The Super School Doctor

Chapter 1094: Metamorphosis!

China's first major exam is not the college entrance examination, but the civil service exam.

Xiong Yu naturally knows how many civil servants are taken by China Huaxia each year. No matter how many people are dismissed due to the Zhong family turmoil, Huaxia can easily obtain various types of talents from the large number of civil servant candidates. To fill those vacant positions.

However, all investigations are still unrealistic.

No matter which dynasty or country you are in, there is no real light and darkness. Only one thing is eternal, and that is interest.

The real benefits of the country are in the hands of a few people. In ancient times, there was a saying of "herders". The so-called "herders" means raising and captive breeding. From the perspective of high-level people, there is no difference between the low-level people and the sheep raised on the grassland. When the wool grows, it can be cut again. Wool is profit.

In China, there have always been only two years, one is when you can be a slave, and the other is when you want to be a slave.

If once a large-scale attack on high-level people, that is, shepherds, is not far from the national chaos, and it may not be successful.

The Zhong family is a thousand-year-old family, and the social level involved is too wide. If it is really destroyed in one fell swoop, how many people will die? Who are these people?

Ten thousand? Twenty thousand?

Eighty thousand, or one hundred thousand!

These people are really high-level people in society, and their interests spread too far. In a situation like this, no matter what dynasty they are in, they can only attack their core group members.

In history, the Song Dynasty once made a reform against the world, and that was the famous "Wang Anshi Reform". It was a reform that really took advantage of the high-level people. Unfortunately, it did not succeed, but failed miserably.

Society can never be truly clear as water, a piece of light, and there are some gray areas that can buffer and conceal the darkness behind the light.

Xiong Yu sighed slightly, shook his head gently, and didn't tell Tang Xiaotang this truth.

"Humph!" Tang Xiaotang snorted coldly, and said, "Whatever you do, the people who look forward to and look after you are already old. If you do something like this, if you destroy a Zhong family, there will definitely be another Zhang family. Home, Li family, Ma family, do you know who the people below hate the most? I can tell you that it is not the upper class people who harm the country, but the bottom group of villains!"

Xiong Yu's footsteps paused for a while, slightly stunned.

Tang Xiaotang continued, "Do you really understand the lower class? There is a small village 30 kilometers away from Linshan. There are more than 1,000 households in the village. The village chief and people in the village can receive poverty alleviation funds and subsistence allowances. However, the truly impoverished people can’t get anything, and they even have to pay for various names. Who caused this? Oh, this is caused by small officials and small managers at the grassroots level! Although the upper level has the responsibility , But the lower level is even more disgusting!"

Xiong Yu turned his head and took a serious look at Tang Xiaotang.

Tang Xiaotang said again: "Have you ever raised a dog? Do you know how many dogs will be stolen in a day? The high-level management of public security is guilty. Is it true that those who steal dogs are not guilty? Dog owners hate it most. The one who stole the dog! I once saw a dog owner who broke into a kennel stealing kennel with a kitchen knife for his own dog and chopped up three people!"

It was late afternoon, in the ancient city of Yelang, only Xiong Yu and Tang Xiaotang were left awake. They walked out of the three-story attic and walked towards the city gate.

Tang Xiaotang was still saying: "The Zhong family is at the core, but do you really intend to let them get away with the people who profit from the Zhong family? Take the abduction of women and children as an example, the Zhong family’s large number of nightclubs and the like In the industry, there will inevitably be countless human traffickers, people who guide the use of human traffickers, and high-level officials who have accepted bribes from certain people. Shouldn't these people be directly attacked?"

The afternoon sun is lazy, but it makes people a little irritable.

At least, Xiong Yu is already a little irritable.

Xiong Yu understood all the things Tang Xiaotang said, but when he heard Tang Xiaotang say it again, he still felt like a heavy stone in his heart, which became heavier and heavier.

Some gray and dark cannot be swept away, but when the eyes see it, it still makes people angry and blood surging.

Xiong Yu asked himself, is his choice really right?

Just choose to strike down the core of the Zhong family, and leave the rest to the ordinary local police. In those complicated relationships, how many people will eventually be arrested?

Or, even if caught, how many are scapegoats?

The sun shines on the ancient city of Yelang, and the golden brilliance is reflected on the old bricks. There is a vicissitudes of old history. After all, history is history. The age is changing. Shouldn't the world change?

Tang Xiaotang's words, every word, echoed in Xiong Yu's ears, every word seemed to be a thorn, piercing deeply into the soul.

Xiong Yu stopped, thinking alone.

Seeing Xiong Yu stop, Tang Xiaotang stopped, her immature little face with a touch of youthfulness. But her withdrawn character gave her a vigor of envy and reluctance to compromise.

Mature people will always consider a variety of situations, and finally make a reasonable decision. This decision may not be legally or morally correct, but it is mostly appropriate.

Young people don’t think about it so much. Darkness is darkness, why not get rid of it? Right is right, why not do the right thing?

For thousands of years, China has evolved a world view that is the most peaceful, that is, the doctrine of the mean. Most people use the mean as the most important keynote.

This has also created a relatively stable social environment for China.

However, it also nourishes things that have been impossible to contain since ancient times, but that can't be cleared out of the darkness.

Sunshine, ancient city, one man and one woman.

Xiong Yu muttered to himself: "I'm still young, but a little over twenty."

When Tang Xiaotang heard these words, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and said, "Oh, young? You are already old! There is no such thing as a young edge. You think too much about things. Huaxia thinks like you. There are too many people to become like this."

Xiong Yu was silent and did not respond.

Tang Xiaotang said mockingly: "Perhaps you are a good doctor, but you are not a good decision maker."

Xiong Yu continued to remain silent, this time for a long time, he stood in the sun until the sunset, watching the sunset that was about to fall into the dark, and a glimmer of light suddenly appeared in his eyes!

He slowly opened his mouth and said: "Break and then stand, everything will be done, but it will be destroyed!"

After the words fell, Xiong Yu's body was tight, standing upright, a sharp aura that can only be found in a young man, and it burst out!

At the same time, the Xiaoyao Zhenqi in Xiong Yu's body seemed to be in the dark. He felt something, and suddenly moved. The original Qi that had initially merged with the blood energy, seemed to be undergoing a miraculous transformation quickly!

And Xiong Yu stood in place, as if he had also entered a state of forgetting everything!

I don't know how long it took, there was a soft "click" in Xiong Yu's body.

The eighth level of Xiaoyao Zhenqi, the elephant level, break!

An unnamed coercion suddenly burst out from Xiong Yu, and this pressure instantly swept the surrounding area, even Tang Xiaotang, who had a deep cultivation base, felt an unspeakable amount of pressure!

After a while, the pressure subsided like a tide.

Xiong Yu opened his eyes. In the original calm eyes, there was a touch of sharp aura out of thin air. However, this aura was also like a coercive glance. After flashing, he quickly retreated.

Later, Xiong Yu looked at Tang Xiaotang and said, "Thank you!"

After that, Xiong Yu turned around and strode back toward the three-story small attic again, stepping firmly without hesitation.

Tang Xiaotang can clearly feel that Xiong Yu has undergone an indescribable transformation. Xiong Yu seems to be stronger. This strength is not only in strength, but also in spirit!

Xiong Yu dialed Mao Gongtang again.

Mao Gongtang is nervously working out the details of the arrest and mobilizing 20,000 special forces. When receiving Xiong Yu's call, Mao Gongtang's eyes flashed a little doubt. Isn't the appointed time eight o'clock? Why did you call so soon?

Mao Gongtang answered the phone and asked, "Hey! What's wrong?"

Xiong Yu said lightly: "The plan has changed. In addition to the 20,000 special forces, I have one hundred thousand special police!"

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