The Strongest Demon Front

Eighty-nine, 2 weeks

Chu Ge was dissatisfied with his situation.

He is grateful to Ancelotti for giving him a first-team chance.

From the 22nd round of the league to the 26th round, Ancelotti has included Chu Ge in the competition list for five consecutive rounds.

This is a very rare compliment for a teenager who is only 16 years old.


Four games, a total of less than 20 minutes of playing, this is not what Chu Ge wants.

Not being able to play makes him unhappy.

From a utilitarian point of view, he has won more than 20 million appreciation points in less than 20 minutes in five games in the first team.

In the game with Elche, although he didn't play well, Chu Ge also won more than one million appreciation points for a beautiful pass.

In addition, Lin Murong and Su Qingqing brought appreciation points for the videos he made, and the total number exceeded more than 2 million.

Earning Appreciation Points so fast, he couldn't do it in Castilla.

However, this was not what Chu Ge wanted.

He likes football, he likes to do his best to win the game.

Playing football brings him joy.

And the drinking opportunity made him feel like a waste of time.

Moreover, the ability to appreciate point strengthening is only the upper limit of Chu Ge's ability.

If he hadn't been honed by the competition and had not been tested in actual combat, Chu Gekong would not be able to exert his abilities.

He needs to play.

He needs to enjoy the feeling of playing and feel the joy of playing.

Entering the Real Madrid first team is Chu Ge's dream, but it is definitely not the way it is now.

After more than a month in the first team, Chu Ge clearly understood his position in Ancelotti's mind.

Aside from the players who can't play, Ancelotti's most trusted players are definitely Cristiano Ronaldo and Gareth Bale.

As long as these two players can play, even if they are not in good form, they will definitely play the whole game.

They are the core players of the Real Madrid first team.

Secondly, Benzema and Isco are also starters trusted by Ancelotti.

As long as there are no unexpected circumstances of these four players, Ancelotti will send them to the field.

Even, do not do rotation.

Until you get tired and lie down.

If a substitution is needed during the game, among the players in the frontcourt, Ancelotti trusts Jesse the most.

Almost every game, Hesse will get the opportunity to come off the bench.

Next, there is the little pea Hernandez.

If the team needs to improve their scoring ability, when the score is behind and not far behind, Ancelotti will put Hernandez on the court.

Chu Ge?

Probably the third backup in the front line.

It sounds like the third bench is not bad, but in fact, the third bench means the water cooler manager.

In a football game, the head coach can only make three substitution adjustments. In the vast majority of cases, it is unlikely that the bench will be used for the adjustment of the front line player. Many times, the manager needs to make adjustments to the players in the midfield and the back.

Moreover, if a player is injured on the field, the replacement of the injured player should be given top priority and given priority.

In this way, isn't the third backup of the striker responsible for shouting 666 on the sidelines?

If the team's situation is very good, Chu Ge may still have a chance to play the game.

But now, the situation in Real Madrid is not good, the pressure of the game is very high.

In the league standings, Barcelona has overtaken Real Madrid; in the scorer list, Messi has also overtaken Cristiano Ronaldo; whether it is Real Madrid or Cristiano Ronaldo, they are facing a lot of pressure.

Plus Ancelotti is a head coach who doesn't like rotation.

In this situation of increasing pressure,

There will be fewer and fewer opportunities for substitutes to play.

In fact, not only Chu Ge, but also many substitute players of the first team, such as Coentrao, etc., basically did not get the chance to play.

In such a situation, Chu Ge believes that staying in the first team is not a wise choice.

He came to Zidane just to ask his teacher what he should do.

"Just wait and see. James has about two or three weeks before he returns to the game. If you still don't have a chance to play before he recovers, let's think about it."

Zidane gave his advice.

The James he was talking about was Colombian international James Rodriguez.

Chu Ge was called into the first team, but it had something to do with James' accidental injury. After James' injury, Real Madrid needed a substitute in the frontcourt.

Chu Ge played well in Castilla during that time, and he was good at left and right wingers and forwards. Under Zidane's recommendation, the first team temporarily promoted Chu Ge to prepare for emergencies.

Now that James has not recovered from injury, it may not be easy for Zidane to find a first-team dignitary.

Florentino has great trust in Zidane, but the first team's mission is the club's top priority. It is also Castilla's task to ensure the needs of the first team.

Chu Ge recognized Zidane's statement.

Although he has his considerations, as a member of the Real Madrid club, he is willing to make some sacrifices for the team.

The help of the team is crucial for Chu Ge to be able to get to where he is today. If it weren't for Real Madrid giving him the chance, he might be where he would be playing now. Moreover, the first team also achieved his one goal fame.

Although the contract has not been officially signed, Chu Ge always demands himself strictly by the standard of a professional player.

Since you are a professional player, you must have a professional attitude.

Even as a water dispenser administrator, it is necessary to keep the water dispenser in a normal working state at all times.

He quickly returned to the first team.

Although there is no chance to play, but training with a group of big-name players every day, Chu Ge can still learn a lot.

These game experiences may not be directly reflected in his ability values, but they can really improve his game reading ability and help him adapt to different game environments better and faster.

With stars like Real Madrid, Chu Ge's biggest gain may be that his game mentality is getting more and more mature.

Now, even if he is asked to play in a big occasion like the Spanish derby, at most he will be a little excited before the game. Entering the game directly, he can immediately adjust his mentality and play his due level fully and freely.

Moreover, Real Madrid's teammates are very friendly to Chu Ge.

Not only Marcelo and Cristiano Ronaldo, but Chu Ge's relationship with Navas, Khedira and Coentrao is also very good due to their often sitting on the bench together.

Navas' performance in training is not even worse than Casillas.

He is the national goal of Costa Rica and the best goalkeeper in La Liga in the 2013-14 season. He is very strong.

But Navas sits on the cold bench, which is more solid than Chu Ge.

If nothing else, just speaking of this good attitude, it is worth Chu Ge to learn from him.

Time flies by.

Soon, two weeks passed.

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