The Ultimate Live Superstar

Chapter 90 Ollie takes the board into the air!

The voice just fell.

The barrage in the live broadcast room poured out like a flood.

"Fuck! How is this possible?!"

"Brothers, I already have a picture..."

"The anchor is finally on the road to death, and it's getting farther and farther away!"

"I bet a pack of spicy sticks, the anchor will definitely roll over!"

"It's another series of scaring people to death!"

"The famous Chinese demographer has started classes again!"


The Tongtian Avenue, the most dangerous winding road in China, has been heard by the audience for a while.

Even those who didn't understand, knew the horror of this mountain road because of Lu Yu's warm-up Weibo.

This kind of place, some old drivers can't control it!

But you said to use this small board to slide down from it? !

What kind of trouble is this!

Hearing this, the audience's blood was surging, their emotions were high, and they were even more looking forward to Lu Yu's challenge tomorrow.

This is the benefit of live preheating.

Not only can it fully arouse the emotions of the audience, but it can also maximize its popularity before the official live broadcast.

Kill two birds with one stone.


After the barrage was lively for a while, many people's attention was attracted by the skateboard under Lu Yu's feet.

"Is this a skateboard?"

"The name is quite vivid!"

"Anchor, you really know how to play and have invented so many dead toys!"

"If this were in ancient times, the Feather God Cliff was the Minister of Punishment!"

"233333, damn, are you going to laugh at me upstairs?"

"God TM Minister of Punishment! Laugh and cry!"

"There are so many talents in the barrage, and they speak nicely. I like them very much!"

The barrage is really amazing.

People who usually don't show off their mountains and waters, but they can always speak amazingly here, making the audience laugh back and forth.

Just like my group of water friends, all of them are talents...

This has only been broadcast a few times, and I have given myself so many nicknames.

Demographer, dead little expert, short little king.

Another minister of punishment came today?

Lu Yu smiled helplessly, and said to the camera: "Brothers, save face, don't slander me any more... Well, let's get to the point."

Saying that, he tiptoed lightly and tilted his skateboard.

Then, he stretched out his right hand and grabbed the head of the board.

Very skilled and very cool.

Kind of like a skateboarder.

"Friends, this thing is a skateboard. The structure is very simple, a board with four wheels."

When introducing, Lu Yu tried to make his explanation more popular.

After all, skateboarding is new to the audience.

They speak too high-end and engage in a lot of terminology, and they can't understand it.

"When sliding, you need to stand on the board and use your feet to move forward."

"This board was designed by me based on some of my own ideas."

Speaking of which, many viewers seem to be very interested in Lu Yu's ideas.

They all shouted, wanting to interview him, where did the inspiration come from.

"Uh, actually I don't have any inspiration." Lu Yu thought for a while, and turned to the camera, "Everyone should have played an ice car before, right?"

"Inspiration comes from this."

"When I was a kid, every winter, the moat in the south of the Yangtze River would freeze, attracting a lot of children who played with ice cars. At that time, because the conditions did not allow, I could only watch them play, and then one day, my mother was really I couldn't bear it anymore, so I had a whim, tore down the long-striped door of the dean's house, and went to skate on the ice."

"Don't say it, it's quite fun, more enjoyable than an ice car!"

"After that, it's fun to play. In summer, I also want to skate,

So I put a few iron pulleys on the board and researched this thing. Because it is not affected by the climate, the skateboard can be played anytime, anywhere, which is great. Well, like this! "

Talk down!

Lu Yu took advantage of the situation to put the board.

The two feet stepped onto the skateboard one after another, and with a "quick start", they slid across the square.

Seeing this scene, the audience's eyes lit up, and they all felt a little magical!

"Fuck! It's slipping!"

"Looks so happy!"

"What the hell is the door panel of the dean's house!"

"Feather God, you are such a clever little ghost!"


"Coach, I want to play too!"


In the morning, there were many uncles and aunts who had just finished their morning exercises on the square of the park.

This group of magical species that occupied the park square all the year round, looked at Lu Yu who was sliding, and was immediately attracted.

Everyone seems to be guessing what the toy this young man is stepping on is...

Among them, some passing children are even more exaggerated.

When Lu Yu slid past them, they all stared at him dumbfounded.

The look is the same, full of joy.

And some daring boys even ran with Lu Yu.

No matter how the parents shouted, they didn't take it seriously.

"Da da da!"

After taking a few steps, Lu Yu slid wantonly on the square.

Immediately afterwards, his speed became faster and faster, traversing smoothly through the crowd.

Sometimes avoid passersby.

Occasionally take advantage of carving turns.

At his feet, the skateboard seemed to replace his legs.

Flowing clouds and water.

No lag at all.

At this time, some young people in the live broadcast room who are pursuing new trends also have a great interest in skateboarding, and have expressed their desire to play:

"666, the anchor is so handsome!"

"Sliding version of parkour?"

"Man and board are one, ox fork!"

"If it were me, I'd probably fall into a dog's poop!"

"It feels like flying, so cool!"

"Feather God is finally a person. I feel that this sport is not so scary! I really want to play!"

The audience only saw the appearance.

The essence of this extreme sport is simply not seen.

I thought that this kind of sport, I can do it too!

Hearing what the audience said, Lu Yu smiled in his heart: "Brothers, where are you going?"

"Next, is the moment to witness the miracle!"

At this moment, a flower bed suddenly appeared in front of him.


The area is not large.

Seeing this, Lu Yu didn't panic.

When approaching the obstacle, the forefoot of the rear foot slammed down to the middle of the tail of the board.

At the same time, the body jumps forward and upward, turning the front foot over the instep, and pulling the board upwards and sending it out.

Immediately after.

With your back foot closely behind the board, jump into the air to level the board.

During the whole process, he got up and kept his balance in the air!

next second!


A perfect Ollie took off the board and appeared in front of all the audience!

In the picture, I saw an arc full of exaggerated beauty, passing quickly from the top of the flower bed!

When taking the leap, Lu Yu's large white T-shirt shook very freely.

Like a street boy, free and easy!

At this moment, the background music of the drone also started!

A "Serial" by Snoop Dogg is slowly flowing out.

Uplifting drums, pure rap, special electronic arrangements...

Many elements perfectly match Lu Yu's Ollie!

Like the fuse of burning embers, it instantly detonated the entire live broadcast room!


"How did he do that!"

"Nima, fly up?"

"502 on the soles of your feet?"

"6666, amazing!"

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