The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 280: Four-star mission

"You... are you?"

Lu Xi recognized Liu Ce at once.

"It's me, long time no see."

Liu Ce smiled slightly.

"You dead man, why do you want to scare me, are too bad."

Lu Xi looked at Liu Ce's complaining.

"By the way, you knew I was a girl, when did you know?"

Lu Xi looked at Liu Ce a little frightened.

"You dress up, I can see it in minutes."

Liu Ce jokingly smiled.

"Huh... you know to bully me."

Lu Xi looked at Liu Ce still a little dissatisfied.

"Why are you being chased every time I see you? Why do the people of the Shaman Society want to chase you?"

Liu Ce asked Lu Xi.

Seeing Lu Xi's hesitant expression, Liu Ce immediately said: "If it is not convenient for you to say, it doesn't matter, it has nothing to do with me anyway."

Lu Xi hesitated for a moment, and said to Liu Ce sternly: "Actually, you saved me. It doesn't matter if I tell you, because you were also involved. It would be unfair to you not to tell you."

Liu Ce frowned, waved his hand quickly, and said to Lu Xi: "Okay, you don't have to say it, I know this is a big secret to you. You still don't tell me. Everyone has their own. Secret, I also have a secret to keep from you, so you can keep this secret."

"Thank you."

Lu Xizheng zheng, looking at Liu Ce with gratitude in his eyes. In fact, some things are too involved. Although she trusts Liu Ce, it is not easy to export.

"Why did you come to Ten Thousand Saints Emperor? Before, you weren't in Haoyu Emperor?"

Liu Ce asked.

"I'm here to participate in the competition this time."

Lu Xi said to Liu Ce.


Liu Ce was slightly surprised.

"You also went to the blood source pearl?"

Liu Ce asked Lu Xi.

"Well, that's right, I have to have that blood source pearl."

Lu Xi said.

"Ding! The system releases the task, please check the host."

Suddenly, the system prompt sounded.

"System task?"

Liu Ce was slightly surprised, but immediately opened the system panel to check.

Task: Help Lu Xi get the Blood Orb

Task level: four stars

Successful mission: get a four-star treasure chest

Mission failed: randomly recover a **** and demon

This task...

Unexpectedly, Lu Xi was favored by the system. For the sake of this four-star mission, I will help you.

In fact, Liu Ce and Lu Xi are also friends. Liu Ce will help her as far as possible, not to mention that there is still a blessing for system tasks.

"Okay, I'm going out first, so you can sleep here with peace of mind."

Liu Ce said to Lu Xi.


Lu Xi nodded.

"But can you make a request?"

Liu Ce hesitated.


Lu Xi looked at Liu Ce blankly.

"Can you change back to women's clothing, you look like this, I really don't know whether you should call you brother or sister..."

Liu Ce smiled.

"Bang!" there was a sound.

Lu Xi closed the door.

"Am I asking too much?"

Liu Ce stroked his nose and smiled bitterly.

The second day

Liu Ce came to Lu Xi's room and knocked on the door.


Lu Xi's voice came from inside.


Liu Ce shook his head.

After a while, the door opened gently.

Liu Ce turned around and looked at it casually, his eyes suddenly flustered. Because there was a pretty girl standing in front of her about sixteen or seventeen years old, with red lips and white teeth, eyebrows like autumn water, and extremely delicate features.

I saw her big eyes, a slender figure, and a dark cloud of hair behind her head, exuding a fresh and natural breath from the inside out.

Even Liu Ce is accustomed to seeing beautiful women, but when he sees the girl in front of him, there is a strong sense of surprise in front of him. I felt that everything in front of this girl was eclipsed.


"Fool, can't you recognize me?"

The girl smiled like a silver bell.

"Ahem, you are so good, why do you want to dress like a beggar?"

Liu Ce quickly eased his mind.

"You are a beggar, and your whole family are beggars."

Lu Xi said dissatisfiedly to Liu Ce: "I was pretending, otherwise there are so many bad people in this world, I have to learn to protect myself."

"Well, let's go, you are not going to participate in the competition, but you have to register in advance."

Liu Cedao.


When it comes to the competition, Lu Xi's expression is full.

Then, Liu Ce and Dugu sought defeat, and Duan Tianya and Ding Peng went to the registration office of the competition.

After learning this time, the rules of the tournament. Lu Xi signed up decisively.

Lu Xi quickly signed up. Then he looked at Liu Ce and asked, "Why, didn't you come to the competition, why didn't you sign up?"

"We are friends. If I signed up, wouldn't I be robbing you of something?"

Liu Ce looked at the landing and said.

"Well, you are so kind."

Lu Xi lightly hammered Liu Ce's chest.

The two of them seemed to be flirting and cursing, attracting gazes from all around, especially Lu Xi's stunning appearance, which is rare in the world, attracted a lot of attention.

Liu Ce didn't take it seriously. He just looked at Lu Xi and said with a serious face: "This time, because of the Blood Orb, a lot of people have come, and many of them are masters, and you..."

Liu Ce's meaning is very straightforward. I don't think you have the ability to win the first place.

"Why, don't you believe in the strength of this young lady?"

Lu Xi snorted.

Liu Ce didn't persuade him anymore, he also had his own plan.

"I also know that it is very difficult for my strength to win the first place, but it is artificial, I can only give it a go."

Lu Xi said.

Liu Ce saw Lu Xi's desire for the blood source pearl. This made his heart move, and he thought to herself: Lu Xi didn't want this Blood Origin Orb because of its value, but because of the meaning of the Blood Origin Orb to her. Or maybe it has something to do with the secret hidden in her heart. Moreover, President Liu Ce felt that the Ten Thousand Saints Emperor suddenly took out this Blood Orb as a reward. Is there any connection between the three?

This time the number of applicants exceeded 3,000. In Liu Ce's view, it shouldn't be a problem for Lu Xi to enter the top 500. This competition is based on the elimination system.

Eliminate once, so all warriors only need one chance. Every martial artist who signed up for the competition is gearing up to get the top spot.

The Royal Palace of All Saints

"I don't know whether this person can be drawn out this time. As long as the Tianfeng clan can be drawn out and the barrier-breaking pill can be refined with the blood of the Tianfeng clan, the prince's magical skills will be practiced even earlier."

Wu Xiao, the prime minister of the Emperor of All Saints.

"Prime Minister Wu's strategy is very sharp. If I belong to the Tianfeng clan, I will come out anyway. After all, this blood source pearl is very important to the Tianfeng clan."

Sun Meng, the emperor of the Emperor of Halloween, said with a smile.

"It's so natural and best, but in this Ten Thousand Saint Emperor, it is still unclear whether the Tianfeng clan still exists."

Wu Xiao said solemnly.

"Prime Minister Wu Xiao doesn’t need to worry. A few days ago, the people from the Earth Shame meeting met the young man from the Tianfeng clan who appeared last time. Unfortunately, he was rescued, and the person who saved the life was very powerful, and all chased him. That day, the young people of the Feng Clan were killed with a single sword."

Sun Meng said in a deep voice.

"Asshole, I dared to save the person we were looking for, and bad things happen to us. No matter who it is, we must find out. The prime minister wants him to look good."

Wu Xiao said coldly.

"Well, you can only find the Tianfeng clan if you find that boy, so that boy has a big deal. It must be found."

The emperor of the Emperor of Halloween, Sun Meng, looked serious.


Liu Ce didn't know that this Lu Xi turned out to be a member of the Tianfeng clan. It's just that the system didn't remind Liu Ce for some reason. The tournament officially began on the second day.

Of course, the appearance of Lu Xi at this moment is quite different from the appearance of the tomboy before, plus she changed his face a little, changed his temperament, and naturally didn't worry that she would be discovered by the people of the evil spirits. After all, the appearance of Lu Xi's tomboy before was very different from his current appearance. If it hadn't been confirmed that it was Lu Xi, Lu Xi, who had changed into a dress, would not dare to recognize him when he stood in front of Liu Ce.

After several days of competitions, Lu Xi had indeed entered the top 500 as Liu Ce had predicted. Only after entering the top 500, there are more masters.

At this moment, Lu Xi's opponent was a young man with a sword.

Some of the warriors watching the battle below bought the game this time. Of course, most people buy the white-faced youth to win, because the white-faced youth is the famous white-clothed swordsman Zhanyuan. The young generation in the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Saints is absolutely famous.

"Girl, give up your defeat, you are so beautiful, it would be a pity if you hurt you."

The white-faced young man smiled with a pity and pity.

"Stop talking nonsense, fight if you want to fight, you may not win this girl."

Lu Xi snorted.

"Okay, that's offending."

The white-faced youth smiled faintly, without talking nonsense, assassinated Lu Xi with a sword.

This sword was extremely fast, splitting the light and transforming the shadow, with each sword assassinating it, and instantly three identical sword lights appeared to confuse the enemy.

Lu Xi also used the sword, and the long sword was unsheathed in an instant. Use swordsmanship to fight with the youth. It's just that the youth's combat power was obviously much stronger than Lu Xi's. After a few moves, Lu Xi was somewhat stretched.

Seeing this situation, Liu Ce knew that Lu Xi was no longer the opponent of this white-faced youth, and maybe he would lose after three moves. Although he knew that Lu Xi would lose, he didn't want her to lose in the first battle after the top 500. Therefore, Liu Ce said to Lu Xi: "Lu Xi, if you believe me, just do what I say."

Of course, Liu Ce used the method of transmitting the sound into the secret, and only Lu Xi could hear this.

Lu Xi was stunned, but still followed the method taught by Liu Ce and saw the trick.

The white-faced young man had already adapted to Lu Xi's rhythm, but now Lu Xi, who was cold-hearted, assassinated him on his left waist.

Lu Xi had already disrupted the rhythm. The white-faced young man was taken aback, and was a little caught off guard.

The white-faced youth was forced to take a step back abruptly.

"how is this possible."

The white-faced youth found that he was forced to retreat in front of a young girl, and was a little unhappy at the moment, and once again assassinated the past with a sword. Blossoming sword flowers, every sword contains dozens of changes.

However, Lu Xi, who had tasted the sweetness of the previous move, was now very confident and launched an offensive against the white-faced youth in full accordance with Liu Ce's guidance.

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