"

Huang Xiaotao and I left first, and let her calm down for a while. Through the one-way glass of the training room, Huang Xiaotao sighed again and again: "What a poor girl!"

I have mixed feelings in my heart. The injustice of life cannot be changed. It only takes one thing to destroy a person's life. One word is enough. Many people use their lives to permeate the internal trauma, but the person who caused the trauma lives. At ease.

Facing an unfair world, all we can do is to accept the imperfect ourselves and move on.

After the case ended, the police held a press conference, but the publicity was a serial killing. To protect Tao Jing's privacy, he did not mention the school bullying that year.

The imitator was quickly sent to the detention center to wait for the trial. One thing that surprised me the most in the entire case was that the imitator, a super killer, turned out to be a one-man job and did not belong to any criminal organization.

On the day when the case was closed, Huang Xiaotao and I stepped out of the game. Huang Xiaotao stretched to the sky: "Finally, I can take a good rest!"

I said, "Don't be too happy, you have to put on my designated clothes and do the designated things, forget?"

Huang Xiaotao pursed his lips: "Yes, yes, let's talk, sisters agree to whatever requirements, don't go too far!"

I said, "You wait for me!"

I quickly ran into her office and brought a box there. Huang Xiaotao opened it, and her cheeks immediately turned red. Inside was a Roque-style dress that she accidentally said she wanted.

Huang Xiaotao smiled shyly: "I just talked casually, you really take it seriously. How shameful I am to see my colleagues wearing this lovely clothes? The captain's prestige?"

I said, "You still want to repent, you have to wear it!"

Huang Xiaotao nodded: "I know, what about the designated thing?"

I said, "Date with me tomorrow!"

Huang Xiaotao breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, come pick me up tomorrow morning."

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