Miyu Emiya appeared wearing a miko costume and looking extremely holy.

"Brother, meow!"


Miyu Emiya appears wearing fluffy cat ears and transforming herself into a cute cat girl.

Then, magical girls, pajamas, evening clothes, winter clothes, summer clothes, student clothes, cheongsams, bunny girls... all kinds of Emiya Miyu kept running into Shirou Emiya's field of vision from the blind spots of sight.

"Miyu, hey hey... there are so many Miyu! Is this the kingdom of heaven?"

Emiya Shirou lost himself in the sound of "Onii-chan", his expression completely changed into a crazy one. 】

Magical Girl Can't Fly: Hmm... Although I'm very happy that my brother likes me so much, such a dream is still a bit shameful.

Magical Girl Illidan: For a moment, I didn’t know who to envy.

Xiaohei: Onii-chan H!

Lily, the righteous partner: Wait, this is just a brother’s love for his sister! Don't look at me like this! ! !

Fenchanglong: Well, you say it, we are listening.

Qiongmei: What a perverted girl.

Fuyuki's Tiger: Wow, to be honest, it's a little disgusting, Shirou.

Muffled pervert: This dream is heaven (sure)!

Blackbeard: I didn’t expect that Emiya and I were the same people!

Partners of Justice: The Most Shameful Episode.jpg

Father Mapo: The most enjoyable episode.jpg

Demon Cluster: Nice! This is it! This is what I want to see! There are two more, please serve them quickly! Jie Jie Jie!

Little Eggplant:! ?

Purple-haired female passerby: Gua! Ritsuka, don’t look at me!

[Unfortunately, Kiri Sakura’s cry from her soul in real life could not be conveyed to Fujimaru Ritsuka in the video.

Fujimaru Ritsuka, who had the same expression as "subway, old man, mobile phone", was so shocked by Emiya Shirou's dream that he took a step back, and happened to see Tohsaka Sakura's dream.

Maybe it's a strange phenomenon caused by the physical similarity between sisters.

At first glance, Fujimaru Ritsuka actually felt a subtle sense of déjà vu.

In Sakura Tohsaka's dream, she was sitting on a hill made of takoyaki boxes with a smile on her face. The beginning of Sakura's dream was somewhat similar to that of Ishtar.

However, compared to Ishtar's upstart dress, Tohsaka Sakura's dress perfectly highlights the theme of "takoyaki". The whole person is wrapped in a doll costume that looks like a "snowman", with only four limbs. The face is exposed outside the doll suit, and the two "snowballs" above and below this "snowman" are exactly two takoyaki, one large and one small.

"It's delicious! It's delicious~ Takoyaki is indeed the best~"

With a silly smile on her face that was completely different from her usual indifferent expression, Tohsaka Sakura said vaguely excitedly while eating takoyaki.

"Senior! Make me more takoyaki quickly! I want more!"

"I know, I know."

At the foot of the hill, Shirou Emiya, with a doting smile, completed the making and boxing of takoyaki as quickly and efficiently as if the Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara came to the world, while Ritsuka Fujimaru, Mashu, Romani and Leonardo da Vinci Transform into a waiter and deliver boxes of delicious food to the hill.

Not far away, Ishtar looked at Tohsaka Sakura with a sign saying "I am a loser goddess" hanging around her neck, tears of admission falling from the corner of her mouth.

"I know I was wrong, Princess Takoyaki! Please give me takoyaki too!"

"Oh hehe~\

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