The Underworld Detective

Chapter 287: Fame and Fortune

Biquge, update the latest chapter of the criminal hunter as soon as possible!

The case did not end completely. The real murderer was still at large. Huang Xiaotao and I returned to the municipal bureau to continue the investigation. After several days of searching, a property in a community reported that a rotten odor was smelled from an apartment, and we immediately rushed to the scene.

Open the door and take a look. There are posters, CDs, photo albums, dolls, etc. of Yi Xi everywhere in the room. The owner is an avid fan of Yi Xi, and there is a rancid smell in the air!

We came to the bedroom and saw a female corpse lying on the ground, with brown skin, covered with fat maggots, and some blood dripping from her mouth. Many police officers rushed to the bathroom to vomit.

I kindled the snake bone incense I made some time ago and put it in a small portable incense burner and smoked at the body for a while. The effect of this incense is to repel insects. When it burns, it will coil up like a twisting snake, and the tapeworms will fall from the corpses, and the smell in the room will be slightly better.

I started to examine the body. The deceased was about 25 years old, of medium build, long hair, and died about a week ago.

The corpse had a giant view, and when I opened the throat of the dead, I saw a suffocating scene! Her throat was full of razor blades, and there were some minor scratches on her fingers, which could be seen without even listening to bones. She had a lot of internal bleeding before death, and the blood accumulated in her stomach was swallowed by microorganisms. Later, a large amount of gas was applied, causing the abdomen to bulge like a balloon, and it seemed to explode with a slight poke.

I judged that the cause of death was esophageal rupture caused by swallowing the blade, resulting in ischemic shock. The deceased had only his own fingerprints, and combined with the surrounding signs, he should have committed suicide.

Huang Xiaotao patted me and said, "Song Yang, look at the cabinet!"

I looked up. It was a glass bottle with a potion soaked in a piece of male stuff. I took it in my hand and gave it to Xiao Zhou to test the DNA. In fact, we all know that this enthusiastic female fan is the murderer who killed Yi Xi. She couldn't get rid of her strong guilt and chose to commit suicide.

At this point, the case was declared over!

I did not disclose the truth of the case to a third person, but compiled a set of reasonable explanations. Others believed without me having any doubts, and Yi Xi also washed out the homicide charge.

On the day when the case was closed, Huang Xiaotao packed up the things on his desk and said, "Let's go for a walk!"

I nodded: "Okay!"

The two of us walked silently on the street, Huang Xiaotao was like me in heart, and at this time also mixed feelings. At this time, an extended Lincoln stopped next to us, and a black suit bodyguard came down from the car, politely said, "Two, Mr. Yi has invited!"

I exchanged sight with Huang Xiaotao, got in the car, there was only Mike Zhou in the car, the driver and a bodyguard, and Mike Zhou today did not wear sunglasses and was dressed like a sunny boy next door. I asked: "Also Didn't leave? "

Mike Zhou opened a bottle of Champagne King and poured it on me: "Afternoon plane, going to Inner Mongolia for filming may stay for several months."

I said, "It looks like everything is back on track."

Mike Zhou nodded: "Before leaving, I feel it necessary to meet you two! Let me talk about you!"

He drank champagne and began to tell that his real name was Yi Xuebing and Yi Xi's real name was Yi Xuewen. When he was born, he was a few minutes earlier than Yi Xi, so he was an elder brother. Although the two are like people carved in a mold, their personalities are as different as their names.

When the parents were divorced as a child, the brothers were also separated from each other, and Mike Zhou was particularly disturbed since he was a child. Yi Xi is a good and motivated child. He studies diligently, enters film and television school, and turns a little from obscurity into a high-profile star.

Later, Mike Zhou knew the existence of this younger brother. In order to make pocket money, he threatened blackmail. If Yi Xi did not give money, he would go out and do bad things. Anyway, what ruined Yi Xi's reputation!

He felt that he was a close brother, but his fate was quite the opposite. He wanted to use this method to revenge Yi Xi, but Yi Xi was too busy. He didn't care about him except for making regular money.

This made Mike Zhou's self-esteem even more injured, so he took Yi Xi's money to eat, drink and play everywhere, leaving waves.

Later, Mike Zhou was detained for drug use, and this black pot was backed by Yi Xi. The brokerage company felt that if this went on, Yi Xi's reputation would sooner or later be destroyed, so he wanted to train Mike Zhou as an entertainer. The two people used Yi Xi together. name. This is equivalent to Yi Xi's forty-eight hours a day, which can double income and restrain Mike Zhou, an unstable element.

When I heard that I was going to be a star, Mike Zhou was so happy, but then he worked hard every day, no night, hard training, acting training, dance, singing, and media response classes. He could only sleep for six hours a day. You must also go on a diet and eat unpleasant nutritional meals, that is not a life at all.

Only then did he realize what kind of life Yi Xi was living, and he really began to understand this younger brother, and felt that he was amazing!

But after boarding this thief ship, they couldn't turn around, and the two men played the same person. He strives to make what he likes to drink, what to eat, what fruits to eat, the same posture as Yi Xi, and even his lips and little tiger's teeth must be exactly the same as Yi Xi, but even so, occasionally there are still flaws.

In fact, most of the negative news of Yi Xi was created by this bad-tempered brother, and the brokerage company had to wipe his ass.

Including the announcement of a love affair with a female star, in fact, it was Mike Zhou who hooked up with that female star and was photographed by the paparazzi. In order to prevent his reputation from being ruined, he had to rush to open the relationship and save a little face.

He had no idea at the time that his impulse had caused Yi Xi to kill himself. On the day of Yi Xi's death, it seemed that the entire world had collapsed. No one could imagine that he was crying while applying makeup in the dressing room. Looks like ...

But for their own benefit, the cold-blooded brokerage company decided to conceal Yi Xi's death and even dispose of the body.

Unable to accept this fact, Mike Zhou asked his agent Wu Xiucai to secretly buy a cemetery. After the performance the next day, he and the agent carried the brother's body to be buried. Of course, there will be no real name on the tombstone, but I did not expect that kind of accident, and maybe all this is God!

Speaking of the second half, Mike Zhou was in tears, and I passed a tissue. He wiped his tears and pulled out two bank cards from his pocket: "This is a trivial matter!"

I asked erroneously: "Seal fee?"

He sighed: "You can understand it this way, rest assured! This money was made by me and was very clean."

Huang Xiaotao saluted: "I'm the Chinese People's Police and I can't collect your money."

Mike Zhou immediately gave me two cards: "Mr. Song is not a policeman, please accept it!"

I laughed: "If you have to accept it to be at ease, donate it to Hope Project in my name!"

Mike Chou nodded: "Well, I will make good use of this money in your name!"

I said, "I want to ask, do you still want to live in this capacity? You haven't signed a contract, so you don't have to live a life like that."

Mike Zhou smiled miserably: "All this is what my brother desperately earned. If I give up like this, he will die for nothing."

I said, "Why is it hard? In the final analysis, it is just making clothes for others. The name of Yi Xi is just a cash cow for the brokerage company. Do you plan to play him forever and lose yourself forever?"

Mike Zhou said: "Mr. Song, you may think that this kind of life is very hard, and I used to think so. But have you ever tasted the feeling of being held on the cloud by people? Everywhere you go, you scream and cheer. , I'm used to living in the limelight, and I can't breathe without it. This is my life, and I'm already a fake package now-Yi Xi! "

He showed a contented and morbid smile. This smile made me feel heartache. Fame and fortune are the most lethal drugs in the world. Once contaminated, he cannot quit, even if he sent his whole life to the guillotine. .

I have thousands of words to say, but only one sentence comes to my lips: "Mr. Yi, good luck!"

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