This punch was not the previous physical competition, but a full blow from the ultimate beholder, Black, but it still could not shake the body of the man in front of him.

Hundreds of years in prison not only did not weaken the reformer, but seemed to help him further enhance his power.

Emiya Kiritsugu was obviously very satisfied with Matou Zouken's surprise.

"This is the possibility of human beings, a power that you guys who only rely on the Great Eye will never understand!"

The man's palm was wrapped in a silver biological gauntlet in an instant, and he slapped Matou Zangyan's chest with a quick palm.

The huge force immediately shattered his breastplate and the ribs underneath it, forcing Matou Zangyan to cancel his transformation on the spot and kneel on the ground, vomiting blood.

If Emiya Kiritsugu hadn't grabbed the opponent's collar in time, I'm afraid Matou Zouken would have been lying on the ground by now.

Of course, Emiya Kiritsugu didn't stop the other person from lying down out of concern, he just had something to ask the oldest guy in the beholder world.

A guy who projected Kotomine Kirei's light screen appeared in front of Matou Zouken, and Emiya Kiritsugu's cold voice reached his ears.

"Tell me! Who is this guy? Where has he taken my important children?"

"Huh, did you think I would tell you?"

"Oh, I see."

The silver palm penetrated the Matou Zoukstone's abdomen, and Emiya Kiritsugu's unique life-stealing power was activated, turning the Matou Zoukstone into magic power and absorbing it into his body.

At this moment, it was like watching a movie.

Emiya Kiritsugu read the memories of Matou Zouken from a third-person perspective and found out exactly what he needed.

"It turns out his name is Kotomine Kirei..."

He whispered the name of the person he was looking for, recalling the information he had received from Matou Zouken.

After the Kamen Riders completed their salvation, the three heroic spirits summoned by the oath seemed to have chosen different paths.

The Cave King chose to stay in Fujimaru Ritsuka's dream and continue to perform his duties as a dream keeper.

Holmes left. In his words: Now that the case is over, it is natural for the detective to exit.

Mine Kirei's situation is the most special. Since his mission has been completed, Rasputin did not make him a pseudo-heroic spirit again after his resurrection. Now he has disappeared and it is said that he seems to have become a church. A full-time priest.

But what happened after that, Matou Zouken, who basically lay dead for more than half of that year, has no further knowledge.

The clues are completely broken here.

In the end, Kotomine Kirei could only sigh and managed to regain his composure.

He had been imprisoned for too long, and it had become quite difficult to go to Earth to trace the traces of Kotomine Kirei.

Recalling what he had seen and heard about the current world situation, he also knew that the crisis in the red sky was now imminent, and preparations must be made as soon as possible, otherwise he would probably not be able to save many people in the end.

After thinking for a long time, he had to give up the hope of welcoming back his children and disappeared into a puff of smoke.

Outside the office door, Shinji Matou, with dilated pupils, looked through the crack in the door in disbelief to observe the situation inside. It took him a long time to finally understand what he had just witnessed.

——New enemies appeared, and even directly killed his grandfather Matou Zangyan. 】

Trail Blazers: Oh, your resurrection experience card has expired.

Dark Demonic Swordsman Kallia: Huh? Is he dead again? Why are the old bugs in the video so easy to kill?

Dark Magic Swordsman Kallia: Envy.jpg

Nayako: Good guy, he died right after his resurrection, right?

UMR: Good brother’s father killed his grandfather, asking for the psychological shadow of Shinji Matou.

9-year-old wife: I feel like the reality and the video are the other way around. In reality, it’s clearly Kotomine Kirei who’s always chasing Kiritsugu, but in the video, it’s Kiritsugu chasing Kotomine Kirei.

Father Mapo: Haha, it seems that Emiya Kiritsugu and I are quite destined.

Death Agent Little Strawberry: I feel like the Ultimate Beholder has completely failed to keep up with the version. Before, it could at least be regarded as a high-end combat power. This time, it was counter-killed without even being able to force the opponent to transform. The opponent even... He took a punch from the Ultimate Beholder with his physical body.

Fierce Train: Beholder, just a stepping stone.

[Returned to his hidden stronghold again.

Emiya Kiritsugu took a few steps forward and walked to an operating device in the laboratory. After some operations, he unlocked the hidden program in the laboratory.

The ground was opened, and a silver-haired girl placed in the training cabin slowly rose from it and appeared in the hands of Emiya Kiritsugu.

Reaching out his hand and stroking the surface of the training cabin, the man's eyes flickered slightly before he resolutely opened the door.

The hibernation system was shut down, and the silver-haired girl opened her red eyes. After seeing Emiya Kiritsugu's face, she smiled sweetly.


"Yeah, Illya, my daughter."

Holding the girl in his arms, Emiya Kiritsugu's face was full of tenderness, but his strong sense of mission still made him let go of her after a moment, and instead told her the reason why he woke her up this time.

"Sorry, Illya, there is one thing I need your help for no matter what."

"It doesn't matter, Kiritsugu's matter is my matter."


Regarding his daughter's obedience, Emiya Kiritsugu's tone became gentler.

"Then, I'll leave it to you.\

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