The sharp gaze made Ishtar, who was about to say a few words, startled and quickly looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka behind him.

The moment she looked into those golden eyes, Ishtar, as a god, suddenly felt a strong sense of threat. However, out of her own majesty, she still stared back. Fujimaru Ritsuka.

"What are you doing? I'm not wrong, I don't know her in the first place!"

"There is a more euphemistic way of saying it, isn't it? Please be more respectful to my companions."

Fujimaru Ritsuka doesn't care whether the other party is the person or god he wants to win over, if he does something wrong, he does it wrong.

"You want me, a noble Ishtar, to respect a mortal!?"

The pampered Ishtar was also made angry by Fujimaru Ritsuka's attitude.

——What sense of threat? Today I will let you taste the power of my war goddess!


"It doesn't seem impossible."

The moment he saw the crystal clear eyes, Ishtar's originally furious expression changed, and he instantly revealed a bright smile. 】

Lady Crane: Oh ho ho! What a shame, Tohsaka Rin.

Devil Muscle Rin: Shut up, this guy is not me at all, didn’t Merlin say that? She is Ishtar.

White Rabbit Swiftfoot: I didn’t expect there to be a guy with such a bad character among the gods.

Jin Shining Shining: Huh, this goddess's current personality is still a restrained version because of this body. If it were the original body, the moment she touched Fujimaru Ritsuka, she would probably start a fight unreasonably.

Blue Ribbon: Wow, no matter which world Ishtar is in, her character is terrible.

Mistress of the Underworld: Oh, you know how to embarrass our mythology system.

Devil Girl: Sure enough, gods are all unreliable guys.

["Actually, I think this kid is quite pleasing to the eye, but he was in a bad mood just now and his tone was a bit off."

Just kidding, Fujimaru Ritsuka's power made Ishtar feel flustered.

If the enemies he had just encountered were little ants with painful bites, the ordinary-looking girl in front of him was a monster in human skin.

As a god, his intuition was frantically warning Ishtar that he would never be able to defeat this guy.

Thinking of this, Ishtar smiled and wanted to touch Sakura Tohsaka's head to increase the authenticity of her words.

But this time her hand was thrown away by Tohsaka Sakura.

"You have no right to use this body! Get out of my sister's body."

As smart as she was, she immediately understood the other person's true identity like Fujimaru Ritsuka after a brief cooling down. Thinking of her sister's body being used by such a guy after her death, Tohsaka Sakura felt disappointed and angry as she looked at the other person.

In Tohsaka Sakura's arms, the green Green Soul shook as if touched by her strong affection.

And Ishtar was also angered by this expression.

"Huh? What does it have to do with you whose body I use?"

Just when the two sides were about to fight here, Merlin, who was running back, noticed the tense atmosphere and immediately came forward.

"Ahem! Okay, okay, let's stop for a moment. Goddess Ishtar, now is not the time to do such a thing."

"You are...I remember you are the magician summoned by Gilgamesh?"

"Haha. That's right down there."

Merlin bowed gracefully and then asked somewhat seriously.

"Goddess Ishtar, as the mistress of the sky, I don't need to say anything about your mastery of the sky. What makes you, the master of the sky, fall from the sky?"

"Ah! That's right! I was so angry with you that I forgot about it!"

After Merlin's reminder, Ishtar also remembered the reason why he fell.

She looked nervously towards the direction in which she was flying. Because she wasted too much time here, the pursuers had reached a distance visible to her naked eyes and were still approaching rapidly.

The pursuers were two beholders that looked a bit like airplanes. They drew long trail clouds in the sky and reached above everyone in the blink of an eye.

Then, just like paratroopers dropped from a plane, several figures were dropped by the plane beholder brothers, surrounding the people below.

Some of them wore mafia coats and carried a huge machine gun in their right hand;

Some were dressed as voyagers, with only a pair of eyes visible under their big glass-covered heads;

Some were beholders that Fujimaru Ritsuka and the others had seen once, and they had an absolute power advantage.

"Jiejie! Give up, Ishtar! As long as you become one of us, you will gain the same power as us!"

"Damn, I'm caught up."

Ishtar bit her nails reluctantly, and was about to sit on the huge golden bow beside her - Tianshu Maanna. When she was about to run away, Fujimaru Ritsuka pressed her shoulder and turned around to give instructions. Merlin don't let her get away.

"Hey! You guy, there are so many of them, are you planning to start a war with them here?"

Ishtar was a little in disbelief, but Fujimaru Ritsuka grinned.

"Yes, I'm a little angry right now. Isn't this just right? Don't worry, we can fight very well."

"Open your eyes!"

She took out the Grateful Soul and completed the transformation. Looking at Fujimaru Ritsuka and the three other Kamen Riders standing next to her, the leader of the Machine Gun Beholder sneered.

"Ha! Can you fight? What's the use of being able to fight? To come out to hang out, you must have power and a background. There are only four of you, and our human sea tactics can exhaust you to death!"

"Oh, is it so?"

Fujimaru Ritsuka smiled slightly and pressed his hand like a typewriter on the grateful soul.

"Everyone, welcome!"

Fifteen big guys stood quietly behind her. The machine gunner was stunned when she saw them, and then looked back at the roughly number of people behind her.

"Ah this.\

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