The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 346: Secretly

This matter was not trivial, and Liu Ce had to take it seriously. Therefore, he said to the following humanity: "Go and bring Liao Zheng."

"According to the purpose..."

This prisoner of Liao Zheng hadn't been interrogated for a long time, and he had to meet now, and maybe he could get something out of his mouth.

Soon, two guards held Liao Zheng and walked up.

At this moment, Liao Zheng was downcast, his expression depressed. Obviously, it has not yet recovered from the defeat. He originally had a few strands of black hair, but now it is completely white.

"Don't kowtow to salute?"

The two guards looked at Liao Zheng who was standing, and shouted angrily.

"A joke, this commander is the general marshal of the Emperor of Ten Thousand Saints, why pay a salute to a small dynasty emperor."

Liao Zheng tilted his head arrogantly.



The two guards were also furious when they saw Liao Zheng being so rude.

"Go down."

Liu Ce waved his hand.

The two angrily guards saluted and left.

Liu Ce paced, walked in front of Liao Zheng, smiled faintly: "The little dynasty emperor, but this little dynasty emperor, I, has repeatedly defeated the Emperor of All Saints, and even captured the Grand Marshal of the Emperor of All Saints. , What do you think will be coming to the Holy Imperial City soon?"

Liao Zheng's face changed suddenly, but he did not speak.

However, Liao Zheng's gaze quickly fell on Yue Fei who was standing aside, staring at him and said: "You defeated this handsome, are you Xiang Yu? Or Li Mu? Huo Qubing?"

Liao Zheng obviously also knows the famous coaches of Dahan. Especially these three people are strong.

"Yue Fei."

Yue Fei said lightly.

"Impossible, why isn't it the three of them?"

Liao Zheng was a little unbelievable. If he is defeated by these three people, he is still barely acceptable. After all, these three people have had a sturdy record in recent years, and they have long been the rising stars of the big guys. But the name of the man in front of him was strange. Could it be that he was defeated by an unknown **** by a big man.

Liao Zheng was a little unacceptable, and glared at Liu Ce and said, "Emperor Han, you have to humiliate this commander so much. This commander does not believe him."

"Hehe, Liao Zheng, Xiang Yu, Huo Qubing, and Li Mu are all fighting in the Heavenly Wolf Empire. At this critical moment, I will naturally not let them give up halfway. However, Liao Shuai, there is no need to be discouraged. Yue Shuai's strength is not in the three of them. Under the circumstances, it is even worse. Although his reputation is not great."

Liu Ce smiled indifferently and explained.


Liao Zheng nodded, reluctantly accepting it.

"I asked you to come, just want to ask you some secrets about the Emperor of Ten Thousand Saints. I hope Marshal Liao can help me out?"

Liu Ce looked at Liao Zheng indifferently.

"Little emperor, do you think I can speak?"

Liao Zheng said proudly.

"What if it's about the Sea Demon Race?"

Liu Ce looked at Liao Zheng.

"what for?"

Liao Zheng's heart was shocked, and he looked at Liu Ce with some puzzlement.

"I once heard that Marshal Liao Zheng is righteous, and his eyes can't tolerate half a piece of sand. This time I just want to know if this rumor is true."

Liu Ce smiled.

"Emperor Han, if you have something to say, don't turn around."

Liao Zheng looked at Liu Ce.

"Okay, I made it clear."

Liu Ce looked at Liao Zheng and said indifferently: "Today, our big man and Ten Thousand Saints did not win the battle..."


Although Liao Zheng was a little surprised, there were people who could stop Dahan's soldiers. After all, he knew that Dahan was extremely terrifying whether it was tactics or the strength of the army. But he still said very happily: "Your big man is not invincible. There are some people who can match your big man evenly, and I don't know which famous commander of my Ten Thousand Saints Emperor?"

"If this is the case, I won't ask you. But I can tell you that the people who are fighting our big man today are from the Sea Demon Race."

Liu Cedao.

"Sea Mozu, Emperor Han, you can't afford to lose, right? How can my Ten Thousand Saint Kingdom drive the Sea Mozu to fight with you guys?"

Liao Zheng glared at Liu Ce.

"Do you think I need to deceive you?"

Liu Ce frowned slightly.

"Huh, this handsome doesn't believe it anyway."

Liao Zheng tilted his head.

"It's very simple, I can confirm it. In today's battle, I captured many captives of the Sea Demon Race. Seeing is believing."

"Come here, take General Liao Zheng down and see the captives of the Sea Mozu that we have captured."

Liu Ce said lightly.

"According to the purpose..."

Soon, the guards of the two big men led Liao Zheng down.

About half a cup of tea, Liao Zheng was brought back. The look is also extremely incredible.

"How, Marshal Liao, I didn't deceive you, did I?"

Liu Ce looked at Liao Zhengdao.

Liao Zheng was silent, his expression a bit bitter. As Liu Ce said, his eyes cannot melt into the sand. What is the Sea Demon Race, is the great enemy of the entire Human Race. Such cooperation between the Ten Thousand Saints Emperor and the Sea Mozu is absolutely unacceptable to him. Originally, he didn't believe it, but hearing was fictitious and seeing was believing. Ten hundreds of them may still be faked, but the nearly a thousand captives of the Sea Demon Clan are absolutely not allowed to do fakes. Especially the aura on his body was indeed just coming off the battlefield, and his body still smelled of blood.

In other words, it is indeed the Sea Demon Race that is fighting the big man today. This can also be explained. The big man has never been disadvantaged, but he has run into a nail today.

It's ridiculous, Liao Zheng thought that there was a famous marshal from Ten Thousand Saints Emperor.

"Di Han, what do you want to ask?"

Liao Zheng thought for a while, finally compromised, and sighed slightly.

"I want to know how the Ten Thousand Saints Emperor is related to the Sea Demon Clan. As the commander of the Ten Thousand Saints Emperor, it's impossible for you to have no news at all?"

Liu Ce looked at Liao Zheng and asked.

"This commander really didn't know before, but the Ten Thousand Saints Emperor and the Sea Demon Clan are indeed related in history. The Hallows Demon Clan has raged several times in my Ten Thousand Saints Empire. Once, it was the worst in the history of my Ten Thousand Saints Empire. The mighty emperor, the emperor of Taiwu, led his army to beat them hard and captured a large number of sea demons."

Speaking of this, Liao Zheng had a slight conversation before continuing: "However, the whereabouts of the prisoners are unknown. There is no record in history."


Liu Ce frowned slightly. At the end of Liao Zheng's words, he seemed to have revealed something.

"Liao Zheng, what do you mean, these sea demons might be the captives of those sea demons five hundred years ago?"

Liu Ce frowned slightly.

Liao Zheng shook his head and said, "I didn't say this handsome."

Liu Ce nodded slightly. This was originally just a guess. He didn't press any questions. He just asked, "If it were those captives of the Sea Demon Race five hundred years ago, but the Sea Demon Race cultivated demon energy, and there is no demon energy. How could they have existed for such a long time."

"Hehe, it's actually not impossible."

Liao Zheng said faintly: "In our Ten Thousand Saints Empire, there is a Black Demon Mountain. This Black Demon Mountain contains the veins of the Earth Demon and is full of demon energy. It is rumored that in the ancient times, a troll of the Demon Race had fallen here. What if. These sea demon races are hiding in the Black Demon Mountain. Even if they stay for five hundred years, it is not impossible. They can even cultivate here, and their strength will be stronger."


Liu Ce's brows constricted, if you say so, everything is right.

Liu Ce waved his hand to let people take Liao Zheng away.

"Emperor, what do you think?"

Yue Fei looked at Liu Ce and asked.

"Stop moving forward, I feel that the enemy should still have a back hand."

Liu Cedao.

At this moment, Liu Ce is not Yue Chu on his behalf. The current situation is beyond Yue Fei's control. It is no longer limited to marching formations and tactical arrangements, but goes beyond this category. Liu Ce naturally needs his own consideration.

"According to the purpose..."

Yue Fei nodded. Being cautious is also in line with his character.

at the same time

Inside the Palace of the Holy City

In front of Duguxie stood a tall man wearing black armor and exuding a terrifying aura. It was Jeru, the leader of the Sea Demon Clan.

"The Han army is really so strong? Even your Sea Mozu are not sure that they will win?"

Duguxie's eyes flashed, and he was holding a wine glass in his hand. The inside of the glass was green, exuding a peerless wine with a rich aroma.

"Perhaps fighting alone, the Han army is not our opponent of the Sea Mozu, but their tactics and military formation make this seat awe-inspiring."

Jeru said with a cold expression.

"So, you guys are useless to this palace?"


"No, there is another way. You can beat the opponent."

Jerud said.

"Oh, what can I do?"

Duguxie's eyes condensed.

"This seat has a secret method that can guide the demon energy in the veins of the earth demon and arrange a demon formation. Within this demon formation, the combat power of the sea demon clan can be increased tenfold again. In this way, it can be annihilated. The army of the big man."

Jerud said.

Duguxie frowned slightly. Looking at Jeru, he said, "This kind of magic array should have big flaws, or shortcomings?"

Jeru looked at Duguxie appreciatively and said: "The prince is really smart, yes, after using it, the veins of the earth demons are abolished. Moreover, this formation can only work for two hours. Because our sea demons are strong in physique. , But this degree of endurance of devilish energy also has a limit. Two hours is the limit we can endure. Therefore, we must resolve the battle within two hours."

"What if it's more than two hours?"

Duguxie asked.

"When it will be detonated by the devilish energy."

Jerud said.

"Well, just do what you say."

Duguxie didn't think about it for too long and made a decision immediately.

"The prince doesn't think about it. After all, this is the vein of the earth demon."

Jeru's eyes flashed.

"Hahaha, since this palace wants to let you go, it's useless to keep the veins of the demons, and our human race doesn't need it. It's good to use the waste."

Duguxie said lightly.

"Okay, then according to what the prince said."

After hearing Duguxie's words, Jeru's eyes flashed and nodded.

"However, among the Han army, there are also experts. If this person is not removed, our plan will still be greatly hindered."

Jeru said lightly.

"Could it be that Dugu seeks defeat?"

Duguxie's eyes flashed.

For this powerful man with the same surname as him, Du Guxie only knew a name. At best, I know that he is the strongest master of the big man. But nothing else is known. This makes Duguxie very curious about Duguxie's defeat.

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