The Super School Doctor

Chapter 1109: Waves

In Shangcheng city, the lights are on.

The people in the mall who just got off work heard the gunfire from Chengnan!

At first, people thought that the gunfire was nothing more than a certain large enterprise setting off firecrackers in celebration of its opening, but as the gunfire became more intense, someone finally felt the abnormality.

Some people living in the south of the city wanted to get closer to see what happened inside. However, they found that the Zhong’s old house was already surrounded by heavily armed troops, and the first-level warning signs were set up. The ordinary people couldn’t Close to within a kilometer around!

At the same time, the surrounding area of ​​the Royal City was also under martial law, and the sudden appearance of the army also attracted the attention of the citizens.

In this peaceful age, gossip has become everyone's natural attribute. Almost at half past eight, the Internet is full of posts and information about the Royal City and the South Army.

Among the masses, there are masters of their own.

A person with the nickname "Analyzing Emperor" posted a post called "On the Relationship between the First Royal City and Chengnan Zhong's House". When this post came out, it immediately aroused countless people's onlookers and comments.

Because, the post guessed that the Zhong family in the south of the city was the instigator behind the Royal City. Because the Zhong family offended the big figures above, the Royal City and the Zhong family, both in the shopping mall, who are fighting for wind and rain, forming parties for private affairs, and benefiting from their interests, must fall down!

That post also vowed to fabricate many complicated relationships between big figures, and very darkly described the dark scene of the political and business families.

The masses didn’t know it, and they didn’t know that the author who posted was using a narrative method of three-point truth and seven-point false to deceive traffic, so they believed it for a while.

However, there has never been a distance on the Internet.

In just a few minutes, similar phenomena appeared in major cities across the country. Many high-end nightclubs, KTVs, private clubs, and other locations were hit by thunder.

Moreover, all the people dispatched were soldiers!

At the same time, the army also appeared around the mansions of many big people, and many big people who appeared in the analysis of the emperor's post were also arrested.

The rumors of his posts are self-defeating.

This storm swept across the country, shocking everyone!

After a few more minutes, everyone in the mall heard continuous violent explosions, and even the low-quality glass in many residents' homes was shattered.

The whole city felt a little shaking, as if an earthquake had occurred.

However, a group of high-definition cameras shot from a high-rise building and shot two fighter planes launching missiles towards the core of Zhong's old house.

This time, everyone was truly shocked.

In the peaceful age, people in China have almost never seen the scene of using missiles to attack targets in the city, because under normal circumstances, it is a very rare thing to send out an army, let alone launch a missile!

For a while, people's hearts are a little flustered.

On the Internet, rumors, rumors and speculations spread all over the world!

However, people in the country seem to have thought about this scene a long time ago. In order to reassure the people, almost all official websites have displayed a line of subtitles: Today is anti-pornographic and illegal, please pay attention to your own safety and do not approach the scene of the conflict!

When this news spread on the Internet, it instantly spread to all major families and secretly secretive forces in China.

It was night, almost all the big forces, at the same time, immediately convened a core staff meeting, and used all their strength to verify what happened today.

For a long time, once major events happen, the major forces will secretly obtain some information through their own special channels, and then make some arrangements in advance, but this time almost all major forces know nothing.

This is seriously beyond their control!

All the big forces know how serious the so-called anti-pornography is now going on, and it has almost wiped out the high-end service establishments in many cities.

At the same time, they also understand how complicated and huge the interests involved in those high-end venues are.

Even many big forces have invested in some funds or relationships. From their point of view, it is impossible to move that kind of place without a lot of repeated demonstrations and plans, and even consider the balance of all aspects.

However, this time it completely exceeded their expectations.

Somewhere in Shengjing, the second base of the Zhong family was also secretly controlled, and almost without accident, it was taken away by a nest.

The scale of the battle is very large, and the duration of the battle is also very long.

In the mall, after the battle started, the police system was in a mess, because they didn't get any information at all, and they didn't even know what happened.

Even some of them were secretly arrested!

At nine ten ten, Xiong Yu said to Mao Gongtang: "The overall situation has been determined. Please secretly copy the information from the Intelligence Department."

Mao Gongtang’s blood was surging at this time. When he was excited, he was taken aback when he heard Xiong Yu say this, and asked, “What do you do to copy information?”

Xiong Yu just smiled faintly, and said, "Don't ask why, just make a secret copy. Anyway, there is no harm."

Mao Gongtang didn't think too much, and said, "Okay, I will find someone who is reliable now to make a secret copy."

At ten o'clock in the evening, the major forces finally found out the truth of the storm through the use of various secret forces!

The Zhong family, the thousand-year-old family, the first royal city, and the millennium brothel that are densely scattered across the country in high-end clubs, nightclubs, KTV and other occasions, are down!

In history, the demise of an empire often shocks ordinary people and has a great impact on ordinary people. Because of prosperity, the people suffer, die, and the people suffer!

However, in an era, the fall of a thousand-year-old aristocratic family will be far more powerful than the demise of an empire!

Because, behind the establishment of many empires in history, there are the shadows of a thousand-year-old family, and even in many historical times, the thousand-year family is controlling the direction of history.

The heritage of a thousand-year-old family far exceeds that of a dynasty!

In the most prosperous Tang Dynasty in China, Taizong, the sage lord of the generation, in order to weaken the influence of the thousand-year-old family, he also paid a painful price, especially the power of the Guanlongmen clan represented by Wei Zheng.

Even after the Anshi Rebellion, and the final fall of the Tang Dynasty, there were shadows of resistance from a thousand-year-old family.

However, now, in less than one night, a thousand-year-old family suddenly fell down!

The knife was cut extremely resolutely and sternly, and it did not directly give any big forces the opportunity to respond, as well as the time to unite, exchange information, and help each other. The knife fell, the millennium clock fell to the ground, and the millennium brothel completely ended.

In the history of China, there are many dynasties, but only a few thousand-year-old families?

At that time, Liu Yuxi’s "Wuyi Lane" showed the decline of the two great families of the Xie family and the Wang family. It was sung for thousands of years. The impact of the decline of these two big families even exceeded the curtain call of a dynasty!

In the old days, Wang Xietang's Yan Yan flew into the homes of ordinary people!

This shows that the fall of the millennium family will shock people!

Most of the reasons why the Xie family and the Wang family fell during the Sui and Tang dynasties were due to internal contradictions, and then they declined. When the emperor took action on these two thousand-year-old families during the Tang Dynasty, their The power is already very weak.

But the current Zhong family is just as the sun is rising into the sky, and when there is no internal problem, it is directly cut down by external forces. This deterrent force makes all the big forces creepy!

This night, after ten o'clock, nightclubs, KTVs, and private clubs in the country controlled by other major forces immediately ceased their business. At this time, everyone was afraid of burning themselves!

Because, until now, all the big forces have not been found out. The reason why the Zhong family was suddenly slashed with this fatal knife, as a big force that can last for many years, is very cautious in doing things.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, most of the battles were over, only a few people had fled, and they were being hunted by special forces.

However, at eleven o'clock, there was a huge explosion in the storage room where the information was stored, and the information collected from the intelligence department before was blown up.

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