"Ayu has communicated with Jiang Huaiqing so many times, and he has no doubts about our identities at all?" Shang Junlin asked.

"Almost all of those letters have been read by Your Majesty, but Your Majesty himself doesn't know?" Shen Yu glanced at him.

Originally, Shang Junlin didn't care about these things. He wouldn't ask more about what Shen Yu did. At first, it was because he thought it was unnecessary. As long as he was sure that Shen Yu didn't have the consciousness of harming Da Huan, he would not care. Later, he was moved. , is not willing to inquire too much about Shen Yu's personal space, give him enough respect, and care about Jiang Huaiqing's letter writing, which is nothing more than "jealous".

Shen Yu was harassed several times by Shang Junlin using this excuse, and he simply went with him every time he read the letter, saving him from tossing him for various reasons.

Shang Junlin was not at all embarrassed to be discovered, and leaned close to Shen Yu's ear: "Ayu himself wants to watch it with me, but I can't blame me."

From time to time, the ministers looked restrained from time to time, and Shen Yu was not in the mood to show the close relationship with Shang Junlin in front of the ministers, and pushed people: "He should not know."

If I knew, I wouldn't write to him as often as before, and I wouldn't use that kind of tone towards an old friend. Although the current Jiang Huaiqing is younger and immature than in the previous life, some things that are engraved in his bones will not change. of.

"Maybe it's because he doesn't want to think about it," Shen Yu thought for a while, and added, "The flaw in our exit from the palace is actually quite big. If he thinks about it deeply, he might be able to guess our identity."

"Ayu is right, just like He Chengyu next to him, he should have guessed our identity." Under Shen Yu's hint, Shang Junlin released his hand around his waist.

Shang Jun's cold and cold eyes swept across the hall, and the minister who was deliberately cared for lowered his head in fear and did not dare to look again.

Finally, there are no eyes that come to look at him from time to time, and he sighs in relief.

"He Chengyu, as the direct son of the top family in the south of the Yangtze River, it is not surprising that he has such eyesight." Shen Yu has learned about He Chengyu's family background from Shang Junlin, and he does not feel that the identities of himself and Shang Junlin have been guessed. strangeness.

The examiner can't see the names of the candidates, and even Shang Junlin won't know which papers were answered by which candidates before the final results are released.

Da Huan's exam results were released on the same day, and the marking officials had already prepared them before the exam started.

During this time, candidates were arranged in a special side hall, and meals were prepared in the palace, all of which were delicious and delicious.

The imperial meal in the palace is not something everyone can enjoy.

The location of the side hall is large enough, and candidates can rest in it at will before the results come out, but generally, few people can enjoy it with peace of mind.

Jiang Huaiqing moved his hands and feet and walked to He Chengyu's side: "Brother Chengyu, why doesn't he seem nervous at all?"

Looking at the hall, almost all of them are restless. There are many delicious dishes on the table, and they cannot relieve the anxiety in their hearts at the moment. There are only a few people who can sit down and taste the delicious food in peace.

He Chengyu is one, the other...

Jiang Huaiqing stared at the man for a while, and his eyes widened. He used his elbow to stab He Chengyu, and said in a low voice, "Brother Chengyu, look over there."

He Chengyu followed his gaze and couldn't help but move.

"This is not..."

Jiang Huaiqing nodded vigorously, his curiosity almost overflowing: "It's really her, why is she here? Still wearing this dress?"

What Jiang Huaiqing saw was Fang Jiayi, the Miss Fang family.

Because of Shen Yu and Shang Junlin, Jiang Huaiqing reluctantly had an intersection with Fang Jiayi. They hadn't seen each other since the last time they parted. I never expected that they would meet again under such circumstances.

"Could it be a brother or something?" Jiang Huaiqing shook his head after speaking, feeling that it didn't quite resemble him.

Feeling the gaze here, Fang Jiayi turned her head to look over, met a familiar face, paused, got up and walked over.

"Brother Jiang, Brother He."

Although the voice was deliberately lowered, it was not difficult for Jiang Huaiqing to hear that it was indeed Fang Jiayi's voice.

"Fang..." He originally wanted to say Miss Fang, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was out of place, and when he came to his mouth, he changed his name, "Miss Fang?"

"It's me." Fang Jiayi admitted directly and sat down opposite the two of them generously.

After the conjecture was confirmed, Jiang Huaiqing was dumbfounded. He turned to look at He Chengyu, and saw that there was also a slight crack on the man's face, and slowly put away his surprise.

Anyway, he wasn't the one who was surprised. Jiang Huaiqing put the problem behind him with a big heart, and chatted with Fang Jiayi in high spirits.

They had a brief contact. Jiang Huaiqing liked Fang Jiayi's resolute behavior, especially when dealing with the King of Yue.

This is not a place to get to the bottom of things, and Jiang Huaiqing is not to break the character of casserole and ask to the end, skip the questions that cannot be discussed, and the two have a great conversation.

He Chengyu occasionally added a few words, and the three seemed to be enjoying themselves.

The little **** serving in the side hall saw everything in his eyes, and the news soon reached Shang Junlin's ears.

At that time, Shang Junlin was looking at the selected excellent answer sheet, Shen Yu sat next to him and followed him, and Eunuch Meng came over and reported the news from below in a low voice.

"The three of them actually got together." Shen Yu thought about it and thought it was very interesting.

"Yeah," Eunuch Meng also had a smile in his eyes, "the three of them talked very happily, and the atmosphere was very harmonious."

"Jiang Huaiqing and He Chengyu recognized Miss Fang's female identity?" Shen Yu straightened up and asked.

Eunuch Meng will answer any questions: "If you say back to Guijun, it seems that you recognized it. Jiang Huaiqing's face changed greatly at that time, and he recovered in just a moment. He must have recognized it, but He Chengyu and He Gongzi, the expression has never been changed. How has it changed?"

"Is Your Majesty going to directly announce the identity of Miss Fang?" No matter what Fang Jiayi's final result is, entering the palace exam is equivalent to half stepping into an official career. Entering the court as an official requires careful verification of identity. , Shang Junlin has been able to help her cover up the past several times, but this time even the emperor can't cover it up.

They were sitting at a certain distance from other officials, so they could not be heard by speaking in a low voice.

"The final result will definitely be announced. Her original intention was to enter the officialdom as a woman." Shang Junlin did not hide his plans.

"I can already predict the excitement in the court in the next few days." Not only in the court, but by then, there will be several stacks of impeachment papers.

"However, there is really no need to confine women to the back house, there are so many things women can do." Shen Yu will never forget that the corner of the future glimpsed in that book, just a corner, can make people's hearts agitated, It's hard to imagine what it would have been like in that era.

"They always have to change their inherent views, not only women who become officials in the court, but also new laws about businessmen, and there may be more changes in the future. If they don't accept it, just change it directly, what I want, Never been a follower of the rules!"

Shang Junlin is full of murderousness in his bones. All his youth and part of his youth were spent on the battlefield, which made his behavior more inclined to attack rather than defend, whether in governing the country or in the face of it. When depressed.

Shen Yu raised his cheeks and looked at Shang Junlin. At this moment, he could clearly feel that Shang Junlin was the emperor of Dahuan and the monarch of a country who could not be disobeyed. When Shang Junlin was in front of him, he would always deliberately restrain himself. Aggressive, Shen Yu suddenly found that facing the autocratic and decisive Shang Junlin, he did not feel the disgusting feeling he imagined.

"What are you doing looking at me like this?" Shang Junlin stroked the hair on Shen Yu's forehead.

"I think today's His Majesty is also very good-looking." Shen Yu replied with a smile.

Shang Junlin laughed: "No matter how good-looking it is, it can't be as good as Ayu."

While the two were talking, the minister had already negotiated a general result.

"Your Majesty, I think this answer sheet is enough to rank first."

"The minister is more optimistic about this."

Seeing that they were about to quarrel again, Shang Junlin said, "Tell me your reasons."

"This is in the hands of the minister, open and close, and go deep inside..."

Shen Yu listened and read it with Shang Junlin. These three answer sheets were explained from different angles, each with its own characteristics. At first glance, it was not too much. Shen Yu saw the familiar handwriting and took it. Read it carefully.

After carefully reading the other two copies, I have an answer in my heart.

After some reasonable and well-founded discussions, everyone has a general result in their hearts.

The prime minister picked up one of them and stood up: "I think this son should be the leader."

This time, no one objected.

The final result came out, just as Shen Yu thought.

Without going back to the palace test, the top three are the most difficult to determine. After these three are determined, all the results are almost determined.

At this time, ministers will know who each answer sheet corresponds to.

The first place, unsurprisingly, was He Chengyu, Jiang Huaiqing was the third place, and the second place list came out, to everyone's surprise, and immediately a minister knelt down: "Your Majesty, no!"

"Oh? The person was chosen by you after discussion. What do you mean by saying no to me now?"

"This... This person pretends to be a man to participate in the imperial examination as a woman, which is the crime of deceiving the king!"

"Bullying the king? Why don't I know where she cheated the king? Lord Ming, if I remember correctly, a quarter of an hour ago, you were still arguing whether you were qualified to take the first argument for this article."

"That's because the minister didn't know this was done by a woman..."

"As a woman, you can make such a beautiful article. Does Mr. Ming want to deny the excellence of the article itself because of the other party's status as a woman?" Shen Yu asked aloud.

"...I didn't mean that." This article was his favorite just now, and now there is nothing he can do to refute it. To deny the excellence of the article is not equivalent to denying his own vision?

Looking at His Majesty's expression again, it was obvious that he had already known about this matter, and Lord Ming sighed and stepped aside.

After the results are out, the candidates need to face the Holy Spirit again, and thank the emperor while reading the ranking.

Jiang Huaiqing followed a group of students to re-enter the hall.

After obeying Eunuch Meng's instructions, he knelt down and bowed, and a calm voice came from above.

"Flat body."

This voice inexplicably gave Jiang Huaiqing a familiar feeling, and he dared to raise his head while he got up.

! ! !

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